Mueller indicts 13 Russians for election meddling.

I would say no. Just because we use words like "attack" and "war" doesn't make it the same thing. There's a formality to it that's missing in this case.

No, there is no indictment for Russian meddling. The indictment details the elements of criminal foreign meddling but charges nobody for that crime.

There is no mention of collusion. In fact the indictment seems to say the exact opposite.

The individuals are all in Russia. Nobody will stand trial for these charges.

Mueller appears to have zilch so far.

This is a nothingburger.
The individuals are all in Russia. Nobody will stand trial for these charges.
Mueller appears to have zilch so far.
This is a nothingburger

No, there is no indictment for Russian meddling. The indictment details the elements of criminal foreign meddling but charges nobody for that crime.

There is no mention of collusion. In fact the indictment seems to say the exact opposite.

The individuals are all in Russia. Nobody will stand trial for these charges.

Mueller appears to have zilch so far.

This is a nothingburger.
*wanking motion*
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Hannity had a big banner under Trump’s picture with the word vindicated under it. He surely doesn’t believe his own bs, does he?
*wanking motion*

I thought you said you wanted to get this back on track. Well your track is a dead end side track. The indictment is written to throw read meat at the never Trumpers, but the guts of the indictment is zilch. If you think I misrepresented the indictment tell me how.
Hannity had a big banner under Trump’s picture with the word vindicated under it. He surely doesn’t believe his own bs, does he?

Hell, the indictment doesn’t even charge any Russians with improper interference in the election, let alone implicate anybody in the Trump campaign. The indictment is a nothingburger.
No, there is no indictment for Russian meddling. The indictment details the elements of criminal foreign meddling but charges nobody for that crime.

There is no mention of collusion. In fact the indictment seems to say the exact opposite.

The individuals are all in Russia. Nobody will stand trial for these charges.

Mueller appears to have zilch so far.

This is a nothingburger.
I think everyone knows they aren't standing trial. I think MOST people know this is just a building block. Funny you think he has zilch.
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I think everyone knows they aren't standing trial. I think MOST people know this is just a building block. Funny you think he has zilch.

I don’t know if Mueller has zilch or not. The indictment is zilch because after all of the hoopla the grand jury did not charge anybody with improper election interference. Strange that the indictment recites material about that but there are no charges. That suggests to me that Mueller presented those facts and the grand jury didn’t go along. Mueller doesn’t even have the facts to indict a ham sandwich.
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I don’t know if Mueller has zilch or not. The indictment is zilch because after all of the hoopla the grand jury did not charge anybody with improper election interference. Strange that the indictment recites material about that but there are no charges. That suggests to me that Mueller presented those facts and the grand jury didn’t go along. Mueller doesn’t even have the facts to indict a ham sandwich.
You should probably try reading the indictment before you talk about it. Consider that friendly advice.
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You're trying to talk to a jack-in-the-box. Best to just reach down your pants and fling poo at him, for all the good it will do.
Almost like he's tryi
I don’t know if Mueller has zilch or not. The indictment is zilch because after all of the hoopla the grand jury did not charge anybody with improper election interference. Strange that the indictment recites material about that but there are no charges. That suggests to me that Mueller presented those facts and the grand jury didn’t go along. Mueller doesn’t even have the facts to indict a ham sandwich.
You shouldn't call Flynn and company names.
Ok, so, a combination of 4 & 6 aren’t giving aid to an enemy because? Is the type of interference not just another type of warfare? Trying to undermine the sovereignty of the US government and its elections?

I’m well aware the indictments don’t say any of this. I’m trying to get at why helping a foreign government undermine our elections wouldn’t be treason. You know, if they determine US citizens willingly helped.
They bought fb ads for crissakes.
I think the extent to which the Russians went to do this should be the part that sticks out to people most. That is, assuming said people actually want to understand what happened, instead of just searching for ways to spin it as a "nothingburger."

The part that sticks out is that the indictment describes the extent to which the individually named Russians intended to interfere, yet nobody is charged with that crime. Mueller names these Russians as being at the epicenter of interference but no charges? WTF?
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I did. Maybe you should read the law the Russians are charged under. Hint: it isn’t unlawful election foreign interference.
Hint: the indictment includes 37 pages of unlawful election foreign interference.

I really can't believe you're dumb enough to try to make this argument, that an indictment about election meddling isn't actually about election meddling, simply because the crime isn't called "election meddling." I'm absolutely flabbergasted that you could really try to make this argument. You're either extremely stupid, or completely beyond the pale of normal partisan hackery and dishonesty. I've already long since lost all respect I had for you, but if you're being serious here, this sinks you into depths of disrespect that I didn't think were even possible.

You are an embarrassment to our profession. I don't say that lightly. I honestly mean it. I'm ashamed to belong to the same profession as you.
Hint: the indictment includes 37 pages of unlawful election foreign interference.

I really can't believe you're dumb enough to try to make this argument, that an indictment about election meddling isn't actually about election meddling, simply because the crime isn't called "election meddling." I'm absolutely flabbergasted that you could really try to make this argument. You're either extremely stupid, or completely beyond the pale of normal partisan hackery and dishonesty. I've already long since lost all respect I had for you, but if you're being serious here, this sinks you into depths of disrespect that I didn't think were even possible.

You are an embarrassment to our profession. I don't say that lightly. I honestly mean it. I'm ashamed to belong to the same profession as you.

The indictment might be “about” meddling but the actual charges are not meddling. There is a crime about foreign interference but Mueller did not charge that crime. He didn’t even charge conspiracy to commit that crime. Mueller charged what he thinks he can prove. He didn’t charge meddling.

I have no idea how you would either prosecute the crime alleged or defend against it. You don’t know WTF the charges are.
The indictment might be “about” meddling but the actual charges are not meddling. There is a crime about foreign interference but Mueller did not charge that crime. He didn’t even charge conspiracy to commit that crime. Mueller charged what he thinks he can prove. He didn’t charge meddling.

I have no idea how you would either prosecute the crime alleged or defend against it. You don’t know WTF the charges are.
As I said, embarrassing. Feel free to keep sucking that nonsense teat.

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