
What bandwagon? On one side are people calling for an investigation. On the other are people foaming at the mouth. Let’s find out what facts can be determined, then make up our minds about Kavanaugh.

Well it appears she does not want to talk and the investigation begins and ends with her basically. She says she wants the FBI to take a look into things. They already did and said that there is nothing there for them to look at. This is not a federal law issue. The FBI would not be the investigative body for this.
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I would not say that we should even be at that point yet. We do not even know that A)something even occurred. That would be the first thing to establish. I think Ford may believe that something occurred, but I do not think we totally have an idea of what occurred. B)We do not know who was involved. If she is at a party where drinking was occurring, then her memory may be fuzzy as well.

There would need to be an establishment of what happened first, before you could get into any talk of "boys being boys" or whatever.

I knew at 17 what was and was not acceptable. I would hold my own children to that standard. What I am not willing to do is jump on board this particular bandwagon because there is a whole lot about this that just reeks IMO. And frankly, I would feel the same if this were a Democrat as well. It is not fair to ruin a specific person with this flimsy of an accusation. I need more.
But there have been many people saying hey he was only a kid, hormones, horseplay, etc. Both here and on the news we’ve heard those excuses.
Well it appears she does not want to talk and the investigation begins and ends with her basically. She says she wants the FBI to take a look into things. They already did and said that there is nothing there for them to look at. This is not a federal law issue. The FBI would not be the investigative body for this.
She hasn’t said she won’t testify. She’s said that she wants the FBI to investigate this as a continuation of the background investigation the FBI has already done. The FBI has not investigated her allegations. It lacks authority to do so now only because the White House won’t reopen the FBI background investigation.
Well it appears she does not want to talk and the investigation begins and ends with her basically. She says she wants the FBI to take a look into things. They already did and said that there is nothing there for them to look at. This is not a federal law issue. The FBI would not be the investigative body for this.
They looked into things before they knew about this allegation. I’m sure the FBI looked into Clarence Thomas before Anita Hill came forward also. The investigation took 3 days. Why wouldn’t both parties want an investigation? If he gets confirmed and other proof or allegations come forward, this is going to be even more of a debacle. I guarantee you Ronan Farrow is on this as we speak. I am not familiar with this particular prep school, but some of their reputation is about like the Catholic Church these days, so it’s not surprising the boys club would stick together. At this point, I’d give the FBI a few days to investigate and then if they want a day for a hearing do that, and vote by the end of next week.
How everyday Americans will view this come election day:

Conservatives: Ford refused to testify because she's lying.

Independents: There should have been an investigation.

Liberals: Republicans didn't believe Ford because they are sexist men.

They looked into things before they knew about this allegation. I’m sure the FBI looked into Clarence Thomas before Anita Hill came forward also. The investigation took 3 days. Why wouldn’t both parties want an investigation? If he gets confirmed and other proof or allegations come forward, this is going to be even more of a debacle. I guarantee you Ronan Farrow is on this as we speak. I am not familiar with this particular prep school, but some of their reputation is about like the Catholic Church these days, so it’s not surprising the boys club would stick together. At this point, I’d give the FBI a few days to investigate and then if they want a day for a hearing do that, and vote by the end of next week.

I thought that Feinstein specifically passed this on to the FBI after receiving the letter and they turned it down. Is that not correct?
A woman has plausibly accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape. But all you can see is Republicans and Democrats. That’s a you problem.
I see a Democrat, from California, a Woman who was so severely impacted by the incident her entire life that she
1) doesn’t remember when, or where it happened, but remembers that the therapist was wrong it wasn’t 4 people it was two.
2) she was so impacted she managed to achieve what a mere 3.27% of the population has achieved in life and that is a doctorate.
3) Sen. Feinstein sits on the letter until the 11th hour
4) now wanting an investigation before being interviewed
5) a woman that has found no other reason to come forward on Kav in 35 years until a nomination to Supreme Court. Why? What is so special about now? We know why.

This all points to nothing more than any means necessary to delay the vote until after the midterms. I say she should be open to prosecution and civil liability if found untrue or unfounded.
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It is looking very much like Monday is actually crap-or-get-off-the-pot time for Ford. If she testifies, fine. If she doesn't, fine, too.
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I thought that Feinstein specifically passed this on to the FBI after receiving the letter and they turned it down. Is that not correct?
The FBI turned it down because they’d concluded their background investigation, and have no authority to resume the background investigation unless the White House asks them to reopen it. The White House won’t do that because Republicans don’t want Ford’s allegations investigated.

That’s the real issue now: Will Ford’s allegations be investigated or not? It’s Republicans who want to make sure this is only seen as a he said she said. That’s the easiest way to discredit the allegations. Republicans want to force a vote before there could be an investigation.
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Broadly speaking, there are two types of American women and men.

Type 1. Women who'd like to be raped by someone like Trump. Their counterparts are men who have raped or who'd like to but don't have the guts to rape women. These people support Trump.

Type 2. Women and men with self-respect. These people would never support Trump.

Think about it.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of American women and men.

Type 1. Women who'd like to be raped by someone like Trump. Their counterparts are men who have raped or who'd like to but don't have the guts to rape women. These people support Trump.

Type 2. Women and men with self-respect. These people would never support Trump.

Think about it.
If you had any self respect you would never be a democrat.
Children are watching: “Hello, high school student here. I would just like to say that the emergence of this whole “teenage boys should get a pass because they’re not mature enough to understand consent “ narrative is probably one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever witnessed. “

One of the big things I'd hate to see us forget, zeke, is that teenage boys screw up. And some that grow up to be really decent people screw up in ways that might look something like what is alleged against Kavanaugh. I forgive a lot more in 17-year old boys (and girls) than I do in 50-year old long as they own mistakes they make, face the consequences, and learn from them. When they don't, they grow up to become lesser 50-year old men.
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Well it appears she does not want to talk and the investigation begins and ends with her basically. She says she wants the FBI to take a look into things. They already did and said that there is nothing there for them to look at. This is not a federal law issue. The FBI would not be the investigative body for this.
The investigation wouldn’t begin and end with Ford. There were others at the party. Other details Ford might remember could lead in new directions. Again, it’s the unknowns that would be investigated. We won’t know unless there’s an investigation. It’s bizarre to say we shouldn’t investigate because of the unknowns.
One of the big things I'd hate to see us forget, zeke, is that teenage boys screw up. And ones you grow up to be really decent people screw up in ways that might look something like what is alleged against Kavanaugh. I forgive a lot more in 17-year old boys (and girls) than I do in 50-year old long as they own mistakes they make, face the consequences, and learn from them. When they don't, they grow up to become lesser 50-year old men.

This is certainly true in general and we're a country that has routinely allowed second, third, fourth chances, but in this particular case I think we could probably all agree that the highest standard ought be the baseline. This isn't a bank manager position. This one should be a simple yes he did or no he didn't. I don't think there's room for arguing the gray in this instance.
I see a Democrat, from California, a Woman who was so severely impacted by the incident her entire life that she
1) doesn’t remember when, or where it happened, but remembers that the therapist was wrong it wasn’t 4 people it was two.
2) she was so impacted she managed to achieve what a mere 3.27% of the population has achieved in life and that is a doctorate.
3) Sen. Feinstein sits on the letter until the 11th hour
4) now wanting an investigation before being interviewed
5) a woman that has found no other reason to come forward on Kav in 35 years until a nomination to Supreme Court. Why? What is so special about now? We know why.

This all points to nothing more than any means necessary to delay the vote until after the midterms. I say she should be open to prosecution and civil liability if found untrue or unfounded.
It’s amazing the number of people who spout off about things they know nothing about. Do some research on how sexual abuse can impact a person. I know that’s too much to ask....
Broadly speaking, there are two types of American women and men.

Type 1. Women who'd like to be raped by someone like Trump. Their counterparts are men who have raped or who'd like to but don't have the guts to rape women. These people support Trump.

Type 2. Women and men with self-respect. These people would never support Trump.

Think about it.

I thought about it....and concluded you are off your rocker.
One of the big things I'd hate to see us forget, zeke, is that teenage boys screw up. And ones you grow up to be really decent people screw up in ways that might look something like what is alleged against Kavanaugh. I forgive a lot more in 17-year old boys (and girls) than I do in 50-year old long as they own mistakes they make, face the consequences, and learn from them. When they don't, they grow up to become lesser 50-year old men.
That’s true. And part of that is what we will never know, likely. Attempting rape is a little more than screwing up. Don’t we put 17 year old kids in jail for murder or attempted murder? I’d like to think that most boys, no matter how old they are, know that it is never right to lock a 15 year old girl in a room, put their hand on her mouth, and attempt to force himself on her. That’s what changed my mind from the make out session got carried away, they had a relationship, he grabbed her butt, exposed himself, etc. All those are the kind of stupid things boys do before they grow up. We are likely never going to know what really happened, but if her version is true, I wouldn’t find that so easy to forgive and forget. But an apology, if true, would be a beginning. Obviously too late for that.
I thought about it....and concluded you are off your rocker.
And I'm concluding you have no sense of humor, but in any case, you needn't vote for me... :rolleyes:


On a different note: Making false statements to the FBI is a felony. That's the number one reason to have the FBI investigate. Will Kavanaugh tell the truth? Will Judge tell the truth? Or will they break under the pressure of committing a felony? Evidently Ford isn't concerned about committing such a felony.
3 of the 4 people that Ford mentions as being at the party are now refuting her accusation.

(CNN) — In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, another former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's denies attending a party like the one described in the allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexually assaulting her three decades ago when they were teenagers.

Patrick J. Smyth attended Georgetown Prep -- an all-boys school in North Bethesda, Maryland -- alongside Kavanaugh. Both men graduated in 1983. Smyth signed a letter this summer, before the allegations against Kavanaugh were made public, testifying that Kavanaugh "is singularly qualified to be an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court," along with dozen other of the school's alumni.

Eric Bruce, who is representing Smyth, authored a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the committee. CNN has obtained a copy of the letter, which includes a quote from Smyth denying seeing any "improper conduct" from Kavanaugh.

"I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."​
Sen. Hirono: "Guess who's perpetuating all these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Do the right thing. For a change."
No Mazie I won't shut up. But I will step up. You need to put this deep-seated bigotry and misandry aside and treat men as people worthy of respect and not judge us all as members of some imaginary group you created in your overheated imagination.
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Saying "I don't remember/I don't have knowledge of the party" isn't a very strong denial, particularly when he is one of Kavanaugh's buddies.

Mark Judge & Smyth should testify under oath.

One of Dr. Ford's HS classmates has came forward to say she remembers hearing about the incident at the time it happened
In other words, there were people at the party, other than Ford, who talked about this party and this incident after it happened. Since Ford only puts Kavanaugh and Judge in the room as witnesses, we can conclude that either Kavanaugh and/or Judge talked about it while still at the party.* Not uncommon for drunk or sober guys to brag about their exploits, but the point is, there should be people who can testify that Kavanaugh and/or Judge bragged or talked about it. The truth will out.

* Of course, this is assuming the incident happened, the evidence for which is now mounting.**

** Or, as the conservatives here will say, "attempting to mount."
3 of the 4 people that Ford mentions as being at the party are now refuting her accusation.

(CNN) — In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, another former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's denies attending a party like the one described in the allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexually assaulting her three decades ago when they were teenagers.

Patrick J. Smyth attended Georgetown Prep -- an all-boys school in North Bethesda, Maryland -- alongside Kavanaugh. Both men graduated in 1983. Smyth signed a letter this summer, before the allegations against Kavanaugh were made public, testifying that Kavanaugh "is singularly qualified to be an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court," along with dozen other of the school's alumni.

Eric Bruce, who is representing Smyth, authored a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the committee. CNN has obtained a copy of the letter, which includes a quote from Smyth denying seeing any "improper conduct" from Kavanaugh.

"I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."​
Maybe someone should investigate that.
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3 of the 4 people that Ford mentions as being at the party are now refuting her accusation.

(CNN) — In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, another former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's denies attending a party like the one described in the allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexually assaulting her three decades ago when they were teenagers.

Patrick J. Smyth attended Georgetown Prep -- an all-boys school in North Bethesda, Maryland -- alongside Kavanaugh. Both men graduated in 1983. Smyth signed a letter this summer, before the allegations against Kavanaugh were made public, testifying that Kavanaugh "is singularly qualified to be an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court," along with dozen other of the school's alumni.

Eric Bruce, who is representing Smyth, authored a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the committee. CNN has obtained a copy of the letter, which includes a quote from Smyth denying seeing any "improper conduct" from Kavanaugh.

"I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."​

"Smythe"? Really? Whatever you may believe, can we all just agree that, based on name alone, this guy is an entitled, elitist snob d-bag?

Saying "I don't remember/I don't have knowledge of the party" isn't a very strong denial, particularly when he is one of Kavanaugh's buddies.

Mark Judge & Smyth should testify under oath.

That is a lawyer speak.

Honestly, in a situation like this, any lawyer worth their salt would advise their client to be vague.
Sen. Hirono: "Guess who's perpetuating all these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Do the right thing. For a change."
No Mazie I won't shut up. But I will step up. You need to put this deep-seated bigotry and misandry aside and treat men as people worthy of respect and not judge us all as members of some imaginary group you created in your overheated imagination.
It’s amazing the number of people who spout off about things they know nothing about. Do some research on how sexual abuse can impact a person. I know that’s too much to ask....
Well I actually was accosted at 10 yrs old by two men in a Hotel swimming pool as we had just moved into California . I know a little about it. My sister was accosted by an elederly man when she was young and before I was born.

I got away much like this lady did. I went on with my life as she did. This is absolute BS
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Well I actually was accosted at 10 yrs old by two men in a Hotel swimming pool as we had just moved into California . I know a little about it. My sister was accosted by an elederly man when she was young and before I was born.

I got away much like this lady did. I went on with my life as she did. This is absolute BS

What is BS?
3 of the 4 people that Ford mentions as being at the party are now refuting her accusation.

(CNN) — In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, another former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's denies attending a party like the one described in the allegation made by Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexually assaulting her three decades ago when they were teenagers.

Patrick J. Smyth attended Georgetown Prep -- an all-boys school in North Bethesda, Maryland -- alongside Kavanaugh. Both men graduated in 1983. Smyth signed a letter this summer, before the allegations against Kavanaugh were made public, testifying that Kavanaugh "is singularly qualified to be an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court," along with dozen other of the school's alumni.

Eric Bruce, who is representing Smyth, authored a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the committee. CNN has obtained a copy of the letter, which includes a quote from Smyth denying seeing any "improper conduct" from Kavanaugh.

"I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as 'PJ' who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post," Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh."​
If word of mouth spread this incident at school right afterwards,

1. who do you think started the talk?
2. who do you think heard the talk?
3. would those who heard it have any motivation to deny they heard it?
4. if many people heard about it, does that call into question in your mind the Judge and Smythe statements that they "have no knowledge of the party"? That is, isn't it odd that everyone at the schools heard about it except the alleged participants?
5. if "everyone" heard about it, how does that affect your view on whether this should be investigated?
Saying "I don't remember/I don't have knowledge of the party" isn't a very strong denial, particularly when he is one of Kavanaugh's buddies.

Mark Judge & Smyth should testify under oath.

Honestly then, is there any defense that Kavanaugh could put up at this point? If they testify that nothing happened and then she gets some people to testify that she told them something did, are we not right back where we started?

There is zero defense that Kavanaugh will be able to put up that is going to exonerate him in the eyes of most of you. And to be fair, if it is just people recollecting from memories 36 years ago, if I have 2 groups each disagreeing with the other, I am not inclined to go along with her this long after whatever did or did not happen, happened.

That is the problem with bottling this stuff up for 36 years. I do support the me too movement in getting women to come out immediately when stuff like this happens. When you wait for years and years after the fact, it makes it really hard to judge if something did or did not happen. And frankly, I do not like setting up a standard where we destroy a guy's life in decades old, unprovable innuendo. Ladies, come forward immediately. We want the bad dudes taken care of as well. You make it harder to judge when they are allowed to get away with it for years.
Based on where they all grew up, there is the potential that they all suffer from those maladies.

One thing they are all appear guilty of, being spoiled rich kids. I don't blame them for the partying, knowing they face a life of wealth and privilege has to be daunting and some alcohol would take the edge off that. But we can't assume she's lying or he's guilty of the charge at hand.
Honestly then, is there any defense that Kavanaugh could put up at this point? If they testify that nothing happened and then she gets some people to testify that she told them something did, are we not right back where we started?

There is zero defense that Kavanaugh will be able to put up that is going to exonerate him in the eyes of most of you. And to be fair, if it is just people recollecting from memories 36 years ago, if I have 2 groups each disagreeing with the other, I am not inclined to go along with her this long after whatever did or did not happen, happened.

That is the problem with bottling this stuff up for 36 years. I do support the me too movement in getting women to come out immediately when stuff like this happens. When you wait for years and years after the fact, it makes it really hard to judge if something did or did not happen. And frankly, I do not like setting up a standard where we destroy a guy's life in decades old, unprovable innuendo. Ladies, come forward immediately. We want the bad dudes taken care of as well. You make it harder to judge when they are allowed to get away with it for years.

It's a job interview for a lifetime appointment, not a trial, so if there's doubt as to whether Kavanaugh is being truthful he shouldn't be confirmed. There's several other straws on the camel's back already between Kavanaugh's involvement in torture, etc during the Bush years, him possibly perjuring himself, his views on executive power, the Republicans rushing to get him confirmed, etc.

The burden of proof isn't the same as a trial.
If word of mouth spread this incident at school right afterwards,

1. who do you think started the talk?
2. who do you think heard the talk?
3. would those who heard it have any motivation to deny they heard it?
4. if many people heard about it, does that call into question in your mind the Judge and Smythe statements that they "have no knowledge of the party"? That is, isn't it odd that everyone at the schools heard about it except the alleged participants?
5. if "everyone" heard about it, how does that affect your view on whether this should be investigated?

Well first, I would question where the **** all these people who heard about this have been for the several months that Kavanaugh was tapped as the nominee and second, how did the FBI miss this information that was so widely known on the half a dozen background investigations they already completed on Kavanaugh.

And it does not appear that "everyone" heard about it because Kavanaugh has a bunch of former classmates that have supported him outside of those who were at the party as well. If it was wide knowledge that he assaulted a girl, would all of those non involved individuals have supported him all these years later?