
Trump isn’t the party and he certainly doesn’t represent all Republicans.

Wait, what?


He's yours. Deal with it.
Call denied. There are very few Republicans in Congress guarding the character and integrity of our nation TODAY. The voters of this nation got duped by a used-car salesman and only Democrats, by and large, are demanding a course correction.
A used car salesman? You must have a high opinion of our so-called president! :rolleyes:
K didn't say he doesn't remember. He said it never happened. Key difference, especially for someone who was hardly forthcoming about other things he said.

Plus, another key element to your argument that is specious -- the hypothetical that we've all done something that could be mis-remembered or whatever. I'll call BS on that. There's a reason most of us don't get accused.

I know surgeons who have never been sued in four decades of practice.
Call BS all you want, but you’ll be wrong. There is zero doubt, ZERO, that people remember events differently. Often to the point it doesn’t even sound like the same event. Are you seriously disagreeing with that? Have you ever heard of the Innocence Project? Can’t do the fancy link think on my phone for some reason:
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So you’re saying it’s true as far as you’re concerned and that Democrats, being the fine upstanding guardians of America’s integrity and character (they obviously are far better people than Republicans), would dump him over this. Yeah, right.
And it would take more than this for me to believe he should be dumped. Memories are tricky things. I vividly remember something that happened early in our marriage (just passed 29 years) that was significant to me and humorous. So humorous I’ve probably told the story to friends a dozen times. I was telling the story to a couple mutual friends that we’ve known for 27 years and my wife says, “I don’t remember that!” It never occurred to me that she wouldn’t. At least she said, “I guess that happened, I just don’t remember it” so I could finish the story. It’s still funny. Of course my memory on this one is the right one.

I’d need some contemporaneous evidence that something along these lines happened and at least some evidence that this was more than a one time incident (whatever it actually was) to change my mind on his confirmation.
If it was indeed attempted rape, pretty sure she’d remember it. Although I know sometimes painful memories are suppressed.
If Judge takes his 12 Step recovery seriously, he's got a 9th Step opportunity here. If he recalls there being an incident, I'd believe him.
And if he says he didn’t remember it at all, it won’t change the minds of those that already believe it.

I bet a lot of us guys are hoping that our teenage make out sessions weren’t remembered differently than we remember them - those we remember.
And I bet you’d remember if you tried to rape someone too. This isn’t about a teenage make out session. How dismissive .
The possibility that she’s lying or has a false memory just aren’t possible in your mind?

Aloha, forget about party affilitions for a moment -- between a drunk guy lying about a attempted rape and a girl/woman accusing someone of a rape, my money's on the woman being more likely to be telling the truth, every time and twice on Sunday.
Call BS all you want, but you’ll be wrong. There is zero doubt, ZERO, that people remember events differently. Often to the point it doesn’t even sound like the same event. Are you seriously disagreeing with that? Have you ever heard of the Innovationocence Project? Can’t do the fancy link think on my phone for some reason:
Of course people remember things differently, just as they perceive things differently. But that's a strawman in this discussion. Stop using sophistry, Aloha. Or at least stop thinking others don't see right through it. Try making an argument that has some relevance to the topic being discussed. :rolleyes:
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I can see her not coming out with it in 2012, because he was prominent, but not a national figure. I think the time all of this should have come out was as soon as he was nominated.
The exact definition of politicizing the event. Wait until the perfect time to disclose the crime. Really tells me all I need to know about your true feelings of the “victim”
Of course people remember things differently, just as they perceive things differently. But that's a strawman in this discussion. Stop using sophistry, Aloha. Or at least stop thinking others don't see right through it. Try making an argument that has some relevance to the topic being discussed. :rolleyes:
Sophistry? More BS.
Seeing she has passed a lie detector test. Has that been confirmed?
Aloha, forget about party affilitions for a moment -- between a drunk guy lying about a attempted rape and a girl/woman accusing someone of a rape, my money's on the woman being more likely to be telling the truth, every time and twice on Sunday.
You’re not even being fair in your post - you assume he’s lying and she’s telling the truth (or that her memory is accurate 30 years later). Step back from party affiliations yourself.
When this "news" broke out, I was thinking, "he was just a red-blooded teenager, and it would be natural that he could've been horny and attempted to do something with the girl in question, especially with a stomach-full of alcohol. The keyword here is "attempted." Twenty years later, it would and should not amount to much. That was my original thought, and that was the reason why I did not jump into the discussion.

Now that he is vehemently denying the affair, if the truth comes out that the case actually happened, I have to conclude that he really is a rat and should not be approved for the position he is seeking. But since the senate is controlled by the Republicans, my money is on the approval.
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The exact definition of politicizing the event. Wait until the perfect time to disclose the crime. Really tells me all I need to know about your true feelings of the “victim”
Tells me all I need to know about your understanding of women who have experienced sexual assault. And there’s a whole bunch of you in this thread. I sure hope you never have anyone close to you experience it. You might then develop a little more empathy.
Tells me all I need to know about your understanding of women who have experienced sexual assault. And there’s a whole bunch of you in this thread. I sure hope you never have anyone close to you experience it. You might then develop a little more empathy.
I have plenty of empathy for victims. What I don’t accept is releasing the information only when it becomes politically convienent, some 35 years later.
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I'm not outraged. I've seen nothing in this process that I didn't fully expect so why would I be outraged?

I am outraged about the state of my golf swing. I was a single digit handicap so I didn't expect to shoot in the 90s like I have been the last couple years. That really outrages me. ;)
Time to move to the gold tees
I almost shot my first 70s round the other day until I tripled 18. Took a lot of beer for me to get over that.
Breaking 80 the first time is a psychological hurdle. Was close many times, but managed to screw it up,and then broke through with a 77. I did it the next week too. I’ve done the 70s more times than I can count, but I haven’t done it since 2008. I only have myself to blame, it takes practice to be single digit and I don’t.
I have plenty of empathy for victims. What I don’t accept is releasing the information only when it becomes politically convienent, some 35 years later.
Politically convenient? Put yourself in her situation.

If you were her, would you publicize such a shameful experience to your friends, boyfriend/husband, or especially strangers? I certainly would not.

However, if you feel that, again assuming that you were her, and you feel that Mr. K were such a scumbag in his youth, would you just sit there, laughing at the suckers (American citizens), and let the scumbag st on the highest court in America? I know I wouldn't, but I am not you.

No, I am not claiming that Mr K is a scumbag. In fact, I have no idea what kind of person he is. I just used it as a place holder from the assumed point of view of the lady.
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This is a skeptical quote:

In an interview, her husband, Russell Ford, said that in the 2012 sessions, she recounted being trapped in a room with two drunken boys, one of whom pinned her to a bed, molested her and prevented her from screaming. He said he recalled that his wife used Kavanaugh’s last name and voiced concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.

I could be reading too much into this, but this sounds off to me. In 2012, she was worried about him becoming a SCOTUS nominee?
There is nothing in this woman's statement that merits taking it seriously and a damned sight that fairly screams that it is a political hit. This nomination needs to go ahead on schedule.
This revelation can be characterized in a number of ways, but one thing looks to be certain: it's making a difference:

Flake opposes quick vote on Kavanaugh, putting confirmation in doubt

Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court hit a serious roadblock Sunday night, as GOP Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake said he is uncomfortable voting to advance Kavanaugh's nomination later this week after the nominee's sexual assault accuser went public.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who is not a member of the committee but whose vote is critical to Kavanaugh's confirmation, similarly said late Sunday that the committee should pause.
Republicans are now left wondering whether Grassley will move forward with a committee vote this week without hearing testimony from Ford. And it is still unclear if undecided moderate Collins or fellow moderate Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) will support Kavanaugh, though GOP leaders have been supremely confident in his confirmation prospects until Sunday.
A lawyer close to the White House said the nomination will not be withdrawn.

“No way, not even a hint of it,” the lawyer said. “If anything, it’s the opposite. If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”​
Politically convenient? Put yourself in her situation.

If you were her, would you publicize such a shameful experience to your friends, boyfriend/husband, or especially strangers? I certainly would not.

However, if you feel that, again assuming that you were her, and you feel that Mr. K were such a scumbag in his youth, would you just sit there, laughing at the suckers (American citizens), and let the scumbag st on the highest court in America? I know I wouldn't, but I am not you.

No, I am not claiming that Mr K is a scumbag. In fact, I have no idea what kind of person he is. I just used it as a place holder from the assumed point of view of the lady.

I think I’d be more receptive to her version of the events...or the event in general...if she’d have mentioned it to even one person at the time as opposed to a memory brought out via therapy 30 years later. I just find it difficult to accept that such a traumatic experience occurred and a teenage girl never mentioned it to a soul for 30 years. Not even a friend? I don’t think that being skeptcal about this is out of line.
I have plenty of empathy for victims. What I don’t accept is releasing the information only when it becomes politically convienent, some 35 years later.
You have zero understanding if you don’t understand that. Imagine that, someone doesn’t want their sexual abuser to be a Supreme Court Justice. She told people about it at the time and got therapy for it. Kind of like how many women kept quiet about Trump until they found out that people would actually vote for a slimeball like him. Silly women, thinking sexual abuse allegations from 19 women would make people not vote for him.
You have zero understanding if you don’t understand that. Imagine that, someone doesn’t want their sexual abuser to be a Supreme Court Justice. She told people about it at the time and got therapy for it. Kind of like how many women kept quiet about Trump until they found out that people would actually vote for a slimeball like him. Silly women, thinking sexual abuse allegations from 19 women would make people not vote for him.

Who did she tell about it at the time? Where are their statements? Did I miss something? If so, I’ll gladly change my opinion.
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This revelation can be characterized in a number of ways, but one thing looks to be certain: it's making a difference:

Flake opposes quick vote on Kavanaugh, putting confirmation in doubt

Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court hit a serious roadblock Sunday night, as GOP Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake said he is uncomfortable voting to advance Kavanaugh's nomination later this week after the nominee's sexual assault accuser went public.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who is not a member of the committee but whose vote is critical to Kavanaugh's confirmation, similarly said late Sunday that the committee should pause.
Republicans are now left wondering whether Grassley will move forward with a committee vote this week without hearing testimony from Ford. And it is still unclear if undecided moderate Collins or fellow moderate Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) will support Kavanaugh, though GOP leaders have been supremely confident in his confirmation prospects until Sunday.
A lawyer close to the White House said the nomination will not be withdrawn.

“No way, not even a hint of it,” the lawyer said. “If anything, it’s the opposite. If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”​
Chuck Grassley has said the vote will go ahead on schedule. Losing Flake's vote in committee is pretty meaningless as it will result in a tie vote and the nomination will proceed to the floor. But it is a warning sign that the rest of the moderate caucus might band together to derail the nomination.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. This alleged incident happened when Kavanaugh was in high school. How many of us did something during high school years that we look back on as stupid?
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. This alleged incident happened when Kavanaugh was in high school. How many of us did something during high school years that we look back on as stupid?

How many of us have absolutely denied those stupid things as we are up for the Supreme Court?
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. This alleged incident happened when Kavanaugh was in high school. How many of us did something during high school years that we look back on as stupid?
If it were simply "stupid", as you say, Kavanaugh could confess and apologize. Somehow I don't think that would work and still allow Kavanaugh sufficient support to get on the Supreme Court. Actually, Trump would probably pull the nomination in that event--he doesn't like people who confess and apologize. He sees it as a sign of weakness.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. This alleged incident happened when Kavanaugh was in high school. How many of us did something during high school years that we look back on as stupid?
Did you try to rape someone? Fortunately, I didn’t know anyone like that. People getting stupid drunk? Of course. Trying to rape someone? Nah.... You?
Who did she tell about it at the time? Where are their statements? Did I miss something? If so, I’ll gladly change my opinion.
I thought I saw that , but I may be wrong. I’ll look. But the lie detector test? Wonder if Kavanaugh would consent to one?
I think I’d be more receptive to her version of the events...or the event in general...if she’d have mentioned it to even one person at the time as opposed to a memory brought out via therapy 30 years later. I just find it difficult to accept that such a traumatic experience occurred and a teenage girl never mentioned it to a soul for 30 years. Not even a friend? I don’t think that being skeptcal about this is out of line.

Its pretty obvious that you dont know or understand women very well.
And now her address and phone number has been released. Her life will be a living hell. Wonder why women don’t come forward? Wonder why she wanted to remain anonymous?