Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

Yeah, he's a great guy...

Lied about his military record/service..

Had police shoot his citiznes with rubber bullets..---For being on their porches..

Set up a snitch line...

Then apparently about yanked his kids arm off...

Great, he knows more about football....A much needed qualification for being POTUS.
Went to China on his honeymoon..
Harris is dangerous....You're an intelligent dude. You know this. Is she more dangerous(than Trump)?

Yeah---she is. And I think you know this as well. People dont care about this...They'll vote Harris simply b/c the dont like DJT. And it will be a very regrettable decision.
The most dangerous thing about Harris/ Walz is not progressive policies. Those will hurt the lower/ middle class the most as they always do, but they can be rolled back.

The most dangerous thing is what happens if they sweep and decide to go nuclear. Blow up the filibuster, term limit the court, add justices, Federalize voting laws, add D.C. and maybe Puerto Rico.

It will destroy national politics forevermore. Republicans would be forced to respond in kind assuming they could ever take power again.

Much of this was mentioned in 2020 and didn’t come to pass. Manchin and Sinema won’t be there this time. I hope I’m being dramatic.
Harris is dangerous....You're an intelligent dude. You know this. Is she more dangerous(than Trump)?

Yeah---she is. And I think you know this as well. People dont care about this...They'll vote Harris simply b/c the dont like DJT. And it will be a very regrettable decision.
Simple answer is no. Trump doesn’t have the character or integrity necessary for the office. He’s unfit. I cannot and will not vote for him. I’ll do a write in vote for a real Republican fit for the job and who I hope will run in 2028. I haven’t settled on who that is yet. Take comfort if you need it, Trump will win Ohio without my vote.
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Simple answer is no. Trump doesn’t have the character or integrity necessary for the office. He’s unfit. I cannot and will note vote for him. I’ll do a write in vote for a real Republican fit for the job and who I hope will run in 2028. I haven’t settled on who that is yet. Take comfort if you need it, Trump will win Ohio without my vote.
He seemed to do just fine first time around. COntry survived. Economy survived...No WW's....MOF, lot of peace all around.

Kamala coming from an administration that has infliceted high gas prices, gorcery prices, housing, etc....No peace over sea's. Economy is meh....if that good. And her stance is..................SOme crazy ass tax ideas, fixed food prices......

Meh----give me Trump.
Simple answer is no. Trump doesn’t have the character or integrity necessary for the office. He’s unfit. I cannot and will note vote for him. I’ll do a write in vote for a real Republican fit for the job and who I hope will run in 2028. I haven’t settled on who that is yet. Take comfort if you need it, Trump will win Ohio without my vote.
Who ya thinkin? Haley?
Yeah, he's a great guy...

Lied about his military record/service..

Had police shoot his citiznes with rubber bullets..---For being on their porches..

Set up a snitch line...

Then apparently about yanked his kids arm off...

Great, he knows more about football....A much needed qualification for being POTUS.
I understand that the right wing machine is going to push what they believe is anger fuel especially during a national election cycle, but I'm still a little amazed at the level of detail or nuance that they just don't give a shit about in their fearmongering apparatus.

It makes serious discussion much more difficult even to read to the point that those that buy it and aggressively spread it just present themselves as unserious clowns and/or reptilian beings that can't be trusted.

For example the supposed shooting of people during COVID was from an aggressive night curfew during the Floyd melee. On one hand the dip shit dominated right will state 'he did nothing and let the city burn' and then manipulate a strong riot, evening curfew directive as 'he's just punishing those who are going against his COVID directive'.

The whole COVID snitch line was in reality just an information line available for freaked out people to call in for free information. He allowed those who were pissed to comment of those people who were dickwads and too immature and selfish to violate safety guidelines but he directed the police to not arrest anyone if they get dragged in, only to give warnings.

Again it was designed as an information line for concerned and scared people to use in the attempt to try to give comfort. But the right wing lying apparatus changes those details because they know they can push a fear narrative on its base.

It definitely works as proven by the amount of posts.

Lastly ripping on him for retiring after 24 damn years is limp dicked and laughably weak minded, but it works for loser limp dicked simpletons so the reptilians keep going there.

Using their logic basically means everyone who left the military before serving 25 years is just a pussy coward and a traitor who deserves no acknowledgement, veteran benefits and possibly rounded up and jailed. Of course to normal people that is grotesquely, absurd and goes against any patriotic pride that we should all have but, it's much easier to manipulate to try to build a narrative so it won't stop the right wing influencers even based on laughably stupid logic. but

If you guys really want to go there, then what? Eliminate the ability to retire from service. If you do you're a traitor and a coward and should be executed right like you are attacking Walz for dedicating 4 additional years of national guard service.

Also the national guard should always be deployed in any foreign conflict based on the right's logic and attacks. I believe until Bush committed them, they had never been forced to serve in a foreign war. Let's make sure we let every recruit be made aware of that going forward.
Simple answer is no. Trump doesn’t have the character or integrity necessary for the office. He’s unfit. I cannot and will not vote for him. I’ll do a write in vote for a real Republican fit for the job and who I hope will run in 2028. I haven’t settled on who that is yet. Take comfort if you need it, Trump will win Ohio without my vote.
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I understand that the right wing machine is going to push what they believe is anger fuel especially during a national election cycle, but I'm still a little amazed at the level of detail or nuance that they just don't give a shit about in their fearmongering apparatus.

It makes serious discussion much more difficult even to read to the point that those that buy it and aggressively spread it just present themselves as unserious clowns and/or reptilian beings that can't be trusted.

For example the supposed shooting of people during COVID was from an aggressive night curfew during the Floyd melee. On one hand the dip shit dominated right will state 'he did nothing and let the city burn' and then manipulate a strong riot, evening curfew directive as 'he's just punishing those who are going against his COVID directive'.

The whole COVID snitch line was in reality just an information line available for freaked out people to call in for free information. He allowed those who were pissed to comment of those people who were dickwads and too immature and selfish to violate safety guidelines but he directed the police to not arrest anyone if they get dragged in, only to give warnings.

Again it was designed as an information line for concerned and scared people to use in the attempt to try to give comfort. But the right wing lying apparatus changes those details because they know they can push a fear narrative on its base.

It definitely works as proven by the amount of posts.

Lastly ripping on him for retiring after 24 damn years is limp dicked and laughably weak minded, but it works for loser limp dicked simpletons so the reptilians keep going there.

Using their logic basically means everyone who left the military before serving 25 years is just a pussy coward and a traitor who deserves no acknowledgement, veteran benefits and possibly rounded up and jailed. Of course to normal people that is grotesquely, absurd and goes against any patriotic pride that we should all have but, it's much easier to manipulate to try to build a narrative so it won't stop the right wing influencers even based on laughably stupid logic. but

If you guys really want to go there, then what? Eliminate the ability to retire from service. If you do you're a traitor and a coward and should be executed right like you are attacking Walz for dedicating 4 additional years of national guard service.

Also the national guard should always be deployed in any foreign conflict based on the right's logic and attacks. I believe until Bush committed them, they had never been forced to serve in a foreign war. Let's make sure we let every recruit be made aware of that going forward.
You dudes have a spin/excuse for everything...I applaud that.

1. He screams, "Mind your own business"----Yet implements a snitch, err, I mean an "information line"...My bad.

2. "Alleged shooting's?---No, no, they happened. Nothing alleged about it. Probably needed---Nothing more dangerous than people outside on their porches...

3. So since he spent 24 years in the service, that makes it ok to LIE about his record? Got it.

You people would defend anything. Insert Trump here, and you'd be crucifying him. Its simply how your mind works.

Ok with abortion at 9 mos....Fixed food prices...children selecting their genders, etc......Sweeeeeet. Men participating in women sports....Awesome.
You dudes have a spin/excuse for everything...I applaud that.

1. He screams, "Mind your own business"----Yet implements a snitch, err, I mean an "information line"...My bad.

2. "Alleged shooting's?---No, no, they happened. Nothing alleged about it. Probably needed---Nothing more dangerous than people outside on their porches...

3. So since he spent 24 years in the service, that makes it ok to LIE about his record? Got it.

You people would defend anything. Insert Trump here, and you'd be crucifying him. Its simply how your mind works.

Ok with abortion at 9 mos....Fixed food prices...children selecting their genders, etc......Sweeeeeet. Men participating in women sports....Awesome.
No. It’s definately you.
This morning I was thinking about it, as I sat on the throne and pinched out a McMurt. Before I even flushed away that dream teamer, I recalled how I grew up in Indiana, worked on campaigns for inspirational and super bright THINKERS like Dick Lugar, but now....

Turds. Turds all over. Conspiracies, talk of stolen elections.

And a few, I assume, are good people!

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You dudes have a spin/excuse for everything...I applaud that.

1. He screams, "Mind your own business"----Yet implements a snitch, err, I mean an "information line"...My bad.

2. "Alleged shooting's?---No, no, they happened. Nothing alleged about it. Probably needed---Nothing more dangerous than people outside on their porches...

3. So since he spent 24 years in the service, that makes it ok to LIE about his record? Got it.

You people would defend anything. Insert Trump here, and you'd be crucifying him. Its simply how your mind works.

Ok with abortion at 9 mos....Fixed food prices...children selecting their genders, etc......Sweeeeeet. Men participating in women sports....Awesome.

Keep pushing 'fixed food prices' which is another thing the right machine has blatantly pushed and misrepresented to create a better and more juicy narrative.

Going after price gouging is not price fixing. Price gouging is collusion, particularly when as red blooded capitalists we say we are we've allowed for near monopolithic power to major, crucial industries.

For example pretty much 100% of our meat producing industry is basically 4 gargantuan companies who have been susceptive of colluding with each other over pricing.

So much for the idea of having a competitive market will naturally and efficiently find the best and be inspired to deliver the most affordable price.

Nope, price gouging is collusion between companies to agree to set prices.

Another example, remember the baby formula breakdown that the right used to blame Biden even though we've allowed that industry to become basically two companies and yeah, when there is a f#$k up, what we saw happened.

Be keep saying it's government price fixing interest.

All of these topics are interesting topics to discuss like this board used to do much more often but we've gotten away from that and into pushing bad political sales presentations.
This morning I was thinking about it, as I sat on the throne and pinched out a McMurt. Before I even flushed away that dream teamer, I recalled how I grew up in Indiana, worked on campaigns for inspirational and super bright THINKERS like Dick Lugar, but now....

Turds. Turds all over. Conspiracies, talk of stolen elections.

And a few, I assume, are good people!

Get on the sidewalk and bike those groceries home. You need to fill that pig’s trough. Next you know she’ll gore you. Piss pit Fing nerd.
Keep pushing 'fixed food prices' which is another thing the right machine has blatantly pushed and misrepresented to create a better and more juicy narrative.

Going after price gouging is not price fixing. Price gouging is collusion, particularly when as red blooded capitalists we say we are we've allowed for near monopolithic power to major, crucial industries.

For example pretty much 100% of our meat producing industry is basically 4 gargantuan companies who have been susceptive of colluding with each other over pricing.

So much for the idea of having a competitive market will naturally and efficiently find the best and be inspired to deliver the most affordable price.

Nope, price gouging is collusion between companies to agree to set prices.

Another example, remember the baby formula breakdown that the right used to blame Biden even though we've allowed that industry to become basically two companies and yeah, when there is a f#$k up, what we saw happened.

Be keep saying it's government price fixing interest.

All of these topics are interesting topics to discuss like this board used to do much more often but we've gotten away from that and into pushing bad political sales presentations.
Yeah, grocery stores and farmers are price gouging...... 🤣 . You ****ers will believe anything.. I guess everyone agreed from 2016-2020 not to do so? That was nice of them. Weird how this has never been needed before---But suddenly, its a problem. Odd it wasn't so just a few short years ago....But now Kamala to the rescue.

You really believe this shit?
I agree---Identifying as something you are not, with 18 different pronouns, is pretty fuking dumb.

Why do you care? I know what the 1 percent tell you to get your vote so that they can accumulate more wealth, but does it really affect your daily life? I’ll be honest, I find it all kind of weird too. But the life of me I can’t think of a reason to care.
well you're officially trolling. you've got a long way to go to match lucy. you'd be better off doing something else. you may be my second ignore

I’m really not. If you met him on the street and had a chat and then heard his background., I guaruntee you’d say what a cool dude. It’s only tat he’s running for vp as a dem that makes you hate him.
Why do you care? I know what the 1 percent tell you to get your vote so that they can accumulate more wealth, but does it really affect your daily life? I’ll be honest, I find it all kind of weird too. But the life of me I can’t think of a reason to care.
I worked with someone a couple of years ago I honestly thought was doing it wrong. She changed her name and pronouns first. But she still wore masculine clothing. Still had facial hair. It was difficult. So I messed up a few times and called her him. Guess what happened to me? Nothing. No one cares. Honest mistake. Move on.

I'm flabbergasted why people think this is the issue that will decide the election. I promise you, if Harris loses, it won't be because of pronouns. It will be because bread is too expensive.
Why do you care? I know what the 1 percent tell you to get your vote so that they can accumulate more wealth, but does it really affect your daily life? I’ll be honest, I find it all kind of weird too. But the life of me I can’t think of a reason to care.
I don't care.....NOt at all. YOu wanna identify as a cat, a dog....etc---By all means, do so. YOu wanna be called a "they", or a "them"---Cool. Doesn't impact me-----that is until you tr tyo force your belief on me. Which is what is happening. And them become outraged when I don't accept your train of thought..

I think its dumb. Ridiculous to be exact. Doesn't mean I don't respect someones right to be an idiot..
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I’m really not. If you met him on the street and had a chat and then heard his background., I guaruntee you’d say what a cool dude. It’s only tat he’s running for vp as a dem that makes you hate him.
i guarantee you i would not. i cannot stand progressive bullshit. he is not someone i would like. at all. if we're throwing weird around he's as weird as it gets.
This morning I was thinking about it, as I sat on the throne and pinched out a McMurt. Before I even flushed away that dream teamer, I recalled how I grew up in Indiana, worked on campaigns for inspirational and super bright THINKERS like Dick Lugar, but now....

Turds. Turds all over. Conspiracies, talk of stolen elections.

And a few, I assume, are good people!

Quality post, bears repeating!
I don't care.....NOt at all. YOu wanna identify as a cat, a dog....etc---By all means, do so. YOu wanna be called a "they", or a "them"---Cool. Doesn't impact me-----that is until you tr tyo force your belief on me. Which is what is happening. And them become outraged when I don't accept your train of thought..

I think its dumb. Ridiculous to be exact. Doesn't mean I don't respect someones right to be an idiot..

Nobody is forcing dhit on you. It’s the insane Republican logic of “someone doing something I don’t like violates my right not to be bothered by someone doing something I don’t like”.
Yeah, he's a great guy...

Lied about his military record/service..

Had police shoot his citiznes with rubber bullets..---For being on their porches..

Set up a snitch line...

Then apparently about yanked his kids arm off...

Great, he knows more about football....A much needed qualification for being POTUS.
As a Trump supporter you forfeit the right to call out someone who lied once. Your hero lies multiple times per day.
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I don't care.....NOt at all. YOu wanna identify as a cat, a dog....etc---By all means, do so. YOu wanna be called a "they", or a "them"---Cool. Doesn't impact me-----that is until you tr tyo force your belief on me. Which is what is happening. And them become outraged when I don't accept your train of thought..

I think its dumb. Ridiculous to be exact. Doesn't mean I don't respect someones right to be an idiot..

If it makes them happy, not doing it would make them an idiot. No?
I’m really not. If you met him on the street and had a chat and then heard his background., I guaruntee you’d say what a cool dude. It’s only tat he’s running for vp as a dem that makes you hate him.
Which can be said about Trump....Oprah loved the guy. . Always did----that is, until he ran for POTUS.

He might be a cool dude. Just because you're a liar, think tampons are needed in boys restrooms, doesn't mean you cant also be cool.
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I don’t like crime and I don’t like pandering without demanding accountability. I guarantee you I grew up in a far more diverse neighborhood than you and count far more many blacks people as friends today than you. You’re the white lib cuck most blacks can’t stand.

Show them your posts and see if they still consider you a friend.
You dudes have a spin/excuse for everything...I applaud that.

1. He screams, "Mind your own business"----Yet implements a snitch, err, I mean an "information line"...My bad.

2. "Alleged shooting's?---No, no, they happened. Nothing alleged about it. Probably needed---Nothing more dangerous than people outside on their porches...

3. So since he spent 24 years in the service, that makes it ok to LIE about his record? Got it.

You people would defend anything. Insert Trump here, and you'd be crucifying him. Its simply how your mind works.

Ok with abortion at 9 mos....Fixed food prices...children selecting their genders, etc......Sweeeeeet. Men participating in women sports....Awesome.
Do you actually believe everything you type? Man you are all over the place with all the leftwing boogyman stuff.
Which can be said about Trump....Oprah loved the guy. . Always did----that is, until he ran for POTUS.

He might be a cool dude. Just because you're a liar, think tampons are needed in boys restrooms, doesn't mean you cant also be cool.

Lol, and I’m the liar. Show me where I said I want tampons in boys restrooms and I’ll admit I’m a liar. If you can’t, admit you’re a liar. Accept or are you a liar and a coward?
I don't care.....NOt at all. YOu wanna identify as a cat, a dog....etc---By all means, do so. YOu wanna be called a "they", or a "them"---Cool. Doesn't impact me-----that is until you tr tyo force your belief on me. Which is what is happening. And them become outraged when I don't accept your train of thought..

I think its dumb. Ridiculous to be exact. Doesn't mean I don't respect someones right to be an idiot..
Someone is forcing you to be a them?

That would be entertaining watching someone force a dress on you lmao
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