How do transgender women (biological men) live with themselves . . .

Well, just like ball golf (yep)...where i should literally carry only a sandwedge, 7 iron, 4 iron and putter....I go whole hog. B/c i think it will make a difference.

So 20ish discs and a bag is probably 20ish lbs. Plus large water bottle. Maybe more. Don't care anymore though. Got a cart. Did I mention my back is a disaster area.
Would you please go visit Twenty's country club and loudly announce to everyone you want to play some "ball golf" today? Bonus points if you wear some folded over joggers and calf-high uggs while pulling your frisbee cart.

Record it and you'd get a million views on TikTok.
They keep up, but they aren't nearly as physical.
At that age, that's likely more nurture than nature. I grew up with two girls who could hold their own in any sport through 6th grade. One made our all-star baseball team and hit third. She was an all-state softball player.

Haven't gotten into basketball yet because my oldest has no interest, but in soccer and hockey, the boys are materially more physical. They use their body, even though checking is not allowed, use their hands and body to create space or pressure in soccer, etc.

There's a pretty big difference just in terms of their mental state. I think sports like Baseball is where I've seen girls keep up the best. We had a girl play with us through 7th or 8th grade and she was solid, but once guys were throwing sliders and fastballs with movement, she migrated to softball where she was all-district.
Once we got to middle school, the girl couldn't play with us. It was Legion back, and in the 80's, I don't recall girls being allowed.

In all honesty, I wish I was 20 years younger (for a variety of reasons) but mostly to but 20-30 acres of useless woodland and I'd build a disc golf course on it. Partner with a brewery and bingo bango I'm making tens of dollars.

Neighbor down the street has a couple "holes" in his side yard.

Never seen anyone play them, but the baskets are there.
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Jealous of the guys in sales. They seem to rarely work and when they do work it's on the golf course or at the bar
bach from some shitty directional school. by 35 killing it. at least you were smart enough to study money. learn the meaning of words like robust. some of us learned about the constitution. stoooooooooopid
Neighbor down the street has a couple "holes" in his side yard.

Never seen anyone play them, but the baskets are there.
I've heard you need about 25 acres to be "safe". 20 for the occasional disc to the head.

I'm telling ya Boogie, it's freaking addictive and there is no way on God's green earth your wife or kids will wnat to do it. Maybe the boy, but that's fine.

I play in a doubles league quite a bit and there are a ton of younger kids that are spending time with older dudes. I think that's important in life. To see other older dudes that aren't your dad or to maybe see your dad in a different light. Adds perspective. Golf was always the same way for me. Dad would let his guard down and bullshit with other guys about all manner of shit. I very early on noticed he behaved different around them than he did at home. Stuck with me to this day.
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Jealous of the guys in sales. They seem to rarely work and when they do work it's on the golf course or at the bar
bach from some shitty directional school. by 35 killing it. at least you were smart enough to study money. learn the meaning of words like robust. some of us learned about the constitution. stoooooooooopid

Yeah, but in sales you're just somebody's bitch. And you're always on call. I'd hate it.

I was a liberal arts major and didn't go to law school. Talk about stoooooooopid.
Yeah, but in sales you're just somebody's bitch. And you're always on call. I'd hate it.

I was a liberal arts major and didn't go to law school. Talk about stoooooooopid.
smartest thing you can do is marry an earner. and stay married.
smartest thing you can do is marry an earner. and stay married.
First wife, nah. She was lazy.

Current wife, works like a dog. But not for a ton of money. I tell her to get the hell out. She's got 20 years experience, she could make more doing less somewhere else. But then I remember that she still (at almost 52) washes the kitchen floor with a rag instead of mop. Why you ask? B/c mops are dirty. She says that with an off white (once white) rag in her hand on her knees wiping the floor.

View from the couch is still nice though.
I've heard you need about 25 acres to be "safe". 20 for the occasional disc to the head.

I'm telling ya Boogie, it's freaking addictive and there is no way on God's green earth your wife or kids will wnat to do it. Maybe the boy, but that's fine.

I play in a doubles league quite a bit and there are a ton of younger kids that are spending time with older dudes. I think that's important in life. To see other older dudes that aren't your dad or to maybe see your dad in a different light. Adds perspective. Golf was always the same way for me. Dad would let his guard down and bullshit with other guys about all manner of shit. I very early on noticed he behaved different around them than he did at home. Stuck with me to this day.

I want to say four years ago, my M.I.L. wanted to get my middle girl into something during the summer, so she found a place that was doing disc golf lessons. She really seemed to like it and I thought, cool, I never played, but it's something she likes to do so it's something we can do together that I would probably not dread doing.

I went out and bought some discs for the both of us (one of my buddy plays a lot so he went told me what to buy). I was super excited to do it, but when I went to ask when she wanted to play, she informed me her playing career was over because she thought it was boring and was just saying those things so her grandma wasn't disappointed.

I've still got the discs in my barn, never thrown.
First wife, nah. She was lazy.

Current wife, works like a dog. But not for a ton of money. I tell her to get the hell out. She's got 20 years experience, she could make more doing less somewhere else. But then I remember that she still (at almost 52) washes the kitchen floor with a rag instead of mop. Why you ask? B/c mops are dirty. She says that with an off white (once white) rag in her hand on her knees wiping the floor.

View from the couch is still nice though.
sounds like you picked a winner!
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Yeah, but in sales you're just somebody's bitch. And you're always on call. I'd hate it.

I was a liberal arts major and didn't go to law school. Talk about stoooooooopid.

I know a sales guy who's younger than me that makes like $400k and he seems to never fkn work. Hell he doesn't even live around here much anymore.... Bought a place in Naples and lives 6 months a year down there. Member of a club down there and one up here. Plays golf like 3 or 4x a week year round. Flies around and meets his corporate customers here and there, as needed.

Other guys I see out a lot are financial "advisors".... they worked hard to build a book of business, but now they've got it rolling they just sit around and bring in that fat AUM fee. Take calls from their clients here and there, but not doing a lot else. I honestly would hate being in charge of a bunch of other people's money, but works for them.
I've heard you need about 25 acres to be "safe". 20 for the occasional disc to the head.
There used to be a great course on a college campus nearby, but I guess somebody complained about "safety issues" of errant discs. Maybe theere was even a lawsuit. Well, the University caved and removed the entire course.

The only course close to me is 9 holes crammed into a pretty small area, in a park. Some holes are as short as 100 feet and I don't think any are longer than 320. Tricked up a bit with tight lanes through some palm trees
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There used to be a great course on a college campus nearby, but I guess somebody complained about "safety issues" of errant discs. Maybe theere was even a lawsuit. Well, the University caved and removed the entire course.

The only course close to me is 9 holes crammed into a pretty small area, in a park. Some holes are as short as 100 feet and I don't think any are longer than 320. Tricked up a bit with tight lanes through some palm trees
Yeah, Florida is tough. McBeth is going to turn the "Thrown Down teh Mountain" course into a destination type thingy.

This is down the street from my house.

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Yeah, Florida is tough. McBeth is going to turn the "Thrown Down teh Mountain" course into a destination type thingy.

This is down the street from my house.

i hate carmel
My daughter couldn't beat a senior citizen para-athlete in her future natural life, if you let her pick the event. Sweetest and most emotionally intelligent girl in the world, but got her mother's eye - hand coordination.

That said, if she were as athletically competitive as my son, I'd have a serious problem with this. And I don't have much in life I get that worked up about. But it is basically equal to allowing extensive hormone drugs for nobody but 2 competitors.

This will never be my personal fight, but I'm completely against the idea of tranny men ever competing as women, and anyone that disagrees can go **** off for extreme stupidity.
Yea, it's pretty much f**ked up but on the list of things f**cked up I can't fix, this isn't getting any priority from me. There are weirdos everywhere ..
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Yeah, Florida is tough. McBeth is going to turn the "Thrown Down teh Mountain" course into a destination type thingy.

This is down the street from my house.

@outside shooter Just to rub it in. This course is about 20 mins from my house.

I honestly would hate being in charge of a bunch of other people's money, but works for them.

I'd just be waiting for market to crash and everybody calling to threaten my safety.
@outside shooter Just to rub it in. This course is about 20 mins from my house.

Not to rub it in but this course is about 25 minutes from my house...

when they beat biological women in sports?

When I swam in high school, I didn't make the cut off for the state meet. I easily could have made it for girl's. Who would cheer me for taking off my boy's Speedo and putting on a girl's Speedo and going for the state championship?

Many if not most Trans face mental illiness.

Seems to me subjecting themselves to further pain by competing in sports and having the disapproval of the general public would only make matters worse. This is probably why there are so few who take this course.
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Not to rub it in but this course is about 25 minutes from my house...

You bastard.

I've heard about this place. I still haven't been down to BC3 (former Brown County Country Club, converted to a 27 hold dg course). Idlewild is about 90 minutes from me. Northwood Black is 3 hours away.
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You bastard.

I've heard about this place. I still haven't been down to BC3 (former Brown County Country Club, converted to a 27 hold dg course). Idlewild is about 90 minutes from me. Northwood Black is 3 hours away.
I worked at and got married at the old country club.
You bastard.

I've heard about this place. I still haven't been down to BC3 (former Brown County Country Club, converted to a 27 hold dg course). Idlewild is about 90 minutes from me. Northwood Black is 3 hours away.
I was planning on playing the Brown County course when I make a trip back to Btown in the spring. I found out about it by watching the state championship videos on youtube (below). I've also heard there's a pretty nice course in Monrovia. I'm heading to Santa Cruz for the holidays to visit family so I'll be playing DeLa a few times.

I was planning on playing the Brown County course when I make a trip back to Btown in the spring. I found out about it by watching the state championship videos on youtube (below). I've also heard there's a pretty nice course in Monrovia. I'm heading to Santa Cruz for the holidays to visit family so I'll be playing DeLa a few times.

Mods, it's time to lock this baby up.

@Univee2 there have to be enough KCFs here to fund us for decades.
Mods, it's time to lock this baby up.

@Univee2 there have to be enough KCFs here to fund us for decades.
There will be some sticker shock when people get their statements.

Now, quiet. Just walked in and Brett Baier is on. Showed a shot of Jon Rahm with a LIV Golf jacket. “We’ll be back (after a commercial) with a major golf announcement.”
There will be some sticker shock when people get their statements.

Now, quiet. Just walked in and Brett Baier is on. Showed a shot of Jon Rahm with a LIV Golf jacket. “We’ll be back (after a commercial) with a major golf announcement.”
I can’t believe IGW hasn’t been all over this
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“Three years and over $600,000,000?”

“Can’t comment. Private business.”
“it’s only so they don’t appear to be a monopoly”

“it’s what every pub has done since Reagan. now look and see if a deal occurs between the pga and pif”
Once we got to middle school, the girl couldn't play with us. It was Legion back, and in the 80's, I don't recall girls being allowed.

I wonder if Little League is the same as I never remember seeing girls at LLWS. Our town had our own little league system, so there was a bit more freedom.
I wonder if Little League is the same as I never remember seeing girls at LLWS. Our town had our own little league system, so there was a bit more freedom.
As I came up there wasn't anything against it, but back then, girls didn't really like sports. I can't remember if we had softball back then. I know we had girls basketball, but there weren't nearly as many teams.
when they beat biological women in sports?

When I swam in high school, I didn't make the cut off for the state meet. I easily could have made it for girl's. Who would cheer me for taking off my boy's Speedo and putting on a girl's Speedo and going for the state championship?
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