Crowdstrike - F you

Guy on CNBC said Crowdstrike’s lawyers would not be seen on the beach the rest of the summer.
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IU has moved a lot to Crowdstrike. In fact, we've REALLY centralized everything over the last year. I find it interesting that Ostrom won a Nobel touting distributive systems, the other winner that year touted centralized. IU has decided he was right. <rant off>

My issue with systems like Crowdstrike on everything is the single point of failure. Not a fan. I think bean counters say it is cheaper to leverage a thousand copies of a single program. Our shysters say if we are using what everyone else is using we can use that as defense. The result is what we are seeing today.

As much as I hate dealing with linux and Macs, I am glad we aren't all PCs. Three different OSs mean that anything that targets one isn't going to hit all.

But my dreams of a diverse system is losing out.
The single point of failure is Windows.
Today, if Crowdstrike made a system for Unix, they might well be down too. Though doubtful as I doubt the failure would have been replicated in a different platform. But still, a Crowdstrike failure in a Unix update would also knock offline Unix machines using it. I am sure somewhere there is a security system, an intrusion detection system, that is SOP in Unix servers. a failure with it and we have today.
Today, if Crowdstrike made a system for Unix, they might well be down too. Though doubtful as I doubt the failure would have been replicated in a different platform.

Perhaps, but with *nix there's that whole pesky root privileges thing. Endpoint "security" programs, by their very nature, are given those by default. You'd have to fundamentally break the *nix system to allow that.
That was a 19% gain. I’m thinking this could be a quick 10%. I’m not as certain on this one.
I'd be leery too. AB had a bunch of other products that people are attached to and they cut costs to keep profit in line with expectations. Not so sure about Crowdstrike.
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I'd be leery too. AB had a bunch of other products that people are attached to and they cut costs to keep profit in line with expectations. Not so sure about Crowdstrike.
Yep. I drink beer and know many beer drinkers, but don’t use Crowdstrike. I’m responsible for all operations support for my organization, including IT, and we don’t use Crowdstrike. I’m probably passing on this one.
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Historically, people over react to something like this.... if I had money available I'd buy some.
I think it’s a decent bet, but I’m retiring-retiring the end of next month so I’m probably passing. I’ll limit these kind of investment bets to a few thousand, maybe $5000, at most going forward. Just fun money bets and I’ll have to be very confident in them if/when I do it.
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I think it’s a decent bet, but I’m retiring-retiring the end of next month so I’m probably passing. I’ll limit these kind of investment bets to a few thousand, maybe $5000, at most going forward. Just fun money bets and I’ll have to be very confident in them if/when I do it.
Yep buy some bitcoin... or something like IBIT :)
Yep. I drink beer and know many beer drinkers, but don’t use Crowdstrike. I’m responsible for all operations support for my organization, including IT, and we don’t use Crowdstrike. I’m probably passing on this one.
I've got the radio on in the background. I've heard 3 Crowdstrike commercials in the last 2 hours.
My old company is a Crowdstrike shop. I texted a former colleague this AM and they had been affected substantially. Fortunately the workaround is technically simple, it just requires hands on to each system and takes awhile if you don't have a ton of manpower. They were more or less fully operational by noon.

I don't miss these things.
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My old company is a Crowdstrike shop. I texted a former colleague this AM and they had been affected substantially. Fortunately the workaround is technically simple, it just requires hands on to each system and takes awhile if you don't have a ton of manpower. They were more or less fully operational by noon.

I don't miss these things.
I was the unofficial tech guy at my last job. I recall getting bit by Windows Updates a time or two.
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This one may be different. Customer losses from this will be in the billions.
Very true. Recovery may not be quick. I wouldn’t think about investing before knowing potential losses and their cash position.
Having dealt with both Crowdstrike and Microsoft I was surprised to see CS embedded in Windows given how they compete in GTM.
Perhaps, but with *nix there's that whole pesky root privileges thing. Endpoint "security" programs, by their very nature, are given those by default. You'd have to fundamentally break the *nix system to allow that.
So how does Unix look for suspicious behavior? I know Unix gets hacked, some of those massive breaches have to be Unix because Windows servers aren't ubiquitous.

So something like crowd strike has to have some permissions to watch Mark's activity, decide the data he is getting into makes him suspicious, and boot him. Not having it would seem to be a risk going forward as the AI will only get better.

Any system with social security numbers, or top secret data, should have something watching.

The rumor I heard was a typo in code made just before deployment. IF that is accurate the company has problems. In my old job I would fight with my programmers about things like that, editing software after testing and going live. My servers would have problems and everyone would blame me. But we were a true shoestring business and even we eventually hired a lead programmer who enforced change management procedures, usually

We had one programmer who firmly believed the time to upload code was 4:45 on Friday as he was walking out. As I was the only sysadmin, he ruined many weekends for me. Fortunately after about the 3rd time I knew to look for new code right off the bat.

I will get the order to deploy crowdstrike so I will get familiar with it.