
No, no, you don’t get it. The virus is real. It’s just no big deal because the media is lying to us about how serious it is in order instill fear and control us by making us telecommute.

You guys should do what the Chinese kids/students did. Rating bomb the school homework app in order to get it removed.
Tell Tom Hanks. Apparently he either can’t afford soap or just doesn’t use it.

Seen on the Bball board:

"So this thing has killed what, 12 people? Jeffrey Dahmer ate more than that."
Not a lot in that list that isn't widely being reported. The thing about China harvesting organs sounds kind of alarming. Other than that, meh.

Its part of the narrative to start blaming and deflecting instead of executing and a poorly one at that. There is always a large enough percentage of people who will listen and look at that instead. Woof! Woof!

There have been quite a few attacks on Asian looking people across the world at the moment. So clearly they think that narrative is useful.
The ignorants don't know that epidemics can start anywhere. The H1N1 was an American/Mexican thing and that only kills a few thousand in the States and less than a flu --- but killed 500,00+ people globally.
But you didnt hear others around the world attaching the term 'American' as a prefix to H1N1 back in 2009. I don't fancy getting beaten up just because I am Asian looking.
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And if one is concerned about a very real global threat, one is a pussy, right tuff guy?
Clearly once SxSW got shut down, other groups would follow, lest they be judged. Cancelling the NBA is pretty chickenshit IMO. Not everyone has the luxury of working from home, or just not going. People dressing their kids in garbage bags... hoarding.. JFC
Clearly once SxSW got shut down, other groups would follow, lest they be judged. Cancelling the NBA is pretty chickenshit IMO. Not everyone has the luxury of working from home, or just not going. People dressing their kids in garbage bags... hoarding.. JFC
They didn’t cancel the season yet, just suspended.
Clearly once SxSW got shut down, other groups would follow, lest they be judged. Cancelling the NBA is pretty chickenshit IMO. Not everyone has the luxury of working from home, or just not going. People dressing their kids in garbage bags... hoarding.. JFC
Really? Garbage bags?
Spent a lot of time with several GPs this evening. Most think it will spread across the country. Also think that for 90% it's not a big deal to get. All agreed it's very nasty for 70+ year olds. Do what you will with that.
Spent a lot of time with several GPs this evening. Most think it will spread across the country. Also think that for 90% it's not a big deal to get. All agreed it's very nasty for 70+ year olds. Do what you will with that.

Plus the chronics.

As mentioned earlier -- it's most of us dont need to be concerned about it even if we pick it up. Its who you pass it onto, unintentionally that you need to worry, say your parents, grandparents etc.

Or you can not give any fecks regardless as some here have already indicated.
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Clearly once SxSW got shut down, other groups would follow, lest they be judged. Cancelling the NBA is pretty chickenshit IMO. Not everyone has the luxury of working from home, or just not going. People dressing their kids in garbage bags... hoarding.. JFC
You don’t, or don’t have the intellectual capacity to, get it. Read the part from Jamie’s linked article about the St. Louis v Philadelphia reaction to the terrible flu of 1918.

You’d be the mayor of Philadelphia, cuz you’re tuff.
Spent a lot of time with several GPs this evening. Most think it will spread across the country. Also think that for 90% it's not a big deal to get. All agreed it's very nasty for 70+ year olds. Do what you will with that.
I see no path to where it doesn’t spread costs to coast and everything in between. I have a FIL that’s undergoing chemo right now and he has the same tuff guy attitude that guys like Hillz have. Fair chance that he’s in real trouble.
You don’t, or don’t have the intellectual capacity to, get it. Read the part from Jamie’s linked article about the St. Louis v Philadelphia reaction to the terrible flu of 1918.

You’d be the mayor of Philadelphia, cuz you’re tuff.

Or his muddied wheels are stuck in stage 3:


Generally in business, you plan for the worst and hope for the best. Most of us will get sacked for insisting on sticking our heads in the sand.
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Lord, some stupid shit gets posted here, but this takes stupidity to new, galactic levels. Kudos.
Except it is true. Every single person who says it’s just the flu, it’s the media, it’s a hoax, etc is conservative. Said I had friends still going to Italy until they closed it down. A friend who is 67 and a flight attendant, was extremely nonchalant about it and I couldn’t figure out why, then I remembered Fox, watcher. After my dr told me I could fly, I really wanted to ask who she voted for. The proof of this is all over media .
Read the threads on the Preemie about no crowds for NCAA games and it's the liberal media's fault. Then talk to me about stupid.
Right? And also about IU closing. Truly embarrassing that these guys are IU grads.
Except it is true. Every single person who says it’s just the flu, it’s the media, it’s a hoax, etc is conservative. Said I had friends still going to Italy until they closed it down. A friend who is 67 and a flight attendant, was extremely nonchalant about it and I couldn’t figure out why, then I remembered Fox, watcher. After my dr told me I could fly, I really wanted to ask who she voted for. The proof of this is all over media .
Not true in my experience. I know many on the left who have similar attitudes.
Except it is true. Every single person who says it’s just the flu, it’s the media, it’s a hoax, etc is conservative. Said I had friends still going to Italy until they closed it down. A friend who is 67 and a flight attendant, was extremely nonchalant about it and I couldn’t figure out why, then I remembered Fox, watcher. After my dr told me I could fly, I really wanted to ask who she voted for. The proof of this is all over media .

Please stop making political points out of a virus. It's not helpful. Segmenting everyone you interact with into groups is not a good thing to do. Just interact with people like people.

The general feeling by many is that it will die off in summer as viruses like these don't do well in hot weather.

I stand by my point that by July this will be in the rear view mirror.
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Please stop making political points out of a virus. It's not helpful.

The general feeling by many is that it will die off in summer as viruses like these don't do well in hot weather.

I stand by my point that by July this will be in the rear view mirror.
And come back again next winter two fold .. hopefully without mutating,
And come back again next winter two fold .. hopefully without mutating,

Probably. That's fine. Humans don't rule the earth. If it's time for me or you to perish than so be it. I'm fine with it. I'll flight it. But nature wins.

2 million years from now something else will be wandering the planet.... and it won't look like us.

I'm fine understanding I'm just a blip that's inconsequential. Understanding that has actually made life much easier and clearer.
Please stop making political points out of a virus. It's not helpful. Segmenting everyone you interact with into groups is not a good thing to do. Just interact with people like people.

The general feeling by many is that it will die off in summer as viruses like these don't do well in hot weather.

I stand by my point that by July this will be in the rear view mirror.


Its 33 degrees here as I type. The bug's still around and in fact, just had a massive spike the past week -- when it has been super hot.

The host's temperature tends to remain constant. People talk, droplets fly,
Or his muddied wheels are stuck in stage 3:


Generally in business, you plan for the worst and hope for the best. Most of us will get sacked for insisting on sticking our heads in the sand.

Why do you continue to post that garbage chart? Most sane and well-adjusted people go from #2 straight back to #1. Those who get caught up in the chart are the same ones who stay in bed with a bottle of Xanax on the bedside table.

Its 33 degrees here as I type. The bug's still around and in fact, just had a massive spike the past week -- when it has been super hot.

The host's temperature tends to remain constant. People talk, droplets fly,

Let's talk in July. And see who's right.