MacAfee just talked for a bit about Cig and IU...

No. They are not. I agree with that. But, they currently have a better record than the teams we have played in the big ten:

UCLA / Maryland / NW
Combined record: 0-6

Iowa / Wiscy / Rutgers / Minny
Combined B1G record: 4-5
I’m not comparing them to who we have played. Simply saying having them on our schedule wouldn’t do much for it and they’re around on par with Neb, UW, UM.

Whatever. Our schedule isn’t too hard, but the whole conference is down a bit. Doesn’t matter much.
I forgot how sensitive the peeps are in the football board. Never said I wasn’t enjoying it. It’s awesome . My point is that we have a very favorable schedule in a down year in the B1G. It sets us up well. And I would say, historically speaking, playing likely one ranked opponent on the schedule the entire season is historically a “light” schedule. Remove your emotion and defense mechanisms and try and be factual and objective . I do not have the time nor interest in going back and looking, but I welcome anyone to tell me a season where the league schedule was more favorable than the one we are in. This is not taking nothing away from our team and how they are playing. We ware winning and in convincing fashion. We are a very good team. It does not take away from the fact we have yet to play a ranked team all season and likely will only face one the rest of the season.

Well, I am tried of a few on here trying to minimize what this team is doing. It is historic and something that IU has almost never had in over 100 years of football. Why post the kind of drivel in your first post? What is the point?

Not necessarily you but first there were some who question coach and his bravado and said things like, we will see if he can back it up. Then after the first couple of games, it was let's see how they do out at UCLA. One even said that UCLA getting us as their first BT game was a gift for them. After IU kicked their ass, then it was, Maryland. IU kicked their ass too. What was it, like since 1995 since we beat NU at their place? Well, IU put 41 on them. Good grief, Alabama just got beat by Vandy. In general it is not easy to win away from home.

You should have boiled your last post down to
"We ware winning and in convincing fashion. We are a very good team."
Very well put. Enough said, no qualifiers, no if's, no but's, no weak schedule.
Our fanbase is moving the goalposts. Indiana isn't a historical program like an Ohio State or Alabama. Our fanbase seems to find reasons to settle on as to why we're having the success we are...This is AKA minimizing the season's accomplishments.

I don't buy that for one second because Indiana never won much to begin with. A season where they double or triple their normal win total, should not be poo-pooed, particularly by its own fanbase. Many Indiana fans belittled the 2020 season because of Corona Virus....

Cignetti has this program humming. Fans need to come out and actually support him and the team instead of concocting reasons why you don't think they're any good.
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Alabama just lost to a .500 team that got beat by Georgia State. 5-1 Duke had to go to overtime to beat Northwestern. Big bad USC lost to 2-3 Minnesota.

Stop shitting on IU’s schedule. They have won every game by at least two touchdowns and are one of THREE teams in the country that have never trailed.
Alabama just lost to a .500 team that got beat by Georgia State. 5-1 Duke had to go to overtime to beat Northwestern.

Stop shitting on IU’s schedule. They have won every game by at least two touchdowns and are one of THREE teams in the country that have never trailed.
I agree; the manner in which Indiana has shelled these teams tells the true story, IMO.
I forgot how sensitive the peeps are in the football board. Never said I wasn’t enjoying it. It’s awesome . My point is that we have a very favorable schedule in a down year in the B1G. It sets us up well. And I would say, historically speaking, playing likely one ranked opponent on the schedule the entire season is historically a “light” schedule. Remove your emotion and defense mechanisms and try and be factual and objective . I do not have the time nor interest in going back and looking, but I welcome anyone to tell me a season where the league schedule was more favorable than the one we are in. This is not taking nothing away from our team and how they are playing. We ware winning and in convincing fashion. We are a very good team. It does not take away from the fact we have yet to play a ranked team all season and likely will only face one the rest of the season.
Here's objective and factual, big deal.
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Just play and keep beating who’s on the schedule. No apologies needed.

For the previous 10 seasons, IU (along with Rutgers and MD) had to play the big 4, who were often the top 4 teams in the league, while the west teams got maybe 1, never more than 2 of them in crossovers.
Thankfully the divisions are gone.

We still have OSU, UM, MSU, Neb and Washington. This season it looks like only one of those may be a bridge too far. Let’s see how it goes and enjoy the ride.
In all our seasons, I am not sure we have seen a more favorable B1G schedule. This is to not take anything aaay from Cig. But no Penn state. No Ohio State. No iowa. No wisconsin. Michigan likely will be unranked when we face them. We have an extremely favorable schedule. We are winning convincingly and can only play whoever is on the schedule. It has to be the weakest in the conference.
I'm super excited to learn they've cancelled the Ohio State game for us! Woohoo!
I tend to believe some IU fans are simply buffering their expectations based on the possibility that IU could lay an egg on any given Saturday (ie. Alabama at Vandy); after all, that's what IU fans are accustomed to seeing. There are many things that are different about this IU team compared to those of the past but the aspect getting my attention most is the 4th quarter production. Year after year (even during Coach Mal's best years at IU) it seemed IU could hang with the best of them in some years but then the wheels fell off in the 4th quarter. For years, leading up to the games against OSU, Michigan, Iowa, and to a lesser degree PSU, my brothers and I had a running bet to see who could predict the time on the clock when the opposing team would take over the game in the 4th quarter. This IU team is different; they seem to get stronger as the game progresses and IU is the team landing the daggers toward the latter minutes of the game. The game Saturday was the perfect example; with Northwestern playing the role of the typical IU team and looking competitive up until it really mattered. At that point, IU shut the door on their hopes and their fans began hitting the exits.
This is the only problem with success, it brings over the bball only crowd who haven’t a clue, but for some unknown reason don’t seem to enjoy IU football doing well, sad.
Those people are reversible jacket fans. Screw those bastages
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This is the only problem with success, it brings over the bball only crowd who haven’t a clue, but for some unknown reason don’t seem to enjoy IU football doing well, sad.

I have been accused of being one of those basketball fans and IMO, it is just as sad as some that don't want IUBB to do well!
I want ALL IU sports to do well and it baffles me that some concentrate on just one sport.
I have been accused of being one of those basketball fans and IMO, it is just as sad as some that don't want IUBB to do well!
I want ALL IU sports to do well and it baffles me that some concentrate on just one sport.
I’m an IU fan, support both sports , always have. Honestly, I don’t know any football fans that wish “ill will” towards bball. The term “reversible jacket” fans wasn’t coined on IU football fans not supporting IU bball.
I’m an IU fan, support both sports , always have. Honestly, I don’t know any football fans that wish “ill will” towards bball. The term “reversible jacket” fans wasn’t coined on IU football fans not supporting IU bball.

I personally don't know any IU "fan" that wishes ill will towards bball BUT I have read posts here that express that sentiment.
I am well aware that reversible jacket refers to IU bball "fans" and then ND football fans because I DO know some of those people.
Irritates the hell out of me.
Agree to disagree. We will face one ranked team the rest of the season and that's OSU. The rest will all be vs unranked opponents and all but one game (@MSU) is at home. Pretty easy road. Again, no Penn State. No Oregon. No USC. No Iowa. No Wiscy. No Rutgers. No Minnesota. honestly, I do not think Michigan is all that good and I think we will be favored in every game except at OSU. Historically speaking, this has never been the case.
Sounds about like our annual basketball schedule. Creampuff City for 12 games to open the season.
It’s never about “ill will.”
It’s about the double standard fans show. Complain about the football schedule and then don’t bat an eye when a school with 5 natty’s plays the non-con that it does.

This is clearly a money game, though.
The sport of football is driving the bus. They didn’t structure any of the contracts and deals now around basketball. None.
Love for them to both be at a high level. But, make no mistake: if you prefer basketball over football, that’s all fine and dandy but the football programs at all schools are the ones sitting at the bargaining tables. That’s just how it is.
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Sounds about like our annual basketball schedule. Creampuff City for 12 games to open the season.
It’s never about “ill will.”
It’s about the double standard fans show. Complain about the football schedule and then don’t bat an eye when a school with 5 natty’s plays the non-con that it does.
The less you talk, the better.
I personally don't know any IU "fan" that wishes ill will towards bball BUT I have read posts here that express that sentiment.
I am well aware that reversible jacket refers to IU bball "fans" and then ND football fans because I DO know some of those people.
Irritates the hell out of me.
Guess I haven’t seen that, and those sentiments shouldn’t exist either, however, it’s easier to understand due to an administration that ignored football for decades, and seemed to only “care” about bball.
He did not have to be a jackass to Wilson. It shows how much of a classless jerk he is!

McAfee was never a jack-ass to Wilson....

It fact.... It was Jack Trudeau on the "Zack & Jack" show on WIBC back in 2011.. Trudeau mocked IU football just before he went on the air with Wilson... Wilson didn't care for it and let Trudeau know it... which he should.... I was listening while it happened.

Please, get your facts straight.... McAfee was still playing for the Colts at the time.
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McAfee was never a jack-ass to Wilson....

It fact.... It was Jack Trudeau on the "Zack & Jack" show on WIBC back in 2011.. Trudeau mocked IU football just before he went on the air with Wilson... Wilson didn't care for it and let Trudeau know it... which he should.... I was listening while it happened.

Please, get your facts straight.... McAfee was still playing for the Colts at the time.
McAfee was on with Dakich and they were going to have Kevin Wilson come on the show. They had KW on hold during a commercial, and just as they went live, McAfee made a negative comment about IU football. KW made a quick reply and hung up.
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It was Trudeau . He had played for the Colts , and was out of football , and was looking for a broadcast job . He kinda stepped in it big time , and give Wilson credit he didn’t let him get away with it . Trudeau didn’t last long in Indy sports after that as I recall .
Both incidents happened. Trudeau and McAfee.
Both incidents happened. Trudeau and McAfee.

Both?... What?... Again, not true.... Trudeau and "Zakk", Dominic Zaccagnini, on the "Zakk & Jack Show" were the two who were mocking IU football (not just Wilson) while they had Wilson on hold, just before going on the air with him. "Zakk & Jack" was a nationally syndicate show based out of Indy and it never caught on... fortunately.

As for McAfee, 2016 was McAfee's last season with the Colts and it was also Wilson's last at IU ... McAfee never interviewed Wilson on any shows... McAfee didn't start doing his show on Bar Stool Sports or any on-air stuff until mid-late 2017.

I like what McAfee brings to football but I can only handle him for a short time... He can be too much for my taste.

HOWEVER, he's not targeting my demo or most of us on this forum. His target is 18-49 and that demo loves him... so, I can see why he's not as well liked by some on here.

Times change. The days of the never-overly-excited broadcasters like Jim McKay, Brent Mussberger and Keith Jackson are long gone.....

I can only imagine how Mr. Mellow himself.... Bud Wilkinson, would go over today! 😁 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Both?... What?... Again, not true.... Trudeau and "Zakk", Dominic Zaccagnini, on the "Zakk & Jack Show" were the two who were mocking IU football (not just Wilson) while they had Wilson on hold, just before going on the air with him. "Zakk & Jack" was a nationally syndicate show based out of Indy and it never caught on... fortunately.

As for McAfee, 2016 was McAfee's last season with the Colts and it was also Wilson's last at IU ... McAfee never interviewed Wilson on any shows... McAfee didn't start doing his show on Bar Stool Sports or any on-air stuff until mid-late 2017.

I like what McAfee brings to football but I can only handle him for a short time... He can be too much for my taste.

HOWEVER, he's not targeting my demo or most of us on this forum. His target is 18-49 and that demo loves him... so, I can see why he's not as well liked by some on here.

Times change. The days of the never-overly-excited broadcasters like Jim McKay, Brent Mussberger and Keith Jackson are long gone.....

I can only imagine how Mr. Mellow himself.... Bud Wilkinson, would go over today! 😁 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Sir, you're wrong. 100% wrong. McAfee was a GUEST on Dakich's show and preceded Wilson and while Wilson was on hold waiting for his segment, McAfee made cracks about IU football on his way out. I was listening to it when it happened.
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Hmm... whatever you say... but, can you tell me exactly when this happened?

However, I didn't hear it and I've never heard about it happening between McAfee and Wilson.

I can't find anything, anywhere, on the internet, OR on this forum, that mentions it at the time it happened
that says McAfee bad mouthed IU football while Wilson was on hold during Dakich's show.

Something like that is always addressed on this forum within a day of it happening....

Are you sure you're not thinking of the Zakk & Jack Trudeau deal with Wilson?.... Because that did happen and it is clearly documented on the web and on this forum when it happended... and as I said earlier, I heard it myself.

Again, when did this happen?... what year?
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Hmm... whatever you say... but, can you tell me exactly when this happened?

However, I didn't hear it and I've never heard about it happening between McAfee and Wilson.

I can't find anything, anywhere, on the internet, OR on this forum, that mentions it at the time it happened
that says McAfee bad mouthed IU football while Wilson was on hold during Dakich's show.

Something like that is always addressed on this forum within a day of it happening....

Are you sure you're not thinking of the Zakk & Jack Trudeau deal with Wilson?.... Because that did happen and it is clearly documented on the web and on this forum when it happended... and as I said earlier, I heard it myself.

Again, when did this happen?... what year?
It happened. McAfee and Dakich were doing the show from the Slippery Noodle. Pretty sure it was Wilson's first year at IU. I was proud of him for sticking up for IU - he had a culture to change just like Cignetti.