there is unfortunately. it's under hte new york immigration thread. crazed linked the letter the head of ice wrote. frankly it's shocking. and it has been going on for some time but the number on hte non confined docket doubled under harris/biden with biden's executive actions. 13,000 plus murderers. rapists. all of it. frightening. in fact 13,000 was the number of murders commited in 2023. so through policy we have let in that same number. again it's shocking
Cmon man it's been debunked 😉

Just say you were wrong.
don't be more of a moron than i already think you are, which is one of hte dumbest fcking posters on the board. do you think that a person living in the most dangerous city in america believes that every single murder here was committed by an immigrant? zero by resident blacks. or anyone else. i don't think an immigrant committed a single murder here. good god dude.

as i said by way of comparison we've let in as many murderers as committed here in a year. that's insane
You also have to ask why they aren't in custody. The obvious answer is that they've already served their sentence, and the only reason they are still here is because for some reason we can't enforce the deportation order (I believe one of the stickers linked mentions that most are from countries that aren't currently accepting deportations from us).

I'm not sure what scary lefty policy they are trying to eviscerate with this story, but the truth is likely much more mundane.
That's a really good point. I personally know two different people who served jail time for vehicular homocide and both finished serving their sentences long ago. Since that 13,000 number is over at least a couple decades, I wonder what the number of natural born US citizens who have been convicted of homicide aren't in custody over that same time period. I'd assume that number is much, much higher than 13,000.
what's not clear about them? frankly i suspect they are higher. as for when they came this has been ongoing from obama through trump through biden. the material difference is that trump took action to curb the number of crossings. biden took action to open the border. so the number on the nonconfined docket, which comprises actual criminals, murderers and rapists, despite harris' incessant lies to the contrary, went from 3 plus million to 7 plus million
I think, like Ohio Guy, I misunderstood the original point or what that number was supposed to represent.

So there are 13,000 murderers who all evaded authorities after being convicted and are roaming free? That doesn't seem logical.

It is worth noting that these lists include convictions both here in the U.S. and abroad, and some of the individuals are already in prison. If an illegal immigrant is in a U.S. prison after being convicted of a crime unrelated to his immigration status, he may still be listed as “non-detained” on the ICE docket.

Two law-enforcement officials told NBC News that “it is not known how many are incarcerated because ICE is not always privy to that data from state and local law enforcement agencies.”
I think, like Ohio Guy, I misunderstood the original point or what that number was supposed to represent.

So there are 13,000 murderers who all evaded authorities after being convicted and are roaming free? That doesn't seem logical.

It is worth noting that these lists include convictions both here in the U.S. and abroad, and some of the individuals are already in prison. If an illegal immigrant is in a U.S. prison after being convicted of a crime unrelated to his immigration status, he may still be listed as “non-detained” on the ICE docket.

Two law-enforcement officials told NBC News that “it is not known how many are incarcerated because ICE is not always privy to that data from state and local law enforcement agencies.”
I think, like Ohio Guy, I misunderstood the original point or what that number was supposed to represent.

So there are 13,000 murderers who all evaded authorities after being convicted and are roaming free? That doesn't seem logical.

It is worth noting that these lists include convictions both here in the U.S. and abroad, and some of the individuals are already in prison. If an illegal immigrant is in a U.S. prison after being convicted of a crime unrelated to his immigration status, he may still be listed as “non-detained” on the ICE docket.

Two law-enforcement officials told NBC News that “it is not known how many are incarcerated because ICE is not always privy to that data from state and local law enforcement agencies.”
@TheOriginalHappyGoat so as i understand it the nondetained docket includes nearly 7 million people. it doubled under biden. this comprises people who have pending immigration cases, those in jail, and those that ICE simply cannot find. and if you read in the other thread it isn't just murderers. it's rapists etc. far more than just homicides. every category of criminal.
@TheOriginalHappyGoat so as i understand it the nondetained docket includes nearly 7 million people. it doubled under biden. this comprises people who have pending immigration cases, those in jail, and those that ICE simply cannot find. and if you read in the other thread it isn't just murderers. it's rapists etc. far more than just homicides. every category of criminal.
So why did the docket grow? Did we change the rules for entry? Did a bunch of people get convicted of crimes here? Did dramatically reduce the number of deportations?
So why did the docket grow? Did we change the rules for entry? Did a bunch of people get convicted of crimes here? Did dramatically reduce the number of deportations?

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.
don't be more of a moron than i already think you are, which is one of hte dumbest fcking posters on the board. do you think that a person living in the most dangerous city in america believes that every single murder here was committed by an immigrant? zero by resident blacks. or anyone else. i don't think an immigrant committed a single murder here. good god dude.

as i said by way of comparison we've let in as many murderers as committed here in a year. that's insane
Be a man and admit and just you were wrong. Because you were.

And this post was just blatant flailing. No one said you thought 'every single murder here was committed by an immigrant.'

Your comparison was wrong.

As has been pointed out 13,000 immigrants convicted of murder didn't come into the country under the Biden Administration. It was the number of immigrants convicted of homocide over at least the last two presidential administrations who weren't currently under ICE detention. You are just wrong here. It's OK - it happens.

Again, here is what you said:

there is unfortunately. it's under hte new york immigration thread. crazed linked the letter the head of ice wrote. frankly it's shocking. and it has been going on for some time but the number on hte non confined docket doubled under harris/biden with biden's executive actions. 13,000 plus murderers. rapists. all of it. frightening. in fact 13,000 was the number of murders commited in 2023. so through policy we have let in that same number. again it's shocking

And no one actually believes you when you accuse people of being morons and the worst posters here when you write and spell like that. It's like a guy who habitually shits himself telling everyone else they're messy and smell bad.
That's a really good point. I personally know two different people who served jail time for vehicular homocide and both finished serving their sentences long ago. Since that 13,000 number is over at least a couple decades, I wonder what the number of natural born US citizens who have been convicted of homicide aren't in custody over that same time period. I'd assume that number is much, much higher than 13,000.
huh? what backwards woke logic are you grasping onto? we don't need convicted rapists and murderers whether they served a sentence or not roaming free on a nonconfined docket. that's madness

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.
So the problem is that we aren't removing them. Why?
Be a man and admit and just you were wrong. Because you were.

And this post was just blatant flailing. No one said you thought 'every single murder here was committed by an immigrant.'

Your comparison was wrong.

As has been pointed out 13,000 immigrants convicted of murder didn't come into the country under the Biden Administration. It was the number of immigrants convicted of homocide over at least the last two presidential administrations who weren't currently under ICE detention. You are just wrong here. It's OK - it happens.

Again, here is what you said:

And no one actually believes you when you accuse people of being morons and the worst posters here when you write and spell like that. It's like a guy who habitually shits himself telling everyone else they're messy and smell bad.
you have to be one of the stupidest mother fckers on the planet. seriously. here is what i said:

in fact 13,000 was the number of murders commited in 2023. so through policy etc. we let in the same number. it's simply comparative.

do you really think i, someone who has said in a thousand posts that blacks commit most of the murders in the US, think every murder was committed by an immigrant. stop wasting my time.

and i said before that many of htese got through in prior administrations. however the size of the docket doubled as a result of harris/biden/ohio guy being vapid woke blinkards
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huh? what backwards woke logic are you grasping onto? we don't need convicted rapists and murderers whether they served a sentence or not roaming free on a nonconfined docket. that's madness
I agree with your point re: convicts.

Since the 13,000 number you brought up likely spanned decades, it was worth noting that a fair number of those people had already served their time and that they're not all murderous thugs crossing the border post 2021 like your original post suggested. I brought up the two people I anecdotally know of because they both served their time, are gainfully employed and a contributing members of society. One is a business owner in my hometown.
according to the article some can't be found. like getting a warrant and skipping your court date. do we think rapists and murderers etc are going to be honorable now?
And also according to the article, some are to be sent to countries that currently won't accept them.

Either way, you're not describing anything Biden did, except happen to be in office. You're failing to tie this increase to any concrete Democratic policy.
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Be a man and admit and just you were wrong. Because you were.

And this post was just blatant flailing. No one said you thought 'every single murder here was committed by an immigrant.'

Your comparison was wrong.

As has been pointed out 13,000 immigrants convicted of murder didn't come into the country under the Biden Administration. It was the number of immigrants convicted of homocide over at least the last two presidential administrations who weren't currently under ICE detention. You are just wrong here. It's OK - it happens.

Again, here is what you said:

And no one actually believes you when you accuse people of being morons and the worst posters here when you write and spell like that. It's like a guy who habitually shits himself telling everyone else they're messy and smell bad.
so we are very clear here
13,000 murderers have entered through the last 3 administrations along with rapists and others on the nonconfined docket
that figure is tantamount to the number of murders committed across the entire country in 2023
the nonconfined docket that includes murderers, rapists, and many other convicts doubled under hte biden admin
biden took numerous executive actions including lifting title 42, remain in mexico, as well as cutting asylum agreements

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.
I agree with your point re: convicts.

Since the 13,000 number you brought up likely spanned decades, it was worth noting that a fair number of those people had already served their time and that they're not all murderous thugs crossing the border post 2021 like your original post suggested. I brought up the two people I anecdotally know of because they both served their time, are gainfully employed and a contributing members of society. One is a business owner in my hometown.
i have no evidence of that. see my latest post. the docket doubled under biden
And also according to the article, some are to be sent to countries that currently won't accept them.

Either way, you're not describing anything Biden did, except happen to be in office. You're failing to tie this increase to any concrete Democratic policy.
right. they shouldn't have been let in. asylum agreements, remain in mexico, title 42 etc. this is all policy. of course it has to do with biden policy

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.

are you suggesting these new 4 million didn't cross during the last four years? they just somehow appeared on the docket? come on
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you have to be one of the stupidest mother fckers on the planet. seriously. here is what i said:

in fact 13,000 was the number of murders commited in 2023. so through policy etc. we let in the same number. it's simply comparative.

do you really think i, someone who has said in a thousand posts that blacks commit most of the murders in the US, think every murder was committed by an immigrant. stop wasting my time.

and i said before that many of htese got through in prior administrations. however the size of the docket doubled as a result of harris/biden/ohio guy being vapid woke blinkards
LOL - You can't amend what you actually wrote and just assume people can read your mind. And 13,000 wasn't the number of murders committed in 2023. So you're doubly wrong.
right. they shouldn't have been let in. asylum agreements, remain in mexico, title 42 etc. this is all policy

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.

are you suggesting these new 4 million didn't cross during the last four years? they just somehow appeared on the docket? come on
You didn't show that any of them were let in under Biden. You only showed that they weren't removed.
so we are very clear here
13,000 murderers have entered through the last 3 administrations along with rapists and others on the nonconfined docket
that figure is tantamount to the number of murders committed across the entire country in 2023
the nonconfined docket that includes murderers, rapists, and many other convicts doubled under hte biden admin
biden took numerous executive actions including lifting title 42, remain in mexico, as well as cutting asylum agreements

These numbers are further proof that the Biden-Harris administration has failed in its statutory responsibility to remove illegal aliens from the interior. As previously noted by the Committee, per ICE’s FY23 annual report, the Non-Detained Docket (NDD) as of September 2023 stood at 6,199,629, and now totals more than 7.4 million. At the end of FY20, NDD cases totaled roughly 3.2 million, showing that the docket has grown by more than four million since then. The current NDD number would be even higher if not for the hundreds of thousands of cases arbitrarily dismissed, in keeping with a memo issued by ICE’s principal legal adviser Kerry Doyle in 2022.
Thanks for clarifying your previous, wrong statement.
LOL - You can't amend what you actually wrote and just assume people can read your mind. And 13,000 wasn't the number of murders committed in 2023. So you're doubly wrong.
Thanks for clarifying your previous, wrong statement.
i assume not mind readers but common sense.

so maybe it was 2024. who gives a shit. you're missing the forest for the trees per usual. having that many convicted of serious crimes roaming around is insane
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You didn't show that any of them were let in under Biden. You only showed that they weren't removed.
released by the administration. how many of the ten million that got through during this administration comprise the increase in the nonconfined docket i don't know. my hunch is a significant amount
And only a nihilist would vote Trump. So what do we do?
Cornel West President GIF by GIPHY News

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released by the administration. how many of the ten million that got through during this administration comprise the increase in the nonconfined docket i don't know.
Neither do I. Maybe there is a non-zero number who were let in despite already being criminals and not detained. I agree that's a problem. But there is also a non-zero number who were already here when Biden took office and have since been convicted of a crime and therefore added to the docket. Surely you recognize those people aren't Biden's fault.
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Neither do I. Maybe there is a non-zero number who were let in despite already being criminals and not detained. I agree that's a problem. But there is also a non-zero number who were already here when Biden took office and have since been convicted of a crime and therefore added to the docket. Surely you recognize those people aren't Biden's fault.
of course. the concern i have is with the policy of the administration to lift remain in mexico etc and allow the nonconfined docket to double. i don't believe that is a coincidence. i suspect the docket exploded congruent with the spike in crossings

Convicts are a much smaller figure as there was considerable carryover from prior admins. However this also assumes correct database info etc
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so maybe it was 2024. who gives a shit. you're missing the forest for the trees per usual. having that many convicted of serious crimes roaming around is insane
when I reply to you I can only go on what you wrote. Maybe I wouldn’t miss the forest for the trees of you weren’t wrong about what you wrote.
when I reply to you I can only go on what you wrote. Maybe I wouldn’t miss the forest for the trees of you weren’t wrong about what you wrote.
or if you had an ounce of common sense, which you could apply to infer, which you don't. so everything must be spelled out to the letter - like for a child

and you still missed the salient point re the absurdity of this condition. biden/harris policy - crossings spiked and the nonconfined docket doubled
Neither do I. Maybe there is a non-zero number who were let in despite already being criminals and not detained. I agree that's a problem. But there is also a non-zero number who were already here when Biden took office and have since been convicted of a crime and therefore added to the docket. Surely you recognize those people aren't Biden's fault.
Is it disputed that Biden allowed more immigrants into the country than Trump did and campaigned on it in 2019 and 2020?

or if you had an ounce of common sense, which you could apply to infer, which you don't. so everything must be spelled out to the letter - like for a child

and you still missed the salient point re the absurdity of this condition. biden/harris policy - crossings spiked and the nonconfined docket doubled
LOL - you suck at this. Is it really too much to expect someone to have a baseline level of written communication skill if they’re trying to make a point by typing something out? Maybe for you it is, because you really suck at it.

And I didn’t miss the “salient” point you think you were making. I wasn’t the one challenging you on the facts involved there.
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LOL - you suck at this. Is it really too much to expect someone to have a baseline level of written communication skill if they’re trying to make a point by typing something out? Maybe for you it is, because you really suck at it.

And I didn’t miss the “salient” point you think you were making. I wasn’t the one challenging you on the facts involved there.
BWAHAHAHAHA you suck in every thread because you're a hyper partisan moron who can't see the forest for the trees. You're manipulated by the little bubble you live in and bend yourself into a pretzel to excuse shitty policy. you can't think for yourself.

Biden/Harris took office with the following mindset:

They lifted title 42, asylum agreements, cut funding, and lifted remain in mexico. as a result the number of illegal crossings spiked. What's more the number on the nonconfined docket doubled. Included on the nonconfined docket are hundreds of thousands of convicts. These convicts were carried over from prior administrations as well. They are not all from biden. Not even a majority. However, when you have known convicts in the country, and you know that they are on a nonconfined docket, many you have no idea where they are, do you think it's wise policy to increase illegals crossing? To not ramp up deportations? To add more convicts to the nonconfined docket?

you and a few others are always losing bc you adopt untenable positions. you try to defend the indefensible.
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LOL - you suck at this. Is it really too much to expect someone to have a baseline level of written communication skill if they’re trying to make a point by typing something out? Maybe for you it is, because you really suck at it.

And I didn’t miss the “salient” point you think you were making. I wasn’t the one challenging you on the facts involved there.
then identify the point. let's hear it in your own words.
BWAHAHAHAHA you suck in every thread because you're a hyper partisan moron who can't see the forest for the trees. You're manipulated by the little bubble you live in and bend yourself into a pretzel to excuse shitty policy. you can't think for yourself.

Biden/Harris took office with the following mindset:

They lifted title 42, asylum agreements, cut funding, and lifted remain in mexico. as a result the number of illegal crossings spiked. What's more the number on the nonconfined docket doubled. Included on the nonconfined docket are hundreds of thousands of convicts. These convicts were carried over from prior administrations as well. They are not all from biden. Not even a majority. However, when you have known convicts in the country, and you know that they are on a nonconfined docket, many you have no idea where they are, do you think it's wise policy to increase illegals crossing? To not ramp up deportations? To add more convicts to the nonconfined docket?

you and a few others are always losing bc you adopt untenable positions. you try to defend the indefensible.
Ha - “I don’t suck, YOU suck.” Real sick burn Murt.

I haven’t disagreed with the point in your last paragraph. I’ve said it more than a couple times replying to you in this thread that I don’t totally disagree with the point you’re trying to make. I think some of the numbers you’re basing your argument are off, wrong or possibly just pulled out of your ass, but I don’t disagree with your overall point that there are issues with immigration that definitely need fixed in this country.
Ha - “I don’t suck, YOU suck.” Real sick burn Murt.

I haven’t disagreed with the point in your last paragraph. I’ve said it more than a couple times replying to you in this thread that I don’t totally disagree with the point you’re trying to make. I think some of the numbers you’re basing your argument are off, wrong or possibly just pulled out of your ass, but I don’t disagree with your overall point that there are issues with immigration that definitely need fixed in this country.
The point is that Biden/Harris exacerbated a bad situation with moronic immigration policies. Trump was on the right path and they shit on it
of course. the concern i have is with the policy of the administration to lift remain in mexico etc and allow the nonconfined docket to double. i don't believe that is a coincidence. i suspect the docket exploded congruent with the spike in crossings

Convicts are a much smaller figure as there was considerable carryover from prior admins. However this also assumes correct database info etc
Wait, I'm confused again. When you talk about the non-detained docket, are you only talking about criminals, or are you talking about all non-detained entrants, regardless of criminal status?
Wait, I'm confused again. When you talk about the non-detained docket, are you only talking about criminals, or are you talking about all non-detained entrants, regardless of criminal status?
Regardless. Nondetained isn’t just criminals. There’s like 7 million on it. I think 400k convicts 225k pending crim. Ish. That said I don’t believe reporting from other countries to be totally accurate
Regardless. Nondetained isn’t just criminals. There’s like 7 million on it. I think 400k convicts 225k pending crim. Ish. That said I don’t believe reporting from other countries to be totally accurate
Oh, well in that case, obviously Biden's policies have had an effect on the size of that list. I don't think that's nearly as scary, though, as what it's portrayed as. The vast majority of those people shouldn't be detained. If they are law-abiding individuals who cross the border and then apply for asylum, why waste resources locking them up, especially if they are resources we might not necessarily have?