It’s Mueller Time ....running thread

Can you give an example of an investigation performed by a lawyer representing the U.S. gov't which explicitly exonerated the subject of said investigation?
No, but this is a question that you should direct to Trump. After all, Trump (not me) is the one who claims explicitly that Mueller's report directly exonerates him.

I am 100% sure Mueller's report didn't exonerate Trump, but you seem confused. So, maybe you can get some comfort and a tissue or beat rag if you contact Trump, sniff him out and promise to be loyal to him. Trump will be putty in your fingers if you do that
Did you listen to Mueller today? He literally said he could not make a determination on obstruction and that was NOT because of the OLC.

May want to read what Mueller ACTUALLY said today.
These people on the left here are not about to read anything that would run counter to their preconceived notion that Hillary Clinton won the Presidency. They've been in explosive defecation mode since around 10 pm election night when CNN's leftists started wiling and whimpering realizing that, their best pro Clinton/Democrat/Socialist claims to the contrary, she lost. That's what two years of this crap has been. They've been trash since long before 2016. They're still trash.
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Whether it's dishonesty or stupidity, it's what's required of every good fascist:

The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, CRIMESTOP. CRIMESTOP means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. CRIMESTOP, in short, means protective stupidity.

George Orwell, 1984.
Oh good the old fascist bogeyman.
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No, but this is a question that you should direct to Trump. After all, Trump (not me) is the one who claims explicitly that Mueller's report directly exonerates him.

I am 100% sure Mueller's report didn't exonerate Trump, but you seem confused. So, maybe you can get some comfort and a tissue or beat rag if you contact Trump, sniff him out and promise to be loyal to him. Trump will be putty in your fingers if you do that
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That’s because it does. He wasn’t charged. It’s not on him to prove his own innocence.
Standing on an American citizen's right in court to claim a legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty is not the same as claiming that Mueller "exonerated" Trump before charges were even filed in court. You're an incompetent troll. Strive to be an intelligent one.
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When Trump goes to jail in 2021, Trumplings will be most depressed that they lost (the election). On the bright side, they weren't losers for four whole years. Of course, they're likely to misconstrue that and think I'm wishing that upon them. Not. It's not I who considers them losers. That's a personal problem. Unlike Trump, I advocate win-win policies.
Trump won’t be charged with anything in 2021, much less go to jail, based on what we know now.

That’s just ridiculous.
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Opening statements as expected. Dems want to talk about Trump, GOP wants to talk about how it began. Wish it was later in the day and it could be a drinking game. How many times will GOP bring up “the lovers.” I expect nothing new. Just the hope that people that haven’t read are watching, so they get the facts from his mouth, not from Barr’s interpretation.
I think largely, per usual, the usual suspect talking heads don't know what they're talking about. Looking for "winners and losers" is the wrong approach and even if it were an appropriate lens, we wouldn't know the answer to such an assessment for quite some time.

It's worth remembering how little insight and how much wrong insight the conventional wisdom players dish out non-stop.
Trump won’t be charged with anything in 2021, much less go to jail, based on what we know now.

That’s just ridiculous.
Why is it ridiculous?
I recall Mueller saying when the report was first released that one purpose of the inquiry was to "preserve evidence" for further, future proceedings. [Paraphrasing from memory.] Most assumed he was referring to impeachment. Perhaps he was thinking in longer terms.
I know Trump is a liar. I know Trump is a douchebag. I know Trump is a bad person. I happen to agree with his policies and the decisions he's made as president. I also stand by voting for him considering the alternative options on the left which has gone full socialist and full blown extreme left.
Your post No. 171 concedes my point that Mueller never exonerated Trump. You further conceded that Trump is a liar.

Instead, you claim you support Trump's "policies."

Defend this if you dare: what "policies" on healthcare does Trump currently support, other than the nebulous political claim that Obama's policies on healthcare were "bad"?

We have had Trumpcare (not Obamacare) since 2017 when Republicans gutted the prior system, and there has been no legislation to improve the healthcare system since then. Two full years with no Trump action!

I don't think Trump or McConnell has even mentioned any proposed healthcare changes for over a year. Trump's post-election policies abandoned his campaign promises to fix the healthcare system.

If you're really defending Trump's "policies", this is part of what you're supporting. What a guy.
I recall Mueller saying when the report was first released that one purpose of the inquiry was to "preserve evidence" for further, future proceedings. [Paraphrasing from memory.] Most assumed he was referring to impeachment. Perhaps he was thinking in longer terms.
I can't begin to predict what might happen in 2021, but the notion of a deterrent impact would seemingly be part of the assessment.
Just as it was asked in the hearing today, name another case (just an FYI, Mueller couldn’t) were the person wasn’t “exonerated” but wasn’t charged with any crimes. So your whole post is total partisan bullshit.
No, little boy.

Trump is the one claiming he was exonerated, not me. Whether anybody else in history was exonerated has nothing to do with whether Trump was exonerated as he and you claim.

What's your next deflection or evasion going to be?
Your post No. 171 concedes my point that Mueller never exonerated Trump. You further conceded that Trump is a liar.

Instead, you claim you support Trump's "policies."

Defend this if you dare: what "policies" on healthcare does Trump currently support, other than the nebulous political claim that Obama's policies on healthcare were "bad"?

We have had Trumpcare (not Obamacare) since 2017 when Republicans gutted the prior system, and there has been no legislation to improve the healthcare system since then. Two full years with no Trump action!

I don't think Trump or McConnell has even mentioned any proposed healthcare changes for over a year. Trump's post-election policies abandoned his campaign promises to fix the healthcare system.

If you're really defending Trump's "policies", this is part of what you're supporting. What a guy.
Healthcare is the one area where neither side, to me, is focused enough on. Neither has had a good solution. I will Say, the republican approach is far superior to the Dems considering they’re pushing Medicare for all which is dumb as shit.
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Healthcare is the one area where neither side, to me, is focused enough on. Neither has had a good solution. I will Say, the republican approach is far superior to the Dems considering they’re pushing Medicare for all which is dumb as shit.
What is the Republican approach, other than doing nothing?
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These people on the left here are not about to read anything that would run counter to their preconceived notion that Hillary Clinton won the Presidency. They've been in explosive defecation mode since around 10 pm election night when CNN's leftists started wiling and whimpering realizing that, their best pro Clinton/Democrat/Socialist claims to the contrary, she lost. That's what two years of this crap has been. They've been trash since long before 2016. They're still trash.
You can call names on the left whatever you want, but it still is nothing compared to the type of person who can actively support a pathological liar, a laughingstock around the world, a racist, a misogynist, a sexual abuser, a rapist ( child), a bullying of handicapped people, corrupt, stupid, inept clown. Every single person who has WORKED for him, the people who know him best, talk about how absolutely unprepared and stupid he is. Most recent being Paul Ryan, yet people like you still pretend the Emperor has clothes and denigrate other people who dare to point it out. Our children and grandchildren will be ashamed of what people let happen in this era. I know I’ll be on the right side of the history books. Somewhere deep inside you have to be ashamed. You have to know the type of person you support from the abundance of evidence presented. Don’t pretend you give a damn about your country.
Healthcare is the one area where neither side, to me, is focused enough on. Neither has had a good solution. I will Say, the republican approach is far superior to the Dems considering they’re pushing Medicare for all which is dumb as shit.
What exactly is the Republican approach? They’ve had since 2008 to come up with a plan and haven’t done so. That’s the plan you like? Lol
I was fine with the Nixon pardon.

Trump, I want his head on a pike.
Yup. No way would I support anyone that will let him get away from this. The only way our country heals is to make him pay for his crimes. And there will be many more come to light. How many more open cases does NY have? And we have t heard from Epstein yet, which will probably be good. This is nowhere close to being over. Here’s a hint. If you don’t want constant investigations, don’t elect someone everyone who lives in NYC has known for decades is a crook.
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Healthcare is the one area where neither side, to me, is focused enough on. Neither has had a good solution. I will Say, the republican approach is far superior to the Dems considering they’re pushing Medicare for all which is dumb as shit.

Why is Medicare for all dumb? You got data or something to support your statement?

MSNBC contributor and former Obama administration official Jeremy Bash said Robert Mueller's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee "sucked the life out of the report" and "set back" efforts to impeach President Donald Trump.

Bash made the comments Wednesday on MSNBC between Mueller's two testimonies.
I saw that at lunchtime. He was beside himself.

As I said earlier in the day, I don't know what some of these people were expecting. I suppose they thought we'd have some kind of dramatic scene out of Perry Mason or Law & Order -- or maybe just something like John Dean or Alexander Butterfield.

The closest thing I've seen are the responses that Schiff was able to elicit late in the day. They were single "yes" answers, but Schiff was asking the most serious of questions, concerning greed, criminality, and patriotism.
I saw that at lunchtime. He was beside himself.

As I said earlier in the day, I don't know what some of these people were expecting. I suppose they thought we'd have some kind of dramatic scene out of Perry Mason or Law & Order -- or maybe just something like John Dean or Alexander Butterfield.

The closest thing I've seen are the responses that Schiff was able to elicit late in the day. They were single "yes" answers, but Schiff was asking the most serious of questions, concerning greed, criminality, and patriotism.
I thought Gowdy’s quote was gold-the one who learned the most about the Mueller report today was.....Bob Mueller. LOL.

But seriously, I agree. If people were expecting anything to change, they were expecting to much.

This will be decided in the next election.
It's also curious if not ironic that you don't mention that it is the Democrats who are treating the Republican-appointed, lifetime Republican with respect and the Republicans who are incessantly attacking his credibility and treating him with disrespect. This after this lifelong Republican has made every attempt to be factual and honest while protecting the ongoing investigations of the Republican-led Justice Department pursuant to their publicly-announced limitations on his testimony.


So your saying just because he’s a party member, he should get a free pass even when wrong. Is that what you’re saying? How DNClurker of you cupcake.
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In summation and as predicted, this was a spectacular waste of time an money.

A bunch of turd congresspeople grandstanded for personal gain
Muller stumbled and stammered
Absolutely nothing new was learned or discovered

All sides claim victory

Repulsive display and waste of resources.
In summation and as predicted, this was a spectacular waste of time an money.

A bunch of turd congresspeople grandstanded for personal gain
Muller stumbled and stammered
Absolutely nothing new was learned or discovered

All sides claim victory

Repulsive display and waste of resources.

I would like to know at what point Mueller became mentally unable to run this investigation. He wasn’t competent today. Maybe Weissmann should have been sitting next to him to answer the questions.
I would like to know at what point Mueller became mentally unable to run this investigation. He wasn’t competent today. Maybe Weissmann should have been sitting next to him to answer the questions.

I was surprised by his semi incoherent performance. The assembled questioners sickened me, I was embarrassed for them.
I thought he was very effective.
Effective at what? A scripted and rehearsed statement, or questioning intended to elicit new information? Today was an exemplar as to why, in my opinion, Congress should not have unfettered subpoena power.
Effective at getting out to the public exactly what they wanted with short succinct questions and one word answers by Mueller. Yes, Trump tried to fire Comey, Yes, Trump asked his aides to falsify documents. Etc.
Stoll are you at all interested at what point it became apparent to Trump’s cabinet that he is mentally unable to govern the country?
Replace “willfully” with “effortlessly”
I don't know that it's effortless. For some it may take real effort and produce a fair amount of cognitive dissonance:

He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions--'the Party says the earth is flat', 'the party says that ice is heavier than water'--and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them. It was not easy. It needed great powers of reasoning and improvisation.

George Orwell, 1984.​

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