Man I like this guy

CC Mac

All-Big Ten
Aug 19, 2002
I’m impressed with his attitude,ccckiness and all.
He is going to do big things here,I haven’t said that since Coach Hep.
Let’s get this show on the road,Aug 31 can’t get here soon enough.
And he just said bullshit😂 Throw the checkbook at this guy lol
As someone stated he is full of himself no doubt,I think it’s more his body language than what he says.
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I’m impressed with his attitude,ccckiness and all.
He is going to do big things here,I haven’t said that since Coach Hep.
Let’s get this show on the road,Aug 31 can’t get here soon enough.
And he just said bullshit😂 Throw the checkbook at this guy lol
As someone stated he is full of himself no doubt,think it’s more his body language than what he says.
Hey as I have said in the past ... if he is half as good as he says he is then we are going to have a great year. Let's hope he is.
Maybe he is overconfident and too cocky and he fails. That could happen. If so, we're they laughing stock of the B1G. That's not a big deal since we've been that for decades.

He's got to change decades of deeply ingrained loser culture at IUFB. He admitted he's going a bit over the top: "Now, I’ve kind of had to speak a big game taking over a job like this. Because we had to wake some people up and create some excitement. And after all this is the entertainment business too.”

We'll see how it goes. He's trying and taking a different approach. I like it, but of course all that matters is on field results.
Maybe he is overconfident and too cocky and he fails. That could happen. If so, we're they laughing stock of the B1G. That's not a big deal since we've been that for decades.

He's got to change decades of deeply ingrained loser culture at IUFB. He admitted he's going a bit over the top: "Now, I’ve kind of had to speak a big game taking over a job like this. Because we had to wake some people up and create some excitement. And after all this is the entertainment business too.”

We'll see how it goes. He's trying and taking a different approach. I like it, but of course all that matters is on field results.
I understand...You have to create a positive vibe and get some attention ala Primetime at Colorado. Fingers crossed Go Hoosiers!!!
I’ll go on record and say we win at least 7 games this season . I was watching a JMU game last year and was impressed with how his team played . They had a big lead , but he was still very intense , and not letting anyone get complacent in how they played . At the time I had heard his named mentioned for the IU job , and I thought he would be someone who would really change the attitude at IU . I’ve got my tickets for the home opener, and I’m really looking forward to a fun season .
I find him annoying and cocky and his hand gestures very effeminate. He’s our coach so I hope like hell that he wins, but the man just rubs me the wrong way and talks entirely too much shit for somebody that hasn’t done anything at the highest level.
Winning will cure this... not winning will make for a quick exit I am afraid. I am hoping for wins.
Winning will cure this... not winning will make for a quick exit I am afraid. I am hoping for wins.
Not sure about a quick exit, but let’s wait and see if he can get the positive results on the field! CCC will talk himself up for a couple more years if this season fails, but give him time and a full roster of the players he wants and then if that fails then let him go! CTA was here 2 seasons too long because his system failed with the covid portal rules!
Look at how bad Colorado was last year also after Leon Dion over-hyped his team with all the bs media attention! Once Dion graduates his son and gets a good season, he will either bail for the NFL or higher profile college job!
I’m glad it’s football season again, but as an IU fball fan, it’s always hard to get my hopes up after decades of failures!
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1) I find the cockiness super off-putting. Even if he had taken JMU to the CFP I'd find it off-putting, albeit completely earned.

2) I appreciate that he mentioned IU was 1-5 in nail biters last year. In spite of the "you are what your record says you are" folks, they weren't a bad team. CCC's confidence that he could have flipped that 1-5 to something a lot better is what I would expect him to say and completely fair.

3) I appreciate it mentioned that IU was a frog's hair from a conference championship just a few short years ago. Even though he over-hauled the roster, he didn't give the impression that IU is the dumpster fire it has the reputation for.

4) Given his attitude/demeanor, I'm really interested to see how he handles his first ass whipping. I'm even more interested in how he handles the fans bailing at halftime or not being in the game late. Will be easy to wear out a welcome if he plays the blame game.
I’m just glad we don’t have to endure another season of the Tom Allen pregame hype video,good lord that was embarrassing.
Visiting fans sitting around me would sit there like what the hell was that lol
I think he will do decent at Penn St but it may be short lived.
Franklin will be on the hot seat if he doesn’t win big this year.
I’m just glad we don’t have to endure another season of the Tom Allen pregame hype video,good lord that was embarrassing.
Visiting fans sitting around me would sit there like what the hell was that lol
I think he will do decent at Penn St but it may be short lived.
Franklin will be on the hot seat if he doesn’t win big this year.
Ironically, the rah-rah thing and the cocky thing both only work if you win. Those kids in 2020 would've run through walls for CTA because they were having success (e.g., the Wisconsin post-game sideline interview). When you lose it looks silly. I think the same for CCC. If they win, the players' attitudes will match the coach and they'll go in dripping with confidence. But if they lose they'll look ridiculous carrying swagger like they're the U in the 80s except getting whipped by 30 points.
Winning will cure this... not winning will make for a quick exit I am afraid. I am hoping for wins.
At Least IU is giving him the advantages he needs to get the job done. Having his own coaches here helps. increase in NIL money really helps, past success causes the coaches to expect nothing less from players. I found coach Cignetti's approach worked when I went to a school that couldn't do any better than win the regional. First year, we went to the state title with less talent the then last team [it was a senior laden team] the previous coach had.
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There are clearly some “fans” posting here that CCC couldn’t care less about. He’s obviously run off a bunch of players with a similar loser’s mentality. Hit the door now before the guy ever coaches a single game.

Orrrrr, give the man a chance to turn the tide on the crappiest program in the history of NCAA football before you start spouting “off-putting” and “effeminate hand gestures” and all the other horseshit comments. I’m assuming some of you idiots preferred Tommy’s postgame jazz hands, finger-snapping sing alongs. Damn.

I hope he kicks ass and some of you put on your Notre Dame gear and disappear.
There are clearly some “fans” posting here that CCC couldn’t care less about. He’s obviously run off a bunch of players with a similar loser’s mentality. Hit the door now before the guy ever coaches a single game.

Orrrrr, give the man a chance to turn the tide on the crappiest program in the history of NCAA football before you start spouting “off-putting” and “effeminate hand gestures” and all the other horseshit comments. I’m assuming some of you idiots preferred Tommy’s postgame jazz hands, finger-snapping sing alongs. Damn.

I hope he kicks ass and some of you put on your Notre Dame gear and disappear.
I'll put my 33 years of season tickets with maybe about 3-4 missed home games in that time up against your fandom any day.

I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I support the coach. He's ours. I was thrilled we hired a coach with experience and one that could bring his entire staff with him. He checks all of the boxes I wanted in a head coach. But his cockiness, I can do without. Don't tell me what happened at a different school at a different level with different players when you were picked to not win the league. when you finish in the top 5 of the conference after being picked to finish 17th, run your mouth and toot your horn. Until you do that, stay humble and work hard.
I’m impressed with his attitude,ccckiness and all.
He is going to do big things here,I haven’t said that since Coach Hep.
Let’s get this show on the road,Aug 31 can’t get here soon enough.
And he just said bullshit😂 Throw the checkbook at this guy lol
As someone stated he is full of himself no doubt,I think it’s more his body language than what he says.
I just think he sounds like a very good football coach. Maybe a little cocky versus extremely confident, but I’m OK with him being both. As much football as he has seen in his life, I feel good that he likes this team!
I'll put my 33 years of season tickets with maybe about 3-4 missed home games in that time up against your fandom any day.

I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I support the coach. He's ours. I was thrilled we hired a coach with experience and one that could bring his entire staff with him. He checks all of the boxes I wanted in a head coach. But his cockiness, I can do without. Don't tell me what happened at a different school at a different level with different players when you were picked to not win the league. when you finish in the top 5 of the conference after being picked to finish 17th, run your mouth and toot your horn. Until you do that, stay humble and work hard.
I guess he should have started out saying "I hope I learn big boy football and while I am learning I will get lucky and everyone will take it easy on this poor little school that has the most losses in NCAA history". I know that would have made me more excited about making the trip to see the UCLA game. Speaking of which, listen to that intro by a new coach. I will take CCC's anyday.
I guess he should have started out saying "I hope I learn big boy football and while I am learning I will get lucky and everyone will take it easy on this poor little school that has the most losses in NCAA history". I know that would have made me more excited about making the trip to see the UCLA game. Speaking of which, listen to that intro by a new coach. I will take CCC's anyday.
Yeah. Exactly.
dumb jim carrey GIF
I'll put my 33 years of season tickets with maybe about 3-4 missed home games in that time up against your fandom any day.

I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I support the coach. He's ours. I was thrilled we hired a coach with experience and one that could bring his entire staff with him. He checks all of the boxes I wanted in a head coach. But his cockiness, I can do without. Don't tell me what happened at a different school at a different level with different players when you were picked to not win the league. when you finish in the top 5 of the conference after being picked to finish 17th, run your mouth and toot your horn. Until you do that, stay humble and work hard.
Then I’d suggest not listening to him until he meets whatever your expectations are at mighty IU. Do you prefer Woodson’s “I’ll be the coach here as long as I want” comments? He’s had 3 years and has proven zilch. Give this guy a chance to breathe life into this absolutely dead program.

By the way, he’s 63 years old. If he was some young kid that just snagged his first job, I might be inclined to agree with you. CCC has been around the block a few times. He knows what he’s doing. And more importantly, he knows what he’s up against.
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I find him annoying and cocky and his hand gestures very effeminate. He’s our coach so I hope like hell that he wins, but the man just rubs me the wrong way and talks entirely too much shit for somebody that hasn’t done anything at the highest level.
I much prefer his attitude and demeanor to "ah shucks " we'll do the best we can. A team usually adopts the demeanor of their coach.
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There are clearly some “fans” posting here that CCC couldn’t care less about. He’s obviously run off a bunch of players with a similar loser’s mentality. Hit the door now before the guy ever coaches a single game.

Orrrrr, give the man a chance to turn the tide on the crappiest program in the history of NCAA football before you start spouting “off-putting” and “effeminate hand gestures” and all the other horseshit comments. I’m assuming some of you idiots preferred Tommy’s postgame jazz hands, finger-snapping sing alongs. Damn.

I hope he kicks ass and some of you put on your Notre Dame gear and disappear.
Look, I’ve got season tickets regardless. The last people he should worry about are people like me.

He just strikes me as a guy that will be the last to take the blame if something goes sideways.

He could be Vince Lombardi, he’s GOING to lose games. He’s likely to get stomped here and there. This is the big 10. It happens to everyone. You cannot win a natty on force of will alone.

Like I said, I find arrogance off putting. That’s not a loser mentality, at worst it’s a personal preference. He doesn’t have to grovel like he doesn’t deserve to be here. But he doesn’t have the record to act like he’s Nick saban or something.
Cignetti has won approximately 78% of his games as head coach. That is a HUGE success rate and it's impressive no matter the conference/level.

If he could win 60% of his games in Bloomington, he'd get several statues in town.

He is a very confident man and I've lived long enough to know those types often come off as very cocky and arrogant. There's a tiny line between confident and arrogant.....
He just strikes me as a guy that will be the last to take the blame if something goes sideways.
After the App State loss last year he noted that he did not prepare the team well enough. Per a five minute google search (ha), after losses he is pretty matter of fact with a mix of complimenting the good, pointing out why they lost (one time he called out a QB to motivate him), and looking to the future. Nothing really jumped out -- it could have been any coach talking.

We'll see how he handles the losses at IU. I don't know what he'll do, these are just a few data points.
I’m impressed with his attitude,ccckiness and all.
He is going to do big things here,I haven’t said that since Coach Hep.
Let’s get this show on the road,Aug 31 can’t get here soon enough.
And he just said bullshit😂 Throw the checkbook at this guy lol
As someone stated he is full of himself no doubt,I think it’s more his body language than what he says.
He has the record to back it up.
Look, I’ve got season tickets regardless. The last people he should worry about are people like me.

He just strikes me as a guy that will be the last to take the blame if something goes sideways.

He could be Vince Lombardi, he’s GOING to lose games. He’s likely to get stomped here and there. This is the big 10. It happens to everyone. You cannot win a natty on force of will alone.

Like I said, I find arrogance off putting. That’s not a loser mentality, at worst it’s a personal preference. He doesn’t have to grovel like he doesn’t deserve to be here. But he doesn’t have the record to act like he’s Nick saban or something.
We/nobody knows how he will react if "things go sideways" WHY, because it has never gone sideways in his head coaching career.
I like the odds he will succeed.
Maybe he is overconfident and too cocky and he fails. That could happen. If so, we're they laughing stock of the B1G. That's not a big deal since we've been that for decades.

He's got to change decades of deeply ingrained loser culture at IUFB. He admitted he's going a bit over the top: "Now, I’ve kind of had to speak a big game taking over a job like this. Because we had to wake some people up and create some excitement. And after all this is the entertainment business too.”

We'll see how it goes. He's trying and taking a different approach. I like it, but of course all that matters is on field results.
Like Mike Tyson said, “everybody has a plan until they get hit”.
Is CC cocky? Yes. Confident? Yes. Was he up there today hyping his players and his team? No, but he certainly isn't buying into the preseason hype of all those teams at the "top" of the conference either. At this point, it is all hype and speculation . . . fueled mainly by history and while IU has some lousy football history, CC does not! Coach Cig has been around football his entire life; mainly on the winning side. He knows football and I have to believe he is aware of exactly what he is facing at IU. This season may or may not be IU's year to shock the world but I believe CC will have IU winning more games and hanging with the big boys sooner rather than later.
This discussion is interesting. Almost a study in human nature, or political leanings? And hell no, I’m not expanding on that, but I have a sincere hope this is the year we all see what we’ve dreamed of seeing on Saturday afternoons. And we collectively join here to celebrate (and probably commiserate) a truly tide-changing season.

I’m 66. Been going to games since 1964 when I was 6. By anyone’s standards, that’s a whole helluva lot of crappy football. We’ve seen glimpses. We deserve better. And I fully believe CCC will deliver. So much so, I will be in the new “suites” in the SEZ with some wonderful business associates and friends. LFG HOOSIERS!!!!
I find him annoying and cocky and his hand gestures very effeminate. He’s our coach so I hope like hell that he wins, but the man just rubs me the wrong way and talks entirely too much shit for somebody that hasn’t done anything at the highest level.
I'll dial back my comments slightly. I don't find EVERYTHING that he says confidently to be off-putting. But I found his opening statement yesterday to be mostly that. Some of the other quotes and clips from when he was in the scrum later didn't necessarily irritate me.
I'll put my 33 years of season tickets with maybe about 3-4 missed home games in that time up against your fandom any day.

I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I support the coach. He's ours. I was thrilled we hired a coach with experience and one that could bring his entire staff with him. He checks all of the boxes I wanted in a head coach. But his cockiness, I can do without. Don't tell me what happened at a different school at a different level with different players when you were picked to not win the league. when you finish in the top 5 of the conference after being picked to finish 17th, run your mouth and toot your horn. Until you do that, stay humble and work hard.
How bout 3 programs, couple levels after leaving a storied program as assistant. Guts, confidence and can-do.