A nut shot is always going to draw condemnation. I go back to, then why didn't the refs call such an obvious flagrant foul, with clear video of the entire entanglement? I'll laugh if you say Assembly Hall, but you still have to answer that question, and I think the answer is obvious.I have not once said Furst didn’t do anything dirty too. Leal also kept his arms straight as hell where if he bent them would have got untangled (trying to draw fouls is his forte remember). Then Leal kicked him in the nuts. Way dirtier than any other play that was made by a mile. If they switched jerseys you would be ripping Furst. It’s ok you got some Indiana hypocrite in you. I don’t.
PS, if they switched jerseys, I probably would be ripping Furst for a nut shot, but then I'd also rip Leal for sitting there with his hands out complaining to the ref. Nothing irritates me more than a player in a live ball situation stopping and crying about a foul. Summed up the entire second half.