
Furthermore, if true Kavanaugh lied about it to the US Senate. So any defense about how "he's changed, he's sorry, it wasn't as bad as said, he was just a kid" isn't valid for the purposes of whether he should get a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court
She doesn't remember whose house it was, how she got there, how she got home, or what year it was. Yet Kavanaugh lied because he doesn't remember this attempted make-out session?
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I didn't vote for Bill Clinton since I wasn't 18 in 1996. I voted for HW Bush in our school mock election and cried when he lost the general in 92.
Did you vote for Hillary? You know the woman who said she was going to bury the women accusing Bill of rape.
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Did you vote for Hillary? You know the woman who said she was going to bury the women accusing Bill of rape.

I voted for Obama in 2008. Never supported Clinton then and played "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" on my computer when she dropped out finally.

In 2016 I voted for Hillary after a lot of thought in both the primary/general, but I wasn't sold on Bernie being electable and obviously Trump is Bill Clinton on super steroids in regards to allegedly sexually assaulting people/having affairs.
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Pretty sure that she will not feel any torment from me. Kavanaugh may have done it, he may not have. It may be something in between. I don’t know, nor do you. Unfortunately, this type of political warfare is here to stay. And it is only going to get worse. Why anyone would ever run for any type of political office, ever, is beyond me.

The ersatz emotion around here is illustrative.

Ted Kennedy received a two-month suspended sentence and became The Lion of the Senate. Maybe Brett Kavanaugh copped a feel.
The ersatz emotion around here is illustrative.

Ted Kennedy received a two-month suspended sentence and became The Lion of the Senate. Maybe Brett Kavanaugh copped a feel.
We know Ted Kennedy, Brett Kavanaugh is no Ted Kennedy.
So your moral compass tells you its OK to vote for a man who paid $850,000 to silence a woman who accused him of rape and then later vote for his wife who promised to bury her husband's accusers? But what Kavanaugh did is outrageous? Please tell me more about this closed minded stuff you referenced.
I don’t know with certainty that you support Trump but if so I don’t see how you have room to mock anyone’s moral compass.
I don’t know with certainty that you support Trump but if so I don’t see how you have room to mock anyone’s moral compass.
What’s morals have to do with running the Country? The Kennedy family had no morals at all.
Yeah, but that doesn't count. All those guys look alike. Easy mistake to make.
Ha ha. :( That girl stuck to her story that it was me until it was proven to her that I wasn't there and the actual guy she had been making out with was identified and admitted it. Then she recognized the guy as the actual guy instead of me. We did look a little bit alike and the girl was drinking too. Black guys have gone to prison because of false accusations from women. I'm sure white guys have too but I would be shocked if it was proportional.
Oh, attempted sexual assault. That’s much better. I kept thinking it was something serious. What was your previous handle? Seems another troll rolled off the assembly line and went straight to the ignore list. Buh-bye

He's not a former poster, or even an IU fan. This is "hunkgolden" from the PU freeboard...
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I don’t know with certainty that you support Trump but if so I don’t see how you have room to mock anyone’s moral compass.
I'm not the one claiming Kavanuagh shouldn't be appointed so my compass is just fine. FWIW - I didn't vote for Hillary or Donald.
Has anyone noticed times, they are a changing. 10 years ago, maybe not even 4 years ago, Franken would never have been forced out. Weinstein clearly was not forced out back then, Moonves wasn't forced out back then. There is a huge societal difference from the era of Kennedy or Clinton.

That said, I have no idea about Kavanaugh. She has agreed to testify, the fair thing for me to do is wait and see.
Has anyone noticed times, they are a changing. 10 years ago, maybe not even 4 years ago, Franken would never have been forced out. Weinstein clearly was not forced out back then, Moonves wasn't forced out back then. There is a huge societal difference from the era of Kennedy or Clinton.

That said, I have no idea about Kavanaugh. She has agreed to testify, the fair thing for me to do is wait and see.
I'd like to know her upside in all this. I don't see any. It's not like undermining the Kavanaugh appointment is the be-all and end-all in the liberal war against conservative ideology.

Christine Blasey Ford (born c. 1967)[2] is a professor in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University. Her work specializes in designing statistical models for research projects. She has been a visiting professor at Pepperdine University, a research psychologist for Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry, and a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.[1]
In general, university professors gain or lose their reputation based on their objective scholarship. Lying in public isn't a good way to advance one's career. Why would she do this if it weren't true? I'm not saying that proves anything, but really, what does she personally stand to gain here?

To wit:

Indeed, Tiede has witnessed a growing willingness among administrators to terminate faculty for statements that damage the public image of the school; individual faculty have been summarily dismissed for offending taxpayers and the general public. As evidence of the growing sensitivity on college campuses, Tiede cited the the growing presence of trigger warnings on syllabi.​
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Aloha, forget about party affilitions for a moment -- between a drunk guy lying about a attempted rape and a girl/woman accusing someone of a rape, my money's on the woman being more likely to be telling the truth, every time and twice on Sunday.
If I went to trial on the false accusation based on nothing more than our words I guess you'd have voted to convict me. I know it didn't go to trial but that has happened to other guys. BTW you're one of my favorites here so don't take that personally. :)
If I went to trial on the false accusation based on nothing more than our words I guess you'd have voted to convict me. I know it didn't go to trial but that has happened to other guys. BTW you're one of my favorites here so don't take that personally. :)
Bear in mind, no one's talking about putting Trump Kavanaugh in prison. We're looking at an entirely different bar here. A SC justice has to clear the highest bar we set for anyone, no?
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I'd like to know her upside in all this. I don't see any. It's not like undermining the Kavanaugh appointment is the be-all and end-all in the liberal war against conservative ideology.

Christine Blasey Ford (born c. 1967)[2] is a professor in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University. Her work specializes in designing statistical models for research projects. She has been a visiting professor at Pepperdine University, a research psychologist for Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry, and a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.[1]
In general, university professors gain or lose their reputation based on their objective scholarship. Lying in public isn't a good way to advance one's career. Why would she do this if it weren't true? I'm not saying that proves anything, but really, what does she personally stand to gain here?
She's a registered dem and a professor at a college in California. It never occurred to you that her "upside" is becoming the hero who stopped the Kavanaugh nomination?
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So your moral compass tells you its OK to vote for a man who paid $850,000 to silence a woman who accused him of rape and then later vote for his wife who promised to bury her husband's accusers? But what Kavanaugh did is outrageous? Please tell me more about this closed minded stuff you referenced.
Did you vote for Trump?
Ha ha. :( That girl stuck to her story that it was me until it was proven to her that I wasn't there and the actual guy she had been making out with was identified and admitted it. Then she recogni ocked if it was proportional.

Senor Bing; you think you have it bad, think of the Asians from the1.4Billion Chinese, 110million Japanese and not to mention the Koreans and the 400 million S.E Asians. Based on my experiences, most Mid-Westerners think most Asians look alike.

Thank god I have an English public/boarding school accent and am a bit of an eye candy to most races. ;)
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I'm not outraged at all but if the allegation are true we could certainly come up with a better Supreme Court nominee than Kavanaugh. I knew plenty of guys who were really terrible to women back in the day who have made their way through life without getting in serious legal trouble but I would not want one of them to be a judge and especially not a Supreme Court judge.

At this point 35 years later exactly how is that going to be determined? She said, he said.
If I went to trial on the false accusation based on nothing more than our words I guess you'd have voted to convict me. I know it didn't go to trial but that has happened to other guys. BTW you're one of my favorites here so don't take that personally. :)

:) No offense taken. Having to live as a minority, both racially and politically for most of my life, my skin's pretty thick.

Fyi. The latest news is that she is willing to testify now.
Bear in mind, no one's talking about putting Trump Kavanaugh in prison. We're looking at an entirely different bar here. A SC justice has to clear the highest bar we set for anyone, no?
Here's what I think:

1. She should testify and Kavanaugh has the right to testify in his defense.
2. She might be telling the truth and her memory might be accurate. If they can convince Senators that she's telling the truth than he should be voted down. Or he should withdraw his nomination.
3. She might be lying or her memory might not be accurate like my accuser's wasn't accurate and that may become evident. I think they should still vote him down because I'm a Democrat and would like to see someone more moderate in his seat. ;) But I don't think he should be voted down only because of a false accusation.
4. Since I don't know whether it's true or not I sympathize with Kavanaugh because of my personal experience.
5. I sympathize with her because she might be telling the truth at least about her memory and I'm a human.

BTW the Hoosiers rolled as I hoped. It was a good game for an IU fan but hot as he!!. Next week could show IU is a force in the B1G or that they might be middle of the pack.
At this point 35 years later exactly how is that going to be determined? She said, he said.
He said she said attempted make out session? She doesn't remember what year it happened, whose house it was, how she got there, or how she got home...but she remembers him trying to remove her one piece swimsuit?
Senor Bing; you think you have it bad, think of the Asians from the1.4Billion Chinese, 110million Japanese and not to mention the Koreans and the 400 million S.E Asians. Based on my experiences, most Mid-Westerners think most Asians look alike.

Thank god I have an English public/boarding school accent and am a bit of an eye candy to most races. ;)
Eye candy? I prefer to be thought of as beefcake! ;)
Bear in mind, no one's talking about putting Trump Kavanaugh in prison. We're looking at an entirely different bar here. A SC justice has to clear the highest bar we set for anyone, no?

Sure. I think we all get that. But shouldn't there still be some standard of evidence or corroboration? Absent that, there would potentially never be anyone confirmed. Anyone could claim a 35 year old memory about anyone for anything. Next.
Here's what I think:

1. She should testify and Kavanaugh has the right to testify in his defense.
2. She might be telling the truth and her memory might be accurate. If they can convince Senators that she's telling the truth than he should be voted down. Or he should withdraw his nomination.
3. She might be lying or her memory might not be accurate like my accuser's wasn't accurate and that may become evident. I think they should still vote him down because I'm a Democrat and would like to see someone more moderate in his seat. ;) But I don't think he should be voted down only because of a false accusation.
4. Since I don't know whether it's true or not I sympathize with Kavanaugh because of my personal experience.
5. I sympathize with her because she might be telling the truth at least about her memory and I'm a human.

BTW the Hoosiers rolled as I hoped. It was a good game for an IU fan but hot as he!!. Next week could show IU is a force in the B1G or that they might be middle of the pack.
Right. I guess the question is, for a SC justice nominee, how do you evaluate a he-said-she-said scenario? Of course it's a slippery slope because simply believing her creates a precedent for anyone undermining each and every nominee from here to eternity. At the same time, if it raises doubts about his sterling reputation, what to do? Tricky situation. I think you have to have faith in the future and only appoint justices with an unambiguously sterling reputation.
Right. I guess the question is, for a SC justice nominee, how do you evaluate a he-said-she-said scenario? Of course it's a slippery slope because simply believing her creates a precedent for anyone undermining each and every nominee from here to eternity. At the same time, if it raises doubts about his sterling reputation, what to do? Tricky situation. I think you have to have faith in the future and only appoint justices with an unambiguously sterling reputation.

And it's not like she is just now pulling the accusation out of thin air...she talked about it to her therapist years before he became a SC nominee.
Right. I guess the question is, for a SC justice nominee, how do you evaluate a he-said-she-said scenario? Of course it's a slippery slope because simply believing her creates a precedent for anyone undermining each and every nominee from here to eternity. At the same time, if it raises doubts about his sterling reputation, what to do? Tricky situation. I think you have to have faith in the future and only appoint justices with an unambiguously sterling reputation.
I think you have a point about the slippery slope. I think political partisans on both sides are capable of falsely accusing nominees they really don't like of sexual misconduct and capable of finding someone to make the accusations. But I admit I'm biased against politicians because I don't like many on either side.
Did you try to rape someone? Fortunately, I didn’t know anyone like that. People getting stupid drunk? Of course. Trying to rape someone? Nah.... You?
I didn't drink in high school and I have never raped or tried to rape someone.
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Right. I guess the question is, for a SC justice nominee, how do you evaluate a he-said-she-said scenario? Of course it's a slippery slope because simply believing her creates a precedent for anyone undermining each and every nominee from here to eternity. At the same time, if it raises doubts about his sterling reputation, what to do? Tricky situation. I think you have to have faith in the future and only appoint justices with an unambiguously sterling reputation.

He had an unambiguously sterling reputation until a week ago. He had one after 6 or 7 FBI background checks. He had one after every step up the career ladder through the judiciary system in this country. He suddenly did not have one when he was about to be a Supreme Court Justice who would cement the court as conservative for probably the next decade.

And that reputation is ruined on an accusation of a supposed event 35 years ago where the accusers memory is hazy on every detail except for an attempted assault by Kavanaugh.

I am all about making sure that guys who assault women have the book thrown at them but this kind of thing is extremely hard to support. An accusation is basically seen as a conviction anymore (see sglowrider's post above). Just an accusation like this can ruin a career. Say Kavanaugh is completely innocent, how does he clear his reputation now. What about Bing. Say the actual offender never showed up and his military career was sunk over something he did not do. Sorry, I need more than I kind of remember something 35 years ago before I ruin someone's life.
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RTricky situation. I think you have to have faith in the future and only appoint justices with an unambiguously sterling reputation.

No disagreement on that. The disagreement is the standard required to impeach one's reputation.
I haven't read much of this thread, because it just got too damn long, but I've gathered a couple things.

The other side has done some despicable ass things, so who cares if our side has done these same things.

It happened a long time ago so it isn't a big deal now.

Let's be clear, sexual assault is despicable. I don't give a damn when it happened. It should disqualify you to be a bagger at the grocery store and every job better than that. Period. Regardless of party.
I haven't read much of this thread, because it just got too damn long, but I've gathered a couple things.

The other side has done some despicable ass things, so who cares if our side has done these same things.

It happened a long time ago so it isn't a big deal now.

Let's be clear, sexual assault is despicable. I don't give a damn when it happened. It should disqualify you to be a bagger at the grocery store and every job better than that. Period. Regardless of party.

I don’t think people dispute that but having one person make a claim from 35 years ago is a low bar to have a persons career ruined.

It’s a really really hard difficult concept and situation. I’m honestly not sure how to proceed in such a situation.
I haven't read much of this thread, because it just got too damn long, but I've gathered a couple things.

The other side has done some despicable ass things, so who cares if our side has done these same things.

It happened a long time ago so it isn't a big deal now.

Let's be clear, sexual assault is despicable. I don't give a damn when it happened. It should disqualify you to be a bagger at the grocery store and every job better than that. Period. Regardless of party.

Yes it should. IF it happened. That is the BIG problem we have in this instance, with this accusation.

She says 2 guys were involved now. They both deny it. When she talked to her therapist several years ago, she said it was 4. She does not remember when it happened exactly. She does not remember where it happened exactly. She waited over 30 years before bringing it up to anyone. Unlike in similar cases in the "me too" movement, there are not a bunch of other women coming out with accusations. The only others who have come out have said he was a stand up guy.
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