NIL Arms Race


Feb 24, 2020
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
You been under a freaking rock?
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
fwiw - Kansas just picked up Storr ... They are not f**king around.

Probably the only team doing better or as well as IU so far.
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
Although they went that route with Dickinson and had one of the worst Kansas seasons in a long time
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
Ha, I think we are about tapped out. This was a huge portal. Only a few schools will spend more.

We’ve got enough to work with and the potential is there.
You been under a freaking rock?

You obviously missed my unwritten point that if Kansas is at say 7-8 million in NIL and over signing guards and wings, that I hope that IU possibly matches that.

Being a unwarranted dick, accomplishes nothing.
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You obviously missed my unwritten point that if Kansas is at say 7-8 million in NIL and over signing guards and wings, that I hope that IU possibly matches that.
It is an arms race. Jerry Jones is jumping in to help Arkansas. KU as you said is really spending. UK quotes big commitment numbers.

I don't see a way to stop it.
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It is an arms race. Jerry Jones is jumping in to help Arkansas. KU as you said is really spending. UK quotes big commitment numbers.

I don't see a way to stop it.
Maybe those teams become the Yankees the last few years. Huge payroll but lose to Rays, orioles and blue jays
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Above a cap probably goes under the table.

Can’t say I mind what’s happening, if people want to pay the players it’s up to them and players are worth it.
Still have to construct “teams”. UK has had great talent, just not great teams
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
I bet that’s not remotely true.
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Big difference is UCLA was able to keep those players once they got them. I don’t know that staying one place is expected by those today seeking the biggest bag.
Just like any other job. You want a big salary bump? Go to a new outfit.
It was reported or I read somewhere a year ago that Hunt Dick signed with Kansas for 4 million for 2 seasons.

Now they've spent 2-3 million maybe more already this offseason on free agents?

Woody needs to go big game hunting for two or three more starter level talents imo.
At what point does this have nothing to do with our alma mater? At what point are we a minor league for the NBA and IU really has nothing to do with it?
At what point does this have nothing to do with our alma mater? At what point are we a minor league for the NBA and IU really has nothing to do with it?
Maybe we should just rent assembly hall to the team. Live where they want, do what they want, no nuisance classes, and let the team owners pay the salaries
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At what point does this have nothing to do with our alma mater? At what point are we a minor league for the NBA and IU really has nothing to do with it?
You asked “at what point” and that point is right now.

But you hush with this kind of talk now.
Bags of cash to buy me wins makes me happy.

Me happy equals IU happy.

How can you possibly not understand that equivalency??
So it appears Woodies model is now building a team 1 year at a time with free agents. Do you like this model better than getting high school kids developing them and filling in a gap every other year with a portal player? I think Woodies model is for someone who thinks they have to win now and wasn't able to get high school kids that he could win with or develop and now he is in a cycle that cant end until he is replaced and the next coach gets a 4 year honeymoon.
So it appears Woodies model is now building a team 1 year at a time with free agents. Do you like this model better than getting high school kids developing them and filling in a gap every other year with a portal player? I think Woodies model is for someone who thinks they have to win now and wasn't able to get high school kids that he could win with or develop and now he is in a cycle that cant end until he is replaced and the next coach gets a 4 year honeymoon.
I think it's less Woodson's model and more just the new reality for all high-level D1 programs.

The best players are going to shop for the best deals, every year.
We’ve already blown right through that stop-gate. At this point it’s “How do you spell I N D I A N A”?
a sign of the times, maybe we can use it as a recruiting tool. The college for big men, who want to go to the NBA.
a sign of the times, maybe we can use it as a recruiting tool. The college for big men, who want to go to the NBA.
Let’s see if we can put a top 10 pick out there before we say that.
Ware us border line first round and TJD was second rounder
At what point does this have nothing to do with our alma mater? At what point are we a minor league for the NBA and IU really has nothing to do with it?
Just a handfull of many comments about KY and others from the past few years.

The reference may not be to the vacated games that Cal was simply an innocent victim but to the way he has outsourced the KY program from being a college program to a rotating door of disconnected free lance mercenaries.

Define "extraordinarily successful".

He has more wins than most, but would you want IU to be a program that is set up this way? Outsourced to off-campus mercenaries, with little connection to the "university" other than laundry?

The most common question during Hoops season in KY (besides "are second cousins ok"?) is "can some-body read da roster ta me"?

As I am the the only alum here that has referred to another school "outsourcing" their program, I will assume this was aimed at me. Ky has outsourced their program to mercenaries with little connection to the fans or the university and has done so year after year. It is their least for now.

What IU has done is mange the coaching transition with the use of the portal which frankly came at a fortuitous time for us. There was going to be roster churn one way or the other.

While I anticipate the portal will become a tool for all programs going forward, there is zero objective comparison here to KY's business model. So no, it is not "difficult to swallow".

Hope this helps.

Ky outsourced their program to a third party that traffics in non-student mercenaries. He is in the HoF with an *.

Always said that once the shine wore off the KY mercenary turd that the fans would look around and realize the outsourced their program many years ago to a bunch of players that never walked on campus and their own souls had been sold.

Big Blue Nutcases are turning on Cal and it is hitting them just how they sold their soul when he outsourced the program a decade ago. Zero connection to the campus or "university" in that time.

I'll get more if you want them.
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I think it's less Woodson's model and more just the new reality for all high-level D1 programs.

The best players are going to shop for the best deals, every year.
I think I just read that the ncaa has said you can transfer as many times as you want.
So each year we renegotiate with each player. Maybe somebody would sign a two year deal. We could see opt out clauses. I think some of us, older guys maybe, will stop following. It really isn’t an IU team with IU kids anymore.
At what point does this have nothing to do with our alma mater? At what point are we a minor league for the NBA and IU really has nothing to do with it?
Agreed but that’s what the governing bodies have turned the game into. At least we don’t have to pretend the Kansas and Dukes of the world aren’t cheating
Ha, I think we are about tapped out. This was a huge portal. Only a few schools will spend more.

We’ve got enough to work with and the potential is there.
IU had six million which is top 5 money. Wisconsin had 2.5 million. So we have over double what they had woodson better be buying good players as he had a huge advantage
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Salary cap.
In a couple years these guys will be asking for more than nba rookies make. The pandora's box was opened and even with a salary cap they will just pay them under the table. The NCAA is powerless to enforce any rules now.
Let’s see if we can put a top 10 pick out there before we say that.
Ware us border line first round and TJD was second rounder
TJD was 2nd team all NBA rookie, I bet a lot of teams wish they had drafted him now. Let's wait and see on Ware but both help themselves under CMW.

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