
Also, you call it "the groping." That's an oddly charitable description of the attempted rape that Ford alleges. It's almost as though you're too emotionally triggered to engage on the actual merits. Maybe you need a safe space to calm down.

Only dems need safe places.

What if the FBI investigates and says they have nothing one way or the other? What happens to Kavanaugh?
I know all’s fair in politics so they should investigate past the elections. Dems win senate and then “Garland” Kavanaugh. That’s all this is about. The republicans then wait to get even. Back and forth we go.
A woman has plausibly accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape. But all you can see is Republicans and Democrats. That’s a you problem.
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A woman has plausibly accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape. But all you can see is Republicans and Democrats. That’s a you problem.
No all you see is a chance to block a supreme court judge that Trump picked. So quit your BS.
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The Dems have caused this type of environment . Put aside the delay tactic which is what this is about, pushing the nomination out until after the mid terms. One only has to go to Harry Reid admitting he falsely accused Romney of not paying his taxes. The MEDIA not requiring Reid to prove he didn’t. Then after Romney lost, Reid smuggly shrugs his shoulders and says he has no regrets because it worked and Romney lost.

Lies are not above the Dems in something so central to democracy because in the liberal world, the ends justify the means.
Oh dear. I think you might have amnesia.
A woman has plausibly accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape. But all you can see is Republicans and Democrats. That’s a you problem.

Being the extremely intelligent hardass attorney you are on The WC, what would you ask this woman if you were representing Kavanaugh in court? I know this is a stretch because you wouldn’t represent a republican rapist.
What we have here are conservative men apoplectic over the possibility that a woman who has accused a man of sexual assault might be believed.

Check the emotional content of the posts in this thread. On one hand you have people calling for the facts to be investigated. On the other hand you have people foaming at the mouth.

If there's a blue wave this November, it will be wearing a pussy hat.
For the first time ever, I put a bunch of people on ignore while reading this thread. The underlying tones are seen here often, but the out and out full on rage on this topic has brought out such misogyny in a few of our conservative friends that they don’t even attempt to hide it. Reading this board will be a lot quicker for me in the future. I have no interest in dealing with people like that and I don’t really care to try to understand their reasoning. Just one more example of what MAGA really meant to some people.
Being the extremely intelligent hardass attorney you are on The WC, what would you ask this woman if you were representing Kavanaugh in court? I know this is a stretch because you wouldn’t represent a republican rapist.
Beats me. I couldn’t develop an effective cross examination on the little information I have now. If I wanted to do more than sneer and fulminate I’d need to investigate first.
Ford and her lawyers are clearly working with and for the Democrats. All they've tried to do is delay, delay, and delay some more the Kavanaugh vote. They'd love to push it past the midterms so Donnelly, Heitkamp, McKaskill, etc... don't have to make a tough vote before Election Day. Then if the Dems win the Senate, Shumer will scream "a lame duck Senate shouldn't vote on this nominee. Wait until the new Congress." This is all a game being played.
So your take is that Ford made the allegation up, sacrificed everything her life now is , in order to make sure some senators in a few red states don’t have to make a difficult vote? Quite a lady! Quite a take....
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For Ford to come forward with this false accusation someone has paid her or one of her relatives big money, Probably her Attorney.
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Children are watching: “Hello, high school student here. I would just like to say that the emergence of this whole “teenage boys should get a pass because they’re not mature enough to understand consent “ narrative is probably one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever witnessed. “
I would advise Ford to not testify unless she is subpoenaed. Her life may already be ruined by being identified as having sent the letter. She may be a nut but the vilification of her when she may be trying to do this country a service is deplorable. If she wasn’t wanting to testify then her identity should not have been revealed. I don’t think anyone but with suicidal tendencies would have wanted to put themselves in the position she finds herself.

If she is a true nut then it would be better that this be investigated in a better way than a full senate hearing as it never should have gotten this far. Kavanaugh doesn’t need to be put in a position either if Ford is just a person that is confused mentally.

This whole process has been handled poorly and will continue to be as Garland should have been given a hearing and Kavanaugh’s nomination should not be rushed through just to beat the mid-term elections.
For the first time ever, I put a bunch of people on ignore while reading this thread. The underlying tones are seen here often, but the out and out full on rage on this topic has brought out such misogyny in a few of our conservative friends that they don’t even attempt to hide it. Reading this board will be a lot quicker for me in the future. I have no interest in dealing with people like that and I don’t really care to try to understand their reasoning. Just one more example of what MAGA really meant to some people.
I can only imagine what the posters I ignore are saying. We seem to have a Rohrschach test for sexist conservatives.
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Here let me help her memory. She was 15 and wearing a one piece bathing suit, she could comfortably narrow that down to May to September of... the year she was 15. That is unless it was an indoor pool. Can she remember if this house had an indoor or outdoor pool? If not we are back to square one.
No, Sir. Wrong (or lying) again. This matter was sent to the FBI and TWICE they said they wouldn't investigate it as they have no jurisdiction over the offense alleged. You're a lawyer. Surely you know that when the event reportedly occurred, the male person in the event was a juvenile and adult jurisdiction didn't attach. At some time in the last 35 years a local juvenile action might have survived the statute of limitations.

But like liberals we see every day, you folks just want to bend the law to meet your leftist political intentions. You're just wrong. Oh, and the FBI has twice denied getting involved because they know there is no federal jurisdiction

I am curious as to what has changed, there was an FBI investigation into Thomas/Hill. It took 3 days. Has the law changed as to what the FBI can investigate?
Beats me. I couldn’t develop an effective cross examination on the little information I have now. If I wanted to do more than sneer and fulminate I’d need to investigate first.

I see you liked your own post.

There’s not much to investigate here. No information.

Looks like none of this matters. If she doesn’t testify in private or public the vote is going forward.
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Children are watching: “Hello, high school student here. I would just like to say that the emergence of this whole “teenage boys should get a pass because they’re not mature enough to understand consent “ narrative is probably one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever witnessed. “

I would not say that we should even be at that point yet. We do not even know that A)something even occurred. That would be the first thing to establish. I think Ford may believe that something occurred, but I do not think we totally have an idea of what occurred. B)We do not know who was involved. If she is at a party where drinking was occurring, then her memory may be fuzzy as well.

There would need to be an establishment of what happened first, before you could get into any talk of "boys being boys" or whatever.

I knew at 17 what was and was not acceptable. I would hold my own children to that standard. What I am not willing to do is jump on board this particular bandwagon because there is a whole lot about this that just reeks IMO. And frankly, I would feel the same if this were a Democrat as well. It is not fair to ruin a specific person with this flimsy of an accusation. I need more.
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I just want someone on the supreme court that is not for killing babies! But I would support sterilizing everyone on welfare.

Almost 1100 posts in this thread and no one has yet had the guts to ask the obvious question.

Which happens first? Someone is successfully confirmed to the court? Or, Bieber and Baldwin announce their separation?
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As to the year, as a pre-teen a semi crossed the center line and hit our car. My mother was killed, my father critically injured, and I suffered a pretty serious concussion and a head injury. I can't tell you which year that was. I can tell you where it was, in large part because about 10 years later Landon Turner had a wreck in the exact same spot. I know some of you believe every human has an eidetic memory. Sadly, most of us do not. I'm not shocked she can't remember those details (assuming she is telling the truth which is tbd). If it all happened, the brain may well not remember the associative events because the bright light of the event itself makes everything else fade into the dark. I've heard a lot of combat veterans say things like "I don't remember how I made it back to our lines". It happens. It certainly doesn't help her point to not remember, but it is a far cry from proof it is made up.
Mobley curves out on 46 headed towards Greensburg . . . that was/is a nasty stretch of road.

I had thought that the Indiana DOT was going to redesign and reconstruct that stretch after Turner's accident . . .

. . . Marv, I am so sorry to hear about your mother, and your dad, too. You seem to be OK, but that has to have been a traumatizing event. Be well . . . .
Almost 1100 posts in this thread and no one has yet had the guts to ask the obvious question.

Which happens first? Someone is successfully confirmed to the court? Or, Bieber and Baldwin announce their separation?
Man that’s not even funny, Justin doesn’t deserve this.
I would not say that we should even be at that point yet. We do not even know that A)something even occurred. That would be the first thing to establish. I think Ford may believe that something occurred, but I do not think we totally have an idea of what occurred. B)We do not know who was involved. If she is at a party where drinking was occurring, then her memory may be fuzzy as well.

There would need to be an establishment of what happened first, before you could get into any talk of "boys being boys" or whatever.

I knew at 17 what was and was not acceptable. I would hold my own children to that standard. What I am not willing to do is jump on board this particular bandwagon because there is a whole lot about this that just reeks IMO. And frankly, I would feel the same if this were a Democrat as well. It is not fair to ruin a specific person with this flimsy of an accusation. I need more.
What bandwagon? On one side are people calling for an investigation. On the other are people foaming at the mouth. Let’s find out what facts can be determined, then make up our minds about Kavanaugh.
Sexual assault is not partisan. When the allegation surfaced is irrelevant. The only people making this a partisan issue are those blocking the investigation.

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