I'm still of two minds on this. And technically, I'm among those who should be more cautious for my own sake. But I'm also not ready to hunker down and hide out and isolate myself. For me, what little interaction I have with people isn't going to change. I'm still going to work (which also calls for me to be out and about to a small degree), still going to the grocery store, still going to coffee club meetings a couple times a week, etc.
There's something about some of the shutting down that just doesn't sit right. I know it's all good practice, and don't see any evidence of things getting too out of hand, but still... I think a lot of it has to do with my fatalism and being willing to accept more risk than many.
I think if I felt like the decision makers were acting reasonably and responsibly and were basing their decisions on facts and in light of the greatest good, I might not feel the way I do. But when it comes to this administration, that's a bridge too far. Since it's hard to know who or what to believe, the best I can do is resign myself to what is, and hope that it all resolves for the best as soon as possible.