Fascinating look into the mind of Musk

We already knew this, but it’s interesting to see his understanding of accountability (and his reaction to being challenged) on display.
He’s fascinating. Number one selling car in the world. Ahead of Toyota Ford F 150s. It’s an amazing accomplishment. But wouldn’t you be afraid to back him. That at any moment he’d put himself and his grievance ahead of profitability shareholders etc. or just disappear one day. Full meltdown.

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And, the difference between Musk's mind and his posts is infinite. Yet, people say they can figure hin out by his posts.
Based on his view of responsibility, I wouldn't put him in charge of anything. And that's leaving aside the grievance that mcm called out.
The difference between genius and madness is small.
He’s fascinating. Number one selling car in the world. Ahead of Toyota Ford F 150s. It’s an amazing accomplishment. But wouldn’t you be afraid to back him. That at any moment he’d put himself and his grievance ahead of profitability shareholders etc. or just disappear one day. Full meltdown.

I think there's a brain-wiring thing going on that separates lots of people. It's not a simple or unimportant thing. It's almost like many of us are from a different species (not entirely a value judgment)(and that's something scary I think we can't really even get into because of where it could lead people). Lack of empathy, lack of emotional control, overestimation of own abilities, absolute connection of identity to desired outcomes in a way that leaves them truly incapable of processing realities that clash with it, and more.

And that's just sitting next to the rest of the brain that basically functions like the others (good or bad).
I think there's a brain-wiring thing going on that separates lots of people. It's not a simple or unimportant thing. It's almost like many of us are from a different species (not entirely a value judgment)(and that's something scary I think we can't really even get into because of where it could lead people). Lack of empathy, lack of emotional control, overestimation of own abilities, absolute connection of identity to desired outcomes in a way that leaves them truly incapable of processing realities that clash with it, and more.

And that's just sitting next to the rest of the brain that basically functions like the others (good or bad).
And it's a weird contrast. I think the Musk brain demands that he be the alpha, but then in the same breath he's saying the meanies are ruining the company he's supposedly totally in charge of in all his alpha-ness.
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I think there's a brain-wiring thing going on that separates lots of people. It's not a simple or unimportant thing. It's almost like many of us are from a different species (not entirely a value judgment)(and that's something scary I think we can't really even get into because of where it could lead people). Lack of empathy, lack of emotional control, overestimation of own abilities, absolute connection of identity to desired outcomes in a way that leaves them truly incapable of processing realities that clash with it, and more.

And that's just sitting next to the rest of the brain that basically functions like the others (good or bad).
Those qualities/shortcomings/characteristics etc are what’s scary about things like AI where regulation is behind and may not even be capable of keeping up/policing - to cite just one example
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And it's a weird contrast. I think the Musk brain demands that he be the alpha, but then in the same breath he's saying the meanies are ruining the company he's supposedly totally in charge of in all his alpha-ness.
He’s very sensitive. I will say to his credit on numerous occasions he’s exhibited sympathy/empathy whether it’s providing internet service to war torn areas or trying to contrive something to rescue people in trouble. I think it was the Chilean cave kids
He’s very sensitive. I will say to his credit on numerous occasions he’s exhibited sympathy/empathy whether it’s providing internet service to war torn areas or trying to contrive something to rescue people in trouble. I think it was the Chilean cave kids
I'm not an expert on Musk. But I'd say he's not super empathetic to, say, Jewish people who believe he's leading a platform that is welcoming to and platforming virulent anti-semitic tropes (and thus all the advertiser blow-back he dissociates from himself). Musk may truly not see it that way, but his apparent inability to understand the feelings of others is basic empathy stuff (even if it's explained by spectrum-type issues ... also a very sensitive subject).

On the Thai cave, it's easy to get caught up in a game of twisted intentions. I have no idea what was in Musk's brain and I neither think he had bad intentions nor assume that it was entirely altruistic. Here's the Vox rundown on all that.

As you say, he's thin-skinned. That level of poor control is, imho, disqualifying for the levels of responsibility he's taken on. Regardless of the many positive things you initially brought forward. I don't discount those. But I've also not studied him closely enough to know how much credit he deserves. That's not begrudging; I just have learned the negative consequences of generously assuming too much.
And it's a weird contrast. I think the Musk brain demands that he be the alpha, but then in the same breath he's saying the meanies are ruining the company he's supposedly totally in charge of in all his alpha-ness.
The company isn’t being ruined. Costs are way down and users minutes on X and overall users are up. It’s why advertisers are coming back. They go where the people are. It was inevitable, in a free market, a conservative was going to take over a social media platform. If Musk ever chooses to sell he will make billions.
The company isn’t being ruined. Costs are way down and users minutes on X and overall users are up. It’s why advertisers are coming back. They go where the people are. It was inevitable, in a free market, a conservative was going to take over a social media platform. If Musk ever chooses to sell he will make billions.
I doubt I agree with you about what a conservative is or that a "conservative" controlling social media is something new.

You think it's entirely irrelevant that twitter lost lots of money for a stretch because of the decisions he made?
Telepathy brought to you by the thin skinned, responsibility shirker.

Elon sat down for over an hour with Don Lemon and didn’t strangle him. I’d argue that shows pretty thick skin actually.
I doubt I agree with you about what a conservative is or that a "conservative" controlling social media is something new.
I was being kind. Musk is more of a centrist
You think it's entirely irrelevant that twitter lost lots of money for a stretch because of the decisions he made?
Yes, it’s irrelevant. He took the company private and can do what he wants. I was personally mad because I couldn’t buy any stock in it. The guy is a genius and the greatest entrepreneur of the 21st century (so far). I’d gladly invest in anything he is working on. I don’t care he dislikes some “liberal” ideology or policies. I like money and innovators.
I was being kind. Musk is more of a centrist

Yes, it’s irrelevant. He took the company private and can do what he wants. I was personally mad because I couldn’t buy any stock in it. The guy is a genius and the greatest entrepreneur of the 21st century (so far). I’d gladly invest in anything he is working on. I don’t care he dislikes some “liberal” ideology or policies. I like money and innovators.
Musk is a self-ist. That's not the same thing as a plot point on a traditional political spectrum. It so happens that self-ists end up aligning with a set of policies that are effectively antisocial and exclusionary. It's silly in my estimation to pretend that there's some kind of classical "conservative" vs. "liberal" framework afoot in all that. Willfully or not, you're voting for the antisocial outcomes that naturally flow from that.
Musk is a self-ist. That's not the same thing as a plot point on a traditional political spectrum. It so happens that self-ists end up aligning with a set of policies that are effectively antisocial and exclusionary. It's silly in my estimation to pretend that there's some kind of classical "conservative" vs. "liberal" framework afoot in all that. Willfully or not, you're voting for the antisocial outcomes that naturally flow from that.
I consider building companies, innovating, and making people’s lives easier the opposite of antisocial and exclusionary. Are you talking about his individual personality or accomplishments? Or both?
I consider building companies, innovating, and making people’s lives easier the opposite of antisocial and exclusionary. Are you talking about his individual personality or accomplishments? Or both?
I'm not a fanboy (of Musk or other strangers that are obviously complicated figures at best) and I don't agree with that assessment of his individual scorecard.
I'm not a fanboy (of Musk or other strangers that are obviously complicated figures at best) and I don't agree with that assessment of his individual scorecard.
Starlink and Neuralink are both companies that literally allow people to more effectively communicate. It’s the opposite of anti-social.
And it's a weird contrast. I think the Musk brain demands that he be the alpha, but then in the same breath he's saying the meanies are ruining the company he's supposedly totally in charge of in all his alpha-ness.
Musk was born to wealthy parents in Apartheid South Africa and lived there until he was 18. Apartheid did not end for several more years. His formative years were under apartheid, and he has always been privileged.

He never had to mow yards or flip burgers growing up. He is used to getting his way and having other people do things for him.

Why would anyone think he would run Twitter/X any other way?
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I'm not an expert on Musk. But I'd say he's not super empathetic to, say, Jewish people who believe he's leading a platform that is welcoming to and platforming virulent anti-semitic tropes (and thus all the advertiser blow-back he dissociates from himself). Musk may truly not see it that way, but his apparent inability to understand the feelings of others is basic empathy stuff (even if it's explained by spectrum-type issues ... also a very sensitive subject).

On the Thai cave, it's easy to get caught up in a game of twisted intentions. I have no idea what was in Musk's brain and I neither think he had bad intentions nor assume that it was entirely altruistic. Here's the Vox rundown on all that.

As you say, he's thin-skinned. That level of poor control is, imho, disqualifying for the levels of responsibility he's taken on. Regardless of the many positive things you initially brought forward. I don't discount those. But I've also not studied him closely enough to know how much credit he deserves. That's not begrudging; I just have learned the negative consequences of generously assuming too much.

Musk was born to wealthy parents in Apartheid South Africa and lived there until he was 18. Apartheid did not end for several more years. His formative years were under apartheid, and he has always been privileged.

He never had to mow yards or flip burgers growing up. He is used to getting his way and having other people do things for him.

Why would anyone think he would run Twitter/X any other way?
There are some interesting points in this video, which I believe address the various points you guys are making. He certainly has chosen some pretty radical voices to elevate on twitter...

As to your point on apartheid stuff, IIRC his father owned an emerald mine. I wonder who he employed at substandard wages?

I'm guessing a huge portion of the Musk family mines workforce were people bussed in from the Bantustan to work all day and then sent home at night. That's a major element of how Apartheid functioned.

We already knew this, but it’s interesting to see his understanding of accountability (and his reaction to being challenged) on display.
Several years ago I read an authorized Musk biography. Some of my take aways . .

He does not suffer fools
I think he is deep in the autism continuum (the book doesn’t mention that)
He works and thinks alone, he is not a collaborator
He has an uncanny ability to make complicated things simple.

I wish we knew more about Gwen Shotwell. She has been employed at Space X almost from the beginning and has been President and CEO for most of that time. Having that long of a relationship with musk is remarkable achievement. Space X is one of the most successful organizations in history.