Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

Highly doubtful. Memories are short and whatever opinions people hold about Trump are just confirmed. 50-55% of the population think he is a criminal. 25% think he's some victim/ hero... and the rest don't really like him but dislike Democrats even more.

Nothing about Monday is gonna change any minds on that.
But you’re talking about something that is completely unprecedented in American history. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I’m not sure people will forget as fast as you think they will or that the Trump hate is as strong as you seem to think it is.

I’m curious to see what the opinion polling shows on this.
The Dems will pay for their abusing the law and their power. I don’t want to hear any of the Dems on her cry when it happens. I am seeing raids of Biden, Garland, Hunter, Shitter and others in a couple years. The only thing holding it back will be the pubs finding someone as corrupt and bias as Garland.
Can you give one example of Merrick Garland being corrupt? The reason Obama nominated him was because he was moderate and had zero hints of scandal. But now he dares to go after your corrupt clown and sadly HE is the corrupt one. Cult.
Can you give one example of Merrick Garland being corrupt? The reason Obama nominated him was because he was moderate and had zero hints of scandal. But now he dares to go after your corrupt clown and sadly HE is the corrupt one. Cult.
You should have taken a longer vacation
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But you’re talking about something that is completely unprecedented in American history. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I’m not sure people will forget as fast as you think they will or that the Trump hate is as strong as you seem to think it is.

I’m curious to see what the opinion polling shows on this.

Never had a bigger criminal in the white house either.

No one is above the law.
Can you give one example of Merrick Garland being corrupt? The reason Obama nominated him was because he was moderate and had zero hints of scandal. But now he dares to go after your corrupt clown and sadly HE is the corrupt one. Cult.

anyone that displeases trump is corrupt or wrong.

These posters would hand over their wives to him if he asked.
Except the situations aren’t close to similar and you honestly think Merrick Garland is a criminal like Trump?
They are the same far as we know. Trump allegedly has classified documents he should not have and did not hand them over. Clinton had digital classified documents on her server she should not have and did not hand over the servers until she had tried to erase everything.

Garland a criminal? I guess it depends on the definition. I think he is a political hack using the justice system to even political scores. I think he has proven time and time again the McConnell refusing to even consider him for the Supreme Court was the best decision of McConnell entire career. I see him as another in a long line of "Justice" Department members who have gone out of their way to burn the confidence in our "justice" system (and Nat Sec agencies) to the ground in an attempt to settle political scores and impact elections.

You had an agency that lied about all sorts of crap I have no interest in rehashing right now basically saying, "trust us" as they do something completely unheard of in our Democratic Republic. So much for "norms".

As I said, this will be answered in a tit for tat. You can see that from people on the right who were not even Trump supporters saying "WT actual F are you idiots doing."
Of course, you and Zeke are fine with it because you truly believe ^^^this.

I don’t think most Americans think that though.

Like I said, I’ll be interested in seeing the polling on this.
If most Americans don’t see that they aren’t paying attention. We know his cult will excuse anything. But it’s been known long before he was so called president that he was corrupt. Everyone who worked with him or for him knew it. He’s always thought he could buy or tie up in courts his problems. Up until now he has.
If most Americans don’t see that they aren’t paying attention. We know his cult will excuse anything. But it’s been known long before he was so called president that he was corrupt. Everyone who worked with him or for him knew it. He’s always thought he could buy or tie up in courts his problems. Up until now he has.
Good lord! You must have spent way too much time out in the sun wherever it is you went .
Of course, you and Zeke are fine with it because you truly believe ^^^this.

I don’t think most Americans think that though.

Like I said, I’ll be interested in seeing the polling on this.
I think more Americans think Trump is a criminal than think he should be above the law
They are the same far as we know. Trump allegedly has classified documents he should not have and did not hand them over. Clinton had digital classified documents on her server she should not have and did not hand over the servers until she had tried to erase everything.

Garland a criminal? I guess it depends on the definition. I think he is a political hack using the justice system to even political scores. I think he has proven time and time again the McConnell refusing to even consider him for the Supreme Court was the best decision of McConnell entire career. I see him as another in a long line of "Justice" Department members who have gone out of their way to burn the confidence in our "justice" system (and Nat Sec agencies) to the ground in an attempt to settle political scores and impact elections.

You had an agency that lied about all sorts of crap I have no interest in rehashing right now basically saying, "trust us" as they do something completely unheard of in our Democratic Republic. So much for "norms".

As I said, this will be answered in a tit for tat. You can see that from people on the right who were not even Trump supporters saying "WT actual F are you idiots doing."
Time and again? Please list what Merrick Garland has done to make you think he is trying to even political scores. And what kind of crap did the agency lie about? It’s pretty astonishing to me that people are just fine with letting Trump get away with breaking the law. Why do you think he just didn’t give back the documents? I’ll never understand the people that continue to make excuses for this morally bankrupt person.
Time and again? Please list what Merrick Garland has done to make you think he is trying to even political scores. And what kind of crap did the agency lie about? It’s pretty astonishing to me that people are just fine with letting Trump get away with breaking the law. Why do you think he just didn’t give back the documents? I’ll never understand the people that continue to make excuses for this morally bankrupt person.

Any dem is automatically corrupt and evil.

That doesn't make them partisan, they are just preaching the truth. lmao
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Of course, you and Zeke are fine with it because you truly believe ^^^this.

I don’t think most Americans think that though.

Like I said, I’ll be interested in seeing the polling on this.
You don't think most Americans believe Trump would do something corrupt or outside the law? Do you honestly think most Americans view Trump as trustworthy? If they're being honest, I don't think most REPUBLICANS actually believe that.
But you’re talking about something that is completely unprecedented in American history. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I’m not sure people will forget as fast as you think they will or that the Trump hate is as strong as you seem to think it is.

I’m curious to see what the opinion polling shows on this.
They’re all a bunch of McCarthy-ites. Trump needs to meet them on a tarmac and cut a deal. That’s how they do business.

They Weaponize the public agencies - put sycophants and puppets in charge and bully the staff into partisanship. Even the DOJ and FBI and IRS. One set of Alinksi rules for them - another for everybody else. They are anti-American and anti-democracy and anti-x.
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You don't think most Americans believe Trump would do something corrupt or outside the law? Do you honestly think most Americans view Trump as trustworthy? If they're being honest, I don't think most REPUBLICANS actually believe that.
You mean like most Americans believe Joe Biden has dementia? Did you see him try and put his jacket on the other day?
Time and again? Please list what Merrick Garland has done to make you think he is trying to even political scores. And what kind of crap did the agency lie about? It’s pretty astonishing to me that people are just fine with letting Trump get away with breaking the law. Why do you think he just didn’t give back the documents? I’ll never understand the people that continue to make excuses for this morally bankrupt person.
The knee jerk reaction to default to 'government is bad' anytime Trump's improprieties are examined is just silly. For starters, what about Trump's behavior over the last several decades would lead anyone to believe he's honest and above board? And two, didn't Trump appoint Christopher Wray? He most assuredly signed off on this search warrant.

And speaking of the search warrant, Trump and his lawyers presumably have a copy of it. So he knows exactly what the feds were looking for, but he hasn't publicly refuted anything specific. He's cried like a little pansy about it and talked about how unfair things are.

The next step is for him to claim they planted evidence. If he does that, that tells me that what they were looking for was actually there.
They’re all a bunch of McCarthy-ites. Trump needs to meet them on a tarmac and cut a deal. That’s how they do business.

They Weaponize the public agencies - put sycophants and puppets in charge and bully the staff into partisanship. Even the DOJ and FBI and IRS. One set of Alinksi rules for them - another for everybody else. They are anti-American and anti-democracy and anti-x.
Lol is all this deserves. Put you guys down for being ok with Trump breaking any law he wants because he’s Trump. Sad.
You mean like most Americans believe Joe Biden has dementia? Did you see him try and put his jacket on the other day?
I believe most Americans would like to have options outside of Biden and Trump in 2024.

I don't know if Joe Biden has dementia anymore than I know Trump does, but if those are my two choices in 2024, I'd vote for Biden without thinking about it.
The knee jerk reaction to default to 'government is bad' anytime Trump's improprieties are examined is just silly. For starters, what about Trump's behavior over the last several decades would lead anyone to believe he's honest and above board? And two, didn't Trump appoint Christopher Wray? He most assuredly signed off on this search warrant.

And speaking of the search warrant, Trump and his lawyers presumably have a copy of it. So he knows exactly what the feds were looking for, but he hasn't publicly refuted anything specific. He's cried like a little pansy about it and talked about how unfair things are.

The next step is for him to claim they planted evidence. If he does that, that tells me that what they were looking for was actually there.
Allegedly he already has on Truth Social. We all knew this is how he’d play it. And sadly, people will believe it. Even many people who should know better, as we see here. Historians will be studying the Trump effect for years to come and how he fooled so many otherwise sane people.
They’re all a bunch of McCarthy-ites. Trump needs to meet them on a tarmac and cut a deal. That’s how they do business.

They Weaponize the public agencies - put sycophants and puppets in charge and bully the staff into partisanship. Even the DOJ and FBI and IRS. One set of Alinksi rules for them - another for everybody else. They are anti-American and anti-democracy and anti-x.
These are the same people who believe Trump is racist and Biden isn’t when there is objectively more evidence that it’s the other way around.

As I said, I know what the zekes and hickory’s of the world think.

I’m more interested in what normal people think.
These are the same people who believe Trump is racist and Biden isn’t when there is objectively more evidence that it’s the other way around.

As I said, I know what the zekes and hickory’s of the world think.

I’m more interested in what normal people think.
Right maybe check with people of color and see which one they think is more racist? Silly…. Most normal people don’t support Trump so
The FBI theatrics at Mar-a-Lago reminded me of the FBI in Die Hard. Truth follows fiction.
Theatrics? Because there were armed agents on the perimeter of the property? And after "stand back and stand by" that surprises you?

Were you there? Have you seen the warrant, or the supporting affidavit? Of course not.

The reaction of some people here, who don't know the difference between a subpoena and a search warrant, doesn't surprise me. But you, purportedly a lawyer, should know better and not be making the kind of irresponsible, hyperbolic declarations that you've littered this thread with without knowing any of the underlying facts.
These are the same people who believe Trump is racist and Biden isn’t when there is objectively more evidence that it’s the other way around.

As I said, I know what the zekes and hickory’s of the world think.

I’m more interested in what normal people think.
Truth matters. You should try it sometime.

If you think zeke and myself are in the minority, then you should probably try to expand your circle.
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Not talking to you, stalker. But you know there are dozens. Use that fancy google thing.
So you just lied again.

Second point again, you post on a message board. People react to the messages. The funny thing is you are everything you hate about Trump, Narcissistic , obnoxious, abrasive, and some other things.

If I posted about Biden like you go on about Trump you would have a seizure.
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Allegedly he already has on Truth Social. We all knew this is how he’d play it. And sadly, people will believe it. Even many people who should know better, as we see here. Historians will be studying the Trump effect for years to come and how he fooled so many otherwise sane people.
He's a career grifter, liar and a cheat. This isn't sour grapes or speculation. All of that is well-documented.

When he ran for president in 2016, a lot of people from all over the political spectrum looked at him and said, 'hmm...I don't think I want a grifter, liar and a cheat serving as president.' Those who didn't say that - and still don't - are gullible chumps. There just isn't any way to sugar coat it.

It's hard to own up to being taken by a big scam, so people defend him and it. Everything that sheds light on that scam is bad or corrupt. Even people who were well-trusted and in Trump's inner circle. Christopher Wray was a an upstanding example of everything right according to Trump when he appointed him, but now he's a part of the evil, faceless machine of the federal government trying to get their lord and savior, Donald J. Trump. Even Ivanka was thrown under the bus for testifying during the Jan. 6 hearings. He basically said she didn't know anything.

It's hard to keep up with who are still Trump good guys these days. I think it might just be down to Don Jr. and Eric.
Allegedly he already has on Truth Social. We all knew this is how he’d play it. And sadly, people will believe it. Even many people who should know better, as we see here. Historians will be studying the Trump effect for years to come and how he fooled so many otherwise sane people

Al Capone was quite popular with many people in America in the 1920's. Alva Johnston wrote an article in 1931 about it. People unfortunately seem to identify with what they believe is success and they don't seem to care how it is achieved. Here is a reprint of Alva's story in 2013 from Vanity Fair.

"America has experienced a change of heart towards Al. On his western trip three years ago he was expelled from Los Angeles. In every hamlet between Los Angeles and Chicago citizens armed themselves with shotguns to receive Capone if he attempted to get off the train. Going further east, Capone was clapped into jail for nine months in Philadelphia for carrying a pistol. To-day all is changed, and Al is the half-acknowledged national hero. At present he is suffering from that almost universal ailment, contempt of court, and everybody sympathizes with him. Why the change? Perhaps it is merely the national weakness for worshipping success."
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But you’re talking about something that is completely unprecedented in American history. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I’m not sure people will forget as fast as you think they will or that the Trump hate is as strong as you seem to think it is.

I’m curious to see what the opinion polling shows on this.

I'm saying that the unfavorable numbers for Trump have consistently been between 50-60% ever since November 2020. They are very sticky and consistent.... now approaching 2 years. There's no reason to expect some shift at this point.....

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