Fire Woodson…

We'll see if I get that grand from Cavanagh that he promised me if we miss the dance this season 😉
Looks like CMW is playing with enough house money to finish his six year contract now.

His team believes in him and plays hard.

I dare say all fans before the season started would take 20-13 and an NCAA bid as a marked improvement over the past few seasons.
You might be the dumbest poster here if you think Woodson has an elite coaching resume. You are correct that he isn’t Crean, Miller, or Stevens. He’s worse.

Indiana would be in the NCAA if Archie still here…Woodson has no clue.terrible hire. Kids come out of timeouts and never execute… Play with Zero energy…all on the coach…
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He’s definitely in over his head. That’s easy to see. He assembled a team full of players from losing programs. In other words, this team is full of a bunch of losers. Coaching staff included.
What say you now? Have you watched much basketball? This team is so much better coached than the last few years. In over his head? By what metric?

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