Justice Alito

Trying to catch up on white privilege.
A black justice taking bribes based on his position has nothing to do with white privilege.

That is like people that claim there isn't global warming whenever it is cold outside lol

Interesting that my post got deleted for insulting you but you liked posts from conservative posters insulting liberals. Mod abuse?

I think we can safely say who was responsible for the flag, thanks to this whole undercover recording business.

Mrs. Alito, asked about the Appeal to Heaven flag, confirmed what we already knew about the flag controversy, and left no doubt about it:

The feminazis believe that he should control me. So they’ll go to hell. He never controls me. . . .

. . . You know what I want? I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. . . . And he’s like, “Oh, please, don’t put up a flag.” I said, “I won’t do it because I’m deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day, maybe every week, I’ll be changing the flags.” They’ll be all kinds. I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and it has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word “vergogna.” “Vergogna” in Italian means shame. . . . Shame, shame, shame on you. You know?

For the people still trying to spin the theory that Justice Alito is lying about who was responsible for the flags at their house and beach house, Mrs. Alito certainly sounds very convincingly like somebody who thinks and cares quite a lot about flags. She may not be as temperate as her husband, but then, she doesn’t have a job that requires it.

Mrs. Alito, not being constrained by a judicial role, felt freer to vent, but her ire was mostly directed at the media, which has been vicious to her:

It’s okay because if they come back to me, I’ll get them. I’m gonna be liberated, and I’m gonna get them [the media]. . . . There’s a five-year defamation statute of limitations. . . .

Don’t get angry, get even. . . .

I don’t need their approval for anything in my life. I need nothing from them. . . . Look at me, I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it. God — you read the Bible — Psalm 27 is my psalm. Mine. Psalm 27, the Lord is my God and my rock. Of whom shall I be afraid? Nobody.

If there’s any news here at all, it’s that Mrs. Alito seems to be biding her time waiting for when her husband retires so she’s done having to stay quiet.

One unfortunate side effect of this whole thing is that, as Sarah Isgur noted, Windsor “managed to make it less likely that justices will attend public events or engage with people they don’t already know.” As Mrs. Alito commented in the recording, the additional security for the justices already prevented her husband from being able to go back to Wounded Warrior Project events. None of that is good.

I think we can safely say who was responsible for the flag, thanks to this whole undercover recording business.
The Alito stuff is some of the weakest tea in the history of political smears. I could drink the entire teapot and still fall asleep.
Why would the GOP be against this? It seems like both sides would want this. Im betting the overwhelming majority of people would support this if no mention of which party introduced it were present. Am I missing something with this?

Don't know - I'm not.
I have to give you one thing - you must be a ripped and shredded old man from all the goal post moving you do. Probably better than a kettlebell workout.

That said, you should probably talk to your doctor about your memory lapses. The fact that you said Hunter Biden staying at the White House is the same thing as Mrs. Alito living with her husband and planted a pretty firm flag on the claim and then totally forgot about it seems like something you shouldn't ignore at your age. Thinking and praying for you, DANC.
Seems like your entire post is an ad hominum attack - the same thing you accuse me of.

Not surprising. Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on earth.

You must have stewed on this for 12 hours - and then this is the best you can do? Pathetic.
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Seems like your entire post is an ad hominum attack - they same thing you accuse me of.

Not surprising. Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on earth.

You must have stewed on this for 12 hours - and then this is the best you can do? Pathetic.

Sigh - yes, you caught me. I stewed on this for 12 hours, consulted my accountant, priest, shaman, and parakeet and that was all I could come up with. I blame the parakeet.

And yes, I did dip my toe in the ad hominem pond. I'm not beholden to take the high road all the time.
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I think we can safely say who was responsible for the flag, thanks to this whole undercover recording business.
Sure looks that way.

It also seems she's highly offended by pride flags and the fervor might indicate she has a Christian nationalist lean. But she's not the justice, so it is a non-issue.
Sure looks that way.

It also seems she's highly offended by pride flags and the fervor might indicate she has a Christian nationalist lean. But she's not the justice, so it is a non-issue.
Exactly. What is it leftists always say when talking about Hunter - we won't vote for him.

When Mrs. Alito is nominated for the SC, we won't vote for approval.
Much more concerning is the clip where the same person asked basically the same question to both Justice Alito and Justice Roberts, and it was in regard to, as the questioner put it, the immediate need for the Supremes to support morality and Christian values.

Alito agreed. Roberts said, essentially, hold on there, that's not our job. Our job is to decide cases. Moreover, your insistence on America being a Christian nation doesn't ring true. My Jewish and Muslim friends and colleagues are Americans too.

Roberts was thoughtful and scholarly. Alito was Trumpish.

I think we can safely say who was responsible for the flag, thanks to this whole undercover recording business.
I kind of think you've got it backwards with regards to the tape. According to her, he asked her not to fly a flag,and according to her she deferred. But he says the exact opposite, and claims that she flew it in spite of him asking her not to.

She also said that she only had to outlast (her opposition) for 5 yrs, and then she was free. The implication was that Alito will retire (presumably during a Trump Presidency). So it sounds like they're banking on a Trump win...

And there's nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that it suggests Alito has a vested interest in Trump winning. Which to a lot of folks means Alito should probably recuse himself from SCOTUS cases that involve Trump and consequently could affect the election...

There are other tapes of Alito recorded during the SC Historical Society dinner where rich donors get to hobknob with right wing SCOTUS justices. He tells this second woman that ProPublica is to blame for their scrutiny on him and Thomas and that it's partisan.

But according to the reporter from Pro Publica featured in this video they just stumbled on to these facts by accident. They were doing a report concerning what SCOTUS Justices do when they aren't in session and have all that free time, and they came upon these travel logs which showed an unknown Justice taking frequent expensive trips. That's when they started to dig, and realized thru the process of elimination that it was Thomas...

It was kind of hilarious to hear Alito whine about Pro Publica's "donors" considering Crow has virtually subsidized Thomas over the years...

Here is a more indepth look at the bar graph showing the benefits to SCOTUS Justices that is shown in the video...

I kind of think you've got it backwards with regards to the tape. According to her, he asked her not to fly a flag,and according to her she deferred. But he says the exact opposite, and claims that she flew it in spite of him asking her not to.

She also said that she only had to outlast (her opposition) for 5 yrs, and then she was free. The implication was that Alito will retire (presumably during a Trump Presidency). So it sounds like they're banking on a Trump win...

And there's nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that it suggests Alito has a vested interest in Trump winning. Which to a lot of folks means Alito should probably recuse himself from SCOTUS cases that involve Trump and consequently could affect the election...

There are other tapes of Alito recorded during the SC Historical Society dinner where rich donors get to hobknob with right wing SCOTUS justices. He tells this second woman that ProPublica is to blame for their scrutiny on him and Thomas and that it's partisan.

But according to the reporter from Pro Publica featured in this video they just stumbled on to these facts by accident. They were doing a report concerning what SCOTUS Justices do when they aren't in session and have all that free time, and they came upon these travel logs which showed an unknown Justice taking frequent expensive trips. That's when they started to dig, and realized thru the process of elimination that it was Thomas...

It was kind of hilarious to hear Alito whine about Pro Publica's "donors" considering Crow has virtually subsidized Thomas over the years...

Here is a more indepth look at the bar graph showing the benefits to SCOTUS Justices that is shown in the video...

You know who else is nuts: George Conway
Holy Moley

One is not like the others. Even the Trumpers should grasp that.

God, your third grade retorts are so sad
Oh so sorry to hurt your feelings. I know it makes you sad when anyone insults your hero. You show your maturity level here daily.
Oh so sorry to hurt your feelings. I know it makes you sad when anyone insults your hero. You show your maturity level here daily.
What's sad is how Trump dominates your life. Without him, who would you hate?
I kind of think you've got it backwards with regards to the tape. According to her, he asked her not to fly a flag,and according to her she deferred. But he says the exact opposite, and claims that she flew it in spite of him asking her not to.

She also said that she only had to outlast (her opposition) for 5 yrs, and then she was free. The implication was that Alito will retire (presumably during a Trump Presidency). So it sounds like they're banking on a Trump win...

And there's nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that it suggests Alito has a vested interest in Trump winning. Which to a lot of folks means Alito should probably recuse himself from SCOTUS cases that involve Trump and consequently could affect the election...

There are other tapes of Alito recorded during the SC Historical Society dinner where rich donors get to hobknob with right wing SCOTUS justices. He tells this second woman that ProPublica is to blame for their scrutiny on him and Thomas and that it's partisan.

But according to the reporter from Pro Publica featured in this video they just stumbled on to these facts by accident. They were doing a report concerning what SCOTUS Justices do when they aren't in session and have all that free time, and they came upon these travel logs which showed an unknown Justice taking frequent expensive trips. That's when they started to dig, and realized thru the process of elimination that it was Thomas...

It was kind of hilarious to hear Alito whine about Pro Publica's "donors" considering Crow has virtually subsidized Thomas over the years...

Here is a more indepth look at the bar graph showing the benefits to SCOTUS Justices that is shown in the video...

What decisions or rulings has it affected?
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What's sad is how Trump dominates your life. Without him, who would you hate?

He far from dominates my life. I don’t know of anyone else who is a serial sexual abuser , liar, and bully like him, so I don’t need anyone else to hate. Just him. As decent humans should.
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He far from dominates my life. I don’t know of anyone else who is a serial sexual abuser , liar, and bully like him, so I don’t need anyone else to hate. Just him. As decent humans should.
You don't hate anyone but Trump? lmao The media has so completely hooked you - you're the perfect dupe.
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