Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

Nobody is forcing dhit on you. It’s the insane Republican logic of “someone doing something I don’t like violates my right not to be bothered by someone doing something I don’t like”.
Yeah, that's what it is....No one is forcing an agenda here...No one at all. I mean campaigning on it----Naaaah. That's not "forcing". Screaning at me, protesting because people wont accept your pronouns, or that you belive you're a cat---isn't "forcing" anything. Pushing it in our schools isn't either....

Whats funny is the fact that you stand up for those peoples right(to believe), but not the peoples right NOT TO.

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Someone is forcing you to be a them?

That would be entertaining watching someone force a dress on you lmao
Oh you people are cute. YOu really are. TBH, your train of thought on this is absolutely scary. I wouldn't expect you to pick up on why I used "them"----Sorry for confusing you.
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We talk about it. Your ev driving woke cuck vapid tribal goofy ass wouldn’t last five minutes in a black community. Gross and dumb.

The neighborhood I live in is about 40 percent black.
Yeah, that's what it is....No one is forcing an agenda here...No one at all. I mean campaigning on it----Naaaah. That's not "forcing". Screaning at me, protesting because people wont accept your pronouns, or that you belive you're a cat---isn't "forcing" anything. Pushing it in our schools isn't either....

Whats funny is the fact that you stand up for those peoples right(to believe), but not the peoples right NOT TO.


Horrible logic. Campaigning for trans rights is not forcing anything on you. That’s like saying campaigning for voting rights is forcing voting on you.
Do you actually believe everything you type? Man you are all over the place with all the leftwing boogyman stuff.
He is just itching for those Trump tariffs to kick in, which will raise the costs of goods that that average household already buys by $4,000 per year. Trump tells them that China will pay for it. He will Swallow it whole, just like Mexico paying for the wall.

So stupid. So MAGA stupid.

Free trade was a bedrock principle of Republican policy. No more.

So much dumbness.
Lol, and I’m the liar. Show me where I said I want tampons in boys restrooms and I’ll admit I’m a liar. If you can’t, admit you’re a liar. Accept or are you a liar and a coward?
Probably some misunderstanding here....I was talking about Waltz----not you.
The neighborhood I live in is about 40 percent black.

Horrible logic. Campaigning for trans rights is not forcing anything on you. That’s like saying campaigning for voting rights is forcing voting on you.
I grew up in and went to high school in a city half black. My daughter rides a bus that’s half black. Her best friend who sleeps here more than her own home is black. Black is part of our everyday lives. From our friends to everywhere we go.

The policies of progressives are not helping the black community. Dimwits like you cry maga who aren’t committing crimes. Who aren’t giving rise to suburban flight. Who aren’t giving rise to corporations leaving. It’s dumb Dem leadership from cori bush to soros Das and you just do not get it. Sad.
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The neighborhood I live in is about 40 percent black.

Horrible logic. Campaigning for trans rights is not forcing anything on you. That’s like saying campaigning for voting rights is forcing voting on you.
This is what you vote for and have the temerity to cry maga. Sooooo stupid. A Soros lefty DA destroying a city. And they are all over.

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Walz never put tampons in boys bathrooms, according to every MN school district. Made up crap. Like JD banging a couch, though that is at least believable.
I grew up in and went to high school in a city half black. My daughter rides a bus that’s half black. Her best friend who sleeps here more than her own home is black. Black is part of our everyday lives. From our friends to everywhere we go.

The policies of progressives are not helping the black community. Dimwits like you cry maga who aren’t committing crimes. Who aren’t giving rise to suburban flight. Who aren’t giving rise to corporations leaving. It’s dumb Dem leadership from cori bush to soros Das and you just do not get it. Sad.

I don’t know you and I can only judge your posts. But if your posts are any indication, your black friends don’t need enemies.
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The neighborhood I live in is about 40 percent black.

Horrible logic. Campaigning for trans rights is not forcing anything on you. That’s like saying campaigning for voting rights is forcing voting on you.
Right.....Lets dumb this down....

1. First off, when I said forcing it on me---I didn't mean Dems; but they're not helping. I meant the people themselves. THought htat would be easy to understand.

2, Secondly, campaigning on a right, opposed to a belief, is totally different. When campaigning for the right for women to vote, or Africa=Americans, exactly how would that be forcing me to vote? A white male? And if I were a female. or a n African American---I mean isn't that something I'd want?

Unless the voting rights you are speaking of are that of being able to do so with out identifying myself---which again, wouldn't that be something I'd want?

SOlid effort though
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Right.....Lets dumb this down....

1. First off, when I said forcing it on me---I didn't mean Dems; but they're not helping. I meant the people themselves. THought htat would be easy to understand.

2, Secondly, campaigning on a right, opposed to a belief, is totally different. When campaigning for the right for women to vote, or Africa=Americans, exactly how would that be forcing me to vote? A white male? And if I were a female. or a n African American---I mean isn't that something I'd want?

Unless the voting rights you are speaking of are that of being able to do so with out identifying myself---which again, wouldn't that be something I'd want?

SOlid effort though

You are the one that said campaigning on trans rights is forcing trans behavior on you. The only logkical conclusion is trans having rights is forcing something on you.
Walz never put tampons in boys bathrooms, according to every MN school district. Made up crap. Like JD banging a couch, though that is at least believable.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in May 2023 signed legislation requiring public schools to provide free menstrual products to “all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.”
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in May 2023 signed legislation requiring public schools to provide free menstrual products to “all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.”

Do yo have a source lol?
Yeah, he's a great guy...

Lied about his military record/service..

Had police shoot his citiznes with rubber bullets..---For being on their porches..

Set up a snitch line...

Then apparently about yanked his kids arm off...

Great, he knows more about football....A much needed qualification for being POTUS.
We need better candidates.
Fact check: Debunking Trump attack on Walz, Minnesota schools say they don’t provide tampons in boys’ bathrooms

Google it and see 100 other reports of the same debunking.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in May 2023 signed legislation requiring public schools to provide free menstrual products to “all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.”

We are dancing around words here.....

But its your guy. I get it.
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He is just itching for those Trump tariffs to kick in, which will raise the costs of goods that that average household already buys by $4,000 per year. Trump tells them that China will pay for it. He will Swallow it whole, just like Mexico paying for the wall.

So stupid. So MAGA stupid.

Free trade was a bedrock principle of Republican policy. No more.

So much dumbness.

The dumbness is your inability to access correct information and have an informed opinion.
Don’t have to. All I had to do is read Outside Shooter’s links.
Where there ya go.....

The law doesn't require tampons be placed in boys bathrooms. But it gives the school the ability to do so. Its not specific gender written, but lets wuit being coy here.
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Where there ya go.....

The law doesn't require tampons be placed in boys bathrooms. But it gives the school the ability to do so. Its not specific gender written, but lets wuit being coy here.

Your quote was false. You did have a good reason to believe it so I won’t hold that against you.
Google their retraction too
No need...I actually read the law. It deosnt require schools to place tampons in boys RR---but allows them to---It does however require them to provide tampons to all students who menstruate....Which is being coy. And is walking around the laws intent.

You know this man.
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Simple answer is no. Trump doesn’t have the character or integrity necessary for the office. He’s unfit. I cannot and will not vote for him. I’ll do a write in vote for a real Republican fit for the job and who I hope will run in 2028. I haven’t settled on who that is yet. Take comfort if you need it, Trump will win Ohio without my vote.
Trump also doesn't have the judgment or focus to run a large country. He claims to hire only the best people, but look who he ends up with:

If he had good judgment he'd be able to tell the difference.

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