How long is too long?

Here's a serious effort to implement an approach in the US:

A bipartisan group of former health officials seeks to sell a $46.5 billion coronavirus plan to the White House - STAT News (link)

In the past month, President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner has fielded calls from at least three members of a new coalition pitching an aggressive plan to reopen America.

The political backgrounds of Kushner’s callers diverged sharply: They ranged from Scott Gottlieb, a Trump appointee who ran the Food and Drug Administration until last year, to a pair of Obama-era health officials whose views diverge from the White House’s at nearly every turn.

Their message, however, was largely the same: The White House should back a $46.5 billion effort to hire an army of 180,000 contact-tracers, book blocks of vacant hotel rooms so Americans sick with Covid-19 can self-isolate, and pay sick individuals to stay away from work until they recover.
I see you started “ day drinking “ again! That’s not all bad!
The entertainment you bring to this board is hilarious. I envy your ability to put things into one liners that seem to get everyone's panties in a bind on this board.
Here's a serious effort to implement an approach in the US:

A bipartisan group of former health officials seeks to sell a $46.5 billion coronavirus plan to the White House - STAT News (link)

In the past month, President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner has fielded calls from at least three members of a new coalition pitching an aggressive plan to reopen America.

The political backgrounds of Kushner’s callers diverged sharply: They ranged from Scott Gottlieb, a Trump appointee who ran the Food and Drug Administration until last year, to a pair of Obama-era health officials whose views diverge from the White House’s at nearly every turn.

Their message, however, was largely the same: The White House should back a $46.5 billion effort to hire an army of 180,000 contact-tracers, book blocks of vacant hotel rooms so Americans sick with Covid-19 can self-isolate, and pay sick individuals to stay away from work until they recover.

At least it's proactive and trying to control the situation. Otherwise you are just wsiti6 around for the wild fire to pop up then you scramble.
Then this will never go away. As I had said earlier 18mths is the optimal milestone for the vaccine. But the distribution of that will be another hurdle and it might drag out for two years, assuming that the feckin virus doesn't mutate. ( Flu shots are difficult to enough to every year to figure out.)
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I don't even think it's accurate to think of the cable news networks as comparable to each other anymore. They are all radically different.

Fox = government propaganda
MSNBC = some actual news, but a lot of extreme partisan bias
CNN = infotainment, with stress on the "tainment"
They each have good actual news reporting, including Fox, but once they swing towards editorializing they each are simply terrible.
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They each have good actual news reporting, including Fox, but once they swing towards editorializing they each are simply terrible.

Exactly, they all peddle their own brand of propaganda. They each have a team they play for and they slant news to that end. NBC had a Chinese official on who was bragging about their response to the virus and they did not push him at all. Follow the money, NBC's owners have a bunch of business dealings in China they know go up in flames if they criticize them. So they invite Beijing Lily onto the American airwaves to spread their bull shit propaganda.
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Exactly, they all peddle their own brand of propaganda. They each have a team they play for and they slant news to that end. NBC had a Chinese official on who was bragging about their response to the virus and they did not push him at all. Follow the money, NBC's owners have a bunch of business dealings in China they know go up in flames if they criticize them. So they invite Beijing Lily onto the American airwaves to spread their bull shit propaganda.

And this is what worries me about the internet based social media companies bowing to pressure for increased censorship. Sure, a ton of the things people spout on those outlets are lies/propaganda at best and/or bat $h!t crazy at worst, but so is a lot of stuff being promoted on various "news" networks. I'd rather have to sift through the propaganda and do my own research to find nuggets of truth than to be beholden to someone else's likely biased and almighty dollar influenced version of "truth".
The entertainment you bring to this board is hilarious. I envy your ability to put things into one liners that seem to get everyone's panties in a bind on this board.

Congrats, "Lucy", you can add another sucker to the list of those who've gobbled the bait.
Congrats, "Lucy", you can add another sucker to the list of those who've gobbled the bait.
These responses are what I was referring to, hilarious. Keep'em coming Lucy you keep pulling that ball right out from under them. :)
These responses are what I was referring to, hilarious. Keep'em coming Lucy you keep pulling that ball right out from under them. :)

Exactly, they all peddle their own brand of propaganda. They each have a team they play for and they slant news to that end. NBC had a Chinese official on who was bragging about their response to the virus and they did not push him at all. Follow the money, NBC's owners have a bunch of business dealings in China they know go up in flames if they criticize them. So they invite Beijing Lily onto the American airwaves to spread their bull shit propaganda.
I still think Fox is far and away the worst. While CNN and MSNBC peddle to the left (MSNBC more so - I think CNN is just trying to make money any way they can), Fox is spewing anti-science, white supremacy-normalizing, #NewGOP propaganda nonsense. They leave their viewers horribly dumb and what’s worse is that their viewers are the ones that vote in droves. They’re far more dangerous.

not a huge fan of the tracing thing, because i just think even with technology, it's logistically not effectively viable.

i think the first thing that needs done is accepting the age thing.

open by opening things up for the under 35 or 40, or wherever the sharp age cutoff is for severe reactions and death.

let that group gain herd immunity, and they can hold down the fort for everyone else labor/economy wise, and not be forced to suffer when they aren't the ones at risk.

of course the young can't co mingle with the older, so those living with older persons need to stay locked down or move out.

for everyone else, antibodies tests are the key, and why the beyond insane total clusterfk mismanagement of the entire response by the federal govt has been so tragic, since only they can make things happen expediently.

those older can re enter as well if they test positive for already having it. (save all the antibodies tests for the ones who haven't already re entered, since they are irrelevant for those who already have re entered).

and parse everybody else back by age group (and health status), after that, while monitoring how things go for each group re entering. (and spacing things out so each group that re enters can be evaluated before another group re enters).

if already being infected doesn't bring some significant immunization benefit, and/or some lessening of severity if a second infection, then it's time to say fk it at that point anyway, and everybody can make their own life choices at that point.

accepting the age differential reality, taking steps by age group and health factors, and testing, especially serological antibodies tests, are the keys imo.
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Hook, line, and sinker. And here I thought everyone knew Lucy. ;)
Ok I concede you get the last word even if it didn't make any sense. I'm waiving the white flag!!!!!

Have a great day and long live "Lucy".

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