If only Putin had used the wrong pronouns . . .

Speaking of history, so much for that “so it wont happen again“ theory of learning and knowing history. Those who say that didn’t expect a senile easily frightened old man in charge.

Lol. Talking about rare company. Do you realize that you are the only person in the whole world who knows, or even cares, what a group consisting of your truly, Tucker Carlson, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Green and The Squad know or even think? Hell I don’t know that and I’m a member of your group.
Nice try, comrade, but actions speak louder than thoughts, especially when those actions are written and spoken thoughts.
Still? Never have. But he would be 100% better than the mindless idiot in the WH and his incompetent partner.
Hilarious. What's the name of the alternate universe in which you reside? Biden's had a terrible first year, but it boggles the mind that any Trump supporter would dare call anyone else incompetent. Trump embarrassed us in Helsinki, was literally laughed at by world leaders at the UN and at a NATO summit reception in London, tried to extort a head of state (Zelensky of Ukraine), explosively increased (even before the pandemic) the national debt, presided over the three largest trade deficits in US history, lied on a daily basis, botched the pandemic messaging and response, tried to overturn his election defeat and subvert the will of the people, fanned the flames of an insurrection, and is the only president in American history to be impeached twice. And that's just off the top of my head. If I thought about it a little longer, I could probably triple the length of that list.

We've already seen what Trump can do. It was a disaster. And a second Trump term, without Trump having to worry about running again, would be even more of a shitshow. But, hey, if you're fed up with democracy, he's your man!
Hilarious. What's the name of the alternate universe in which you reside? Biden's had a terrible first year, but it boggles the mind that any Trump supporter would dare call anyone else incompetent. Trump embarrassed us in Helsinki, was literally laughed at by world leaders at the UN and at a NATO summit reception in London, tried to extort a head of state (Zelensky of Ukraine), explosively increased (even before the pandemic) the national debt, presided over the three largest trade deficits in US history, lied on a daily basis, botched the pandemic messaging and response, tried to overturn his election defeat and subvert the will of the people, fanned the flames of an insurrection, and is the only president in American history to be impeached twice. And that's just off the top of my head. If I thought about it a little longer, I could probably triple the length of that list.

We've already seen what Trump can do. It was a disaster. And a second Trump term, without Trump having to worry about running again, would be even more of a shitshow. But, hey, if you're fed up with democracy, he's your man!
You might want to read the news sometime - Biden is a disaster for the economy and foreign policy.

Did you know Russia is invading Ukraine and he's letting Russia negotiate with Iran for us?
You might want to read the news sometime - Biden is a disaster for the economy and foreign policy.

Did you know Russia is invading Ukraine and he's letting Russia negotiate with Iran for us?
Why the hell would expect anything from this bozo?
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COH, I totally get that you have an extremely low opinion of Biden. If you read the interview answers by general Petraeus I think you can see that Biden has done a lot of good things in this Ukraine situation and you can take pride in that as an American.
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Hilarious. What's the name of the alternate universe in which you reside? Biden's had a terrible first year, but it boggles the mind that any Trump supporter would dare call anyone else incompetent. Trump embarrassed us in Helsinki, was literally laughed at by world leaders at the UN and at a NATO summit reception in London, tried to extort a head of state (Zelensky of Ukraine), explosively increased (even before the pandemic) the national debt, presided over the three largest trade deficits in US history, lied on a daily basis, botched the pandemic messaging and response, tried to overturn his election defeat and subvert the will of the people, fanned the flames of an insurrection, and is the only president in American history to be impeached twice. And that's just off the top of my head. If I thought about it a little longer, I could probably triple the length of that list.

We've already seen what Trump can do. It was a disaster. And a second Trump term, without Trump having to worry about running again, would be even more of a shitshow. But, hey, if you're fed up with democracy, he's your man!
More bullshit.
All of the Obama third-term metrics
are a disaster.

Spot market LP gas $4.88 gallon.

Local 87 octane gasoline $4.15 gallon.

Diesel $5.00+ except for high tax states like
Commieformia, $7.00+, pushing $8.00..

Food prices skyrocketing.

Building material costs have doubled and tripled.

A fake pandemic has cost $Billions and exposed millions of trusting people to tragic results of toxic 'vaccines.'

Hundreds of thousands of illegal invaders stroll through wide open through the borders, unvetted and unaccounted for.

And now, another destructive war.

But President Trump said mean words.

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