We might not want to be “too” good this year

Dolson is going to have to step up and throw the kitchen sink at Cignetti to keep him if other schools come calling. Whether or not he does will demonstrate IU’s true commitment to winning. It’s not like IU doesn’t have resources. They stepped up to keep Allen when it looked like he was turning the program around. I know Dolson is raising funds to renovate the stadium. Cignetti also said the NIL funds he had available were more than what he was promised.
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He would be 64 years old next June. I think destination programs like FSU and Florida are looking for the next young Saban or Urban Meyer ala Debord. If he was going to go somewhere else I think two things would be true: 1. It would be next year, given his age; and 2. It would probably be to a program in the SE somewhere, with a program level somewhere between Florida & IU, but with solid fan base.....places like NC State, W. Virginia, Virginia Tech. Virginia.
I think ideally they're looking for younger guys. But if you're Florida, at seasons end, and you're looking for your next coach, after a string of don't think signing up for 5 years of a guy like Cignetti that turns around every program he inherits...(all of this is assuming a solid season this season with a bowl game for IU)... that has some younger, and seeming very talented coordinators he could groom, that has Nick Saban DNA in his coaching career... I think he would/will get a very, very serious look from schools like that.

If there were prop bets out there for such things...I'd actually put money on Cig to Florida next year. Its making more sense to my beaten, pessimistic, "the world is out to get me", IU football mind.
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We actually had this same discussion regarding Tom Allen after 2020 and there was a rumor out there that FSU, before they hired Norvell, were putting out feelers. IU renegotiated the contract with the huge buyout. Personally, I don’t see a lot of big programs going after a guy over 60 who will have only coached at the FBS level for a few years.
Yep and we gagged and paid Allen big bucks, fell flat on his face and he laughed all the way to Penn State via the bank
He'd have to win 11/12 games at IU this year (basically make the playoff) to be even considered by Florida or Florida State and even then his age is going to be such a detriment. Guys like Willlie Fritz and Cignetti are awesome coaches but have been passed over through the years due to age.

I'd be more worried about West Virginia or Virginia Tech opening up before Florida and Florida State.
I think with a school like Florida...who after this year will definitely be in panic mode to get the program back to competitive in the SEC... that what Cig will/would have demonstrated at every stop, then including immediately jolting life into a perennial Power 4/5 doormat... would get him some serious consideration.

And then there's the schools like what you mention...not necessarily in better situations conference alignment wise, but with MUCH better support and possibly more NIL and better facilities.

If he wins 7+ games, and the games aren't sold out by years end, and people are largely talking about basketball when November rolls around...Cignetti strikes me as someone that won't like that dynamic much at all.

There are a lot of things that would have to happen for all of this to go down this way...and fortunately, one of them is IU winning more than they lose this year. So I'll take our chances, and root like hell for that to happen.
I'd actually put money on Cig to Florida next year.
Billy Napier will likely be canned in-season, and UF will have a successor lined up before the sun sets on IU's season. It won't be CCC.

That's another thing about coaching at schools like Florida. There's enormous pressure to compete for the conference championship every year, and little tolerance for coaches who don't. Cig will never have that problem at IU. He's got a great gig for a guy approaching retirement age.
If so, IU football would demonstrate a text book example of “one step forward, two steps back.” No thank you!

Everyone thought there would be a better crowd there Saturday. We saw a big red flag instead, figuratively and literally.
Seemed like there were more students than normal (at least for the first half).

our fans suck but winning is likely the only cure.
Coach Cignetti doesn't have a record of leaving a school that quick. I also think he would want to get IU into the championship game before considering another job. We need students and fans to turn out for games and stay all game.
Totally agree! He didn't leave JMU until the IU opportunity came up. He is making more money than he ever dreamed of. If we win 6-7 games this year his recruiting will take off and he knows it. This is extremely likely his last job!
And I doubt his assistants leave until we have had several good years and the BIG schools come knocking.
“The term ‘modus operandi‘ is a Latin term that describes an individual or group's habitual way of operating, which represents a discernible pattern.”

CCC has commented multiple times, regarding taking the IU job, that he’s done this before at other places. Knows what it takes to succeed.

Well, I don’t think one year would fully accomplish that. Believe he finishes what he starts.

He’s mentioned that he likes being in one of the two strongest conferences. He likes Bloomington. He hasn’t really job-hunted in the traditional sense, previously.

His coordinators/assistants are another story and I’ve said as much in another post. But again, I feel he knows the lay of the land and what he needs to do there.

Your second paragraph pretty much answers your own concerns about assistants. Specifically, no matter where you are, if you have a very successful team, somebody will want to poach your assistants and they will have the money to do so.

Regarding your last paragraph, first sentence, that is literally what CCC does and what he signed up for. He’s acknowledged that. He knows that’s why he’s been hired here. He knows all about IU’s football history. He’s a pretty smart guy.

In conclusion, I even said it’s possible in the post you quoted. To me, it just doesn’t seem like that is how he goes about his business. Hopefully this clarifies it, at least somewhat. 🙂

We both said either could happen so that was already established.

His M.O. has been to keep upgrading schools.

Every coach ever has said those things when they arrived on campus but success determines true motives. Again. That's not a bash, it means he's done some big things, but it's reality.

I have little doubt that if a big program came in and IU isn't stacking it's roster for next season, he'd go to a school that offers more resources. And for his sake, he should. He'd have earned it.
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Looking like FSU, Florida, and maybe even LSU could all be looking for coaches after this year.

With Cigs already proven track record of quickly turning programs around…a 7-8+ win season this year, and I would all but guarantee he’d be a top candidate for one of those schools.

3 non con
One more somewhere

It’d be a good thing to worry about. But would be the most “IU football thing” ever if he had a great year and the timing lined up that 3 schools like that were looking for a quick turnaround guy.
He is 62. I'm not saying he is too old to take one of these jobs, but you have to wonder how long he wants to coach. It is likely to take a couple of years to reach a point that the phone will ring. I believe he wants to prove Indiana can compete at the top of the league.

A more likely concern would be his staff getting offers for head coaching positions that they can't turn down.
I’d rather be too good one magical season …

But I’m not worried if we are … sustaining success in the Big 10 … could be enough for CCC to stay … it’s part of his history. … and yes, I think Dolson would respond to any reasonable demand.
I’d rather be too good one magical season …

But I’m not worried if we are … sustaining success in the Big 10 … could be enough for CCC to stay … it’s part of his history. … and yes, I think Dolson would respond to any reasonable demand.
This could be the magical season that we just don’t recognize yet, as such. If we beat UCLA, look for the ground to swell underneath The Rock Memorial Stadium. It’s the Katzenjammer Kids reborn!
This could be the magical season that we just don’t recognize yet, as such. If we beat UCLA, look for the ground to swell underneath The Rock Memorial Stadium. It’s the Katzenjammer Kids reborn!
I think beating MD to go 5-0 may be the better announcement… IU will be a road favorite in the Rose🌹 Bowl 🌹
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I think beating MD to go 5-0 may be the better announcement… IU will be a road favorite in the Rose🌹 Bowl 🌹
True ‘dat, but it starts with the licking of some Bruin butts a must. If we survive our first true test and come out of it unscathed and unashamed, they will come, as if lemmings to the sea in blind allegiance.
I might agree with all of your rankings but two. We are at Ely next week and we may have something for them. Next I was at the Florida game this weekend and there is no way I would put Florida ahead of anyone.
No FAU either. This isn't my list or fake rankings, so feel free to add them. And throw in St. Thomas Aquinas for good measure. Just make sure UF and FSU remain at the bottom.
I think it is official we can replace Ely with Atlantic as we put a 42-13 hurting on the #27 ranked team in the country.
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He is 62. I'm not saying he is too old to take one of these jobs, but you have to wonder how long he wants to coach. It is likely to take a couple of years to reach a point that the phone will ring. I believe he wants to prove Indiana can compete at the top of the league.

A more likely concern would be his staff getting offers for head coaching positions that they can't turn down.
In the same interviews we touted last year, he talks about feeling younger than the number and wants to coach for at least another 10 years. Florida has not had a coach for 9 years since Spurrier. If he is the right guys, schools will hire him. IU better be ready to shell out dollars and make sure to bolster that buy out number when they do it.
In the same interviews we touted last year, he talks about feeling younger than the number and wants to coach for at least another 10 years. Florida has not had a coach for 9 years since Spurrier. If he is the right guys, schools will hire him. IU better be ready to shell out dollars and make sure to bolster that buy out number when they do it.
You mean Meyer?
Some how IU accidentally lets in a coach that tells the entire Administrations to go eff it'self, brings in a plethora of players from the sunbelt, that IU would never consider worthy...
And that coach and players are kicking some major azz. playing with skill and like they have something to prove. .... WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING??????

There are not enough 4 letters words for me to address all of you liberal brothers and sisters right now that continually play into the game to ruin every good thing that we all have developed over the years.
Politely, I request that you have the full volume of your lungs, filled with water. Unexpectedly, right this minute. Sleep with da fishes!
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9 years? Spurrier hasn’t been there for over 20 years. Meyer won more championships than spurrier did. I guess I’m missing your point. Florida has sucked since though.
Cig said he wants to coach at least another 10 years. Minus this year would give him 9 years. If Florida can hire a coach to give them a solid 9 than it would be more than they have gotten out of a coach since Spurrier. I think people are fooling themselves if they are reliant on his age as the sole deterrent.