Largest study to date on Long Covid risk factors

outside shooter

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 23, 2001
This is a JAMA just-published study from Columbia University.

Almost 5,000 patients were followed. While the median time for recovery was 20 days, 1 in 5 took more than 90 days to be free of COVID symptoms. Several factors were found to be associated with prolonged COVID recovery time. There was a longer time to recovery if you are…

-unvaccinated (the affect of boosters was less clear; the authors state that the boosted patient population was underpowered)
-a woman (Curiously, women report on average less severe illness but more prolonged / lingering symptoms)
-an American Indian or Alaska Native
-a person with pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD)
-a person who was infected earlier in the pandemic, pre-omicron

There were other categories with no statistical difference upon time to recovery, including if you are…
-a diabetic (somewhat surprising)
-a person with chronic lung disease (also surprising)
-a person with diagnosed mental health disorders

The paper's conclusions paragraph, verbatim: This cohort study found that 1 in 5 adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 did not fully recover by 3 months post infection in a racially and ethnically diverse US population-based sample. Recovery by 90 days was less likely in women and participants with prepandemic clinical CVD. Vaccination prior to infection and infection during the Omicron variant wave were associated with greater recovery, which was partially mediated by reduced acute infection severity. Results were similar for reinfections. Further investigation on the longer-term prognosis and mechanisms of PCC, including comparisons of multiorgan structure and function before and after infection, is critical to inform treatment and prevention.

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This is a JAMA just-published study from Columbia University.

Almost 5,000 patients were followed. While the median time for recovery was 20 days, 1 in 5 took more than 90 days to be free of COVID symptoms. Several factors were found to be associated with prolonged COVID recovery time. There was a longer time to recovery if you are…

-unvaccinated (the affect of boosters was less clear; the authors state that the boosted patient population was underpowered)
-a woman (Curiously, women report on average less severe illness but more prolonged / lingering symptoms)
-an American Indian or Alaska Native
-a person with pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD)
-a person who was infected earlier in the pandemic, pre-omicron

There were other categories with no statistical difference upon time to recovery, including if you are…
-a diabetic (somewhat surprising)
-a person with chronic lung disease (also surprising)
-a person with diagnosed mental health disorders

The paper's conclusions paragraph, verbatim: This cohort study found that 1 in 5 adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 did not fully recover by 3 months post infection in a racially and ethnically diverse US population-based sample. Recovery by 90 days was less likely in women and participants with prepandemic clinical CVD. Vaccination prior to infection and infection during the Omicron variant wave were associated with greater recovery, which was partially mediated by reduced acute infection severity. Results were similar for reinfections. Further investigation on the longer-term prognosis and mechanisms of PCC, including comparisons of multiorgan structure and function before and after infection, is critical to inform treatment and prevention.

Thanks, sending to two people I know with long COVID symptoms.
My daughter's long covid is finally waning. She has the summer off from grad school and so last month she resumed her 2,650-mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, Mexico to Canada. She got about halfway in 2021 and stopped with severe fatigue.
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My wife is going on year 4 of no taste or smell.

It doesn't sound horrible, but dinner dates are basically pointless at this point. She'd rather save the money and have a grilled cheese then go have a steak... they taste the same to her she says.
Does she eat super healthy then?
Does she eat super healthy then?

She's generally eaten healthy since I've known her.

Lots of fruits... grapes, strawberries, bananas. She eats lots of salads. Veggies she'll do, but some of it is a texture thing I think.

It's weird, but she says she can feel the hotness, so when she does eat dinner food, if she can get something spicy, she's generally a happy camper.
She's generally eaten healthy since I've known her.

Lots of fruits... grapes, strawberries, bananas. She eats lots of salads. Veggies she'll do, but some of it is a texture thing I think.

It's weird, but she says she can feel the hotness, so when she does eat dinner food, if she can get something spicy, she's generally a happy camper.
so wild.
She's generally eaten healthy since I've known her.

Lots of fruits... grapes, strawberries, bananas. She eats lots of salads. Veggies she'll do, but some of it is a texture thing I think.

It's weird, but she says she can feel the hotness, so when she does eat dinner food, if she can get something spicy, she's generally a happy camper.
Happened to me when I took chemo pills for a year. I craved anything salty or spicy. Anything else was bleh.

Hope she gets over it - it's no fun.
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This is a JAMA just-published study from Columbia University.

Almost 5,000 patients were followed. While the median time for recovery was 20 days, 1 in 5 took more than 90 days to be free of COVID symptoms. Several factors were found to be associated with prolonged COVID recovery time. There was a longer time to recovery if you are…

-unvaccinated (the affect of boosters was less clear; the authors state that the boosted patient population was underpowered)
-a woman (Curiously, women report on average less severe illness but more prolonged / lingering symptoms)
-an American Indian or Alaska Native
-a person with pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD)
-a person who was infected earlier in the pandemic, pre-omicron

There were other categories with no statistical difference upon time to recovery, including if you are…
-a diabetic (somewhat surprising)
-a person with chronic lung disease (also surprising)
-a person with diagnosed mental health disorders

The paper's conclusions paragraph, verbatim: This cohort study found that 1 in 5 adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 did not fully recover by 3 months post infection in a racially and ethnically diverse US population-based sample. Recovery by 90 days was less likely in women and participants with prepandemic clinical CVD. Vaccination prior to infection and infection during the Omicron variant wave were associated with greater recovery, which was partially mediated by reduced acute infection severity. Results were similar for reinfections. Further investigation on the longer-term prognosis and mechanisms of PCC, including comparisons of multiorgan structure and function before and after infection, is critical to inform treatment and prevention.

I'd blame the Chinese, but you don't seem to give a fvck that they completely ruined people's lives.
My wife is going on year 4 of no taste or smell.

It doesn't sound horrible, but dinner dates are basically pointless at this point. She'd rather save the money and have a grilled cheese then go have a steak... they taste the same to her she says.
That sucks. Sorry for your wife.
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it's a legit question to ask. If you are of the opinion that the Chinese hate America and that they created a bioweapon to intentionally release, why did they then intentionally release it first on the population of China?

That would like be if our resident HVAC expert decided that he hates non-Americans and so he designed HVAC time bombs to be installed in foreign buildings. Starting with... Denver Colorado. Hmmmm....
it's a legit question to ask. If you are of the opinion that the Chinese hate America and that they created a bioweapon to intentionally release, why did they then intentionally release it first on the population of China?

That would like be if our resident HVAC expert decided that he hates non-Americans and so he designed HVAC time bombs to be installed in foreign buildings. Starting with... Denver Colorado. Hmmmm....
Do you think China’s ruling class gives a damn about their people? They could lose millions and it makes no difference.

Personally I think they were developing this as a weapon but it escaped the lab by accident. After it escaped they didn’t give a damn about helping the world figure out what happened and getting a treatment.
it's a legit question to ask. If you are of the opinion that the Chinese hate America and that they created a bioweapon to intentionally release, why did they then intentionally release it first on the population of China?

That would like be if our resident HVAC expert decided that he hates non-Americans and so he designed HVAC time bombs to be installed in foreign buildings. Starting with... Denver Colorado. Hmmmm....
Honest question. Did someone here continually make the argument that it was an intentional release, instead of a lab leak?

The theory that the Fauci gang was fighting was a lab leak, not an order to unleash the Kraken.
Honest question. Did someone here continually make the argument that it was an intentional release
Absolutely. McMurt for one. He's made several posts including at least one recently insisting that we can thank Science for intentionally inflicting COVID on us.
Absolutely. McMurt for one. He's made several posts including at least one recently insisting that we can thank Science for intentionally inflicting COVID on us.
Link the several posts where I said it was an intentional leak.
But yes I do believe it was a lab leak. Not intentional. Negligence. And I agree with jdb china got off easy. Bc what can we do.

I don’t know for certain but that’s my bet based on china’s actions thereafter.
Here the most recent:’s-legacy.242743/#post-4091505

"We’re all very grateful to science for saving us from the disease science created."

So, You aren't just saying that the virus was manufactured, you are saying that the entire disease itself was intentionally created, implying an intent to spread the disease itself.
You can be this stupid so I won’t give you the benefit of the doubt. It was intentionally created but not intentionally released. The release was more likely negligence.

Gain of function exists to intentionally juice up viruses to make them more contagious. That’s intentional. If negligence gives rise to a leak that is not intentional. Do you understand?

And yes science saved some of us from a disease science created
It was intentionally created but not intentionally released. The release was more likely negligence.
Words matter, You absolutely did NOT say, merely, that the VIRUS was created. You said that the DISEASE ITSELF was created. That implies the virus AND its transmission
Words matter, You absolutely did NOT say, merely, that the VIRUS was created. You said that the DISEASE ITSELF was created. That implies the virus AND its transmission
Whatever the most dangerous thing you can conceive of that you can accuse them of creating I would believe. That does not mean that I believe they intentionally released it on the world to do harm.

Their efforts to block and delay inspectors and limit access allows for sterilizing spoliation etc and gives rise to my belief as does reading about gain of function research. I believe nerds are studying very dangerous things without the safety guards necessary. We’ve since stopped funding that lab

I believe they did something really bad and through negligence it was leaked
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Words matter, You absolutely did NOT say, merely, that the VIRUS was created. You said that the DISEASE ITSELF was created. That implies the virus AND its transmission
Words do matter, and saying science created it doesn't mean you think it was also purposefully released. Gotta agree with Murt on this one. This is dangerously approaching the potato level logic from Purdoofan on the freebie, who's arguing that saying "that will never happen" doesn't mean it won't ever happen in the future.
Words do matter, and saying science created it doesn't mean you think it was also purposefully released.
Saying that science created the VIRUS indeed doesn't mean that you think it was intentionally released

Saying that science CREATED THE DISEASE ITSELF implies something much more insidious than merely tinkering with the virus, such as by doing gain-of-function research. Which doesn't even imply being able to do direct gene insertions, by the way.

If you had a lab, you could do gain-of-function research and never handle genetic material. The most common gain of function research for SARS-CoV-2, for example, who be to evolve resistance. Say, expose a virus culture to a lesser amount of Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir) than would be required to kill >90% of the virus particles. Collect the surviving 10% of viruses and let them reproduce to reach the number you had before. Then treat this virus colony with just a little bit higher level of Paxlovid. Grow up the surviving viruses again. Do this 10 times.

Guess what ? You now have a super-virus, totally resistant to a drug that had been valuable but now is suddenly worthless, at least this this form of the virus.

That type of experiment is expressly forbidden by the NIH and the WHO, for fear that the engineered supervirus might escape the lab.

One might argue that sooner or later resistance to any drug will emerge naturally, and so getting a handle on what other drugs might work really would have value. But you can't go there. Too risky.
Saying that science created the VIRUS indeed doesn't mean that you think it was intentionally released

Saying that science CREATED THE DISEASE ITSELF implies something much more insidious than merely tinkering with the virus, such as by doing gain-of-function research. Which doesn't even imply being able to do direct gene insertions, by the way.

If you had a lab, you could do gain-of-function research and never handle genetic material. The most common gain of function research for SARS-CoV-2, for example, who be to evolve resistance. Say, expose a virus culture to a lesser amount of Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir) than would be required to kill >90% of the virus particles. Collect the surviving 10% of viruses and let them reproduce to reach the number you had before. Then treat this virus colony with just a little bit higher level of Paxlovid. Grow up the surviving viruses again. Do this 10 times.

Guess what ? You now have a super-virus, totally resistant to a drug that had been valuable but now is suddenly worthless, at least this this form of the virus.

That type of experiment is expressly forbidden by the NIH and the WHO, for fear that the engineered supervirus might escape the lab.

One might argue that sooner or later resistance to any drug will emerge naturally, and so getting a handle on what other drugs might work really would have value. But you can't go there. Too risky.

A stick figure. That doesn’t even make sense. You’ve been told to stick to monosyllabic grunts. That’s your lane. Nothing more. It’s beyond you.
A stick figure whacking off is much more substance than you usually deliver. True dream team performance, there.
Stay in your tiny little lane, offering opinions on ex-wives, self-love, and having teenaged kids
As I said. No one is wrong more than shitter. What’s really sad is you held yourself out as the resident expert on Covid and no one was more wrong about Covid than you. So really you only have one lane. And because you’re such a piss pits little nerd it’s on the sidewalk.

Now piss off. I’m watching euros and enjoying WHITE BOY SUMMER

The Ruling Class is still fighting to hide the data, but e-mails are now getting exposed that tell the tale - it was a lab leak from a gain-of-function lab.

Fauci lied to hide what the citizens could not abide.

Millions died.

But Rand smoked weed in college, so don’t listen to him.


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