Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

Yes. When it comes to Trump and MAGA, these people are batshit crazy. I think there is a sub-culture in the DoJ and FBI of no accountability and that is worse when Trump and MAGA are the targets. Garland activated the Patriot Act anti-terrorism unit against school board demonstrators, bragged about it, and then refused to back off after the complaining school association withdrew the complaint and apologized. The FBI admits to being an instigator in the Whitmer kidnapping plot. Garland has never come clean about the FBI role in January 6. The FBI lied and also misled the FISA court. Hunters laptop whitewash. The Hillary whitewash. The Russia hoax. The Navarro and Stone arrests. The Babbitt whitewash. The FBI guys armed with automatic weapons at Mar-A-Lago.

That would be a civil action With a court order to take possession. Not a criminal case with heavily armed agents.
There will clearly be a couple of guys on here who celebrate this third world FBI gestapo stuff but the can of worms was opened and there is no turning back now. They have clearly only increased the red wave coming and basically insured the country will be split and at each other throats now forever. It really is stunning stuff but in the end Trump or Desantis are going to win easily in 2024 and the gestapo FBI is not going to like it. The people who cheer this third world nonsense are likely so blinded by hate they cannot see how damaging for the country it is over some dumb archives. But here we are like Cuba and I am not surprised given who leads the country.
Boy this is the biggest never trumper there is. Thanks gestapo Biden.

Joe Walsh

Republican insiders, donors, & elected officials are seriously bumming out tonight because this FBI raid pretty much locked up the 2024 nomination for Trump. No pun intended.

“I’ve heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their support for him. I’m just the messenger,” he added.
Boy this is the biggest never trumper there is. Thanks gestapo Biden.

Joe Walsh

Republican insiders, donors, & elected officials are seriously bumming out tonight because this FBI raid pretty much locked up the 2024 nomination for Trump. No pun intended.

“I’ve heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their support for him. I’m just the messenger,” he added.

That's hilarious.

No one changed their mind over the raid. Anyone pissed that Trump isn't being allowed to break the law was a trumper already.
I think its safe to say after tonight the country will never ever unite again even after a 9/11 type event..The lines were crossed tonight it will clearly be two sides at each others throats forever now forever. The leftists got what it wanted tonight.
Was there something wrong with the warrants?
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Yes. When it comes to Trump and MAGA, these people are batshit crazy. I think there is a sub-culture in the DoJ and FBI of no accountability and that is worse when Trump and MAGA are the targets. Garland activated the Patriot Act anti-terrorism unit against school board demonstrators, bragged about it, and then refused to back off after the complaining school association withdrew the complaint and apologized. The FBI admits to being an instigator in the Whitmer kidnapping plot. Garland has never come clean about the FBI role in January 6. The FBI lied and also misled the FISA court. Hunters laptop whitewash. The Hillary whitewash. The Russia hoax. The Navarro and Stone arrests. The Babbitt whitewash. The FBI guys armed with automatic weapons at Mar-A-Lago.

That would be a civil action With a court order to take possession. Not a criminal case with heavily armed agents.
Again you really believe that? Then please when you start shooting just note that most of us don't like anyone in Washington. Were kinda sorta all on the same side. Just some of us are not bat shit crazy.

Heavily armed? 2 agents with rifles is heavily armed?
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Whatever is found this is how Trump's defense team plans on playing it:

shocking. so the fbi brought down classified documents with them to plant in his house?

lol. i guess his followers are pretty gullible so it might work to keep people from leaving him but hopefully no judge would buy that load of bs.
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We have had this discussion with other people and some were convinced I was wrong. No way Trump faces charges for classified information. Prosecutors have to prove he knowingly took classified info. It seldom happens they try because it is so hard. If there are documents, they will retrieve them and end of story.
Exactly. The government was right to seize classified documents. Doesn't matter that he's an ex-President. But where it goes from here depends on what's in the documents. So far this is just Trump getting his hand-slapped, nothing new.
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There will clearly be a couple of guys on here who celebrate this third world FBI gestapo stuff but the can of worms was opened and there is no turning back now. They have clearly only increased the red wave coming and basically insured the country will be split and at each other throats now forever. It really is stunning stuff but in the end Trump or Desantis are going to win easily in 2024 and the gestapo FBI is not going to like it. The people who cheer this third world nonsense are likely so blinded by hate they cannot see how damaging for the country it is over some dumb archives. But here we are like Cuba and I am not surprised given who leads the country.
Well-put. The surprise warrant and the manner of execution was I’ll-advised in the best of times. It is worse in these times. The best way to tamp down MAGA and Trump is with sane, competent, and bi-partisan government. . Arrogance, authoritarianism, and cram-down legislation together with profound lack of accountability in the DOJ and FBI has produced irreparable harm. And for what?
Boy this is the biggest never trumper there is. Thanks gestapo Biden.

Joe Walsh

Republican insiders, donors, & elected officials are seriously bumming out tonight because this FBI raid pretty much locked up the 2024 nomination for Trump. No pun intended.

“I’ve heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their support for him. I’m just the messenger,” he added.
That’s great news for Democrats. For GOP, not so much. Still saddled with the corrupt clown.
Well-put. The surprise warrant and the manner of execution was I’ll-advised in the best of times. It is worse in these times. The best way to tamp down MAGA and Trump is with sane, competent, and bi-partisan government. . Arrogance, authoritarianism, and cram-down legislation together with profound lack of accountability in the DOJ and FBI has produced irreparable harm. And for what?
So Christopher Wray is in on it too?
Well-put. The surprise warrant and the manner of execution was I’ll-advised in the best of times. It is worse in these times. The best way to tamp down MAGA and Trump is with sane, competent, and bi-partisan government. . Arrogance, authoritarianism, and cram-down legislation together with profound lack of accountability in the DOJ and FBI has produced irreparable harm. And for what?
They’ve been talking for months. What was wrong with the execution? You truly are all in on MAGA now. It’s sad what happens to what used to be normal people ( I assume) when they join a cult.
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Right. Before this Trump investigation the only known prosecution was a sailor who took pictures of his work place on a sub.
Petraeus got two years of probation and a $100,000 fine for mishandling classified information. The military has prosecuted more members for mishandling classified information than the Sailor as well, but that was under the UCMJ.
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You’re damn right. All agents carry hand guns. Standing by with automatic weapons to execute this warrant at this place at this time is well beyond stupid.
Well we are dealing with a police state so no surprise. I cant even imagaing how insane a few people on here would go if the repubs did this to any dem. This will backfire big time on the dems I have no doubt unless people are totally fine with being Cuba. I think some on here are fine with being Cuba just as long as it benefits their side.
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They’ve been talking for months. What was wrong with the execution? You truly are all in on MAGA now. It’s sad what happens to what used to be normal people ( I assume) when they join a cult.
Yeah. They have been talking for months. There is a lot of room between talking and implementing the criminal apparatus to have your way over some measly boxes concerning a statute that is rarely used for a criminal action even in more aggravated circumstances. If you don’t see what’s wrong here at every conceivable level, you are the one who has gone off the deep end.

And you can stop with that cult bullshit anytime. All that shows me is you don’t like trump voters but are not smart enough to say why.
They’ve been talking for months. What was wrong with the execution? You truly are all in on MAGA now. It’s sad what happens to what used to be normal people ( I assume) when they join a cult.

They didn't properly inform CO of the plan.
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Well-put. The surprise warrant and the manner of execution was I’ll-advised in the best of times. It is worse in these times. The best way to tamp down MAGA and Trump is with sane, competent, and bi-partisan government. . Arrogance, authoritarianism, and cram-down legislation together with profound lack of accountability in the DOJ and FBI has produced irreparable harm. And for what?

Nothing can be bi-partisan when the GOP says no to anything the dem's propose for the sole reason that it was the dems that proposed it.

Just because the GOP needs trump for their re-election (and thus would never agree to anything bi-partisan) doesn't mean there shouldn't be repercussions for trump's actions. So nothing is legit until more in the GOP are willing to grow some balls (more than Cheney, Kinzinger, et al)?
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Petraeus got two years of probation and a $100,000 fine for mishandling classified information. The military has prosecuted more members for mishandling classified information than the Sailor as well, but that was under the UCMJ.
Reality Winner got 5 years in prison because she leaked that the Russians hacked the 2016 election.

In 2018, she was given the longest prison sentence ever imposed for unauthorized release of government information to the media[6] after she leaked an intelligence report about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[7] She was sentenced to five years and three months in federal prison.
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Andrew Cuomo



DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations

Despite what cuomo says I dont think they care. They dont care if they are viewed credible or not they are blinded by hate.
If they can come after him then you are probably next.

If he has classified documents in his house, then they should come after him next....

however, i highly doubt that is the case.

Are you just assuming he has skeletons in his closet and should be worried?
Petraeus got two years of probation and a $100,000 fine for mishandling classified information. The military has prosecuted more members for mishandling classified information than the Sailor as well, but that was under the UCMJ.
You’re correct. Patraeus shared the material with his paramour right? There are several civilian cases we know of where there was no prosecution when the allegation was mishandling or actually knowingly taking possession of. (Clinton and Berger).
Andrew Cuomo


DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations

Despite what cuomo says I dont think they care. They dont care if they are viewed credible or not they are blinded by hate.
If you took what belonged to your former employer should they need to wait over a year to get it back? And it's not like he just took some of the extra paperclips. The whole thing is entirely Trump's fault.
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If you took what belonged to your former employer should they need to wait over a year to get it back? And it's not like he just took some of the extra paperclips. The whole thing is entirely Trump's fault.

Plus, he was already ordered to give them back and he only gave some back. When someone isn't cooperating, then they have no one to blame but themselves when the next step is taken.
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