Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

Of course it does----You just don't want it to. He was liked, regardless of part affiliation---because he wasn't running for office. CLintons, Oprah, etc, etc----loved the guy. That is, until, well...

Media is stupid. On both ends. I pay little attention. Both sides talk out both sides of their mouths.

I can admit Trump is a ass....liar, etc, etc-----But TBH, I don't care. SO is about every other politician----Including Harris---including Biden----including Waltz. The hyprocisy is insane. Dems have done nothing but lie....Waltz seemingly cannot tell the truth for the love of life...

1. Serving in war---Lie
2. DUI----Lie
3. Wife using IVF---Lie.

But, but, but...….
Who brainwashed you into loving him? I’ve had the same opinion about his character, integrity and honesty since the 90s. I haven’t be swayed by the media or Trump’s lies. Did Trump’s lies snag you?
Who brainwashed you into loving him? I’ve had the same opinion about his character, integrity and honesty since the 90s. I haven’t be swayed by the media or Trump’s lies. Did Trump’s lies snag you?
WHo said I "loved him:?-----Trumps lies are no more "catching" than Biden's----Or Harris's---Or Pelosi. Or any other Dem. Politicians lie---but some act like this is some new ting with Trump. He exaggerates waaaaaaay to much. But so do Dems.

If intregity, honesty and character are so big to you----then why dont you ever call out the lack of for Harris? Or Waltz? Or Biden?

My point on these people loving him is simple---I mean dude is the SAME dude he was in 90's----regardless of party affiliation. But peole like the CLintons STILL loved the dude---So did Oprah.

What changed?----Oh, I know----He ran for POTUS.
No one. NO ONE, that has ran for or served as President has been more dishonest than Trump. He makes Bill Clinton look honest in comparison. Politicians tell some lies here and there but claiming anything about Trump’s dishonesty is totally ridiculous. Those making that claim deserve to be laughed at.

The attack on Walz service is dishonest. I know how it works. He served 24 years and his service was excellent. He has a few detractors, who quite frankly are MAGAs. They’re embarrassing themselves. The vast majority of those that have served with Walz are positive about him. This political attack is disgusting. The majority of vets know this.

People have amnesia about how deeply underwater Trump’s favorability ratings were. He was one of the most unpopular Presidents in history.
Here and there? This admin has lied about the biggest issues facing Americans (inflation, abortion, border) as well as the condition of the president. Good grief man. You’ve got it bad. Seek help
Why ishe unfit? And how is he regressing?

Yiu think HArris is better fit?
He’s 78 and his mental capacity is noticeably diminishing. I’ve watched some of his rallies recently and he goes off on tangents after tangents without ever getting back to his point. He’s suffering from the mental issues that come with old age. It comes for almost all of us if we live long enough and it doesn’t get better.
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WHo said I "loved him:?-----Trumps lies are no more "catching" than Biden's----Or Harris's---Or Pelosi. Or any other Dem. Politicians lie---but some act like this is some new ting with Trump. He exaggerates waaaaaaay to much. But so do Dems.

If intregity, honesty and character are so big to you----then why dont you ever call out the lack of for Harris? Or Waltz? Or Biden?

My point on these people loving him is simple---I mean dude is the SAME dude he was in 90's----regardless of party affiliation. But peole like the CLintons STILL loved the dude---So did Oprah.

What changed?----Oh, I know----He ran for POTUS.
Of course that’s what changed. He was just a rich buffoon in the private sector. Someone to point and laugh at. Then, I’m embarrassed to say, he convinced a sizable number of people that call themselves Republicans that they wanted a rich buffoon to be President. Most people prefer their President isn’t a buffoon. There’s no mystery to this.
Here and there? This admin has lied about the biggest issues facing Americans (inflation, abortion, border) as well as the condition of the president. Good grief man. You’ve got it bad. Seek help
A few of us on this forum are actually sane. I’m one of them. I know because my therapist said so. 😄
No one. NO ONE, that has ran for or served as President has been more dishonest than Trump. He makes Bill Clinton look honest in comparison. Politicians tell some lies here and there but claiming anything about Trump’s dishonesty is totally ridiculous. Those making that claim deserve to be laughed at.

The attack on Walz service is dishonest. I know how it works. He served 24 years and his service was excellent. He has a few detractors, who quite frankly are MAGAs. They’re embarrassing themselves. The vast majority of those that have served with Walz are positive about him. This political attack is disgusting. The majority of vets know this.

People have amnesia about how deeply underwater Trump’s favorability ratings were. He was one of the most unpopular Presidents in history.
Yet, the country was just fine under him......

Trumps "lies" are "white lies.."---Political lies...In other words, nothing to write home about. Nothing different than Obama lying about his healthcare....and being able to keep your insurance...Or CLinton lying about not having sexual relations with Lewinsky....Or Biden lying about the economy, inflation(being 9% when he took office), getting arrested for protesting segragation, ---Or about having classified documents(hmmmm---seems a bit worse than lying about a wall being built..."---Joe has been just as bad...

We can look at JFK to, and his lies. From hiding his health, to "disappearing missles", to mob relations---to banging Marylin Monroe...Or Nixons lies....Or one of the worst---Johnson repeatedly promising not sending soldiers to war. How'd that work out?

Lets quit pretending, ok???

No one is attacking Waltz's service---they are attacking the fact that he lied about serving in a war----And that is 100% plausible. But spin it so it fits your thoughts. I too know how it works....And yes many support him---but many do not. Why is it that those who DO NOT, or being dishonest----and should be embarrassed? Why----because of political affiliation? Ok----But couldnt I say the same about those supporting him?. THat they are doing so becuase, I dunno, they are democrats?

I applaud his 24 years of services. But that doesnt mean he can lie about his his service. That doesnt give you a pass to do so.

For a guy so dishonest----Somehow, the country ran just fine under his watch...
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I see "copy/paste" is working just fine....

You either type----"dumb", or post this.

Says a lot.
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Yet, the country was just fine under him......

Trumps "lies" are "white lies.."---Political lies...In other words, nothing to write home about. Nothing different than Obama lying about his healthcare....and being able to keep your insurance...Or CLinton lying about not having sexual relations with Lewinsky....Or Biden lying about the economy, inflation(being 9% when he took office), getting arrested for protesting segragation, ---Or about having classified documents(hmmmm---seems a bit worse than lying about a wall being built..."---Joe has been just as bad...

We can look at JFK to, and his lies. From hiding his health, to "disappearing missles", to mob relations---to banging Marylin Monroe...Or Nixons lies....Or one of the worst---Johnson repeatedly promising not sending soldiers to war. How'd that work out?

Lets quit pretending, ok???

No one is attacking Waltz's service---they are attacking the fact that he lied about serving in a war----And that is 100% plausible. But spin it so it fits your thoughts. I too know how it works....And yes many support him---but many do not. Why is it that those who DO NOT, or being dishonest----and should be embarrassed? Why----because of political affiliation? Ok----But couldnt I say the same about those supporting him?. THat they are doing so becuase, I dunno, they are democrats?

I applaud his 24 years of services. But that doesnt mean he can lie about his his service. That doesnt give you a pass to do so.

For a guy so dishonest----Somehow, the country ran just fine under his watch...
White lies?!? You’re doing drugs? I detailed some very serious lies he’s told and you didn’t even respond to them. Start with the lie that he lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud. It’s 100 percent false and he continues to tell it and his dupes believe it. That has done deep and lasting damage to the country by undermining faith in our elections and the peaceful transfer of power. It’s not forgivable and will not be forgiven.
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Of course that’s what changed. He was just a rich buffoon in the private sector. Someone to point and laugh at. Then, I’m embarrassed to say, he convinced a sizable number of people that call themselves Republicans that they wanted a rich buffoon to be President. Most people prefer their President isn’t a buffoon. There’s no mystery to this.
"Point and laugh at..."---People wanted to be around this dude. Oprah, CLintons---You name it.

Sure, sure buddy...."Point and laugh at.."

I agree most people dont want a bafoon as POTUS----Its 110% why Im not voting for Harris----Nor why I would not have vcted for Biden.
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Ok.....And? Not sure why you felt to bring this up?

Your point is?
It’s not not an oath only to defend our rights. That’s part of it. We take an oath to defend the entire constitution and the constitution is much more than just our rights. It includes defending our system of government. And much more. Some seem to overlook that part of it.
White lies?!? You’re doing drugs? I detailed some very serious lies he’s told and you didn’t even respond to them. Start with the lie that he lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud. It’s 100 percent false and he continues to tell it and his dupes believe it. That has done deep and lasting damage to the country my undermining faith in our elections and the peaceful transfer of power. It’s not forgivable and will not be forgiven.
Serious lies----Like "having Mexico duild a wall...?----Ohhhhh, the shame.

How do you know voter fraud is/was 100% false? I mean , lot of people dont seem to thinks so. Lot of questions.... Are we dupes for believing it---or are you the dupe for believing it didnt happen?

Since we are on the "voter fraud" kick---What about Hilary's and the dems claims on voter collusion when she lost to Trump?---A claim she and many others STILL stick to??

That lie is no wrose than Obama lying to people about keeping their healthcare....ANd its certainly not worse than Biden saying Trump would be a distator , if elected...That sort of lie cause panic, chaos....ANd well ya know, could lead to a shooting..

Oh, wait...
"Point and laugh at..."---People wanted to be around this dude. Oprah, CLintons---You name it.

Sure, sure buddy...."Point and laugh at.."

I agree most people dont want a bafoon as POTUS----Its 110% why Im not voting for Harris----Nor why I would not have vcted for Biden.
Yes. He was a clown in the tabloids and People magazine. Yes, people laughed at him. He was, and is, a buffoon.
It’s not not an oath only to defend our rights. That’s part of it. We take an oath to defend the entire constitution and the constitution is much more than just our rights. It includes defending our system of government. And much more. Some seem to overlook that part of it.
Ya dont say......:rolleyes:

I didnt "overlook" any part---It wasn't necessary to go into THAT much detail, when the discussion was pertaining to "peoples rights".
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Yes. He was a clown in the tabloids and People magazine. Yes, people laughed at him. He was, and is, a buffoon.
So thtas why Oprah repeatedly had him on her show...?? Or why the CLintons thought so highly of him...??

Just admit it dude---You're a democrat. You're voting Kamala.
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Serious lies----Like "having Mexico duild a wall...?----Ohhhhh, the shame.

How do you know voter fraud is/was 100% false? I mean , lot of people dont seem to thinks so. Lot of questions.... Are we dupes for believing it---or are you the dupe for believing it didnt happen?

Since we are on the "voter fraud" kick---What about Hilary's and the dems claims on voter collusion when she lost to Trump?---A claim she and many others STILL stick to??

That lie is no wrose than Obama lying to people about keeping their healthcare....ANd its certainly not worse than Biden saying Trump would be a distator , if elected...That sort of lie cause panic, chaos....ANd well ya know, could lead to a shooting..

Oh, wait...
If you think that Trump lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud, you are a dupe. It makes you a moron. We’re done. Carry on.
White lies?!? You’re doing drugs? I detailed some very serious lies he’s told and you didn’t even respond to them. Start with the lie that he lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud. It’s 100 percent false and he continues to tell it and his dupes believe it. That has done deep and lasting damage to the country my undermining faith in our elections and the peaceful transfer of power. It’s not forgivable and will not be forgiven.
What is the difference with Trump claiming voter fraud, than that of Hilary?

"trumps cliams of voter fraud has done deep and lasting damge to this country...."----Anything like Biden calling Trump a threat to dmocracy, and saying he would be a dictator if elected? Those sort of comments create panic, chaos, etc.....--Can divide a country.
If you think that Trump lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud, you are a dupe. It makes you a moron. We’re done. Carry on.
Never said I thiought he did....I think there were issues.

Do you think Hilary lost do to voter fraud? She does----And a lot of others do as well. Are they also dupes?
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Never said I thiought he did....I think there were issues.

Do you think Hilary lost do to voter fraud? She does----And a lot of others do as well. Are they also dupes?
No she doesn’t. There’s no one that has criticized HRC for many things as long as I have, but you’re wrong. She conceded. She attended Trump’s inauguration. Her complaints weren’t about voter fraud. She didn’t lose due to voter fraud. There is ZERO comparison here. Stop trying.
No she doesn’t. There’s no one that has criticized HRC for many things as long as I have, but you’re wrong. She conceded. She attended Trump’s inauguration. Her complaints weren’t about voter fraud. She didn’t lose due to voter fraud. There is ZERO comparison here. Stop trying.
Riiiiight... Three years after the election she cliamed the election was stolen, and that Trump was an illegitimate President.

But hey, its your story...
Riiiiight... Three years after the election she cliamed the election was stolen, and that Trump was an illegitimate President.

But hey, its your story...
Speaking of getting dementia.......

Funny how much of that is forgotten. Ask Stacey Abrams if she thinks she won.
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Riiiiight... Three years after the election she cliamed the election was stolen, and that Trump was an illegitimate President.

But hey, its your story...
Look it up. She did not claim election fraud. Please post facts. It’s not my story.
Look it up. She did not claim election fraud. Please post facts. It’s not my story.
No, she merely claimed that the President of the United States was a Russian agent while being complicit in the framing of President Trump by his own FBI. Actions that completely marred the first two years of his presidency with nonsense investigations.

You know. Harmless stuff.
No, she merely claimed that the President of the United States was a Russian agent while being complicit in the framing of President Trump by his own FBI. Actions that completely marred the first two years of his presidency with nonsense investigations.

You know. Harmless stuff.
Link it.
You need a link informing you about the Steele Dossier, FBI FISA abuse and the Mueller investigation?

Have you been living under a rock?
lmao You know when you're asked to provide a link to something that's common knowledge - dominated the fvcking news for 3 years - you're dealing with a disingenuous poster or any idiot. Take your pick.
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lmao You know when you're asked to provide a link to something that's common knowledge - dominated the fvcking news for 3 years - you're dealing with a disingenuous poster or any idiot. Take your pick.
Yep----Shit even me----an admitted person of HUGE political ignornace, was like..

Really? YOu need a link----for THAT?

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She said the election was STOLEN....AKA, FRAUD. Trump has said the election was STOLEN. Fraud.

Same difference. You are just dancing around words here Kamala.
Not the same. You do know what voter fraud is, right? You do know what conceding an election means, right? Stop.
Yep----Shit even me----an admitted person of HUGE political ignornace, was like..

Really? YOu need a link----for THAT?

You are replying to DANC, this boards most dishonest poster. Try honesty. It’s all I ask.
You need a link informing you about the Steele Dossier, FBI FISA abuse and the Mueller investigation?

Have you been living under a rock?
None of that is voter fraud. Trump specifically claims he lost due to voter fraud.

You also realize Trump WON the 2016 election, right? We’re talking about how HRC claimed she lost due to voter fraud and she never did, and she didn’t.

Your argument isn’t logical.
lmao You know when you're asked to provide a link to something that's common knowledge - dominated the fvcking news for 3 years - you're dealing with a disingenuous poster or any idiot. Take your pick.
Says the king of bad faith posters. You are a liar. I’m keeping it honest here.
None of that is voter fraud. Trump specifically claims he lost due to voter fraud.

You also realize Trump WON the 2016 election, right? We’re talking about how HRC claimed she lost due to voter fraud and she never did, and she didn’t.

Your argument isn’t logical.
My contention is that framing your political opponent for treason is worse than baseless claims of voter fraud.
None of that is voter fraud. Trump specifically claims he lost due to voter fraud.

You also realize Trump WON the 2016 election, right? We’re talking about how HRC claimed she lost due to voter fraud and she never did, and she didn’t.

Your argument isn’t logical.
. Yes, Trump WON in 2016----and Hilary claimed the election was stolen---and called his presidency, illegitmate. You are splitting hairs here----and you know it. I think you just like to argue---Or you're trolling----Or you cannot admit that you are wrong.

If I lost an election, and cliamed the election was "stolen", in essence, and in reality, i am calling the election fraudulent..

This aint hard, bro.