Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

The 4K I mentioned is just the bill just for the NEW, ADDITIONAL tariffs Trump wants. Up to 60% on China alone. 20% on many other countries. Insane. But billionaires worth $200 million know he will make them worth $400 million

Do ypu have a link? All I have found was a CBS article of $1700 or $1500.

And again, as I posted, the tarrifs hurt in the absence of wage growth and with excessive fiscal spending that added to inflation. That is what we have experienced under the Harris-Biden.
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Thank you my long time brother for spelling out the negative impact a tariff can have on the cost of imported goods. I don't think it's common knowledge (because what normal living person thinks about how a tariff can impact retails) but again, as it becomes more of a political strategy going forward it's much easier to understand the results when you consider the basic impact or threat that has been added to the inventory management equation from the tariff price.

If Biden and Harris did collect massive Asian tariffs then yeah, that most likely got passed down into the cost and didn't help curb the inflationary movement that was going on. Same as if Trump continues an actual tariff war with China because he likes the rhetoric, it will raise the cost of imported Asian goods so meaning anything with a computer chip is vulnerable as is clothing or anything that uses neodymium glass (cell phones, lightbulbs particularly CFL's, etc). Lol

Yes, tariffs raise our prices and yes Harris-Biden have kept Trump's and added more. And yes, Trump will more. And no, I don't think it's good policy in general.

But with wage growth and low inflation, which we had under Trump versus Harris, people didn't feel the pinch. Add in the reality that the US needs to address national security supply chain issues, I don't think Americans mind paying a little more.
Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.

I really take issue with you calling Vance fat. He's just big boned!!!
angry eric cartman GIF by South Park
You are one clueless dude...

Several of the same type of community engagement missions that Vance occasionally went on ended up getting chewed up badly... Unless Vance was inside the Green Zone (and I don't think very many Marines were) there weren't any truly safe areas forward or rear... At least one Colonel was killed on just such a mission...

My Marine Godson's base was hit with a truck bomb just after they were rotating back to Kuwait to begin the trip home... It was only due to extraordinarily well executed operational security that many of them weren't maimed by that suicide truck bombing (not a one of them let slip when they were really coming home and they actually had distributed a phoney date). The truck bomber thought they were still there when he hit the base... (per the intelligence assessment).

Plenty of Marines served their enlistment and moved on, (and plenty haven't served in traditional Infantry roles) doesn't make them any less a Marine...

Now if you want to revisit China Tims bugging out on his own people (and his affinity for Communist China [while he held a security clearance]...), I'll be happy to do so in a new thread... I doubt you'll like what you read... There's a word that describes a guy like Walz..., it's: Chickenshit...

By the way, Vance has never embellished his service in any way, but your guy sure has...

I encourage you and your ilk to seriously attempt to disparage and tarnish Vances military record on the national stage... You can't imagine the firestorm you'll be lighting off...

Nah just using easy conspiracy logic to create a narrative based on dates that we know and then drawing conclusions of accusations to create a story.

As Tucker liked to constantly say ...I'm just asking questions when in reality he's throwing out bullshit knowing exactly what he thinks his audience will want to believe.

So why do you call a 24 year National Guardsman a chicken shit other than you've listened to some dumb bullshit creating a narrative? Dude served 24 f#$king years and had young kids to take care of and wanted to run.

Was he not allowed to do that? If not thank how many f#$king years is the base expectation you guys are trying to set here? How many years did your Godson serve? Did he quit early because he became chicken shit after his experience? That's an easy accusation to make if I wanted to try to get people to believe a story that shames him.

Your whole theory depends on a conspiratorial accusation. From what we know he notified his retirement in late 2004. He was granted retirement in March. Then in June the Minnesota guard was notified that there was a chance that 2000 Minnesota guardsmen might be deployed in the next two years. What was your expectation of a 24 year vet after he went through the retirement process, was retired and was a dad to two small children ol party of family values? I already know, you and other conspiracy nutjobs intent is to bash him and hope the bullshit your spreading sticks.

It's easy to take dates and create a conspiracy to push. For example Bob Knight enlisted in the army and coached at West Point in 63 to 65 but joined the reserves until 69. Then he left the army to take the IU job in 71. Interesting because we were in the middle of the Vietnam war and yet there is no info of him being deployed for that war. Did he leave in 71 because he was chickenshit of the possibility of being shipped over there for combat? I mean, he obviously left in 71 because he's a proven coward right? Just asking questions. Lol

Lol see how easy a conspiracy like that would be to create?
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Nah just using easy conspiracy logic to create a narrative based on dates that we know and then drawing conclusions of accusations to create a story.

As Tucker liked to constantly say ...I'm just asking questions when in reality he's throwing out bullshit knowing exactly what he thinks his audience will want to believe.

So why do you call a 24 year National Guardsman a chicken shit other than you've listened to some dumb bullshit creating a narrative? Dude served 24 f#$king years and had young kids to take care of and wanted to run.

Was he not allowed to do that? If not thank how many f#$king years is the base expectation you guys are trying to set here? How many years did your Godson serve? Did he quit early because he became chicken shit after his experience? That's an easy accusation to make if I wanted to try to get people to believe a story that shames him.

Your whole theory depends on a conspiratorial accusation. From what we know he notified his retirement in late 2004. He was granted retirement in March. Then in June the Minnesota guard was notified that there was a chance that 2000 Minnesota guardsmen might be deployed in the next two years. What was your expectation of a 24 year vet after he went through the retirement process, was retired and was a dad to two small children ol party of family values? I already know, you and other conspiracy nutjobs intent is to bash him and hope the bullshit your spreading sticks.

It's easy to take dates and create a conspiracy to push. For example Bob Knight enlisted in the army and coached at West Point in 63 to 65 but joined the reserves until 69. Then he left the army to take the IU job in 71. Interesting because we were in the middle of the Vietnam war and yet there is no info of him being deployed for that war. Did he leave in 71 because he was chickenshit of the possibility of being shipped over there for combat? I mean, he obviously left in 71 because he's a proven coward right? Just asking questions. Lol

Lol see how easy a conspiracy like that would be to create?
The attempt to create a scandal out of Walz retiring at 24 years is nothing more than politics and taking advantage of the ignorant.

The average length of service is less than 7 years and only about 20 percent serve long enough to retire (20 years). Most retire right around 20 years. Those that retire after that are the more senior officers and enlisted. Walz retiring at 24 is pretty typical for an E8. He has been acting CSM less than a year. It appeared to be a temporary assignment.

Personnel submit retirement requests usually 12 months prior, though the normal process can occur with a request between 8 and 12 months. Less than 8 is for unusual circumstances.

Walz retired three months before their warning order was received that said they could be deployed. That means he submitted his very routine retirement request 12 to 15 months before the warning order. We have a very dishonest poster who claims Walz would have known they were deploying that long before the warning order and he pulled that straight out of his bunghole. Not even the CO is likely to know about it more than a few weeks before the warning order of a nonscheduled deployment.

The CO departed on schedule before the deployment. NOT unusual. The CSM that replaced him wasn’t a friend and appears MAGA. He and one other guy have denigrated his service while between two and three hundred have been very positive of his service. Denigrating an honorably retired with 24 years of excellent service is very poor form and even more poor when done entirely out of dishonest partisan politics.
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The attempt to create a scandal out of Walz retiring at 24 years is nothing more that politics and taking advantage of the ignorant.

The average length of service is less than 7 years and only about 20 percent serve long enough to retire (20 years). Most retire right around 20 years. Those that retire after that are the more senior officers and enlisted. Walz retiring at 24 is pretty typical for an E8. He has been acting CSM less than a year. It appeared to be a temporary assignment.

Personnel submit retirement requests usually 12 months prior, though the normal process can occur with a request between 8 and 12 months. Less than 8 is for unusual circumstances.

Walz retired three months before their warning order was received that said they could be deployed. That means he submitted his very routine retirement request 12 to 15 months before the warning order. We have a very dishonest poster who claims Walz would have known they were deploying that long before the warning order and he pulled that straight out of his bunghole. Not even the CO is likely to know about it more than a few weeks before the warning order of a nonscheduled deployment.

The CO departed on schedule before the deployment. NOT unusual. The CSM that replaced him wasn’t a friend and appears MAGA. He and one other guy have denigrated his service while between two and three hundred have been very positive of his service. Denigrating an honorably retired with 24 years of excellent service is very poor form and even more poor when done entirely out of dishonest partisan politics.

The idea that Walz wasn't aware of the deployment before submitting his retirement paperwork is a fallacy. And the fact that he cut and run before completing his Command Sergeant Major requirements is telling. Only cowardice would be a big enough motivator for the Pension king to forgo a larger pension.

The idea that Walz wasn't aware of the deployment before submitting his retirement paperwork is a fallacy. And the fact that he cut and run before completing his Command Sergeant Major requirements is telling. Only cowardice would be a big enough motivator for the Pension king to forgo a larger pension.

Incredible. I just explained this is the MAGA guy who didn’t like Walz while they were on active duty. Between 2 and 3 hundred other people who actually worked with him don’t agree. I don’t agree because I know how it works. That guy knows better, but knows you don’t. Walz was at the point he had to think what he was going to do with the rest of his life after and it comes for all of us.
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Incredible. I just explained this is the MAGA I’mn guy who didn’t like Walz while they were on active duty. Between 2 and 3 other people who actually worked with him don’t agree. I don’t agree because I know how it works. That guy knows better, but knows you don’t. Walz was at the point he had to think what he was going to do with the rest of his life after and it comes for all of us.
Walz first filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and announced that he was considering running for Congress in February 2005, according to the paperwork available on the commission's website and an archived statement from his campaign.

About a month later, in March 2005, Walz put out a statement saying the National Guard informed his unit that it could deploy to Iraq "within the next two years." Walz said in the statement that he still intended to run for Congress but that he also understood his "responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on."

In May 2005, at that time 41 years old, he officially retired from the National Guard, according to his military service records. His unit received official deployment orders in July 2005.

He cut and ran. Congress was more important to him. No way to spin it.
Do ypu have a link? All I have found was a CBS article of $1700 or $1500.
MSNBC cited 3.9K

about 3:10 on this video. He cites the center for american progress

MSNBC cited 3.9K

about 3:10 on this video. He cites the center for american progress

Won’t be shit compared to the social welfare spending to achieve equity of outcomes shitter. Might get you out of your piss pits tho.
Walz first filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and announced that he was considering running for Congress in February 2005, according to the paperwork available on the commission's website and an archived statement from his campaign.

About a month later, in March 2005, Walz put out a statement saying the National Guard informed his unit that it could deploy to Iraq "within the next two years." Walz said in the statement that he still intended to run for Congress but that he also understood his "responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on."

In May 2005, at that time 41 years old, he officially retired from the National Guard, according to his military service records. His unit received official deployment orders in July 2005.

He cut and ran. Congress was more important to him. No way to spin it.
You just spun it. If I’m at 24 years and ready to move on, I’m not waiting up to two more years on the POSSIBILITY of a deployment of 18 months. At that point he’s done 24 years of excellent and honorable service. As I’ve told many officers about to leave the command, “you’ve done well, completed your tour, and were better for it. None of us are irreplaceable. Time to move on, the next guy has the watch.” Besides, how long are those tours? Senior enlisted and officers typically do 2 to 3 years and rotate out. His CO rotated out before deployment. I’m sure several others did too. Why would anyone think it’s Walz duty alone to extend for 3 more years. You’re only hearing about Walz due to nasty dishonest partisan politics. It truly is disgusting.
You just spun it. If I’m at 24 years and ready to move on, I’m not waiting up to two more years on the POSSIBILITY of a deployment of 18 months. At that point he’s done 24 years of excellent and honorable service. As I’ve told many officers about to leave the command, “you’ve done well, completed your tour, and were better for it. None of us are irreplaceable. Time to move on, the next guy has the watch.” Besides, how long are those tours? Senior enlisted and officers typically do 2 to 3 years and rotate out. His CO rotated out before deployment. I’m sure several others did too. Why would anyone think it’s Walz duty alone to extend for 3 more years. You’re only hearing about Walz due to nasty dishonest partisan politics. It truly is disgusting.
Except in Walz’s own words in March of 2005 he wasn’t ready to move on. He wanted the rank of Command Sergeant Major, so much so that he still refers to himself by that rank. He had at least 18 months left to earn that title.

A little story of how a noble person would act in such a circumstance.

I lived through a very similar experience, not directly but through my father.

March 2001 he earns the largest promotion of his career. VP level at a Global 500. A week after September 11th 2001, he is given notice that he may be called into active duty to serve at TRANSCOM at Scott Air Force base in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, minimum two years.

O5 and retirement eligible, 6 months into his dream job at a new company, two young kids at home and two more getting ready for college, it would have been an opportune time to retire. “He was at the point he had to think what he was going to do with the rest of his life after and it comes for all of us.” As some (cowards) would contend.

Instead he spent two years at Scott Air Force base. Corporate career put on ice. Would it be there when he got back? Legally it had to be, but in practice it’s much murkier.
Except in Walz’s own words in March of 2005 he wasn’t ready to move on. He wanted the rank of Command Sergeant Major, so much so that he still refers to himself by that rank. He had at least 18 months left to earn that title.

A little story of how a noble person would act in such a circumstance.

I lived through a very similar experience, not directly but through my father.

March 2001 he earns the largest promotion of his career. VP level at a Global 500. A week after September 11th 2001, he is given notice that he may be called into active duty to serve at TRANSCOM at Scott Air Force base in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, minimum two years.

O5 and retirement eligible, 6 months into his dream job at a new company, two young kids at home and two more getting ready for college, it would have been an opportune time to retire. “He was at the point he had to think what he was going to do with the rest of his life after and it comes for all of us.” As some (cowards) would contend.

Instead he spent two years at Scott Air Force base. Corporate career put on ice. Would it be there when he got back? Legally it had to be, but in practice it’s much murkier.
Your dad is likely a good guy. You, on the other hand, aren’t. You’re a POS for calling Walz a coward and mischaracterizing his service and retirement - I read what he said. None of your dad’s honorable service applies to you. You should STFU about this. You haven’t served. You don’t understand much about it just because your dad was Air Force, and you’re a dishonest partisan hack for Trump.

Try honesty.
Your dad is likely a good guy. You, on the other hand, aren’t. You’re a POS for calling Walz a coward and mischaracterizing his service and retirement - I read what he said. None of your dad’s honorable service applies to you. You should STFU about this. You haven’t served. You don’t understand much about it just because your dad was Air Force, and you’re a dishonest partisan hack for Trump.

Try honesty.
Coast Guard. TRANSCOM is made up of people from all branches. Just because it’s based out of an Air Force base doesn’t make him Air Force.

A little fyi for our resident “military man”
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He wanted the rank of Command Sergeant Major, so much so that he still refers to himself by that rank. He had at least 18 months left to earn that title.
Not entirely accurate.

Walz did serve as a command sergeant major. The criticism is that it was not the rank that he held at the time that retirement came through.

Maybe Aloha can explain. I recall reading that there are additional requirements to retain that rank in retirement, and he didn't meet those.

By every account he served 24 years, with nary a bone spur.
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Not entirely accurate.

Walz did serve as a command sergeant major. The criticism is that it was not the rank that he held at the time that retirement came through.

Maybe Aloha can explain. I recall reading that there are additional requirements to retain that rank in retirement, and he didn't meet those.

By every account he served 24 years, with nary a bone spur.
You and Aloha. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. 24 years of by all accounts noble service. Ended by all accounts with a fart.

Akin to going in to get your gold watch and then taking a massive dump on all your coworkers desks on the way out the door
Coast Guard. TRANSCOM is made up of people from all branches. Just because it’s based out of an Air Force base doesn’t make him Air Force.

A little fyi for our resident “military man”
I know that, but I thought you previously said your dad was in the Air Force. Sorry.
The guy is flat out wrong...

Several National Guard units served with distinction throughout the Pacific in World War 2...

Elements of the North Dakota National Guard were landed to augment the Marines on Guadalcanal (10/1942) and after being taught the lesson of why you need to properly guard your supply dumps at all times (the Marine enlisted stole all the food and ammo they could carry); they rapidly evolved to become a highly respected outfit who were nicknamed "The 164th Marines" by the end of their deployment...

At least one Guard unit was in New Guinea, and was prepping for the landing on Japan when the war ended...

An entire Division of National Guard served in the Korean War (or "Conflict" as the Democrats liked to call it), and an Infantry Regiment of the Indiana National Guard was deployed to Vietnam...

The Guard devolved during the late "60's thru the mid-"80's" into less than combat ready outfits utilized primarily for local emergencies and crowd control due to a serious lack of funding made available for training...

It wasn't until they began being seriously utilized in supporting roles during the First Gulf War that they once again begin to rehone their edge...

These days they're deployed nearly as often as regular Army units all over the globe..., and are often found to be nearly as good... (primarily because they're now receiving the type of training funding they need to maintain their edge).

//The above is based on conversations with those who served either directly with, or actually in the Guard (at various levels, officer NCO, and enlisted) over the time periods mentioned...//
I didn't take the time to look it up because I know Guard units were called up during Korea. I didn't know about the WWIi units and I also didn''t know about an Indiana unit being called up during Vietnam. All the guys I know who joined the Guard during Vietnam were there because they didn't want to go to VN.

A funny story, kinda...... my dad joined the local Guard unit prior to Korea. Back then it was something a lot of guys did after HS to get some extra money and hang around with your buddies. He got bored with it and quit going to meetings. Then Korea came along and the draft board got him - he ended up going to Korea in 1951 and his Guard unit never did get called up to go.
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Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.
I was never in the Guard and I only served 3 years active duty (signed up for 4, but got out a year early because of the drawdown after VN). Then 3 years inactive reserve. Then I joined the Active Reserves for 2 years, where our annual deployment was to the Pentagon.

No one is knocked Walz's service. They're pointing out he lied about his rank and the fact he got the hell out of the Guard (24 years is an odd number to serve - if you server 24, why not stick it out to 30 and get a full pension?) just prior to his unit - which he had led - being sent to an active war zone.

Your thoughts about Vance are nonsensical. He served honorably in an active war zone and didn't lie about his rank or shirk his duty.

If you're relying on Jesse Ventura for you opinion of the Guard, you have a problem.
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Yes, tariffs raise our prices and yes Harris-Biden have kept Trump's and added more. And yes, Trump will more. And no, I don't think it's good policy in general.

But with wage growth and low inflation, which we had under Trump versus Harris, people didn't feel the pinch. Add in the reality that the US needs to address national security supply chain issues, I don't think Americans mind paying a little more.
Trump's tariff's against China aren't because they're our enemy - it's because of the unfair trade advantage China enjoys.

Tariffs aren't particularly great policy and most Republicans are against them in general. But when there is such an unfair advantage, they make sense. And, along with higher prices, comes more American jobs.

This is where Trump isn't driven by ideology. He's criticized for it, but I prefer a President who isn't a slave to his Party's ideology and focuses on workable solutions.
I was never in the Guard and I only served 3 years active duty (signed up for 4, but got out a year early because of the drawdown after VN). Then 3 years inactive reserve. Then I joined the Active Reserves for 2 years, where our annual deployment was to the Pentagon.

No one is knocked Walz's service. They're pointing out he lied about his rank and the fact he got the hell out of the Guard (24 years is an odd number to serve - if you server 24, why not stick it out to 30 and get a full pension?) just prior to his unit - which he had led - being sent to an active war zone.

Your thoughts about Vance are nonsensical. He served honorably in an active war zone and didn't lie about his rank or shirk his duty.

If you're relying on Jesse Ventura for you opinion of the Guard, you have a problem.
Stop. There is nothing odd about retiring at 24. Most retire closer to 20. It’s rare to go 30. It’s only senior officers and enlisted that are eligible to go to 30. It’s considered “full retirement” at 20. That means 50 percent of active duty pay. Every year after that adds 2.5 percent.
Except in Walz’s own words in March of 2005 he wasn’t ready to move on. He wanted the rank of Command Sergeant Major, so much so that he still refers to himself by that rank. He had at least 18 months left to earn that title.

A little story of how a noble person would act in such a circumstance.

I lived through a very similar experience, not directly but through my father.

March 2001 he earns the largest promotion of his career. VP level at a Global 500. A week after September 11th 2001, he is given notice that he may be called into active duty to serve at TRANSCOM at Scott Air Force base in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, minimum two years.

O5 and retirement eligible, 6 months into his dream job at a new company, two young kids at home and two more getting ready for college, it would have been an opportune time to retire. “He was at the point he had to think what he was going to do with the rest of his life after and it comes for all of us.” As some (cowards) would contend.

Instead he spent two years at Scott Air Force base. Corporate career put on ice. Would it be there when he got back? Legally it had to be, but in practice it’s much murkier.
Your dad is a helluva man and put his country over his personal ambitions. Big salute to him and what a great example to you and your family.
Not entirely accurate.

Walz did serve as a command sergeant major. The criticism is that it was not the rank that he held at the time that retirement came through.

Maybe Aloha can explain. I recall reading that there are additional requirements to retain that rank in retirement, and he didn't meet those.
Or asthma attack
Which can be said about Trump....Oprah loved the guy. . Always did----that is, until he ran for POTUS.

He might be a cool dude. Just because you're a liar, think tampons are needed in boys restrooms, doesn't mean you cant also be cool.
I think the flash point for many was when he claimed Obama wasn't a US citizen. About 8 yrs before he ran for office...
Apparently Walz is daddy in the holler as well based on this thread. You might be able to deduct his non-payment of rent for your heads.
MSNBC cited 3.9K

about 3:10 on this video. He cites the center for american progress

Get a real source. Not some liberal shill. Hell, the article I linked used a liberal source of $1500. You just choose to use 4k (not 3.9, so you tried to mislead) and that was way more that anyone else estimated. What a joke.
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Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.
Nobody is attacking his service. Walz lied. Over and over again. That’s not ok.
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Nobody is attacking his service. Walt lied. Over and over again. That’s not ok.
Lying is clearly OK with you. You’re totally devoted to the most prolific liar ever to run for and serve as President. He makes Bill Clinton look honest in comparison.
Lying is clearly OK with you. You’re totally devoted to the most prolific liar ever to run for and serve as President. He makes Bill Clinton look honest in comparison.
You think the Dem party is honest? They actively lied about Biden’s condition. Harris and walz have lied about every major policy issue. Please. We have an entire thread devoted to it
You think the Dem party is honest? They actively lied about Biden’s condition. Harris and walz have lied about every major policy issue. Please. We have an entire thread devoted to it
Walz is the type of guy that when you ask him what he ate for lunch he’ll tell you he had a Turkey Sandwhich when he actually had Tuna Salad. He lies with seemingly no purpose.

You see he lied about him and his wife doing IVF? What a weirdo.
Walz is the type of guy that when you ask him what he ate for lunch he’ll tell you he had a Turkey Sandwhich when he actually had Tuna Salad. He lies with seemingly no purpose.

You see he lied about him and his wife doing IVF? What a weirdo.
He is definitely an odd one
You think the Dem party is honest? They actively lied about Biden’s condition. Harris and walz have lied about every major policy issue. Please. We have an entire thread devoted to it
Im talking about a person, not a party. Politicians all tell some lies. There is no politician now or ever that is a more prolific liar than Trump. He lies about everything, trivial or important. Frankly it amazes me when anyone claims otherwise.

Yes I saw the thread and read it and largely stayed out of it. It’s fruitless to argue in it so I’m not going to. I also try not to argue with a particular group of people who I like, but disagree with.
Im talking about a person, not a party. Politicians all tell some lies. There is no politician now or ever that is a more prolific liar than Trump. He lies about everything, trivial or important. Frankly it amazes me when anyone claims otherwise.

Yes I saw the thread and read it and largely stayed out of it. It’s fruitless to argue in it so I’m not going to. I also try not to argue with a particular group of people who I like, but disagree with.
okay let's name names. harris. abortion and everythign else. biden 9 percent inflation and everything else. matters that directly impact voters they lie incessantly about. not party. people
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Im talking about a person, not a party. Politicians all tell some lies. There is no politician now or ever that is a more prolific liar than Trump. He lies about everything, trivial or important. Frankly it amazes me when anyone claims otherwise.

Yes I saw the thread and read it and largely stayed out of it. It’s fruitless to argue in it so I’m not going to. I also try not to argue with a particular group of people who I like, but disagree with.
You’re gone. There’s no hope for you. No reason to discuss these issues with you. You’ve lost all ability to reason with all things Trump. You’ve become the equivalent of Kamala. It’s tough to watch. I’ll pray for you.
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Walz is the type of guy that when you ask him what he ate for lunch he’ll tell you he had a Turkey Sandwhich when he actually had Tuna Salad. He lies with seemingly no purpose.

You see he lied about him and his wife doing IVF? What a weirdo.
So true. It’s like he’s so accustomed to lying…he does it because it’s easier than the thinking that would be required to remember the truth. It would be comical, if he wasn’t vying the be one of the most powerful people in the world. Big character flaw.

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