Evidently Tim Walz is every Democrat loons Daddy

No need...I actually read the law. It deosnt require schools to place tampons in boys RR---but allows them to---It does however require them to provide tampons to all students who menstruate....Which is being coy. And is walking around the laws intent.

You know this man.

There is a huge difference between requiring something of all schools and allowing a school to do it.
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You are the one that said campaigning on trans rights is forcing trans behavior on you. The only logkical conclusion is trans having rights is forcing something on you.
How is trans having rights---which BTW, what rights do they not have---forcing their rights on me? I never said forcing a right---I said a belief; there is a difference. Secondly, when I speak of forcing, I am speaking in terms of said person/people. Not the Gov't.
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The dumbness is your inability to access correct information and have an informed opinion.

Trump also doesn't have the judgment or focus to run a large country. He claims to hire only the best people, but look who he ends up with:

If he had good judgment he'd be able to tell the difference.
And you think Harris can run an entire country? Good grief. These are two terrible candidates. If you weren’t so stupid and blindly partisan you’d understand that
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How is trans having rights---which BTW, what rights do they not have---forcing their rights on me? I never said forcing a right---I said a belief; there is a difference. Secondly, when I speak of forcing, I am speaking in terms of said person/people. Not the Gov't.

Ok. I still dont get it. They aren’t forcing you to believe anything. They aren’t forcing you to do anything. What’s left?
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Trump also doesn't have the judgment or focus to run a large country. He claims to hire only the best people, but look who he ends up with:

If he had good judgment he'd be able to tell the difference.
So....He doesn't have the integrity....nor the judgement......But from 2016-2020, the country was just fine. Employment was fine...Economy was fine...gas and groceries were affordable....No wars...Peace talks across the ME. Borders were secured.

I think some of you are disappointed the country didn't fall apart. YOu know, like it is now.
Where there ya go.....

The law doesn't require tampons be placed in boys bathrooms. But it gives the school the ability to do so. Its not specific gender written, but lets wuit being coy here.
Borden, when you started posting on here a few weeks ago I have to admit I chuckled when you presented yourself as an innocent citizen that doesn’t really follow politics all that much, but your common sense led you to think Trump was a better choice due to his policies. I knew the liberals would smoke you out in no time flat, which they did. You’re a Trumper, through and through, and that’s perfectly fine. Your act lasted all of about two days. 😂

That said, I remember you had some medical/injury issues a while back, and truly hope all is well now, as you seem like a good man. Welcome back, I’ll probably be posting on the basketball board, time permitting, when the season starts up. We’ll be in much more agreement over there.😊
So....He doesn't have the integrity....nor the judgement......But from 2016-2020, the country was just fine. Employment was fine...Economy was fine...gas and groceries were affordable....No wars...Peace talks across the ME. Borders were secured.

I think some of you are disappointed the country didn't fall apart. YOu know, like it is now.

People were dying left and right, violent crime was up……
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Ok. I still do t get it. They aren’t forcing you to believe anything. They aren’t forcing you to do anything. What’s left?
I think you are a solid troll, TBH....You are taking the word "force", and actually applying it literally. Which is a solid troll.

Here, maybe this word better fits: "Pushing" their beliefs.

Feel better Mr. Liberal?
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I think you are a solid troll, TBH....You are taking the word "force", and actually applying it literally. Which is a solid troll.

Here, maybe this word better fits: "Pushing" their beliefs.

Feel better Mr. Liberal?

That really wasn’t my intent. Aren’t we all pushing our beliefs? There is no interpretation of that other than only people you agree with should be able to have beliefs and talk about them. It’s not like their belief is that people should turn trans. Makes no sense.
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Borden, when you started posting on here a few weeks ago I have to admit I chuckled when you presented yourself as an innocent citizen that doesn’t really follow politics all that much, but your common sense led you to think Trump was a better choice due to his policies. I knew the liberals would smoke you out in no time flat, which they did. You’re a Trumper, through and through, and that’s perfectly fine. Your act lasted all of about two days. 😂

That said, I remember you had some medical/injury issues a while back, and truly hope all is well now, as you seem like a good man. Welcome back, I’ll probably be posting on the basketball board, time permitting, when the season starts up. We’ll be in much more agreement over there.😊
I've voted exactly ZERO times. I don't know what a leftist is, no more than a far right winger---Or what not. Do not consider myself Dem, or Republican. Far liberal this or that---Chinese.

No act. My conversation is based on what I have listened to, trying to better inform myself. Its why I have became more engaged over time. Not a "Trumper"---No signs in my yard. No political party affiliation. My comments on here are based on what I have read(on here, other sources), watched on TV--BOTH CNN/FOX. Watching the conferences, etc....

Thorugh that, and what I experienced in 2016-2020, leads me to believe DJT is the botter option. I don't agree with much of anything Harris or Waltz stand for---except the stolen ideas, i.e. no tax on tips/border control. I think her thoughts, and his, are very radical, and TBH, would be qite damging to the country.

If you don't believe that---its cool. But it doesn't take a genius to read my post and realize I don't understand politics.

As for medical issues/injuries---I am getting there. I had 4 surgeries in a span of year and a half---all different: Heart/Shoulder replacement/Knee/gall bladder. But dong well, and thanks for asking.
That really wasn’t my intent. Aren’t we all pushing our beliefs? There is no interpretation of that other than only people you agree with should be able to have beliefs and talk about them. It’s not like their belief is that people should turn trans. Makes no sense.
I don't push my beliefs on anyone...SO no, I don't think we all do. You can contimeu to be coy, and that's cool. No harm in that.

I don't have to agree with you, to respect your beliefs. That's something I think a lot of people have trouble realizing...

EDIT---I will add, there is a difference in asking that I respect your belif, opposed to demanding I do.
I don't push my beliefs on anyone...SO no, I don't think we all do. You can contimeu to be coy, and that's cool. No harm in that.

I don't have to agree with you, to respect your beliefs. That's something I think a lot of people have trouble realizing...

I like your second paragraph. That’s why I don’t understand using the word “pushing” in a pejorative way way when talking about trans people vocalizing their desire to maintain their rights.
You’re still mad because of what I said about your black friends. I don’t know why. I think you know damn well you would never show them those posts.
No you’re a troll. We have enough shallow posters and it’s unfortunate to add another
Yeah, grocery stores and farmers are price gouging...... 🤣 . You ****ers will believe anything.. I guess everyone agreed from 2016-2020 not to do so? That was nice of them. Weird how this has never been needed before---But suddenly, its a problem. Odd it wasn't so just a few short years ago....But now Kamala to the rescue.

You really believe this shit?

Yes I believe that a global health crisis upset recognized and projected buying patterns that were established over the years and maximized but causing insane amounts of stress to fundamental supply chain management.

From having a pretty long career in merchandising and inventory management, vendors are constantly trying to get retailers to rase prices and take cost increases.

Not official but my personal opinion on why our inflation was in decent control was a direct response to the rise and domination of Walmart. They were a major competitor of mine but they built their brand on being a low cost leader and since they were the largest and most populated shop, they were the ones that literally forced other retailers to be competitive with pricing.

I remember vendors yelling at me for my grocery retails being so low in various markets like my home town and why I wasn't raising those retails. The simple answer was because we comp shop with Walmart. They would say 'but there isn't a Walmart there and you are leading the area in cost savings' which I would reply ....yeah they're not there.....yet.

The last thing I wanted to have happen was for Walmart to open in a new community and then I'd have to match their prices and fire off a zillion price cut labels. Meaning it's very obvious why we're cutting out retails....ohh it's because Walmart opened in the area!!

That basically feeds the Walmart legacy and identity as the low cost leader.

So yeah, I lived that and understood their influence on retail prices.

In the past decade plus, Amazon, online shopping has kicked Walmart in the nuts. I can tell you Amazon is definitely not a low cost leader so, if it or as it becomes the bell weather core shopping entity, retail prices are more vulnerable vs having Walmart be that protector.

Again I don't like Walmart and understand a ton of their terrible flaws and what they've done to small businesses as an example, but I can't deny the influence they had on pricing which I don't think they have anymore (from the point that they aren't as popular as before I don't think).

So yeah, coming from that environment I totally believe the pandemic gave retailers an easy excuse to take advantage of a long with having serious legit issues with supply chain and other forecasted but relied on metrics being completely blown up because of shopping patterns.
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The guy who, with tariffs alone, wants to flush your wallet of 4 grand? Yikes.

Harris -Biden kept the tariffs and added more.

Tariffs force us, me, you to hopefully consider the source of our purchased product and choose to support the US made version. They also reduce our dependence on certain products during national emergencies, as we learned from the China virus, aka Covid.

But tariffs REALLY hurt Americans during rising inflationary times coupled with low wage growth, or better know as Harrisnomics, or nearly the past 3.5 yrs.
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Harris -Biden kept the tariffs...

But tariffs REALLY hurt Americans during rising inflationary times
The 4K I mentioned is just the bill just for the NEW, ADDITIONAL tariffs Trump wants. Up to 60% on China alone. 20% on many other countries. Insane. But billionaires worth $200 million know he will make them worth $400 million
Harris -Biden kept the tariffs and added more.

Tariffs force us, me, you to hopefully consider the source of our purchased product and choose to support the US made version. They also reduce our dependence on certain products during national emergencies, as we learned from the China virus, aka Covid.

But tariffs REALLY hurt Americans during rising inflationary times coupled with low wage growth, or better know as Harrisnomics, or nearly the past 3.5 yrs.

Thank you my long time brother for spelling out the negative impact a tariff can have on the cost of imported goods. I don't think it's common knowledge (because what normal living person thinks about how a tariff can impact retails) but again, as it becomes more of a political strategy going forward it's much easier to understand the results when you consider the basic impact or threat that has been added to the inventory management equation from the tariff price.

If Biden and Harris did collect massive Asian tariffs then yeah, that most likely got passed down into the cost and didn't help curb the inflationary movement that was going on. Same as if Trump continues an actual tariff war with China because he likes the rhetoric, it will raise the cost of imported Asian goods so meaning anything with a computer chip is vulnerable as is clothing or anything that uses neodymium glass (cell phones, lightbulbs particularly CFL's, etc). Lol
Also the national guard should always be deployed in any foreign conflict based on the right's logic and attacks. I believe until Bush committed them, they had never been forced to serve in a foreign war. Let's make sure we let every recruit be made aware of that going forward.
Ever heard of Korea?
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You dudes have a spin/excuse for everything...I applaud that.

1. He screams, "Mind your own business"----Yet implements a snitch, err, I mean an "information line"...My bad.

2. "Alleged shooting's?---No, no, they happened. Nothing alleged about it. Probably needed---Nothing more dangerous than people outside on their porches...

3. So since he spent 24 years in the service, that makes it ok to LIE about his record? Got it.

You people would defend anything. Insert Trump here, and you'd be crucifying him. Its simply how your mind works.

Ok with abortion at 9 mos....Fixed food prices...children selecting their genders, etc......Sweeeeeet. Men participating in women sports....Awesome.
Well, when you put it like that......

Fine job, Borden. You are definitely Dream Team material.
Ever heard of Korea?

The guy is flat out wrong...

Several National Guard units served with distinction throughout the Pacific in World War 2...

Elements of the North Dakota National Guard were landed to augment the Marines on Guadalcanal (10/1942) and after being taught the lesson of why you need to properly guard your supply dumps at all times (the Marine enlisted stole all the food and ammo they could carry); they rapidly evolved to become a highly respected outfit who were nicknamed "The 164th Marines" by the end of their deployment...

At least one Guard unit was in New Guinea, and was prepping for the landing on Japan when the war ended...

An entire Division of National Guard served in the Korean War (or "Conflict" as the Democrats liked to call it), and an Infantry Regiment of the Indiana National Guard was deployed to Vietnam...

The Guard devolved during the late "60's thru the mid-"80's" into less than combat ready outfits utilized primarily for local emergencies and crowd control due to a serious lack of funding made available for training...

It wasn't until they began being seriously utilized in supporting roles during the First Gulf War that they once again begin to rehone their edge...

These days they're deployed nearly as often as regular Army units all over the globe..., and are often found to be nearly as good... (primarily because they're now receiving the type of training funding they need to maintain their edge).

//The above is based on conversations with those who served either directly with, or actually in the Guard (at various levels, officer NCO, and enlisted) over the time periods mentioned...//
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Ever heard of Korea?

Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.
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Google is saying around 48% of the Army national guard have been deployed including Korea and Vietnam. They are also trained for combat particularly combat support supposedly.

The big argument against deployment of the Guard in a foreign conflict is directed to the Constitution.

I'm going off a Jessie Ventura rant who said the National Guard is not intended for foreign conflict as the name implies and that Bush with Rumsfeld and Cheney had to go there because they didn't have enough bodies for but politically could not initiate a draft.

Still Walz donated 24 years of his life to the national guard even though I believe service members are allowed to retire after 20 like you did.

It's a convenient low blow accusation to make against a dude who gave 24 years and notified his retirement without proof that he knew what the future held. Looking up Vance he only served 5 years and got the F out soon after entering conflict to use the GI Bill and go to OSU. Why did he leave combat. The war wasn't over until late 2011 per Google.

Does the left need to create and accuse Vance of being a big, fat pussy that pissed himself during his fake, protected desk job that he claims as combat that he escaped from, leaving his service? That would mimic the current right messaging apparatus as we head into the election.

Those two along with you I think have in common of taking advantage of the GI Bill for college. So I don't think you have a big beef with service members taking advantage of that but it won't surprise me if the right will try to push, spin that particularly when it comes to Walz.

Personally I applaud all of you for dedicating service time and taking advantage of qualifying for the availability of the GI Bill to better your lives.

You are one clueless dude...

Several of the same type of community engagement missions that Vance occasionally went on ended up getting chewed up badly... Unless Vance was inside the Green Zone (and I don't think very many Marines were) there weren't any truly safe areas forward or rear... At least one Colonel was killed on just such a mission...

My Marine Godson's base was hit with a truck bomb just after they were rotating back to Kuwait to begin the trip home... It was only due to extraordinarily well executed operational security that many of them weren't maimed by that suicide truck bombing (not a one of them let slip when they were really coming home and they actually had distributed a phoney date). The truck bomber thought they were still there when he hit the base... (per the intelligence assessment).

Plenty of Marines served their enlistment and moved on, (and plenty haven't served in traditional Infantry roles) doesn't make them any less a Marine...

Now if you want to revisit China Tims bugging out on his own people (and his affinity for Communist China [while he held a security clearance]...), I'll be happy to do so in a new thread... I doubt you'll like what you read... There's a word that describes a guy like Walz..., it's: Chickenshit...

By the way, Vance has never embellished his service in any way, but your guy sure has...

I encourage you and your ilk to seriously attempt to disparage and tarnish Vances military record on the national stage... You can't imagine the firestorm you'll be lighting off...
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