Johns Hopkins Researcher Confirms a HillzHoozier Hypothesis

It won’t. I’m debating canceling the rankings. The personal messages I’m getting are exhausting; not to mention a handful of threats. We might be done with rankings. The board can’t handle it.

Have you volunteered to testify about your experiences before the House Select Committee on conversational safety?

If you need help, I hear St Louis has attorneys who specialize in resisting the woke mob.

Have you volunteered to testify about your experiences before the House Select Committee on conversational safety?

If you need help, I hear St Louis has attorneys who specialize in resisting the woke mob.

Hahaha nice poster
My better half sarcastically refers to me as Doctor Darekill when I expound on my medical theories. Theories based upon having no medical training.

As to Covid, I preface my oratory by saying, "We all die eventually of something, or a combination of somethings".

Assume you have been targeted to die in say 10 to 15 years. Then along comes Covid and you recover from it. However the battle to recover shortens your life with the exact number of years it shortens your life depending on a number of factors.

Factors include overall health at the time of contracting virus, severity of attack, care or lack of care after the attack, type of health problems before the virus, etc., etc..

Can a person in poor health survive ?...answer, maybe. Can a person who is young and seemingly in good health not survive ?...well maybe.

Do have one thing in common with real medical experts, we both have a lot to learn about Covid 19.
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My better half sarcastically refers to me as Doctor Darekill when I expound on my medical theories. Theories based upon having no medical training.

As to Covid, I preface my oratory by saying, "We all die eventually of something, or a combination of somethings".

Assume you have been targeted to die in say 10 to 15 years. Then along comes Covid and you recover from it. However the battle to recover shortens your life with the exact number of years it shortens your life depending on a number of factors.

Factors include overall health at the time of contracting virus, severity of attack, care or lack of care after the attack, type of health problems before the virus, etc., etc..

Can a person in poor health survive ?...answer, maybe. Can a person who is young and seemingly in good health not survive ?...well maybe.

Do have one thing in common with real medical experts, we both have a lot to learn about Covid 19.
I just learned how asymptomatics rarely spread the virus forward.

This should be a relief to everyone. Now, if we could keep the sickies at home we could get this whole thing over with.
I'm just glad the election is over, so that all the libs in this country can stop promoting "The Hoax" and we can all go back to being 100% selfish without the judgement of the other people in the grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, and halls of Congress, and the wingnuts can go back to joining hands and yelling "Freedom" in each others' faces without having those pesky Antifa jerks ripping up their Confederate flags.
Aaaand here you are to shit on what was a reasonable discussion of science. Turning it political...least surprising development ever.
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I just learned how asymptomatics rarely spread the virus forward.

This should be a relief to everyone. Now, if we could keep the sickies at home we could get this whole thing over with.

Looks like this is the post where everyone can recognize that giving up the silly no excess death argument and moving on to a new silly argument.
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Aaaand here you are to shit on what was a reasonable discussion of science. Turning it political...least surprising development ever.
For sure. Nice post. We had a nice group too with Coh and Hillz and stoll. Just kind of getting to the bottom of things. Working things out. Then of course unclehoosbulk showed up. Typical.
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I just learned how asymptomatics rarely spread the virus forward.

This should be a relief to everyone. Now, if we could keep the sickies at home we could get this whole thing over with.

Those of us who have paid attention knew asymptomatic people posed a very low risk of transmission, and we have known this for 6 months. An MD explained this to me in terms of viral load back in May. I posted about that conversation here and the board’s experts mumbled something about something while citing CNN. Yet our lockdown-happy authorities and their media sycophants tell us otherwise. if I called this scary lockdown message a hoax, I’d be more right than wrong. We need to focus on the sick people through education, outreach, and appropriate orders while protecting the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, those in the safe harbors of secure incomes and safe lives issue orders to those who are at risk of losing everything.
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Looks like this is the post where everyone can recognize that giving up the silly no excess death argument and moving on to a new silly argument.
No. I'm adding a second science-backed proposition to the discussion.
Those of us who have paid attention knew asymptomatic people posed a very low risk of transmission, and we have known this for 6 months. An MD explained this to me in terms of viral load back in May. I posted about that conversation here and the board’s experts mumbled something about something while citing CNN. Yet our lockdown-happy authorities and their media sycophants tell us otherwise. if I called this scary lockdown message a hoax, I’d be more right than wrong. We need to focus on the sick people through education, outreach, and appropriate orders while protecting the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, those in the safe harbors of secure incomes and safe lives issue orders to those who are at risk of losing everything.
I could never reconcile the notion that asymptomatics are such due to a smaller viral load, yet they are the most dangerous spreaders because they don't know they're spreading, but there's nothing to spread.....

Those of us who have paid attention knew asymptomatic people posed a very low risk of transmission, and we have known this for 6 months. An MD explained this to me in terms of viral load back in May. I posted about that conversation here and the board’s experts mumbled something about something while citing CNN. Yet our lockdown-happy authorities and their media sycophants tell us otherwise. if I called this scary lockdown message a hoax, I’d be more right than wrong. We need to focus on the sick people through education, outreach, and appropriate orders while protecting the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, those in the safe harbors of secure incomes and safe lives issue orders to those who are at risk of losing everything.
i wish i could pin this post
No. I'm adding a second science-backed proposition to the discussion.

It's telling that you turn to Libertarian economists and neuroradiologists for the science you use to back your silly claims about addressing the spread of disease in a viral pandemic. What, you didn't like what Victor Davis Hanson has to say? 🙄
It's telling that you turn to Libertarian economists and neuroradiologists for the science you use to back your silly claims about addressing the spread of disease in a viral pandemic. What, you didn't like what Victor Davis Hanson has to say? 🙄
So, nothing on-topic to add?
I don't believe that the numbers you based your projections upon are accurate. I don't think you're intentionally misleading anyone, I think you believe the story we're being told about the pandemic. I believe fear is driving the hospitalizations. I believe there are political and financial motives behind driving the fear narrative, and I don't fault anyone for having trouble with the ideas I have presented here.

I do hope the outcomes prove me correct for the sake of those "excess" lives others project will be lost. I also hope a few who look at the links I have provided will begin to question their experts, especially where the 'consensus' runs contrary to 'common sensus'.
You are so incredibly dumb.
For sure. Nice post. We had a nice group too with Coh and Hillz and stoll. Just kind of getting to the bottom of things. Working things out. Then of course unclehoosbulk showed up. Typical.
Add one more to your cabal and you can probably form a butt kissing circle.
A 99 year old friend of mine died in September. He was in very poor health and his life expectancy was probably measured in months if not weeks before Covid. He died of pneumonia caused by the Covid virus. People in his condition usualy die of pneumonia regardless Covid. Yet his death is listed as a Covid death. While Covid was a "cause" of death, it shouldn't be included in the pandemic data; yet it is. I'm guessing there are thousands of similar cases.

Now lay out the other 270,697 stories of death and see if your example of 1 can accurately be extrapolated to the majority.

I mean my mother died at 70 and was a 16 year cancer survivor. She relapsed and was in the hospital getting cancer treatments when she got a thing called cdif which was an antibody reaction that was the straw that broke her back.

She was severely weakened by her cancer fight and struggled to have a normal life that wasn't compromised after she first 'beat' cancer.

So let's for fun replace Covid with Cancer, because I'm assuming we are in more agreement that cancer is not good.

What if there was a huge, worldwide medical movement that said doing three simple wear eye black will greatly reduce the amount of cancer cases.

I say, this is stupid and a violation of my rights. Besides I can find on the internet singular dissuading opinions that can justify my personal belief that is against the overwhelming worldwide medical view.

So f that, I ain't wearing eye black.

I mean for one, more people survive cancer particularly over the next ten years of their life and it greatly varies by the kind of cancer. The biased media isn't conveniently reporting that.

The majority of cancer cases are in older populations. They are likely to die of something anyway. Not sure there is any proof that their life expectancy would be any different.

Three everyone knows that big pharma WANTS to push a cancer narrative because they get more money if a patient needs cancer 'treatment'.

Anyway I could continue building a cancer conspiracy but I'm just trying to point out the frustration that I have with the whole covid narrative.

It exists, people are getting really sick from it, it's putting tremendous stress on our health care system, no one knows the long term effects, it is a respitory issue, there are two holes in your face that allow air into your respitory system.

The basic adjustment is to cover the holes on your face with a clean piece of cloth and keep a reasonable distance from others when they are expelling out of their holes.

We'll find out in five to ten years whether it was all a waste of time but in the meantime, please do these very simple things and help your community and the economy.