Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

I’d be worried if I’d tried to steal an election, helped instigate an uprising, was a tax cheat, and stole classified documents . I have t so I’m not concerned. What are you worried about, Van?
He's just repeating the Fox Entertainment Propaganda narrative. That sound bite was repeated constantly the last two days ..

You guys keep mistaking his statements as thought, people like him don't think for themselves, he has no clue..

WTF does “full stop” mean?

Every document relating to activities by the President and staff while on duty belongs to the American people. Every memo, every rough draft, every itinerary, every agenda, every post-it note, EVERYTHING. No exceptions. Full stop means nothing more to add: no exceptions, no additions, no addendum, no "yeah butts".

An archived document can be duplicated, only on request, for personal possession by the president or to display in the presidential library.

How is this hard for you?

Obviously a note passed to Stormy after hours about banging somewhere besides the oval office isn't official business. But if he's signing in porn stars for an oval office visit, that log is public property. Probably the type of crap he is trying to hide.
And you know that the documents in question fall under that categorization that they are just personal notes that could be deemed as Trump property? lol

or just making assumptions because it fits your narrative?
And you know the documents in question don't

or just making assumptions because it fits your narrative?
It's a commonly used phrase used to express that the statement preceding it is conclusive and there are no exceptions, addendums or interpretations of said statement.

All the cool kids have been using it since the telegraph was invented.
You're talking to a guy who refers to his wife as his "stoker."
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He's just repeating the Fox Entertainment Propaganda narrative. That sound bite was repeated constantly the last two days ..

You guys keep mistaking his statements as thought, people like him don't think for themselves, he has no clue..
I saw a clip of that too. It's ridiculous. What does it even mean? Because they're investigating Trump, they're just going to start investigating his followers en masse?

I'm actually kind of curious what @VanPastorMan thinks it means.
And you know the documents in question don't

or just making assumptions because it fits your narrative?
Here's the thing where I'll sort of agree with you. Most everyone doesn't actually know what documents the FBI was looking for and/or removed from Mar-a-lago. The only parties who actually know are the FBI, DOJ, and Trump and his lawyers.

All of those people have seen the warrant and the inventory list of what was actually taken during the raid. Trump and his legal team also have the added benefit of actually being able to take inventory of what was there before and after.

So with all that knowledge, what do you think Trump would do with it? If the past is any indication, he'd bold and highlight anything that MIGHT absolve him from wrong doing. If the warrant didn't match the list of items that were taken, don't you think Trump would be truth socialling the 'eff' out of that? I know he has claimed they planted evidence, but he was going to type that regardless. Kind of like he was telling people in the summer of 2020 that he would claim election fraud if he lost the election.

Bottom line here is either the FBI did plant evidence (I find that unlikely) or they found something incriminating that they were actually looking for and Trump is going to go to his grave claiming some conspiracy that it was planted there.
Similar to no ifs ands or buts...aka no exceptions
It's a commonly used phrase used to express that the statement preceding it is conclusive and there are no exceptions, addendums or interpretations of said statement.

All the cool kids have been using it since the telegraph was invented.
Yeah, I know that. Just wanted you guys to say it.

Here is what it really means

They’re all a bunch of McCarthy-ites. Trump needs to meet them on a tarmac and cut a deal. That’s how they do business.

They Weaponize the public agencies - put sycophants and puppets in charge and bully the staff into partisanship. Even the DOJ and FBI and IRS. One set of Alinksi rules for them - another for everybody else. They are anti-American and anti-democracy and anti-x.
Who are 'they' in the big conspiracy that's in your head?

Is it the lifelong republican in charge of the FBI or was it the lifelong Republican judge that signed the affidavit?

Both were appointed by Trump.

Please explain how those two facts can exist in your conspiracy.

It can't.

Which means your conspiracy is pure lunacy.
Who are 'they' in the big conspiracy that's in your head?

Is it the lifelong republican in charge of the FBI or was it the lifelong Republican judge that signed the affidavit?

Both were appointed by Trump.

Please explain how those two facts can exist in your conspiracy.

It can't.

Which means your conspiracy is pure lunacy.

As soon as they turned on Trump, they are no longer true republicans ;)
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This can't be right. COH said it was a predawn raid with lights and sirens:

A convoy of unmarked black SUVs and a Ryder rental truck filled with about three dozen FBI special agents and technicians entered the gates in the early evening. Heavily armed Secret Service agents were also visibly present at the gates. The Palm Beach Police Department was also present at the scene.
The entire operation was conducted relatively stealthily. No FBI people were seen in their iconic blue windbreakers announcing the presence of the Bureau. And though local law enforcement was present, the Palm Beach Police Department was careful to tweet on Tuesday that it "was not aware of the existence of a search warrant nor did our department assist the FBI in the execution of a search warrant."
This can't be right. COH said it was a predawn raid with lights and sirens:

A convoy of unmarked black SUVs and a Ryder rental truck filled with about three dozen FBI special agents and technicians entered the gates in the early evening. Heavily armed Secret Service agents were also visibly present at the gates. The Palm Beach Police Department was also present at the scene.
The entire operation was conducted relatively stealthily. No FBI people were seen in their iconic blue windbreakers announcing the presence of the Bureau. And though local law enforcement was present, the Palm Beach Police Department was careful to tweet on Tuesday that it "was not aware of the existence of a search warrant nor did our department assist the FBI in the execution of a search warrant."

I would be willing to bet they made sure to do everything by the book because they know it will be heavily scrutinized.

But of course, people like our resident nutjobs will still act like it wasn't done by the book.
Who are 'they' in the big conspiracy that's in your head?

Is it the lifelong republican in charge of the FBI or was it the lifelong Republican judge that signed the affidavit?

Both were appointed by Trump.

Please explain how those two facts can exist in your conspiracy.

It can't.

Which means your conspiracy is pure lunacy.
Schumer for one was directly quoted as saying the first he learned about this "seige" (LOL) was through the media. If he was lying, he would be found out and destroyed.

SOP for the DOJ is to conduct such operations alone and all indicators are that this is what happened.
You're prescient.

According to the link, Trump suggests that the FBI "could have" been "planting" evidence, because they made everyone else leave the residence during the search. Trump offered no proof that anyone saw any evidence being planted or that anyone found any planted evidence when they came back.

Trump surely must be expecting more search warrants. Otherwise, what possible reason could Trump have for fabricating an excuse in advance for possession of contraband? Without more search warrants, nobody would ever know that Trump innocently (?) possessed the "planted" evidence he imagines.

Trump supporters keep demanding to know how the feds knew Trump possessed things he shouldn't -- the answer has been public all along.

Earlier this year after Trump returned several boxes of documents, the federal National Archives and Records Administration "noticed that several items were missing from their catalog of Trump White House records."

So, everybody in government knew that the feds catalog the documents in a President's possession and keep track where they are after the President leaves office.

I'm sure Trump isn't used to anybody keeping track of him like that. So, naturally Trump claims it's someone else's fault.

What a great leader for the Republican party! Trump 2024, 2028, 2032 !
Schumer for one was directly quoted as saying the first he learned about this "seige" (LOL) was through the media. If he was lying, he would be found out and destroyed.

SOP for the DOJ is to conduct such operations alone and all indicators are that this is what happened.

I've seen it stated (somewhere) that Wray signed off, and I have to believe Garland did as well. But it would have been malpractice if not malfeasance to clue in the politicos, including the White House.
According to the link, Trump suggests that the FBI "could have" been "planting" evidence, because they made everyone else leave the residence during the search. Trump offered no proof that anyone saw any evidence being planted or that anyone found any planted evidence when they came back.

Trump surely must be expecting more search warrants. Otherwise, what possible reason could Trump have for fabricating an excuse in advance for possession of contraband? Without more search warrants, nobody would ever know that Trump innocently (?) possessed the "planted" evidence he imagines.

Trump supporters keep demanding to know how the feds knew Trump possessed things he shouldn't -- the answer has been public all along.

Earlier this year after Trump returned several boxes of documents, the federal National Archives and Records Administration "noticed that several items were missing from their catalog of Trump White House records."

So, everybody in government knew that the feds catalog the documents in a President's possession and keep track where they are after the President leaves office.

I'm sure Trump isn't used to anybody keeping track of him like that. So, naturally Trump claims it's someone else's fault.

What a great leader for the Republican party! Trump 2024, 2028, 2032 !
I would put nothing past the FBI look at their corrupt history.
Let's review.

A Federal Judge who was appointed by Trump

signed off on a warrant issued by an FBI director who was appointed by Trump

and was executed by a DOJ attorney who was also appointed by Trump.

And yet it's some Democrat witch hunt?
This can't be right. COH said it was a predawn raid with lights and sirens:

A convoy of unmarked black SUVs and a Ryder rental truck filled with about three dozen FBI special agents and technicians entered the gates in the early evening. Heavily armed Secret Service agents were also visibly present at the gates. The Palm Beach Police Department was also present at the scene.
The entire operation was conducted relatively stealthily. No FBI people were seen in their iconic blue windbreakers announcing the presence of the Bureau. And though local law enforcement was present, the Palm Beach Police Department was careful to tweet on Tuesday that it "was not aware of the existence of a search warrant nor did our department assist the FBI in the execution of a search warrant."
I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI inserted an agent onto Trump’s staff. That’s the kind of shit it does. Everything else is grassy knoll stuff. The 30 FBI agents don’t need 9 hours each to follow the road map or to search through Melania’s underwear.

This is about January 6 dirt.
I remember the days when you would just beat your opponent at the ballot box. I guess now we use the gestapo to take them out first.
I thought we used gazpacho lol Or so the gop would have us believe
I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI inserted an agent onto Trump’s staff. That’s the kind of shit it does. Everything else is grassy knoll stuff. The 30 FBI agents don’t need 9 hours each to follow the road map or to search through Melania’s underwear.

This is about January 6 dirt.
Yeah, but what about the lights and sirens?
I would put nothing past the FBI look at their corrupt history.

You should thank the fbi. If they didn't come out ahead of the 2016 election that Hilary was back to being investigated, crime lord Trump never would have been president
There is an SOP for serving a warrant. You never know what you will encounter, for SURE anyway, after going behind any closed door. To argue that is was some special "show" is ludicrous.
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Then again, Trump may have taken something he shouldn't have taken but didn't know it.
That's a false argument.

If I stealthily download your harddrive, I won't immediately know what I stole, but I would definitely know I had stolen something that wasn't mine. That's called theft.

If I leave a building and take with me boxes of documents, while knowing I didn't bring those boxes into the building with me, while also knowing that the terms by which I agreed to use that building inevitably would put me in possession of documents that I did not own, I surely would have known that keeping documents after the owner asked me to return them was also theft.

Trump is a great leader of the Republican Party Republicans love Trump (but Lincoln would still puke).
There is an SOP for serving a warrant. You never know what you will encounter, for SURE anyway, after going behind any closed door. To argue that is was some special "show" is ludicrous.
Mar-a-Lago was vacant staffed only by a skeleton crew for the summer. The family was at Bedminster. Certainly the FBI mole would have known that.
I would put nothing past the FBI look at their corrupt history.

So, look at this everybody -- Bailey's hypothesis is that the FBI might have planted evidence even though neither the FBI nor anybody else under the sun (including Trump) thought more search warrants would be served to collect documents not obtained in the previous search.

Hmmm. Bailey, how do you come down on the flat earth theory?

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