It is murder of an unarmed woman, shot at point-blank range, by a 'guard' with multiple disciplinary actions on his record, who should never have been in the position to commit murder.
33 day suspension for 'forgetting' his issue Glock 22 in a public restroom. 7 day suspension for firing the weapon at a suspected stolen vehicle in his neighborhood.
The subsequent investigation by Maryland State prosecutors show Byrd lied to them during their investigation. Byrd received no sanctions for lying to prosecutors. After the Babbit murder, Byrd attempted to buy a shotgun to 'defend his home', but failed the FBI background check. The Capitol Police then tried to issue him a shotgun, but he failed the qualification tests.
There were also 3 separate additional Capitol Police referrals to the Office of Professional Responsibility, but those records 'could not be located'.
Byrd was promoted to Captain, a position created for him.
The corruption in this ruling clique is neverending .