Let the message board meltdown begin....

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People should be unhappy. It's an experienced squad with a 4 year starter at PG.

Defensive issues and turnovers have plagued every Tom Crean season. Let's just admit the Big Ten title year was an aberration and not a sign of more to come.

Crean will never coach or emphasize defense and valuing possessions enough to win when it matters.
If you're a realtor in Btown, which listing are you more aggressively seeking... Wilson or Crean? :D

I kid, I kid.
Unless Crean gives the pregame talk and the footballers poop their pants in WL, Wilson isn't going anywhere. If the hoops Renaissance continues unabated, Crean will be gone. The big question for every potential buyer: "Does the tanning bed stay with the house?"
Unless Crean gives the pregame talk and the footballers poop their pants in WL, Wilson isn't going anywhere. If the hoops Renaissance continues unabated, Crean will be gone. The big question for every potential buyer: "Does the tanning bed stay with the house?"


Excellent work.
No real correlation between November tournaments and March results. Players are still getting used to playing together. Lots of inexperienced kids getting used to defensive rotations.
Selfish play. It looks like I have the ball and I am going to dribble until I get a shot. No defense. Can't take care of the ball. Jay Williams said IU is something like 325 out of 345 D1 schools in turnovers.
Anyone who listened to Yogi with Fisch on the pre-game show, Don asked Yogi if the team lacked focus, Yogi said they don't really lack focus, they play focused, but then guys start thinking about other things that takes away their focus...the way Yogi said it I interpreted it to mean guys start thinking about their stats, not the team...selfishness...same crap as last season...

Stunning resemblance...
Im most concerned on how we got down 13 to begin with.

If this was a bunch of freshman or year 1 or 2 of the coaching with you.

The problem is you have 3 seniors, 2 juniors, 2 sophomores, and 2 freshman getting the most time in year 8 of the staff.

Never mind there are 3 McDonald's All Americans and a NBA first round pick making up that group.
We lost the game in the first ten minutes with turnover after turnover and grade school foul shooting. The other 3 quarters of the game we actually had some flashes of good offense and good defense. Take away the first ten minutes and we win going away
We lost the game in the first ten minutes with turnover after turnover and grade school foul shooting. The other 3 quarters of the game we actually had some flashes of good offense and good defense. Take away the first ten minutes and we win going away

We were tied multiple times after the first 10 mins.

We should have beat UNLV easily regardless of the first 10 mins.
That may not be worse...that is at Duke and I actually think IU will do better than that

Is there time for this team to come together and put personal goals aside and make a run? Absolutely...

Do I believe coach Crean can restore discipline and establish a team first mentality? ...hmmm...

I will always support IU, but I will bet you that Duke kills us next week...20 points....what you got?
....I think that I might try and count which Peegster numbers the highest in negative posts in the first hour...

Well it's been over an hour so here goes... I'm sick of "fans" acting like people are wrong for being sick of Crean and his teams. You're probably one of those that think we should let every illegal into the country but give the middle finger to the Veterans and homeless.

Take your PC crap somewhere else.
....I think that I might try and count which Peegster numbers the highest in negative posts in the first hour...
I use to back Crean but I am done with him and he has to go because he has not learned a thing the last 3 years t try to remedy the stupid TO'S. He has totally lost my support and I can't beleive i backed hm as long as I did. It is obvious the other posters were correct in saying he just is not cut out to coach at this level.
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We lost the game in the first ten minutes with turnover after turnover and grade school foul shooting. The other 3 quarters of the game we actually had some flashes of good offense and good defense. Take away the first ten minutes and we win going away
that is the problem this team plays in spurts and you can't beat good teams playing 15 minutes of good basketball.
Well it's been over an hour so here goes... I'm sick of "fans" acting like people are wrong for being sick of Crean and his teams. You're probably one of those that think we should let every illegal into the country but give the middle finger to the Veterans and homeless.

Take your PC crap somewhere else.
I cannot predict what he thinks but as a society we do give the middle finger to the veterans and the homeless.
....I think that I might try and count which Peegster numbers the highest in negative posts in the first hour...

Meltdown? That's what happens after an UNEXPECTED loss or UNEXPECTED under performance. A "meltdown" is an overreaction to something that could legitimately cause a reaction. Hell, this is standard operating procedure. Absolutely nothing to meltdown about here. That's the sad part.
Well it's been over an hour so here goes... I'm sick of "fans" acting like people are wrong for being sick of Crean and his teams. You're probably one of those that think we should let every illegal into the country but give the middle finger to the Veterans and homeless.

Take your PC crap somewhere else.

You are soooo off-base in your comment, Van. If you only knew me better....

Where in my post did I say anything about supporting Crean, or being OK with losing, etc.? You jumped to a conclusion, when my post merely predicted a message board meltdown (correctly) and to see who would post the most times venting their negative frustrations. Why? Because there are some people on this board actually, deep-down wanting IU to lose so that it will give credence to their "fire Crean" agenda. Personally, I am a die-hard alumni of IU, and I hate to watch my team play this poorly, and frankly almost all of that I lay at the feet of our coach.

But what is dispicable is people laughing about IU losing, or hoping that we lose. You know who does that? Fans of Purdue, Kentucky, Illinois, etc., etc. I have started to hate coming to this board, and I used to love reading posts and commenting on here. But Good God, it just gets ridiculous when you have people more excited when we lose than when we win, and those same people post the same diatribe ad nauseum over, and over, and over again. That was all that I was trying to point out....
Well I am not excited that we lose....that is why I have "an agenda" Crean is a very very bad basketball coach. What people are laughing at us the lack of improvement, his shit show of roster management, his play faster mantra when his team turns the ball over 20 times a game, and his pure lack of defensive teaching. It's flat embarrassing. Recruiting has slid as well and this roster will have major turnover once again next season.
I was thinking he could last the year, but I no longer think we can wait. He can cause serious long term damage to the program. The risk is just too great now, imo. He must be fired asap and we go with whatever the rest of the season. He very well could ruin IU. We cannot wait.
Well I am not excited that we lose....that is why I have "an agenda" Crean is a very very bad basketball coach. What people are laughing at us the lack of improvement, his shit show of roster management, his play faster mantra when his team turns the ball over 20 times a game, and his pure lack of defensive teaching. It's flat embarrassing. Recruiting has slid as well and this roster will have major turnover once again next season.
And right here, Van, is a perfect example of what I was talking about in my reply to you. How many times has bsmitty08 gleefully told us all about how bad that IU is, how terrible of a coach that Crean is.....on and on and on. Rinse, repeat. Do you think people like him get any joy in watching IU actually win? I bet this guy gets mad when we blow out a team like Creighton (a game that I attended), because he doesn't get his moment in the sun on Peegs to post 45 messages in an hour about how much that we suck.

I am personally over the bad play, Crean's coaching, etc. I want better. But my God, getting your jollys from watching my alma mater getting beat and then profusely sweating over your keyboard as you gleefully type "Crean's awful, IU stinks" for @#$% millionth time on Peegs is not the way to instigate change. All that person is doing is trying to drag everyone else on the message board down to their own miserable level of personal contempt and rage. Repeating the same diatribe every time is frankly pointless. All that these particular people are doing is trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are....
No reason for the board to melt down or get all bent out of shape. This is IU basketball with Tommy as the coach. Apathy has set in for me
You are soooo off-base in your comment, Van. If you only knew me better....

Where in my post did I say anything about supporting Crean, or being OK with losing, etc.? You jumped to a conclusion, when my post merely predicted a message board meltdown (correctly) and to see who would post the most times venting their negative frustrations. Why? Because there are some people on this board actually, deep-down wanting IU to lose so that it will give credence to their "fire Crean" agenda. Personally, I am a die-hard alumni of IU, and I hate to watch my team play this poorly, and frankly almost all of that I lay at the feet of our coach.

But what is dispicable is people laughing about IU losing, or hoping that we lose. You know who does that? Fans of Purdue, Kentucky, Illinois, etc., etc. I have started to hate coming to this board, and I used to love reading posts and commenting on here. But Good God, it just gets ridiculous when you have people more excited when we lose than when we win, and those same people post the same diatribe ad nauseum over, and over, and over again. That was all that I was trying to point out....

You're a dork masking your pro Crean feelings behind the true fan shtick.

This board is full of guys like you. We hardly need another excuse.
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And right here, Van, is a perfect example of what I was talking about in my reply to you. How many times has bsmitty08 gleefully told us all about how bad that IU is, how terrible of a coach that Crean is.....on and on and on. Rinse, repeat. Do you think people like him get any joy in watching IU actually win? I bet this guy gets mad when we blow out a team like Creighton (a game that I attended), because he doesn't get his moment in the sun on Peegs to post 45 messages in an hour about how much that we suck.

I am personally over the bad play, Crean's coaching, etc. I want better. But my God, getting your jollys from watching my alma mater getting beat and then profusely sweating over your keyboard as you gleefully type "Crean's awful, IU stinks" for @#$% millionth time on Peegs is not the way to instigate change. All that person is doing is trying to drag everyone else on the message board down to their own miserable level of personal contempt and rage. Repeating the same diatribe every time is frankly pointless. All that these particular people are doing is trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are....
Yes I so look forward to posting about our negative play! You know nothing about Me you think I am excited about us being bad. You have always defended Crean and bashed me on here even though I have been correct.
You're a dork masking your pro Crean feelings behind the true fan shtick.

This board is full of guys like you. We hardly need another excuse.

Sounds like my post struck a bit of a nerve....

Where did I say "true fan"? Any time that I read "true fan(s)" in a post, I immediately stop reading.

I said in both posts that I disapprove of Crean and his coaching skills. Any other way that you would like to twist my words some more?

IU Class of 1990....wanna dispute that too? Guess my class rings in my sig pic are out of a bubble gum machine in your eyes....
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