Madison Cawthorn debases himself and his party

Shouldn't you be happy about it then?

Tell me the last time Democrats investigated one of their own. I won't hold my breath.
The most recent example is obviously Cuomo. Everything about his sex harassment accusations, charges and eventual removal from office came from Dems.

Dems were also the force behind Al Franken's removal from the Senate, which was probably an overblown, rush to judgement. Nevertheless, the Dems decided it was better to err on the side of caution, and he was forced to resign based on the dubious accusations of a single woman. In short a right wing commentator claimed he kissed her against her will back in 2006...

Now contrast that with the situation in Nebraska, where the candidate Trump has endorsed for Governor has been accused by EIGHT different women of GROPING them. One of the accusers is a GOP State Senator who was groped at a GOP event in 2019. And according to the Nebraska Examiner there was a witness to that incident, as well as the groping of another woman at the same event...

It's no wonder Trump spoke at a rally for this clown on Sunday- this guy sounds like a clone of Trump's pussy-grabbing self, including the fact that he (Herbster) was also a beauty pageant judge...

"During an event in 2019, for example, Republican State Sen. Julie Slama confirmed that as she walked by Herbster, he reached up her skirt, without her consent, and touched her inappropriately. The incident happened in the middle of a crowded ballroom at the Douglas County Republican Party’s annual Elephant Remembers dinner.

At the time, Slama had been recently appointed to the District 1 legislative seat representing southeast Nebraska. Herbster owns a farm and a house in the district.

Another person attending the 2019 event saw Herbster reach up Slama’s skirt and had told the Examiner about it. That witness and two others said they saw Herbster grope another young woman on her buttocks at the same event."

So FIVE people who are basically Trumpers saw Herbster grope two different women at a GOP EVENT, and yet Herbster's denials somehow offset the 5 witnesses and qualify him to be Governor? Not to mention the 5 other women who were groped on other occasions?
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Really? If two people are running and the media was predominantly pushing voters to favor one candidate who you personally didn't support, you wouldn't get frustrated/annoyed/salty/perturbed (pick an adjective)?
That's not what you said I would do.
Yea, I say you'd cry foul or aspire to some conspiracy about media bias. I'll stand by that. Perhaps you are better than most and could fight off the urges. I know I can't.

If I was inclined to do that I would have done it in 2016.
The most recent example is obviously Cuomo. Everything about his sex harassment accusations, charges and eventual removal from office came from Dems.

Dems were also the force behind Al Franken's removal from the Senate, which was probably an overblown, rush to judgement. Nevertheless, the Dems decided it was better to err on the side of caution, and he was forced to resign based on the dubious accusations of a single woman. In short a right wing commentator claimed he kissed her against her will back in 2006...

Now contrast that with the situation in Nebraska, where the candidate Trump has endorsed for Governor has been accused by EIGHT different women of GROPING them. One of the accusers is a GOP State Senator who was groped at a GOP event in 2019. And according to the Nebraska Examiner there was a witness to that incident, as well as the groping of another woman at the same event...

It's no wonder Trump spoke at a rally for this clown on Sunday- this guy sounds like a clone of Trump's pussy-grabbing self, including the fact that he (Herbster) was also a beauty pageant judge...

"During an event in 2019, for example, Republican State Sen. Julie Slama confirmed that as she walked by Herbster, he reached up her skirt, without her consent, and touched her inappropriately. The incident happened in the middle of a crowded ballroom at the Douglas County Republican Party’s annual Elephant Remembers dinner.

At the time, Slama had been recently appointed to the District 1 legislative seat representing southeast Nebraska. Herbster owns a farm and a house in the district.

Another person attending the 2019 event saw Herbster reach up Slama’s skirt and had told the Examiner about it. That witness and two others said they saw Herbster grope another young woman on her buttocks at the same event."

So FIVE people who are basically Trumpers saw Herbster grope twoCu different women at a GOP EVENT, and yet Herbster's denials somehow offset the 5 witnesses and qualify him to be Governor? Not to mention the 5 other women who were groped on other occasions?
Only when it was politically expedient and after Cuomo had killed too many old people.

Franken was not forced out - he resigned.

Not even a good effort by you.
What I care about is one side unmercifully posted here every day of the Trump presidency. Now those same folks want hands off the demented old man in the WH and his idiot incompetent laughing VP. Now shout racist at me for criticizing her.
That’s because Trump did something so insanely outside the norm stupid or corrupt or lying nearly every single day. Calling Biden demented just makes you look ignorant.
Wonder what would happen if Mueller dug into the Biden crime family?

I am guessing Trump has been involved in many unsavory things. I don’t think there was some grand conspiracy during the campaign to collude with Russia to win the election. You don’t have to dig too deep to see Hillary and her people were doing everything they accused Trump of. It’s all just dirty politics like it’s always been.

There’s no doubt Biden and MSM colluded to help Biden win. Probably the first time in our history MSM not only picked their favorite but actively did everything they could to help him win. All journalistic ethics were thrown out the window for the “greater good” as determined by MSM.
Why do you think Manafort gave voting information to the Russians? Why do you think Jr met with Russians? If it’s what I think it is, I love it. MSM picked their favorite? Please. What a surprise they wanted the one who wasn’t batshit crazy.
That’s because Trump did something so insanely outside the norm stupid or corrupt or lying nearly every single day. Calling Biden demented just makes you look ignorant.
Saying Biden isn't demented makes you look really ignorant. You are posting like a mad hatter on here tonight. You can't even keep up with what thread you are posting in. You are a woman obviously filled with a lot of hate. I pity the people that have to work around you.
That’s because Trump did something so insanely outside the norm stupid or corrupt or lying nearly every single day. Calling Biden demented just makes you look ignorant.
He’s demented. The bad thing for Dems is Harris is so bad they don’t want her to take over.
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Lord help us there’s videos. GOP plays rough when they want someone out. Madison shouldn’t have talked about the orgies and coke parties.
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Lord help us there’s videos. GOP plays rough when they want someone out. Madison shouldn’t have talked about the orgies and coke parties.
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I guess you're right - collusion was never mentioned at all.......

Well, now, collusion was certainly mentioned prominently on Fox News and in many of your posts.

That tells me you know all about collusion, probably even an expert on collusion, aren't you?
Why do you do both of us a favor? Don’t respond to my posts and and I can quit being angry and not say STFUYDMFer. 😊 I can translate if you don’t get it.

Hey, stop posting stupid shit and I will stop responding to it;)
Saying Biden isn't demented makes you look really ignorant. You are posting like a mad hatter on here tonight. You can't even keep up with what thread you are posting in. You are a woman obviously filled with a lot of hate. I pity the people that have to work around you.
Uh huh. Most people I know are educated and know what dementia is. A few work with dementia patients or are dealing with it in their families. They’d never make an ignorant remark about that. We get along great. The hateful ones would be the ones that make baseless accusations.
Uh huh. Most people I know are educated and know what dementia is. A few work with dementia patients or are dealing with it in their families. They’d never make an ignorant remark about that. We get along great. The hateful ones would be the ones that make baseless accusations.
I just throw what you say back at you , the world according to Zeke right? If you can't tell the guy is having issues your education has done little for you. Yesterday there were two clips, one of Biden in 92 and actually a few current. I am not even talking about WHAT he was actually talking about . If you can't see a massive difference in his attempts to even speak I don't know what to tell you. You come on here and self proclaim you are the only woman that wouldn't get run off. Tonight you told us that men's opinions have no value at all. Why are you here? Nature already supplied you with infallible birth control so what is your angle? Everyone that differs from you is ignorant and you are always the smartest person in the room about everything.
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I just throw what you say back at you , the world according to Zeke right? If you can't tell the guy is having issues your education has done little for you. Yesterday there were two clips, one of Biden in 92 and actually a few current. I am not even talking about WHAT he was actually talking about . If you can't see a massive difference in his attempts to even speak I don't know what to tell you. You come on here and self proclaim you are the only woman that wouldn't get run off. Tonight you told us that men's opinions have no value at all. Why are you here? Nature already supplied you with infallible birth control so what is your angle? Everyone that differs from you is ignorant and you are always the smartest person in the room about everything.
Is there another woman here I’m missing? I said not only men’s but women’s opinions mean nothing about another person’s personal health choice. I don’t think I’m the smartest person in the room at all. I know damn well I’m smarter than a few here, however…..
That might be you, as why would I be the least bit triggered? I love the orgies and coke parties the GOP puts on. You don’t even have the brains to use a meme successfully. Lol
Why would you be triggered? You are , you have been posting like a mad fool for 2 days . That is probably actually you. Since you hate men so much why don't you find a cooking board to go post on? I seriously pity anyone that has to be around you. I am 100% positive that most people you think like you just don't want to have to deal with you.
Why would you be triggered? You are , you have been posting like a mad fool for 2 days . That is probably actually you. Since you hate men so much why don't you find a cooking board to go post on? I seriously pity anyone that has to be around you. I am 100% positive that most people you think like you just don't want to have to deal with you.
You guys need to get control of your ZDS. This is starting to get out of hand.