Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

okay let's name names. harris. abortion and everythign else. biden 9 percent inflation and everything else. matters that directly impact voters they lie incessantly about. not party. people
Trump said prices are quadruple what they were when he was President - they aren’t. He said he had the best economy in history - who’s stupid enough to believe that? He said the election in 2020 was stolen - that is a deeply damaging lie destroying much of the confidence we’ve had in our elections. He’s said he finished most of the wall (he didn’t finish much at all, and Mexico didn’t pay for even that), he said he could balance the budget (made exactly zero effort), he was going to replace Obamacare with a beautiful and tremendous one (nope), fix infrastructure (nope).

He lied to each wife about being faithful to them. He lied to students that Trump University was going to lead to great careers. He lies about everything from his golf game, to rally crowd sizes to protecting highly classified national security information.

He’s unfit. I’m not going to argue with you about this. No amount of effort could possibly convince me to vote for such a despicable unfit person for President. I’m not voting for Harris, so any effort to paint her as despicable and unfit as him is wasted effort. I’m writing in a good Republican. I’ll gladly entertain suggestions for that person.
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Trump said prices a quadruple what they were when he was President - they aren’t. He said he had the best economy in history - who’s stupid enough to believe that. He said the election in 2020 was stolen - that is a deeply damaging lie destroying much of the confidence we’ve had in our elections. He’s said he finished most of the wall (he didn’t finish much at all, and Mexico didn’t pay for even that), he said he could balance the budget (made exactly zero effort), he was going to replace Obamacare with a beautiful and tremendous one (nope), fix infrastructure (nope).

He lied to each wife about being faithful to them. He lied to students that Trump University was going to lead to great careers. He lies about everything from his golf game, to rally crowd sizes to protecting highly classified national security information.

He’s unfit. I’m not going to argue with you about this. No amount of effort could possibly convince me to vote for such a despicable unfit person for President. I’m not voting for Harris, so any effort to paint her as despicable and unfit as him is wasted effort. I’m writing in a good Republican. I’ll gladly entertain suggestions for that person.
You may not be voting for Harris but you attack trump nonstop and don’t do the same re Harris.

The Dem party concealed Biden’s condition
Actively lied about his condition
The Harris admin has lied about inflation 9 percent, the border, claimed trump wants a national ban on abortion, social security, installed her without a vote, etc. Anything there is to lie about they have. The unfit bullshit is exactly that: bullshit
You’re gone. There’s no hope for you. No reason to discuss these issues with you. You’ve lost all ability to reason with all things Trump. You’ve become the equivalent of Kamala. It’s tough to watch. I’ll pray for you.
I wasn’t trying to reason with you because you have no ability to reason. You’re infected with a serious case of TDS and there is no hope of recovery. Pray for your recovery because it’ll take a miracle. You should also pray that Trump isn’t the Antichrist. Just sayin’. People are wondering.
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You may not be voting for Harris but you attack trump nonstop and don’t do the same re Harris.

The Dem party concealed Biden’s condition
Actively lied about his condition
The Harris admin has lied about inflation 9 percent, the border, claimed trump wants a national ban on abortion, social security, installed her without a vote, etc. Anything there is to lie about they have. The unfit bullshit is exactly that: bullshit
I want him to lose. He deserves to lose. Very simple.
I wasn’t trying to reason with you because you have no ability to reason. You’re infected with a serious case of TDS and there is no hope of recovery. Pray for your recovery because it’ll take a miracle. You should also pray that Trump isn’t the Antichrist. Just sayin’. People are wondering.
Ok Kamala. You just stole all my talking points about you. Well done.
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Since when did Kamala become a man?
You’re totally devoted to Kamala Harris? I don’t understand your post. I think you’re the kid that stopped raising his hand in 3rd grade because you never had the right answer.
I want him to lose. He deserves to lose. Very simple.
Then we all will lose. This is a very important election. Look what’s happening around the world. Have you seen what’s going on in Aurora Colorado? This country won’t be the same for a very long time if Kamala wins this thing. You TDSers are going to f@ck us all.
Then we all will lose. This is a very important election. Look what’s happening around the world. Have you seen what’s going on in Aurora Colorado? This country won’t be the same for a very long time if Kamala wins this thing. You TDSers are going to f@ck us all.
If we were a sane country Seal Team's would be clearing out these militarized Venezuelans enclaves as we speak. Was walking through West Loop in Chicago last week. About a dozen migrants in the middle of the day, drunk off their ass, smoking weed, side walk littered with beer cans and trash. All of them able bodied young men. They'd turned that street into their own little 3rd world enclave.

"They're just here to work jobs Americans don't want!"

Nah. They're here to collect Sanctuary city and government Bennies and **** around. Maybe harass your daughter if she has to walk by them on the sidewalk. Get 'em out!
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Then we all will lose. This is a very important election. Look what’s happening around the world. Have you seen what’s going on in Aurora Colorado? This country won’t be the same for a very long time if Kamala wins this thing. You TDSers are going to f@ck us all.
You MAGAs with Trump Devotion Syndrome (the real TDS) have ****ed us all by supporting and nominating your Lord T for President.
If we were a sane country Seal Team's would be clearing out these militarized Venezuelans enclaves as we speak. Was walking through West Loop in Chicago last week. About a dozen migrants in the middle of the day, drunk off their ass, smoking weed, side walk littered with beer cans and trash. All of them able bodied young men. They'd turned that street into their own little 3rd world enclave.

"They're just here to work jobs Americans don't want!"

Nah. They're here to collect Sanctuary city and government Bennies and **** around. Maybe harass your daughter if she has to walk by them on the sidewalk. Get 'em out!
I couldn’t agree more.
If we were a sane country Seal Team's would be clearing out these militarized Venezuelans enclaves as we speak. Was walking through West Loop in Chicago last week. About a dozen migrants in the middle of the day, drunk off their ass, smoking weed, side walk littered with beer cans and trash. All of them able bodied young men. They'd turned that street into their own little 3rd world enclave.

"They're just here to work jobs Americans don't want!"

Nah. They're here to collect Sanctuary city and government Bennies and **** around. Maybe harass your daughter if she has to walk by them on the sidewalk. Get 'em out!
Posse Comitatus. I’d like to see them cleared out too, but the SEALs can’t do it.
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Trump said prices are quadruple what they were when he was President - they aren’t. He said he had the best economy in history - who’s stupid enough to believe that? He said the election in 2020 was stolen - that is a deeply damaging lie destroying much of the confidence we’ve had in our elections. He’s said he finished most of the wall (he didn’t finish much at all, and Mexico didn’t pay for even that), he said he could balance the budget (made exactly zero effort), he was going to replace Obamacare with a beautiful and tremendous one (nope), fix infrastructure (nope).

He lied to each wife about being faithful to them. He lied to students that Trump University was going to lead to great careers. He lies about everything from his golf game, to rally crowd sizes to protecting highly classified national security information.

He’s unfit. I’m not going to argue with you about this. No amount of effort could possibly convince me to vote for such a despicable unfit person for President. I’m not voting for Harris, so any effort to paint her as despicable and unfit as him is wasted effort. I’m writing in a good Republican. I’ll gladly entertain suggestions for that person.

What you don't seem able to comprehend is that as bad as you argue Trump is, the Democratic political establishment, their propogandists in the MSM, and the deep state lifers in the FBI/CIA/D of J et al are the far bigger threat. Every day, we see the obvious damage they have done, and their reckless disregard of the consequences of their ideology. And hear of their newest hairbrained proposals. $25000 for a down payment anyone? How about $125000? You drone on forever about what Trump says; we see what the Dems and their allies have done.
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You may not be voting for Harris but you attack trump nonstop and don’t do the same re Harris.

The Dem party concealed Biden’s condition
Actively lied about his condition
The Harris admin has lied about inflation 9 percent, the border, claimed trump wants a national ban on abortion, social security, installed her without a vote, etc. Anything there is to lie about they have. The unfit bullshit is exactly that: bullshit

Biden even lied about his stated reason for running---the whole Charlottsville "nazis are fine people" hoax....then continued the lie about it after it was debunked even by the Dems' fact checkers, until the day he dropped out, and thereafter. And acted like he was all pissed off about it when he knew it was a fraud. He's an absolute pos and Harris & Tampon Tim are no better.
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That really wasn’t my intent. Aren’t we all pushing our beliefs? There is no interpretation of that other than only people you agree with should be able to have beliefs and talk about them. It’s not like their belief is that people should turn trans. Makes no sense.
He doesn't want to have to listen to anyone with different beliefs from himself.

He wants to be....

Bubble Boy Quarantine GIF by Cameo
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What you don't seem able to comprehend is that as bad as you argue Trump is, the Democratic political establishment, their propogandists in the MSM, and the deep state lifers in the FBI/CIA/D of J et al are the far bigger threat. Every day, we see the obvious damage they have done, and their reckless disregard of the consequences of their ideology. And hear of their newest hairbrained proposals. $25000 for a down payment anyone? How about $125000? You drone on forever about what Trump says; we see what the Dems and their allies have done.
Put your tin foil hat back on. You believe some total nonsense.
Except for that $25,000 house buying assistance proposal. That’s real and it’s stupid - and it’ll never get through congress.
Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.
1. National Guard/Reserves or Active Duty, all train the same. All go to the same basic training...all go tan AIT school. The training is no different...

Great Waltz gave 24 years of service...I applaud that. As should everyone. Its not abut that. He lied about his rank, AND his service. I don't care if you serve 55 years---it doesn't excuse lying about serving in a war(s).
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Put your tin foil hat back on. You believe some total nonsense.
Except for that $25,000 house buying assistance proposal. That’s real and it’s stupid - and it’ll never get through congress.
SO this is about the 3rd policy of Kamala's that has been pushed aside because---"It wont pass anyways...."---Great. So basicalpeople are willing to elect a person POTUS, to do, well----nothing?
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And in the other four we let a plague kill a lot of our population and had an attempted coup.
Country is being ran by greedy, power hungry people----BOTH SIDES. THing is, I don't think that truly matters to Trump.

Funny how all these peole who hate him now----loved the dude----until they were told not to.

Hard to believe I took an oath to defend this....Woof.

Trump is not the best option----but he's a much better option than KH.
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Country is being ran by greedy, power hungry people----BOTH SIDES. THing is, I don't think that truly matters to Trump.

Funny how all these peole who hate him now----loved the dude----until they were told not to.

Hard to believe I took an oath to defend this....Woof.

Trump is not the best option----but he's a much better option than KH.

I’d re-visit that oath. Not saying you dont believe in it, but the words don’t work here.
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Trump said prices are quadruple what they were when he was President - they aren’t. He said he had the best economy in history - who’s stupid enough to believe that? He said the election in 2020 was stolen - that is a deeply damaging lie destroying much of the confidence we’ve had in our elections. He’s said he finished most of the wall (he didn’t finish much at all, and Mexico didn’t pay for even that), he said he could balance the budget (made exactly zero effort), he was going to replace Obamacare with a beautiful and tremendous one (nope), fix infrastructure (nope).

He lied to each wife about being faithful to them. He lied to students that Trump University was going to lead to great careers. He lies about everything from his golf game, to rally crowd sizes to protecting highly classified national security information.

He’s unfit. I’m not going to argue with you about this. No amount of effort could possibly convince me to vote for such a despicable unfit person for President. I’m not voting for Harris, so any effort to paint her as despicable and unfit as him is wasted effort. I’m writing in a good Republican. I’ll gladly entertain suggestions for that person.
Yet, I mean the country was just fine during his 4 years.... Affordable living...Peace across the pond...Economy---although not the best ever---was pretty darn good. I mean, I don't recall all this turmoil under his watch----Do you?

If that's unfit---I'll take it.

Politicians lie---Politicians hyperbole......THis isn't something new. Dems are doing it as we speak---ANd have done so this entire campaign. I don't see you upset, or concerned with their lies, deceit, etc, etc...

Why is that? As a retired serviceman, doesn't it concerned you that Waltz lied about his service to this country? Is there not any concern on how his former soldiers he served and led, feel about him?

Why do you constantly bang on Trump, yet dismiss the other sides actions that are just as bad....??
I’d re-visit that oath. Not saying you dont believe in it, but the words don’t work here.
I've been out the Army for almost 30 years. Life was different then. I mean here is the thing---I took an oath to defend the RIGHTS of others----And ya know, I didn't get to choose which ones. SO its a tough situation.

But my goodness.....
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I've been out the Army for almost 30 years. Life was different then. I mean here is the thing---I took an oath to defend the RIGHTS of others----And ya know, I didn't get to choose which ones. SO its a tough situation.

But my goodness.....
You’re in good company here. Lots of military leaders. Ranger. Aloha. Mas. And of course DANC was army too. Sniper. Bc he speaks multiple languages (Russian student) counter intelligence tho he obviously can’t go into detail.

Thanks for your service. All retired members have standing invitations to dream team annuals
Walz is the type of guy that when you ask him what he ate for lunch he’ll tell you he had a Turkey Sandwhich when he actually had Tuna Salad. He lies with seemingly no purpose.

You see he lied about him and his wife doing IVF? What a weirdo.
If we were a sane country Seal Team's would be clearing out these militarized Venezuelans enclaves as we speak. Was walking through West Loop in Chicago last week. About a dozen migrants in the middle of the day, drunk off their ass, smoking weed, side walk littered with beer cans and trash. All of them able bodied young men. They'd turned that street into their own little 3rd world enclave.

"They're just here to work jobs Americans don't want!"

Nah. They're here to collect Sanctuary city and government Bennies and **** around. Maybe harass your daughter if she has to walk by them on the sidewalk. Get 'em out!
This never happened...
SO this is about the 3rd policy of Kamala's that has been pushed aside because---"It wont pass anyways...."---Great. So basicalpeople are willing to elect a person POTUS, to do, well----nothing?
Trump any be trusted in office. He’s unfit and regressing.
Country is being ran by greedy, power hungry people----BOTH SIDES. THing is, I don't think that truly matters to Trump.

Funny how all these peole who hate him now----loved the dude----until they were told not to.

Hard to believe I took an oath to defend this....Woof.

Trump is not the best option----but he's a much better option than KH.
Second paragraph doesn’t make sense. He was a well known Democrat and friend of the Clintons. Republicans had no use for the guy. That includes me. Who brainwashed the MAGAs and others into supporting the guy? Must have been the big bad scary media, right?
Second paragraph doesn’t make sense. He was a well known Democrat and friend of the Clintons. Republicans had no use for the guy. That includes me. Who brainwashed the MAGAs and others into supporting the guy? Must have been the big bad scary media, right?
Of course it does----You just don't want it to. He was liked, regardless of part affiliation---because he wasn't running for office. CLintons, Oprah, etc, etc----loved the guy. That is, until, well...

Media is stupid. On both ends. I pay little attention. Both sides talk out both sides of their mouths.

I can admit Trump is a ass....liar, etc, etc-----But TBH, I don't care. SO is about every other politician----Including Harris---including Biden----including Waltz. The hyprocisy is insane. Dems have done nothing but lie....Waltz seemingly cannot tell the truth for the love of life...

1. Serving in war---Lie
2. DUI----Lie
3. Wife using IVF---Lie.

But, but, but...….
Yet, I mean the country was just fine during his 4 years.... Affordable living...Peace across the pond...Economy---although not the best ever---was pretty darn good. I mean, I don't recall all this turmoil under his watch----Do you?

If that's unfit---I'll take it.

Politicians lie---Politicians hyperbole......THis isn't something new. Dems are doing it as we speak---ANd have done so this entire campaign. I don't see you upset, or concerned with their lies, deceit, etc, etc...

Why is that? As a retired serviceman, doesn't it concerned you that Waltz lied about his service to this country? Is there not any concern on how his former soldiers he served and led, feel about him?

Why do you constantly bang on Trump, yet dismiss the other sides actions that are just as bad....??
No one. NO ONE, that has ran for or served as President has been more dishonest than Trump. He makes Bill Clinton look honest in comparison. Politicians tell some lies here and there but claiming anything about Trump’s dishonesty is totally ridiculous. Those making that claim deserve to be laughed at.

The attack on Walz service is dishonest. I know how it works. He served 24 years and his service was excellent. He has a few detractors, who quite frankly are MAGAs. They’re embarrassing themselves. The vast majority of those that have served with Walz are positive about him. This political attack is disgusting. The majority of vets know this.

People have amnesia about how deeply underwater Trump’s favorability ratings were. He was one of the most unpopular Presidents in history.
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I've been out the Army for almost 30 years. Life was different then. I mean here is the thing---I took an oath to defend the RIGHTS of others----And ya know, I didn't get to choose which ones. SO its a tough situation.

But my goodness.....
You took an oath to defend the constitution. So did I. So did the President.