Never liked Goldwater... but

That's probably why all those translations I posted mentioned 'fruit departs' or 'born prematurely'. But I disagree with your assessment of it being a matter of position for another reason.

Later it mentions the penalty of the harm being 'life for life, eye for eye, [etc.]'. If it were the mother's life (or father's life per CGuzzler's asinine argument), it wouldn't matter if the fruit had come out or not. A woman (or man) would be dead and the penalties for the killing would already be determined and not need a special law. Ergo, this speaks to harm to the fruit ... including its life.
Last one. Trying to find out what the Talmud says about this. Haven't gotten there yet, but Solomon ben Isaac says it refers to "miscarriage" and the following harm refers to harm to the woman. That appears to be the unanimous understanding of Jewish scholars.
When all is said and done the end result will be as I said unless goat just can't admit he went out on a limb too small for his ego.

miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion

did Clinton have sex as it is spoken of in the bible?
I repeat: what are you talking about? Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. That's the very definition of miscarriage. So what? I don't understand what this has to do with anything I am saying. You are obviously obsessed with me. I'll take the time to answer this challenge of yours, if you can just take the time to explain what the fack it is.
So you drank the Anti-Goldwater Liberal Daisy Countdown Nuke Kool-Aid?

Goldwater was a gas, man!
I was only 13 in 1964, but got caught up in the Kennedy mystique just before that. But, yeah at the time that commercial bothered me.
I repeat: what are you talking about? Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. That's the very definition of miscarriage. So what? I don't understand what this has to do with anything I am saying. You are obviously obsessed with me. I'll take the time to answer this challenge of yours, if you can just take the time to explain what the fack it is.

What type of law are you practicing?

You're said I was wrong and then said abortion wasn't in the bible and talked miscarriage so don't try to wiggle, it just makes you look worse.

You lost
So I asked too much, who was it that contacted you goat?

Since you haven't read the thread.

Again, I asked a simple question, did you understand it? If so why not answer it. I would prefer you just leave, you are clearly unable to answer a simple question.

Do you need me to make it easier to understand? I don't give a chit what goat did or didn't say. Answer or STFU.
That's exactly what Iran is working towards and, without getting into a long discussion on the U.S.'s own culpability as either a world terrorist or supporting said terrorists, that is a scary proposition. They bombed the Marine barracks in Beirut and have a monument dedicated to those "martyrs" who did it.
Man, I watched cam hos from Iran and our media misrepresents them as much as they do North Korea. Don't believe that chit for a second. It's most likely propaganda ..

People are people first everywhere and most people in Iran want to same damn things we do. To be left the fk alone. All governments are evil, all people who seek power are fk'd in the head.
You're said I was wrong and then said abortion wasn't in the bible and talked miscarriage so don't try to wiggle, it just makes you look worse.

I never said abortion wasn't in the Bible. However, VPM and Goldwater were clearly talking about the right of a woman to terminate her own pregnancy. That's not in the Bible (although it is in the Mishnah). Whoever told you "abortion's not in the Bible" was obviously talking about pregnancy termination at the behest of the woman, since that's the type of abortion that was being discussed.
I never said abortion wasn't in the Bible. However, VPM and Goldwater were clearly talking about the right of a woman to terminate her own pregnancy. That's not in the Bible (although it is in the Mishnah). Whoever told you "abortion's not in the Bible" was obviously talking about pregnancy termination at the behest of the woman, since that's the type of abortion that was being discussed.
shrug, I've ran forums for close to 30 years.

I check complaints before ... even from mods. Especially from a mod that is involved.
Since you have so much experience, tell me: is this the part where I make 40 posts over the next hour demanding that you admit you were wrong?
yes I have, DARPA and dial-up, I first worked on computers in 1976 at the age of 22.

guess who is laughing now

I ran Citadel BBS software on a Commodore 64 and a dual floppy system for their business machines that held 1.8Mb each, iirc. I was hacked at some point and whatever they did ruined the dual floppy drive.

It was called "Communique" and I ran it from my home here in Bloomington at the time. One friend ran the first public BBS in Indiana, he was a MIT grad and worked as a robotics engineer for RCA at the time. The other guy had the first computer store in Indiana, it was an Apple dealership.
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I never said abortion wasn't in the Bible. However, VPM and Goldwater were clearly talking about the right of a woman to terminate her own pregnancy. That's not in the Bible (although it is in the Mishnah). Whoever told you "abortion's not in the Bible" was obviously talking about pregnancy termination at the behest of the woman, since that's the type of abortion that was being discussed.
I did because it wasn't. Rationalizing made up bullshit, is still bullshit.
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yes I have, DARPA and dial-up, I first worked on computers in 1976.

guess who is laughing now

And what was the subject of these forums? And can we visit some of the other forums you moderate?

Are you comparing DARPA to today's forums?
It's not in the Bible only if you're using the definition of "abortion" used by 99.9999999% of Americans when they talk about abortion.

Every one of those passages have to be rationalized to fit. Abortion is the purposeful medical procedure used to end pregnancy. the bible doesn't mention it, because they were a bunch of ignorant savages making up stories to pacify their fear of death and justify their existence. It was most likely practiced at that time, but no one that wrote the bible concerned themselves with it.
You still lost did you not.

An abortion in the bible is only a monetary fine the amount of which is determined by the husbands status.

obviously no fault except god's for spontaneous and a fine if someone causes it w/o the husbands approval, given society at the time.
And what was the subject of these forums? And can we visit some of the other forums you moderate?

Are you comparing DARPA to today's forums?

Multi-room concept. Later I used Mustang BBS software.

I only have a small one currently for political discussion mostly. It has a variety of topics to choose from. It's passed hands through 3 iterations of owners and I will probably give it to someone there since I'm just looking to become a normal user. It's been around for 20 years probably with a different name prior to my taking it over. Just a few of us left and some remnants from the old IndyStar forum that came there after those closed.
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Man, I watched cam hos from Iran and our media misrepresents them as much as they do North Korea. Don't believe that chit for a second. It's most likely propaganda ..

People are people first everywhere and most people in Iran want to same damn things we do. To be left the fk alone. All governments are evil, all people who seek power are fk'd in the head.
I agree with that somewhat, but their hatred of our country is well founded. We supported a puppet dictatorship of our choosing and when they overthrew him, we armed and supported their mortal enemies (before we went after him as well). There is no disputing their support of Hezbollah, etc. and their desire to wipe out Israel. There's no doubt regarding their involvement in the Marine barracks bombing either. It's not all propaganda, dude.
I'll give you that we're our own worst enemy in countless ways, however, these are governments and countries that have no business possessing nuclear weapons.
And what was the subject of these forums? And can we visit some of the other forums you moderate?

Are you comparing DARPA to today's forums?

Ever use LYNX? That is what DARPA used when I was using it. It's still around and in use... freaking amazing I think.

My first computer was an HP, about as big as 2/2-drawer legal file cabinets side-by-side. It was one of the first out with the IEEE 488 instrument interface and I wrote some of the first calibration software for it. I was in the Army and was running the Yuma Proving Ground, Electronic Calibration Lab. It used basic language.

Every one of those passages have to be rationalized to fit. Abortion is the purposeful medical procedure used to end pregnancy. the bible doesn't mention it, because they were a bunch of ignorant savages making up stories to pacify their fear of death and justify their existence. It was most likely practiced at that time, but no one that wrote the bible concerned themselves with it.
It is, however, mentioned in the Mishnah. A fetus is not a person under Rabbinical law, but the Noahide prohibition on spilling blood still applies to a fetus, so abortion is generally wrong, but does not rise to the level of murder. Therefore, the Mishnah allows for abortion if there is a complication that puts the life of the mother in danger.

IU_Curmudgeon was banking on the fact that the Bible does speak of miscarriages, and a miscarriage is medically defined as a "spontaneous abortion." Obviously, Exodus isn't talking about abortion the way you meant it (or anyone else in this thread), but he's trying to use semantics to call me stupid, because he still hasn't figured out that you and I are not the same person.
Man, I watched cam hos from Iran and our media misrepresents them as much as they do North Korea. Don't believe that chit for a second. It's most likely propaganda ..

People are people first everywhere and most people in Iran want to same damn things we do. To be left the fk alone. All governments are evil, all people who seek power are fk'd in the head.

Please explain how N Korea is misrepresented.

Iran is a complicated country with complicated politics, for sure.
Ever use LYNX? That is what DARPA used when I was using it. It's still around and in use... freaking amazing I think.

My first computer was an HP, about as big as 2/2-drawer legal file cabinets side-by-side. It was one of the first out with the IEEE 488 instrument interface and I wrote some of the first calibration software for it. I was in the Army and was running the Yuma Proving Ground, Electronic Calibration Lab. It used basic language.

20 WHILE A = "IU-Curmudgeon"
Please explain how N Korea is misrepresented.

Iran is a complicated country with complicated politics, for sure.

No ... it's a complete waste of time for me to explain anything to a person who believes style is what you wear on a golf course.
It is, however, mentioned in the Mishnah. A fetus is not a person under Rabbinical law, but the Noahide prohibition on spilling blood still applies to a fetus, so abortion is generally wrong, but does not rise to the level of murder. Therefore, the Mishnah allows for abortion if there is a complication that puts the life of the mother in danger.

IU_Curmudgeon was banking on the fact that the Bible does speak of miscarriages, and a miscarriage is medically defined as a "spontaneous abortion." Obviously, Exodus isn't talking about abortion the way you meant it (or anyone else in this thread), but he's trying to use semantics to call me stupid, because he still hasn't figured out that you and I are not the same person.

Who is this dude anyways? Yea, I wasn't arguing I didn't read most of this thread, I was just sayin...
Please let this quote be accurate.

Republicans freed the slaves, gave AA's the right to vote, gave women the right to vote, and ended prohibition. But Goldwater, Eisenhower, Rockefeller were a dying breed of pre-religious right pubs. Johnson knew what he was doing when he handed the South over (we'd all get banned for using his words, but a different time...). Pubs jumped into the vacuum (natural game theory and they were typically anti war anyways) and so begat the religious right.

There's another realignment coming. Has been for 5+ years. It's obvious to anyone with a brain (which is about no one).


In the bible life does not begin until outside the mother and the then baby receives the "breath of life".

Also in the bible, someone strikes another man's wife and causes her to lose the baby, aborting it. The man was fined and sent on his way. They even mention how it is the status of the husband that determines the amount of the fine.

For all intents, a woman is just chattel in the bible.


The bible is pro-choice. Perhaps what you need to do is perform a human sacrifice, those are talked about being done in the bible, beastie sacrifices as well.

Hey did you ever explain how Unicorns got in the bible?

That's the dumbest shit I have ever read. I'd prefer van pastors, mac's, or iubigman's incoherent ramblings.
No ... it's a complete waste of time for me to explain anything to a person who believes style is what you wear on a golf course.

Haha....ok. I'm gonna buy some new stuff this weekend, maybe even a new white belt. It will be awesome. Don't hate.
Except for the Goldwater stuff:


Be glad I have no powers and that my prayers go unanswered.
Otherwise, bloody milkshakes.
Are you going to man up and admit error or slink away and practice this sort of petty shit. I'd bet this more your style.

As I already explained:
I never said abortion wasn't in the Bible. (Emphasis added.) However, VPM and Goldwater were clearly talking about the right of a woman to terminate her own pregnancy. That's not in the Bible (although it is in the Mishnah). Whoever told you "abortion's not in the Bible" was obviously talking about pregnancy termination at the behest of the woman, since that's the type of abortion that was being discussed.

So, I guess the question really is, are you going to "man up and admit error?"
Take Moops' sense of humor, $'s social skills, your own ego and VPM's ability to reason and mash them all into one.

Ego? I gave mine up and quit listening to it long ago. (I know, I'm laughing too, and so is Tiff) got into a study of ego after Revolver came out. Fascinating stuff... I really don't have as much of one as people believe. I am though supremely confident when I know I can be. lol ....

3 out of 4 ain't bad.... the last one is a deal breaker.
Ego? I gave mine up and quit listening to it long ago. (I know, I'm laughing too, and so is Tiff) got into a study of ego after Revolver came out. Fascinating stuff... I really don't have as much of one as people believe. I am though supremely confident when I know I can be. lol ....

3 out of 4 ain't bad.... the last one is a deal breaker.
I know, I know, but I needed to make reference to ego somehow, and referring to my own ego seemed... egotistical.

Point is, dude's a real winner.
I've been reading the bible for over 35 years. I am the best at interpreting it.

The rest of you okay but I am the best.
I've been reading the bible for over 35 years. I am the best at interpreting it.

The rest of you okay but I am the best.
I'm that way with Art of War, I can rationalize almost anything in it to everyday life.