We might not want to be “too” good this year


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2002
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
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We just can’t win for losing!!
Right now it’s far fetched. It just hit me watching FSU struggle tonight. Norvell might not be on the hot seat today, they did go 12-0 last year, but if they lose a few more???. But Napier probably won’t survive the entire season, and Kelly sure seems to be unraveling.

Florida especially will be googling “coaches to turn around football programs quickly”. And if IU goes bowling in year 1… after his immediate success at his last few stops… I don’t know??
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
I suppose that’s possible but it really doesn’t seem like he’d be interested in that. Not his M.O.

I think he’s all in at IU and has a purpose here.
I suppose that’s possible but it really doesn’t seem like he’d be interested in that.

I think he’s all in at IU and has a purpose here.
Hope so. But if he puts out a winning team and our fans don’t fill the stadium, and/or a third of them are still leaving games early at years end…?? Fans at the swamp don’t leave early… And it was game 1 and Cig noticed.
I suppose that’s possible but it really doesn’t seem like he’d be interested in that.

I think he’s all in at IU and has a purpose here.
He wins and fans continue to leave at half time (I know that the theory is that winning will cure that) and he has no real allegiance to IU so I could see it as problematic. He has already expressed his dismay at the size of the crowd post half time so am hoping that will change soon with a few wins.
He wins and fans continue to leave at half time (I know that the theory is that winning will cure that) and he has no real allegiance to IU so I could see it as problematic. He has already expressed his dismay at the size of the crowd post half time so am hoping that will change soon with a few wins.
C’mon guys. Try seeing the forest despite the trees.

Let’s not bring possible misery where it doesn’t belong (at least not yet 😉).
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It's always been a risk that if Cig does well he could leave. Even if we start selling games out and fans stay all game, other programs out there will have higher ceilings, more NIL, and more fan support. This is not new news.

I also doubt Cig is surprised at the tepid fan support vs. FIU. He's a smart guy and knew this was an issue with the IU job. He is going to mention it as an issue in pressers as he and the IU AD try to turn it around.

Tough to worry about Cig leaving until he wins.
Fans at the swamp don’t leave early… And it was game 1 and Cig noticed.
Obviously they're not like IU, they have a FB culture and a lot of historical success, but Florida fans do leave early, and they've had some attendance issues the past 10 years, including gripes about the students. Their upcoming stadium renovation will likely remove 5-13K seats.
We actually had this same discussion regarding Tom Allen after 2020 and there was a rumor out there that FSU, before they hired Norvell, were putting out feelers. IU renegotiated the contract with the huge buyout. Personally, I don’t see a lot of big programs going after a guy over 60 who will have only coached at the FBS level for a few years.
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
Dude. He’s 1-0. Let’s worry about things in the short term, like the UCLA game.
Dude. He’s 1-0. Let’s worry about things in the short term, like the UCLA game.
Obviously. It was more of a thought because I was watching FSU struggle again this week. After thinking more about it, they’re probably not a great example. But Florida and LSU could be.

And it won’t take a miracle season from Cig to have him on a lot of radars here soon. Winning the game you mentioned, UCLA, to go 3-0…and I’ll bet the chatter starts.
Obviously. It was more of a thought because I was watching FSU struggle again this week. After thinking more about it, they’re probably not a great example. But Florida and LSU could be.

And it won’t take a miracle season from Cig to have him on a lot of radars here soon. Winning the game you mentioned, UCLA, to go 3-0…and I’ll bet the chatter starts.
I’m not worried. And as another guy said, his age (63) is a factor.

On a related note, I saw this last night and it’s pretty funny:


1. Miami
2. UCF
3. USF
5. IMG Academy
6. Blanche Ely High
7. West Florida
8. Florida
9. FSU
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.

He would be 64 years old next June. I think destination programs like FSU and Florida are looking for the next young Saban or Urban Meyer ala Debord. If he was going to go somewhere else I think two things would be true: 1. It would be next year, given his age; and 2. It would probably be to a program in the SE somewhere, with a program level somewhere between Florida & IU, but with solid fan base.....places like NC State, W. Virginia, Virginia Tech. Virginia.
He would be 64 years old next June. I think destination programs like FSU and Florida are looking for the next young Saban or Urban Meyer ala Debord. If he was going to go somewhere else I think two things would be true: 1. It would be next year, given his age; and 2. It would probably be to a program in the SE somewhere, with a program level somewhere between Florida & IU, but with solid fan base.....places like NC State, W. Virginia, Virginia Tech. Virginia.
I think he likes being in the B1G.

He obviously has ties to WVU and NC State and he likes recruiting the Virginia area, just not thinking he wants that.

The more likely concern, not that I want to start a worry group about it, will be his coordinators/assistants leaving.
He would be 64 years old next June. I think destination programs like FSU and Florida are looking for the next young Saban or Urban Meyer ala Debord. If he was going to go somewhere else I think two things would be true: 1. It would be next year, given his age; and 2. It would probably be to a program in the SE somewhere, with a program level somewhere between Florida & IU, but with solid fan base.....places like NC State, W. Virginia, Virginia Tech. Virginia.
Yea. It helps the B1G is more stable with larger media rights. ACC has better football schools than us no question, but the conference is a negative.

Hopefully he is good enough for us to worry about this.
C’mon guys. Try seeing the forest despite the trees.

Let’s not bring possible misery where it doesn’t belong (at least not yet 😉).
If all you’ve ever known is IU football misery, after a while you might try and convince yourself it doesn’t feel so bad, just to ease the pain psychologically. Let’s hope Cignetti doesn’t pull another Sam Wyche on us. If so, IU should drop their football program in favor of a Tiddlywinks team.
I’m too lazy to Google the buyout after one year but it has to be big.
Not that it will deter teams like FSU from pursuing him but it could be a factor for some teams.
If it happens,it happens.
It will mean we had a good year and will be a desirable job for another coach hungry to prove himself.
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
Coach Cignetti doesn't have a record of leaving a school that quick. I also think he would want to get IU into the championship game before considering another job. We need students and fans to turn out for games and stay all game.
One win against a mediocre FIU team and folks are showing concern that CCC might leave for the SEC!

This is like ending a first date asking: “Are you breaking up with me?” LOL
True. Although, nobody's dating history matches Indiana football historical misery... Never know what can happen here.

Fortunately it's a new era! Cig's not going to want to move again right away and restart. He's well paid and if suitors come knocking I think, for once, it'll mean success for Indiana. If we have that level of success the bucks will be available for a nice bump.
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
Here is another way to look at it. Cignetti is 62 years old. If He can win in his first year at Indiana and is comfortable here, why jump to another School? Yeah, Money always talks. But if You are 62 Years old and financially comfortable and have 6 years remaining on Your Contract, why jump if You view this as a place that could be your Final stop? At this age, You probably don't have the Ego of some of the Younger Coaches. As long as IU is willing to reward Him to some degree for success, why not be happy where You are?
I suppose that’s possible but it really doesn’t seem like he’d be interested in that. Not his M.O.

I think he’s all in at IU and has a purpose here.
What about it isn't his M.O.? You can say he hasn't done it after year 1 but he also didn't have a past track record that would've likely opened up the better opportunities as early. He has used his current jobs to find better jobs at every stop. That's not a knock, it's what people tend to do and he has every right. The truth is if he were to be successful and opportunities like that were to present themselves, it would be hard to turn that down.

You have to realize, yes, the money would be more but beyond that, with success at IU his assistants would leave to greener pastures if he stayed while at a higher-level job, he could more easily retain them by giving them the same types of pay raises and job notoriety. Coordinators at IU leave IU to take coordinator jobs at better schools or very low tier coaching jobs. Coordinators at better schools leave to take coaching jobs at places like IU.

Lastly, the amount of extra work needed to make a program relevant, such as IU, is a lot. Outside of the task of being a good coach, its much easier to obtain the talent you want to fit your program which allows for more time doing other jobs associated with being the HC. I wouldn't put it past him at all and I also would fully understand why he would.
Here is another way to look at it. Cignetti is 62 years old. If He can win in his first year at Indiana and is comfortable here, why jump to another School? Yeah, Money always talks. But if You are 62 Years old and financially comfortable and have 6 years remaining on Your Contract, why jump if You view this as a place that could be your Final stop? At this age, You probably don't have the Ego of some of the Younger Coaches. As long as IU is willing to reward Him to some degree for success, why not be happy where You are?
Because it's a lot of work trying to convince his own fans, let alone players, that they're good. He's also going to lose a lot of his known talent this year. Anything would be possible but I don't see it as unlikely IF he were to somehow win big here this year, I see it as quite the opposite.
Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
I'm not worried in the least. I hope we win the B1G and everybody and his brother comes calling. I'd love to see it. Bring em on!
He wins and fans continue to leave at half time (I know that the theory is that winning will cure that) and he has no real allegiance to IU so I could see it as problematic. He has already expressed his dismay at the size of the crowd post half time so am hoping that will change soon with a few wins.
We’ve been anywhere from shitty to kinda decent (mostly shitty) for 50 years and IU football fans are suddenly supposed to be die hard this year? Gonna take more than a new coach and a good first quarter to undo all that.
I’m not worried. And as another guy said, his age (63) is a factor.

On a related note, I saw this last night and it’s pretty funny:


1. Miami
2. UCF
3. USF
5. IMG Academy
6. Blanche Ely High
7. West Florida
8. Florida
9. FSU
I might agree with all of your rankings but two. We are at Ely next week and we may have something for them. Next I was at the Florida game this weekend and there is no way I would put Florida ahead of anyone.
Here is another way to look at it. Cignetti is 62 years old. If He can win in his first year at Indiana and is comfortable here, why jump to another School? Yeah, Money always talks. But if You are 62 Years old and financially comfortable and have 6 years remaining on Your Contract, why jump if You view this as a place that could be your Final stop? At this age, You probably don't have the Ego of some of the Younger Coaches. As long as IU is willing to reward Him to some degree for success, why not be happy where You are?
I really don't think any of those schools will be poaching Coach Cig. Unless he does get IU into the playoffs. I think age is a deterrent.
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I might agree with all of your rankings but two. We are at Ely next week and we may have something for them. Next I was at the Florida game this weekend and there is no way I would put Florida ahead of anyone.
Unless you’re a ‘Canes fan, I’m sorry you had to sit through that. Ugly game and, from all accounts, oppressive heat. I’ve been hot in The Swamp in October. I can’t even imagine what a 3:30 start on August 31 must have been like.

The schedule does UF no favors. It’s considered by many to be the toughest in the country.

They’ll beat Samford this weekend but, after that, who knows. I wonder whether Napier even makes it to homecoming versus Kentucky in mid-October.
What about it isn't his M.O.? You can say he hasn't done it after year 1 but he also didn't have a past track record that would've likely opened up the better opportunities as early. He has used his current jobs to find better jobs at every stop. That's not a knock, it's what people tend to do and he has every right. The truth is if he were to be successful and opportunities like that were to present themselves, it would be hard to turn that down.

You have to realize, yes, the money would be more but beyond that, with success at IU his assistants would leave to greener pastures if he stayed while at a higher-level job, he could more easily retain them by giving them the same types of pay raises and job notoriety. Coordinators at IU leave IU to take coordinator jobs at better schools or very low tier coaching jobs. Coordinators at better schools leave to take coaching jobs at places like IU.

Lastly, the amount of extra work needed to make a program relevant, such as IU, is a lot. Outside of the task of being a good coach, its much easier to obtain the talent you want to fit your program which allows for more time doing other jobs associated with being the HC. I wouldn't put it past him at all and I also would fully understand why he would.
“The term ‘modus operandi‘ is a Latin term that describes an individual or group's habitual way of operating, which represents a discernible pattern.”

CCC has commented multiple times, regarding taking the IU job, that he’s done this before at other places. Knows what it takes to succeed.

Well, I don’t think one year would fully accomplish that. Believe he finishes what he starts.

He’s mentioned that he likes being in one of the two strongest conferences. He likes Bloomington. He hasn’t really job-hunted in the traditional sense, previously.

His coordinators/assistants are another story and I’ve said as much in another post. But again, I feel he knows the lay of the land and what he needs to do there.

Your second paragraph pretty much answers your own concerns about assistants. Specifically, no matter where you are, if you have a very successful team, somebody will want to poach your assistants and they will have the money to do so.

Regarding your last paragraph, first sentence, that is literally what CCC does and what he signed up for. He’s acknowledged that. He knows that’s why he’s been hired here. He knows all about IU’s football history. He’s a pretty smart guy.

In conclusion, I even said it’s possible in the post you quoted. To me, it just doesn’t seem like that is how he goes about his business. Hopefully this clarifies it, at least somewhat. 🙂
Unless you’re a ‘Canes fan, I’m sorry you had to sit through that. Ugly game and, from all accounts, oppressive heat. I’ve been hot in The Swamp in October. I can’t even imagine what a 3:30 start on August 31 must have been like.

The schedule does UF no favors. It’s considered by many to be the toughest in the country.

They’ll beat Samford this weekend but, after that, who knows. I wonder whether Napier even makes it to homecoming versus Kentucky in mid-October.
Oh it was hot for sure and the Gators looked terrible for sure. Yes it looks like it will be a long year for sure.
He'd have to win 11/12 games at IU this year (basically make the playoff) to be even considered by Florida or Florida State and even then his age is going to be such a detriment. Guys like Willlie Fritz and Cignetti are awesome coaches but have been passed over through the years due to age.

I'd be more worried about West Virginia or Virginia Tech opening up before Florida and Florida State.
Here is another way to look at it. Cignetti is 62 years old. If He can win in his first year at Indiana and is comfortable here, why jump to another School? Yeah, Money always talks. But if You are 62 Years old and financially comfortable and have 6 years remaining on Your Contract, why jump if You view this as a place that could be your Final stop? At this age, You probably don't have the Ego of some of the Younger Coaches. As long as IU is willing to reward Him to some degree for success, why not be happy where You are?
I don't think you have to be young to have an ego. If you're a head coach at a power conference, then you probably have an ego.
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I’m not worried. And as another guy said, his age (63) is a factor.

On a related note, I saw this last night and it’s pretty funny:


1. Miami
2. UCF
3. USF
5. IMG Academy
6. Blanche Ely High
7. West Florida
8. Florida
9. FSU
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I’m too lazy to Google the buyout after one year but it has to be big.
Not that it will deter teams like FSU from pursuing him but it could be a factor for some teams.
If it happens,it happens.
It will mean we had a good year and will be a desirable job for another coach hungry to prove himself.
If so, IU football would demonstrate a text book example of “one step forward, two steps back.” No thank you!

Everyone thought there would be a better crowd there Saturday. We saw a big red flag instead, figuratively and literally.
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