Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

Does anyone think Trump and his followers will start a civil War😱
Does anyone think Trump and his followers will start a civil War😱
Yeah right.

"Dearest Eleanor,

It has been nearly three weeks since we last saw a McDonald's. The men are starting to get restless. I fear if we do not gain a resupply of chicken nuggets soon, we will be facing a mutiny of epic proportions. Please keep me in your prayers, and, as always, keep young Nathaniel away from that weird girly boy down the street.

Yours always,
Yeah right.

"Dearest Eleanor,

It has been nearly three weeks since we last saw a McDonald's. The men are starting to get restless. I fear if we do not gain a resupply of chicken nuggets soon, we will be facing a mutiny of epic proportions. Please keep me in your prayers, and, as always, keep young Nathaniel away from that weird girly boy down the street.

Yours always,
Are you really serious about McDonald's running out of chicken nuggets?
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MSNBC talking heads seem to think they were likely after documents that Trump took with him and weren't returned when he got busted for taking documents the last time.
What kind of raid was there on the last guy the hid documents and walked out of WH with them?
So… classified documents that were not returned, Trump jumps out in front to control the narrative, another circle jerk for 6-9 months, Trump ultimately gains momentum.
CNN was talking about gangs in Haiti because they are worthless at this point.
What are they supposed to talk about? The FBI raided Mar a Lago and took boxes of documents. Anything else to report on this? No.
What are they supposed to talk about? The FBI raided Mar a Lago and took boxes of documents. Anything else to report on this? No.
Fine. Biggest news story in a bit, and they cut away to talk about the crumbling democracy in Haiti. At least other networks have goofy f’ks with sweet glasses speculating on what this means or could mean.

Objectively speaking, CNN is terrible. Hosts are unwatchable. I guess I can watch msnbc as last turd floating.

Schumer just told Maddow to piss off so that was interesting.
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Looks like I can and I've been told that I can, but I haven't tried and don't intend to.
Huh. I only have mod access on the "Other Forums," but I can look at IPs, even on the forums I can't mod. But I also have a Moderator badge, and you don't. My guess is the IP access must be tied to the badge.
On The Vid, I have



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