Democrat Sweep?

In my opinion, she’s a weak candidate. However, I think it’s completely possible that a lot of people who were sitting out the old man fight might show up to cast a vote for Harris. I’m not sure Harris needs to be JFK. I think she only needs to be someone who is not Trump or Biden. That’s more than enough for a lot of folks, and I honestly can’t blame them, even if I won’t vote for her.
In my opinion, she’s a weak candidate. However, I think it’s completely possible that a lot of people who were sitting out the old man fight might show up to cast a vote for Harris. I’m not sure Harris needs to be JFK. I think she only needs to be someone who is not Trump or Biden. That’s more than enough for a lot of folks, and I honestly can’t blame them, even if I won’t vote for her.
I’ll be writing in myself, but I’m highly curious about Harris v Trump with no dog in that fight. I’d have voted Trump over Biden, now I’m unsure what Harris we will see. I’d much rather look at her than the tyrannical bloat though.
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I’ll be writing in myself, but I’m highly curious about Harris v Trump with no dog in that fight. I’d have voted Trump over Biden, now I’m unsure what Harris we will see. I’d much rather look at her than the tyrannical bloat though.
Sad is the day, Nov 5, people vote their future based on one man’s personality and physical appearance over policies of governance.

Isn’t life strange getting stranger by the day and letting it happen.
In my opinion, she’s a weak candidate. However, I think it’s completely possible that a lot of people who were sitting out the old man fight might show up to cast a vote for Harris. I’m not sure Harris needs to be JFK. I think she only needs to be someone who is not Trump or Biden. That’s more than enough for a lot of folks, and I honestly can’t blame them, even if I won’t vote for her.
After that past month, I disagree on her being a weak candidate. Most people vote either D or R. Harris is weak on policy, but the 3-5% you need to win elections don’t care about policies.

In that segment’s eyes she’s a black, Indian, female President breaking down barriers as she becomes the 1st blah blah blah. The point is she is a great candidate for those voters. She’s energizing people who wouldn’t vote normally.
After that past month, I disagree on her being a weak candidate. Most people vote either D or R. Harris is weak on policy, but the 3-5% you need to win elections don’t care about policies.

In that segment’s eyes she’s a black, Indian, female President breaking down barriers as she becomes the 1st blah blah blah. The point is she is a great candidate for those voters. She’s energizing people who wouldn’t vote normally.
Could be. I just think if either party had run someone other than Trump or Biden, you’d see a similar bounce.
After that past month, I disagree on her being a weak candidate. Most people vote either D or R. Harris is weak on policy, but the 3-5% you need to win elections don’t care about policies.

In that segment’s eyes she’s a black, Indian, female President breaking down barriers as she becomes the 1st blah blah blah. The point is she is a great candidate for those voters. She’s energizing people who wouldn’t vote normally.
It’s a shame that people are so easily swayed by attitude and look rather than policy. At a time where we have a massive border crisis and powder kegs in Eurasia and Israel, we need competence. I don’t think Trump exudes great competence but we have a couple of data points on Harris (border czar, massive resignations in her corps) that point to her being quite incompetent.
She's getting crushed people. Looking at the voter registration numbers. Here's a recent poll Trump +2.

Here's the latest Yougov poll Harris +2 which is a solid EC win for Trump. But, look at the crosstabs people. 528 Dems and 389 Pubs in the sample lol. Close to a D+10 poll. Gallup is expecting an R+2 electorate.

Sad is the day, Nov 5, people vote their future based on one man’s personality and physical appearance over policies of governance.

Isn’t life strange getting stranger by the day and letting it happen.
It's not about his personality, although that doesn't help him.

He continues to have issues with people who aren't white, whether it's questioning the validity of their identity or calling just those who file in from Mexico murderers and rapists. That's just that start. It's very much about policy, and even though some of it isn't stuff he necessarily cares about, it's policies he enables.
She's getting crushed people. Looking at the voter registration numbers. Here's a recent poll Trump +2.

Here's the latest Yougov poll Harris +2 which is a solid EC win for Trump. But, look at the crosstabs people. 528 Dems and 389 Pubs in the sample lol. Close to a D+10 poll. Gallup is expecting an R+2 electorate.

How do you read that YouGov poll result as a solid EC win for Trump?
Sad is the day, Nov 5, people vote their future based on one man’s personality and physical appearance over policies of governance.

Isn’t life strange getting stranger by the day and letting it happen.
Strange is how we let it get to this point. Both sides are their own worst enemies letting these two be our only options. We deserve whatever is coming.
That's been true for decades. Really since TV and JFK.
Let us never forget Nixon’s “five o’clock shadow” punctuated with beads of sweat.

So what you’re saying is those who know basically nothing what’s going on with politics are the ignorant ones with a give-a-shit factor approaching nil determining our country’s fate. Scary thought - image really IS everything. BTW, do I have any spinach between my teeth when I smile?
How do you read that YouGov poll result as a solid EC win for Trump?
Biden won the popular vote by a little over 4.5 points. If he had won it by 4 on the nose he likely loses the EC. She does much worse than Biden in the swing states and racks up huge numbers in states like California. Again, see the crosstabs. The poll is telling you that Trump is a few points ahead in the popular vote.

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Voters also don't like Trump's and the Repub platform, otherwise known as Project 2025.
No one knows what Project 2025 is except for a couple distortions put out their by the corporate press. Have you read all 920 pages? I think not.

If you want the real Republican platform you can just go to Trump's website where it outlines his policies with links to White papers.

When can we expect the same from Harris? "Joy" isn't a policy position.
Biden won the popular vote by a little over 4.5 points. If he had won it by 4 on the nose he likely loses the EC. She does much worse than Biden in the swing states and racks up huge numbers in states like California. Again, see the crosstabs. The poll is telling you that Trump is a few points ahead in the popular vote.

Keep trying to convince yourself. Fact is, your boy is likely going to lose.
This post is a great representation of how dumb
voters are and how powerful the MSM propaganda machine is at setting narratives. Congrats.
I'm just speaking truths like all of the random tweets shared by the Dream Team. Get it?
I'm just speaking truths like all of the random tweets shared by the Dream Team. Get it?
I understand the gnashing of teeth over P25, it's a complete reimagining of the Executive branch. Well not so much of a reimaging as it's wresting power from bureaucrats and placing it back in the hands of the EXECUTIVE. You know, where it belongs under our constitutional system.

No longer will civil servants be able to throw sand in the gears of Republican administrations. No longer will the overwhelmingly Democrat Federal workforce be able to launch shadow campaigns against Republican administrations they disagree with. A Republican President may be able to exercise his constitutional authority to get things done that are under his purview, and that scares the living shit out of you.
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It’s a shame that people are so easily swayed by attitude and look rather than policy. At a time where we have a massive border crisis and powder kegs in Eurasia and Israel, we need competence. I don’t think Trump exudes great competence but we have a couple of data points on Harris (border czar, massive resignations in her corps) that point to her being quite incompetent.

After the debate in which Biden appeared incompetent and Trump triumphantly survived the assination, it appeared to me Trump could sail to victory.

Then at the Republican convention and since Trump has gone off the rails.

Cannot help but think a good many voters (enough to give Harris the edge) are simply grateful Biden is gone and they have someone to vote for who hasn't gone completely bonkers.
So if you believe the most unpopular Vice President or at least one of the most unpopular in the history of the United States mentioned by the news media on the Democratic side has become America's sweetheart in a little over three weeks, Congrats. You are the mark mainstream media is hoping and looking for. So all of you who think this is support for Trump it is not, it just shows what a sad state we are in for Presidential candidates.
Biden won the popular vote by a little over 4.5 points. If he had won it by 4 on the nose he likely loses the EC. She does much worse than Biden in the swing states and racks up huge numbers in states like California. Again, see the crosstabs. The poll is telling you that Trump is a few points ahead in the popular vote.

National polls are worthless as the actual vote nears.

It's like people who stress over players rankings in basketball. It's all about the projected level of a player and any subsequent tiers that would fit into. This late in the game, the only polls that matter are state polls, and those don't matter at on November 5.
So if you believe the most unpopular Vice President or at least one of the most unpopular in the history of the United States mentioned by the news media on the Democratic side has become America's sweetheart in a little over three weeks, Congrats. You are the mark mainstream media is hoping and looking for. So all of you who think this is support for Trump it is not, it just shows what a sad state we are in for Presidential candidates.

Sku, cannot help but think a good many Americans agree with your observation about "a sad state we are in for Presidential candidates".

My concerns about our country's state of mind goes beyond this. Say this because IMO we have seldom had the most qualified person in the
Oval Office given the vast array of talent available at any point in time. Neverthess, the overall system of governing has for the most part worked.

What concerns me at this point in our history is the loss of faith in our institutions and our governing processes.

A Cooler poster recently asked whether January 6 or government overreach was a bigger threat to our democracy. The answer to this question in my opinion is the loss of faith in our system of governing is the biggest threat.
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