Jussie Smollett attacked: Empire star assaulted in Chicago in suspected hate crime

As I said if he lied. It seems perfectly rational that a star of a popular television show, would suddenly decide to pay someone to beat him up. That seems like a thing to do you’re saying? That’s really funny. Thanks for the laugh. I’ll pass that little trick on to Oprah. Maybe she will want to try it.

I think there is some validity to the idea, that he saw his career plateauing and knew this was a way to become a leftist folk hero.

You guys eat this sort of thing up.

It seems he just overestimated his own intelligence and ability to pull off such a hoax.
As I said if he lied. It seems perfectly rational that a star of a popular television show, would suddenly decide to pay someone to beat him up. That seems like a thing to do you’re saying? That’s really funny. Thanks for the laugh. I’ll pass that little trick on to Oprah. Maybe she will want to try it.
Non-crazy people do things that seem crazy all the time. Seemed like a good idea before they said, "hold my beer and watch this." However, Dr. Zeke, I'll defer to your psychological expertise. You probably have a good friend that knows him or his Doctor, or both. :)
Non-crazy people do things that seem crazy all the time. Seemed like a good idea before they said, "hold my beer and watch this." However, Dr. Zeke, I'll defer to your psychological expertise. You probably have a good friend that knows him or his Doctor, or both. :)
I have common sense, that you appear to be missing in this situation. But I do have a friend that’s a psychiatrist, should I call and get her take for you?
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I think there is some validity to the idea, that he saw his career plateauing and knew this was a way to become a leftist folk hero.

You guys eat this sort of thing up.

It seems he just overestimated his own intelligence and ability to pull off such a hoax.

I have to believe that maybe he never planned on involving law enforcement, much less the feds getting involved. If you remember the early reports, Smollett said he didn't want to involve the police and it was actually a friend Frank Gatson that called for him.

From the article:

“I was there with Jussie,” he said. “I’m the one who called 911, I am the one who took him to the hospital, and it was so scary man, that was a scary night, my stomach was numb.”

“I’m just glad I was the old man at his apartment when he got there,” he continued. “I was responsible. I said let’s call the cops, let’s go to the hospital, shout out to Chicago police, especially the sergeant that came and got things together and made us feel comfortable.”

If police never get involved, he gets to tell his story however he wishes and it would be chalked up to another in a long list of things to blame on Trump and his supporters.
As I said if he lied. It seems perfectly rational that a star of a popular television show, would suddenly decide to pay someone to beat him up. That seems like a thing to do you’re saying? That’s really funny. Thanks for the laugh. I’ll pass that little trick on to Oprah. Maybe she will want to try it.

Meh. People perpetrate scams and frauds on others all the time for personal gain. They aren't necessarily mentally ill. They're just shitheads.
Interesting she’s just gotten off a sold out tour all across the country, including MSG. But go ahead and believe what you want. That’s the world we live in today. Everyone makes up their own facts.

That has nothing to do with anything. She sells tickets because people like you buy them to hear her complain about Trump. Her obsession is actually quite sad. He literally is in her head every waking minute. That's exactly how you let a Narcissist win.
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That’s kind of a silly meme. Kathy Griffin’s career is stronger than ever.

Maybe these are better?


TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome. He literally has broken some ultra liberal people. The mental state of the left is not healthy.
It's understandable. Policy concerns aside, the man has broken every norm of common decency we should expect from our President. People have reacted with the same level of outrage as his behavior has been abhorrent.
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TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome. He literally has broken some ultra liberal people. The mental state of the left is not healthy.

To play the devil's advocate while also using the "chicken or the egg" theory, have you ever considered that maybe the "ultra" type folks (liberal or conservative) were already broken to start with? If we're being honest, anyone so slavishly devoted to a political dogma that they cannot entertain any challenge to their narrow way of thinking is already broken. In your example, their "derangement syndrome" isn't because Trump, he just triggers the symptoms of a preexisting condition. The same can be said of the "ultra" right winger and their over the top reactions those that represent the "ultra" left.
I've stayed out of this discussion, simply because I don't know anything about this guy or his show and don't really give shit about him one way or the other. But I do have one observation about the discussion itself.

It seems telling to me that the majority of the lefties here have not taken the charges at face value. I've not seen anyone act like they're convinced the story is true. Most, in fact, have stated the whole thing sounded "fishy" to one extent or another, and were taking a wait-and-see approach.

OTOH, the righties seem to be desperate for it to be shown the whole thing was a fraud, and that they knew it all along. "See, I told you so." And of course, you can't trust the media, who reported the charges.
Reverse the R’s and D’s and you’ll have the Phillips thread.
Meh. People perpetrate scams and frauds on others all the time for personal gain. They aren't necessarily mentally ill. They're just shitheads.
Of course people do. People in the public eyes, movies stars do not. Why do you think this is a big story? Had it been random Joe we’d probably never heard of it. And what was the personal gain he was getting out of it?
Non-crazy people do things that seem crazy all the time. Seemed like a good idea before they said, "hold my beer and watch this." However, Dr. Zeke, I'll defer to your psychological expertise. You probably have a good friend that knows him or his Doctor, or both. :)

I have one person on ignore...Zeke. Her over the top, nonsensical, hysterical bloviating grew tiresome a l-o-n-g time ago. It felt really good to hit "ignore" and eliminate her stupid shit.
I've stayed out of this discussion, simply because I don't know anything about this guy or his show and don't really give shit about him one way or the other. But I do have one observation about the discussion itself.

It seems telling to me that the majority of the lefties here have not taken the charges at face value. I've not seen anyone act like they're convinced the story is true. Most, in fact, have stated the whole thing sounded "fishy" to one extent or another, and were taking a wait-and-see approach.

OTOH, the righties seem to be desperate for it to be shown the whole thing was a fraud, and that they knew it all along. "See, I told you so." And of course, you can't trust the media, who reported the charges.

I don't think for one moment that there is any sort of desperation on the part of the majority of right leaning posters here, hoping for another "told ya so moment". The Phillips thread is the gift that keeps on giving if they were looking for that. And on that topic for the sake of honesty, that thread more than anything else is the likely reason the left leaning posters were holding back on this one.
I have one person on ignore...Zeke. Her over the top, nonsensical, hysterical bloviating grew tiresome a l-o-n-g time ago. It felt really good to hit "ignore" and eliminate her stupid shit.
She's hyper-partisan and appears to believe everything is about politics. There are several hyper-partisans here on the left, and we have some on the right too. I don't have anyone on ignore, but there are some I don't consider worth reading much except for amusement.
I've stayed out of this discussion, simply because I don't know anything about this guy or his show and don't really give shit about him one way or the other. But I do have one observation about the discussion itself.

It seems telling to me that the majority of the lefties here have not taken the charges at face value. I've not seen anyone act like they're convinced the story is true. Most, in fact, have stated the whole thing sounded "fishy" to one extent or another, and were taking a wait-and-see approach.

OTOH, the righties seem to be desperate for it to be shown the whole thing was a fraud, and that they knew it all along. "See, I told you so." And of course, you can't trust the media, who reported the charges.

You are correct. Those on the board for the most part were patient enough to wait this out. The people you support and elect though? Yikes. And that's where the discrepancy lies.

I don't think for one moment that there is any sort of desperation on the part of the majority of right leaning posters here, hoping for another "told ya so moment". The Phillips thread is the gift that keeps on giving if they were looking for that.
I stayed out of that one too.

Not doing the Twitters and the Facebooks has kept me from getting pwnd on more than one occasion.
You are correct. Those on the board for the most part were patient enough to wait this out. The people you support and elect though? Yikes. And that's where the discrepancy lies.

These people showed some poor judgment not waiting for the rest of the story.
You are correct. Those on the board for the most part were patient enough to wait this out. The people you support and elect though? Yikes. And that's where the discrepancy lies.

Yeah, they could learn a thing or three from me:
  • Stay off the Twitters.
  • Stay off the Facebooks.
  • If a WC thread blows up, don't dive in for at least 24 hours.
Yeah, they could learn a thing or three from me:
  • Stay off the Twitters.
  • Stay off the Facebooks.
  • If a WC thread blows up, don't dive in for at least 24 hours.
I've seen enough of Twitter to know it's primarily composed of tweeting twits that mistakenly believe they have something profound and important to say about everything. I do Facebook, but stay away from political discussions with a very few rare exceptions. Your last bullet is one of my guidelines. The fact is that the initial story on any breaking news is often incorrect. It's a guideline I'd suggest for all.
Yeah, they could learn a thing or three from me:
  • Stay off the Twitters.
  • Stay off the Facebooks.
  • If a WC thread blows up, don't dive in for at least 24 hours.

I don't disagree. FB is so bad I don't even use it these days. Instagram (owned by FB) is for the most part, just pics, which makes it much more tolerable.
Of course people do. People in the public eyes, movies stars do not. Why do you think this is a big story? Had it been random Joe we’d probably never heard of it. And what was the personal gain he was getting out of it?

He's hardly a movie star. I'd wager to sat the vast majority of the population had never heard of this guy. As to what he was planning to get out of it? What would you imagine that might be?
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What's worse is some of them (e.g. Booker) are now saying, "hold on a sec, we need to wait until all of the information gets out".
I know many of my fellow Republicans disagree with me on this, but I absolutely do not want Trump to have another term. Ideally, he'd be primaried by an actual traditional Republican and loses the nomination and that Republican wins the Presidency - or at least is someone I have no problem voting for. However, if Trump is the nominee I'm hoping that Democrats run someone I won't gag if I vote for him/her. There are a very few announced and a few supposedly considering announcing that aren't on the gag list. Senator Spartacus Booker is solidly on the gag list. I will not vote for Trump if he's the nominee. In fact, I'll officially become an independent if that happens.
I've seen enough of Twitter to know it's primarily composed of tweeting twits that mistakenly believe they have something profound and important to say about everything.
For what it's worth, twitter is still one of my favorite things. For what I want (which is not what you're talking about), it's an incredible service. A well-curated twitter feed is a great way to find and gather pathways to new and interesting information.

It's unfortunate that the availability of incredible information is pushed aside by the majority of users for all the utter claptrap.
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You are correct. Those on the board for the most part were patient enough to wait this out. The people you support and elect though? Yikes. And that's where the discrepancy lies.

Sure, all those folks were within reason to assume good faith on the part of the complainant. Sure, they get to revise their remarks now that a different truth seems to be coming out. But it is unfortunate that such politicos need to dive in with public-facing comments that accomplish nothing other than to posture themselves politically. That's hardly new or groundbreaking, but still it's not the stuff that sets apart leaders, especially when the story absolutely was funky from the word go (though who knows, it could still turn out to be entirely accurate). You don't deserve political brownie points for being the first to grandstand (even for a worthy cause) on twitter.
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For what it's worth, twitter is still one of my favorite things. For what I want (which is not what you're talking about), it's an incredible service. A well-curated twitter feed is a great way to find and gather pathways to new and interesting information.

It's unfortunate that the availability of incredible information is pushed aside by the majority of users for all the utter claptrap.
Tried reading it and don't like it. Even the respectable tweeters have their feeds filled with tweeting twits for the most part. I also have no desire to tweet myself. First, it would be incompatible with my current job. Second, I don't want to become a tweeting twit. ;)
Tried reading it and don't like it. Even the respectable tweeters have their feeds filled with tweeting twits for the most part. I also have no desire to tweet myself. First, it would be incompatible with my current job. Second, I don't want to become a tweeting twit. ;)
Yeah, I don't tweet either. But still, lots of great resources available on twitter that you might not find elsewhere.

And I might quibble whether you're really finding the "respectable tweeters".
I know many of my fellow Republicans disagree with me on this, but I absolutely do not want Trump to have another term. Ideally, he'd be primaried by an actual traditional Republican and loses the nomination and that Republican wins the Presidency - or at least is someone I have no problem voting for. However, if Trump is the nominee I'm hoping that Democrats run someone I won't gag if I vote for him/her. There are a very few announced and a few supposedly considering announcing that aren't on the gag list. Senator Spartacus Booker is solidly on the gag list. I will not vote for Trump if he's the nominee. In fact, I'll officially become an independent if that happens.

This is not a unique position, I'd guess, among many who would normally identify as Republican. I won't vote for Trump under any circumstances. But that doesn't translate to me voting for whatever whackadoodle the Dems decide to run. But it's been explained to me on this board that my vote isn't worth chasing anyway, so it ought not be surprising when they don't get it.
This is not a unique position, I'd guess, among many who would normally identify as Republican. I won't vote for Trump under any circumstances. But that doesn't translate to me voting for whatever whackadoodle the Dems decide to run. But it's been explained to me on this board that my vote isn't worth chasing anyway, so it ought not be surprising when they don't get it.

Well, don't you dare admit you voted third party, or you will be relegated to the isle of misfit posters. You will be told you are a victim of your own naiveté, how you lack a spine if you voted for a centristy centrist, and how overall you don't deserve to vote because you wasted it.
Sure, all those folks were within reason to assume good faith on the part of the complainant. Sure, they get to revise their remarks now that a different truth seems to be coming out. But it is unfortunate that such politicos need to dive in with public-facing comments that accomplish nothing other than to posture themselves politically. That's hardly new or groundbreaking, but still it's not the stuff that sets apart leaders, especially when the story absolutely was funky from the word go (though who knows, it could still turn out to be entirely accurate). You don't deserve political brownie points for being the first to grandstand (even for a worthy cause) on twitter.

Do you think the public awards brownie points for being first or quicker than others to make a particular stand or statement?