It's Walz.

Walz reenlisted after 9-11. If he was somehow "afraid" of combat, he could just as easily have not reupped.

Based on some of his comments while in Congress I think his issue was more with Bush's decision to invade Iraq (and call up NG units) instead of Afghanistan where AlQueda and the Taliban, and the men responsible for 9-11 were all hiding...And many Americans felt the exact same way, wondering why we decided to invade Iraq, and bypass Osama...

Again all of this boils down to a partisan divide. The attacks on Walz are not winning MAGA any new voters. It gets people who were already going to vote for Trump amped up. But it also alienates the same amount if not more of voters who find it despicable to hear Vance (and Corporal Bone spurs behind the scene) criticize a veteran. Like Jesse Ventura, who in addition to being a 1 time pro wrestler and a former Gov of Minnesota is also a Navy Seal...

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Walz reenlisted after 9-11. If he was somehow "afraid" of combat, he could just as easily have not reupped.

Based on some of his comments while in Congress I think his issue was more with Bush's decision to invade Iraq (and call up NG units) instead of Afghanistan where AlQueda and the Taliban, and the men responsible for 9-11 were all hiding...And many Americans felt the exact same way, wondering why we decided to invade Iraq, and bypass Osama...

Again all of this boils down to a partisan divide. The attacks on Walz are not winning MAGA any new voters. It gets people who were already going to vote for Trump amped up. But it also alienates the same amount if not more of voters who find it despicable to hear Vance (and Corporal Bone spurs behind the scene) criticize a veteran. Like Jesse Ventura, who in addition to being a 1 time pro wrestler and a former Gov of Minnesota is also a Navy Seal...

Glad to see Jesse hit the points that, not being military dude and so I don't know common protocols, that I've had questions about.

1. The National Guard are not known for being deployed into a foreign war. Those that enlist in the National Guard are known that they are a domestic guard, not a probability for a foreign conflict.

2. Secondly he served 24 years from aged 17 to 41. Over half of his life was in service in the Guard. So what, he's not supposed to be able to retire after 24 years of service?

Good to know. I can use that mindset to not acknowledge or thank anyone for their 'service' unless they spent more than 25 years in active service. Per this attack logic, if you left before that 25 year time period it's because you are a dishonorable coward that left your brothers.

Which is complete nonsense as every call of service is and should not be a lifetime of commitment. That would impact recruiting significantly if there was no way to retire and leave.

But good to know if you haven't served at least 25 years I can call you out on that and demean you as pathetic now if I wanted to.
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You went to Afghanistan?
And Iraq. Three weeks in Kabul and three weeks in Baghdad in 2011. Trained Afghan and Iraqi officers. Required to carry a loaded weapon (9MM Beretta) at all times except sleeping or working out, but never had to take it out of the holster. There was a missile attack on our FOB in Iraq one night but I slept through it and heard about it the next day. Obviously it didn’t hit close to our barracks. One of our Iraqi students, a one star, was assassinated on his way to the Green Zone for the training day.
Unfortunately the only people who believe/agree with your characterization of events are Trumpers...

Walz "retired" in May, but it's not something you just do in a day, or even month. I saw one clip where an NCO who served with him said he submitted his paperwork 8 months or more from his eventual retirement date. He also said there were rumours that the unit would be deployed, but they didn't even know it was to be Iraq until Aug. Which makes sense because in the previous "war" OEF the unit was deployed to places like Italy and Norway...

What's Walz supposed to do, hold off his retirement till the war ends? Vance left active duty right before Bush launched "the surge", yet hypocritical as usual you see no problem with that. How many people even serve 24 yrs, much less attain the rank of CSM? Vance spent 4 yrs pushing a pen and only acheived the rank of corporal. That's kind of below average...

On the other hand, Walz enlisted fresh out of high school as a 17 yr old in 1981 in the freaking NG, never once saw action and still managed to reach the rank of CSM within 20 yrs. My buddy who worked with me at the MOS library in Butzbach was a guy who retired at 20 as a First Sgt. But he was quite honest and had no problem admitting that a lot of his rank came because he was a LRRP in Vietnam. He also decided not to go past 20 and instead get a 2nd career even though he was already getting his pension check each month.

So did he "abandon" his men? He basically retired about the same time Walz was starting his own career. Walz likely had a good deal in common with many of the soldiers who came into the library each day, Many of them also attended the NCO leadership academy that was right next door. Many of them decided to make the military a career, and in Walz's case he apparently decided to devote himself to both the NG and teaching/coaching...But I'd say to go from being a raw recruit to attaining one of the highest NCO ranks in the military in less than 24 years, means in terms of doing your job you have to be doing something right...

This guy doesn't agree wth Walz on anything politically, after all the area Walz lived in was a rural,Red district. But he is a former NCO who served both with and under Walz and finds the attacks levelled by Vance reprehensible. Hell he's a Trumper and doesn't agree with you...

So why did he lie about his rank? And talk about carrying his weapon in war? And stand by while others misstated the facts without correcting them? For 17 years? I can hardly wait for your excuses.
So why did he lie about his rank? And talk about carrying his weapon in war? And stand by while others misstated the facts without correcting them? For 17 years? I can hardly wait for your excuses.
This guy is completely off the reservation. Now it appears he has some Pro-Hamas cleric that he totes around with him everywhere. So if you’re keeping score at home.

Tampons in the men’s room
Stolen valor and a coward
Covid tip line to rat out your neighbors
Pows around with radical Islamists
Allows Minneapolis to burn down, does nothing

That’s just your average midwestern dad y’all!
This guy is completely off the reservation. Now it appears he has some Pro-Hamas cleric that he totes around with him everywhere. So if you’re keeping score at home.

Tampons in the men’s room
Stolen valor and a coward
Covid tip line to rat out your neighbors
Pows around with radical Islamists
Allows Minneapolis to burn down, does nothing

That’s just your average midwestern dad y’all!
Teamed with Harris
That and I’m guessing the polling they did is Dearborn/Detroit wasn’t favorable to adding Shapiro. That really sucks - I was hoping it would have been Shapiro - but I guess I get it.

That said, if this is the case, I doubt they ever publicly talk about it.
Shapiro isn’t a bottom of ticket dude if you listen to him. If we still have an election in 2028 (see Trump quote to vote this time and won’t need to again wink wink)- Shapiro will be the donkey candidate
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Unfortunately the only people who believe/agree with your characterization of events are Trumpers...

Walz "retired" in May, but it's not something you just do in a day, or even month. I saw one clip where an NCO who served with him said he submitted his paperwork 8 months or more from his eventual retirement date. He also said there were rumours that the unit would be deployed, but they didn't even know it was to be Iraq until Aug. Which makes sense because in the previous "war" OEF the unit was deployed to places like Italy and Norway...

What's Walz supposed to do, hold off his retirement till the war ends? Vance left active duty right before Bush launched "the surge", yet hypocritical as usual you see no problem with that. How many people even serve 24 yrs, much less attain the rank of CSM? Vance spent 4 yrs pushing a pen and only acheived the rank of corporal. That's kind of below average...

On the other hand, Walz enlisted fresh out of high school as a 17 yr old in 1981 in the freaking NG, never once saw action and still managed to reach the rank of CSM within 20 yrs. My buddy who worked with me at the MOS library in Butzbach was a guy who retired at 20 as a First Sgt. But he was quite honest and had no problem admitting that a lot of his rank came because he was a LRRP in Vietnam. He also decided not to go past 20 and instead get a 2nd career even though he was already getting his pension check each month.

So did he "abandon" his men? He basically retired about the same time Walz was starting his own career. Walz likely had a good deal in common with many of the soldiers who came into the library each day, Many of them also attended the NCO leadership academy that was right next door. Many of them decided to make the military a career, and in Walz's case he apparently decided to devote himself to both the NG and teaching/coaching...But I'd say to go from being a raw recruit to attaining one of the highest NCO ranks in the military in less than 24 years, means in terms of doing your job you have to be doing something right...

This guy doesn't agree wth Walz on anything politically, after all the area Walz lived in was a rural,Red district. But he is a former NCO who served both with and under Walz and finds the attacks levelled by Vance reprehensible. Hell he's a Trumper and doesn't agree with you...

AI - Did walz really drink all of that nasty Horse stuff and then go to the hospital? - Please format into a multi cut and past post for The hoosier dot com. OH and make it sound so far left that it has already fell down and dislocated a shoulder.
So why did he lie about his rank? And talk about carrying his weapon in war? And stand by while others misstated the facts without correcting them? For 17 years? I can hardly wait for your excuses.
I believe the retraction they entered was for mistakenly saying he "carried" a weapon in war. The part about him personally carrying a weapon of war is immaterial to the point he was making.It was a 2018 speech when he was running for Governor, and the focus was on gun legislation. He wasn't touting his own record, he could have just as easily said "the weapons our soldiers carry in war". The point was that he was arguing for sensible gun legislation, not that he actually fought in a war.

You guys can continue to knock yourself out but this isn't going anywhere with non-MAGA types. There are just as many veterans outraged by Vance criticizng a fellow veteran as there are vets who are upset he misspoke. As to the CSM rank, my understanding is that he reached that rank but for administrative and payroll purposes he gets the next lowest rank on the pension pay scale.He did not get busted it wasn't an adverse disciplinary action. Just didn't fulfil the requirements to get the pension of a CSM. It's not like he's getting paid more that he's entitled to...

Several of his students have said that they were his inspiration to run for Congress. He had talkd about it for a while, and they say they didn't even know what party he was a member of. They just knew he was interested in running for office because he wanted to make a difference.

He's the only Dem to win in his district in like 70 yrs, and he won 6 staright terms. In fact he's never lost an election, and I'm certain the record will be intact come Nov.

He made a name for himself in Congress as a champion of veteran's causes and was known as someone who was willing to work in a bi-partisan manner. He's imminently qualified to assume the role of POTUS based on his experience in the House and as a 2 term Governor. JD Vance has nothing in his resume to even compare, and I'd be shocked if Coach who has debated far more competent/accomplished politicans than JD Vance, didn't thoroughly school him whenever they debate...

And now we can talk about "man of the people" JD Vance exploiting workers in Appalacia for personal profit...

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Shapiro isn’t a bottom of ticket dude if you listen to him. If we still have an election in 2028 (see Trump quote to vote this time and won’t need to again wink wink)- Shapiro will be the donkey candidate

Never happen...

The Democrats showed their true colors by bypassing him... They only like Jews when they're fundraising for the DNC... The Democrats turn a blind eye, and in some cases, actually support people who think Hitler was on to something...
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But it's still pretty cool. He has a special chemistry with his daughter Hope, who is a child conceived thru IVF. Which I think Vance has attacked...

Sounds like Walz was misrepresenting a bit. To be fair, I couldn't tell you what the difference was between the treatments, but this medical newsletter seems to imply there is a difference - particularly as it relates to Walz' charges that the GOP restrictions are also aimed at IVF.

Politically, the distinction matters because IUI doesn’t risk destroying unused embryos that anti-abortion advocates equate to unborn children. So, the Alabama Supreme Court ruling in February that frozen embryos could be considered children under state law, would not have impacted couples or individuals who choose IUI.

In the scheme of political lies, this one is hardly near the top. But, if it continues to get used as a political argument, it is disingenuous and unnecessary given the countless other examples.
Sounds like Walz was misrepresenting a bit. To be fair, I couldn't tell you what the difference was between the treatments, but this medical newsletter seems to imply there is a difference - particularly as it relates to Walz' charges that the GOP restrictions are also aimed at IVF.

Politically, the distinction matters because IUI doesn’t risk destroying unused embryos that anti-abortion advocates equate to unborn children. So, the Alabama Supreme Court ruling in February that frozen embryos could be considered children under state law, would not have impacted couples or individuals who choose IUI.

In the scheme of political lies, this one is hardly near the top. But, if it continues to get used as a political argument, it is disingenuous and unnecessary given the countless other examples.
He only "minor represents".

20 years from now his resume will state he was President from 2025-2029, then explain the oversight as a "clerical error".
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Sounds like Walz was misrepresenting a bit. To be fair, I couldn't tell you what the difference was between the treatments, but this medical newsletter seems to imply there is a difference - particularly as it relates to Walz' charges that the GOP restrictions are also aimed at IVF.

Politically, the distinction matters because IUI doesn’t risk destroying unused embryos that anti-abortion advocates equate to unborn children. So, the Alabama Supreme Court ruling in February that frozen embryos could be considered children under state law, would not have impacted couples or individuals who choose IUI.

In the scheme of political lies, this one is hardly near the top. But, if it continues to get used as a political argument, it is disingenuous and unnecessary given the countless other examples.
It’s evidentiary. The fact that he felt the need to lie about going through IVF for political points. He’s a sick, sick puppy.
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It’s evidentiary. The fact that he felt the need to lie about going through IVF for political points. He’s a sick, sick puppy.

The whole point from the evangelical documented platform is to ultimately eliminate reproductive options and personal decisions for women (see Project 2025), including some options that have helped married couples have families like in Walz case.

His whole message is this is a personal battle for him because they went through fertility issues and needed them to have their children and their family.

In case you haven't noticed, effectively relating to people, particularly in his reasoning for how and why he politically believes in a stance, is a massive part of the political success that he's had so far in his career.

This is no different.
The whole point from the evangelical documented platform is to ultimately eliminate reproductive options and personal decisions for women (see Project 2025), including some options that have helped married couples have families like in Walz case.

His whole message is this is a personal battle for him because they went through fertility issues and needed them to have their children and their family.

In case you haven't noticed, effectively relating to people, particularly in his reasoning for how and why he politically believes in a stance, is a massive part of the political success that he's had so far in his career.

This is no different.
Lying is part of his political success?
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The whole point from the evangelical documented platform is to ultimately eliminate reproductive options and personal decisions for women (see Project 2025), including some options that have helped married couples have families like in Walz case.

His whole message is this is a personal battle for him because they went through fertility issues and needed them to have their children and their family.

In case you haven't noticed, effectively relating to people, particularly in his reasoning for how and why he politically believes in a stance, is a massive part of the political success that he's had so far in his career.

This is no different.
Anyone else surprised he went through fertility issues?
It's not surprising that Kevin O'Leary is carrying water for Trump. This is like the third or fourth time he's gone on a cable news show to get in Trump's good graces.
Does that scare you? Are the strong, successful people scaring you, Timmy?
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Never happen...

The Democrats showed their true colors by bypassing him... They only like Jews when they're fundraising for the DNC... The Democrats turn a blind eye, and in some cases, actually support people who think Hitler was on to something...
I love it... The party that has never nominated a Jewish person for ANYTHING, is now criticizing the party with more office holders and voters who are Jewish of being anti-semitic? Not to mention far right goofballs like Lucas Gage,Jason Hinkle and Nick Fuentes, just to name a few....

JD Vance doesn't sound like a very Jewish name to me... Am I missing something?
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The whole point from the evangelical documented platform is to ultimately eliminate reproductive options and personal decisions for women (see Project 2025), including some options that have helped married couples have families like in Walz case.

His whole message is this is a personal battle for him because they went through fertility issues and needed them to have their children and their family.

In case you haven't noticed, effectively relating to people, particularly in his reasoning for how and why he politically believes in a stance, is a massive part of the political success that he's had so far in his career.

This is no different.
If Walz was groomed by the Chinese on how to relate to people in a normal, non-cringe manner, it looks like 'ol JD could stand to learn a few lessons... JD in a critical purple state, where he needs to impress people. Walz in a deep Red state where he isn't likely to get many votes, but still knows how to relate to folks as a normal human being...

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If Walz was groomed by the Chinese on how to relate to people in a normal, non-cringe manner, it looks like 'ol JD could stand to learn a few lessons... JD in a critical purple state, where he needs to impress people. Walz in a deep Red state where he isn't likely to get many votes, but still knows how to relate to folks as a normal human being...

Since this thread is about Walz, thought some may be interested in this behind the scenes revelation of how Walz got his start in politics. Thank you Al Franken for your foresight and willingness to take a chance...

If Walz was groomed by the Chinese on how to relate to people in a normal, non-cringe manner, it looks like 'ol JD could stand to learn a few lessons... JD in a critical purple state, where he needs to impress people. Walz in a deep Red state where he isn't likely to get many votes, but still knows how to relate to folks as a normal human being...

Walz in a red state only needs to impress the liberal media
Perfectly stated. I pray for Dems every day. To open their ears. To open their eyes. To open their minds. To be humble enough to learn from us. One day…. Never give up
YOU guys abuse and shame disabled person., you use an AR15 to shoot a deer. YOU want all immigrants deported. You only want people, who look like you. You only want white Christian religion, Talk about prayers, It's you guys who need prayer. The Gop is plain evil.
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