Clapper admitted there were spies in the Trump Campaign. Link


Hall of Famer
Mar 21, 2002
Central Pennsylvania Via Washington Indiana

Why didn't Hillary and Trump get warned about Russian involvement in our political process? How come Hillary didn't have any spies to make sure everything was ok since the Russians supposedly hacked Hillary's emails and has them? Again as I said before. This thing just stinks and heads could roll over it.
Yeah, it is all Hillary's fault! Who didn't know that? Thank God, you are there straightening it out!

Why didn't Hillary and Trump get warned about Russian involvement in our political process? How come Hillary didn't have any spies to make sure everything was ok since the Russians supposedly hacked Hillary's emails and has them? Again as I said before. This thing just stinks and heads could roll over it.
Um, because they were warned. Trump likely encouraged it.

Why didn't Hillary and Trump get warned about Russian involvement in our political process? How come Hillary didn't have any spies to make sure everything was ok since the Russians supposedly hacked Hillary's emails and has them? Again as I said before. This thing just stinks and heads could roll over it.
Did you notice that Clapper says that Trump was elected by the Russians.
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Why didn't Hillary and Trump get warned about Russian involvement in our political process? How come Hillary didn't have any spies to make sure everything was ok since the Russians supposedly hacked Hillary's emails and has them? Again as I said before. This thing just stinks and heads could roll over it.
This might be a good place to drop Comey's words of wisdom from today: Dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth.
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This might be a good place to drop Comey's words of wisdom from today: Dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth.

Unfortunately Zeke, those words will ring hollow in the ears of those that need it the most since Trump has branded Comey a liar.
He knows there is a publicity vacuum since Mueller decided to stay silent until the finding are published.
Evil but smart by Trump to dominate the air space/court of public opinions that has been offered and shape the outcome now.
Unfortunately Zeke, those words will ring hollow in the ears of those that need it the most since Trump has branded Comey a liar.
He knows there is a publicity vacuum since Mueller decided to stay silent until the finding are published.
Evil but smart by Trump to dominate the air space/court of public opinions that has been offered and shape the outcome now.

Unfortunately S, in this particular case "the Donald" is right.. Phony Comey (my nickname for him [beat DT to the punch];)) literally can't keep his story straight.
Unfortunately Zeke, those words will ring hollow in the ears of those that need it the most since Trump has branded Comey a liar.
He knows there is a publicity vacuum since Mueller decided to stay silent until the finding are published.
Evil but smart by Trump to dominate the air space/court of public opinions that has been offered and shape the outcome now.
The same sources that fed them BS before and during the election is still feeding them the same BS today and at about the same activity level. That doesn't get mentioned enough. "Russian election interference" is a bad descriptor, as it implies it's over, it's not.

Trump Russian manipulation of the willfully ignorant and perpetually malcontent just doesn't have a ring to it.
This might be a good place to drop Comey's words of wisdom from today: Dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth.

That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.
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That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.
Unfortunately Zeke, those words will ring hollow in the ears of those that need it the most since Trump has branded Comey a liar.
He knows there is a publicity vacuum since Mueller decided to stay silent until the finding are published.
Evil but smart by Trump to dominate the air space/court of public opinions that has been offered and shape the outcome now.

Unfortunately S, in this particular case "the Donald" is right.. Phony Comey (my nickname for him [beat DT to the punch];)) literally can't keep his story straight.
What discrepancy have you seen in his story?
This might be a good place to drop Comey's words of wisdom from today: Dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth.

That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.
Didn’t make it very far into that article before finding major errors. As discussed repeatedly, both Trump and Hillary were warned about Russians infiltrating the campaign. Also the link he provided about Trump being wiretapped didn’t prove what he said it did. So can’t really take this man very seriously.
That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.
That guy teaches for the Marine Corps and worked in DoD for Bush 43. He may not be right-wing media, but I would bet he is right-wing.

Investigate away. The response from the right seems to be that if the Russians tried to infiltrate Trump, we still should never have investigated (or even for a few, "Good, glad they helped beat Hillary").

If the FBI passed info to Clinton, yes, there was a problem and it needs dealt with.

But to the Russia idea itself, if I were in a campaign and was told the Russians were trying to infiltrate, I would want the FBI in. Heck, if I were at Boeing and learned the Russians were infiltrating, I would want the FBI in. Why do so many Republicans seem ok with Russia infiltrating but angry we investigate?

Let' just change the law and allow foreign countries to help campaigns. We might as well, after this no one in government will have the balls to investigate foreign involvement.
That guy teaches for the Marine Corps and worked in DoD for Bush 43. He may not be right-wing media, but I would bet he is right-wing.

Investigate away. The response from the right seems to be that if the Russians tried to infiltrate Trump, we still should never have investigated (or even for a few, "Good, glad they helped beat Hillary").

If the FBI passed info to Clinton, yes, there was a problem and it needs dealt with.

But to the Russia idea itself, if I were in a campaign and was told the Russians were trying to infiltrate, I would want the FBI in. Heck, if I were at Boeing and learned the Russians were infiltrating, I would want the FBI in. Why do so many Republicans seem ok with Russia infiltrating but angry we investigate?

Let' just change the law and allow foreign countries to help campaigns. We might as well, after this no one in government will have the balls to investigate foreign involvement.

Good enough for Trump, good enough for them. These are the same folks would have followed Jim Jones and drink the Koolaid too.
So it basically shows that there are 30+% of the population who will have just blind faith and need to follow whatever their hero/idol says assuming that you get the right personality and brand recognition. And who says Marketing is a crock.
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Good enough for Trump, good enough for them. These are the same folks would have followed Jim Jones and drink the Koolaid too.
So it basically shows that there are 30+% of the population who will have just blind faith and need to follow whatever their hero/idol says assuming that you get the right personality and brand recognition. And who says Marketing is a crock.

Let's face it, Trump's expertise is selling Trump. That is what he is best at, and people buy.

I have no idea if there was actual collusion, but we KNOW that Russia was involved. We should and must investigate that. At current it is illegal for foreign powers to be involved in elections (as much as CO likes to point out they hire lobbyists, they cannot contribute to campaigns). We need to figure out what they did and how they did it. It is downright stupid, imho, to not study the attack vectors of a foreign power.

It came out today that Trump settled on spy because it sounds nefarious. Hence why we need to battle that word. No one was "spying on Trump". They were trying to "spy on the Russians". For some reason too many of our conservative friends suddenly feel it is wrong to spy on the Russians.
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Let's face it, Trump's expertise is selling Trump. That is what he is best at, and people buy.

I have no idea if there was actual collusion, but we KNOW that Russia was involved. We should and must investigate that. At current it is illegal for foreign powers to be involved in elections (as much as CO likes to point out they hire lobbyists, they cannot contribute to campaigns). We need to figure out what they did and how they did it. It is downright stupid, imho, to not study the attack vectors of a foreign power.

It came out today that Trump settled on spy because it sounds nefarious. Hence why we need to battle that word. No one was "spying on Trump". They were trying to "spy on the Russians". For some reason too many of our conservative friends suddenly feel it is wrong to spy on the Russians.
That you are talking about this at all instead of talking about the actual corruption and the actual collusion that is in plain sight is a mistake. There is no doubt that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. There is enough evidence in plain sight and Trump's ongoing effort to obstruct and derail the investigation just adds to the proof. Whether that collusion and obstruction is illegal is being made irrelevant by Trump as he polarizes his followers into circling the wagons. What Trump is saying and our conservative "friends" are signing on to is that he has the power so f**k you. Do you say Trump is a criminal? Well, f**k you, he says, Obama is the criminal. In Trump's view accountability is for losers. Obama, Clinton, Democrats, the FBI, the IC, and anyone else who would dare speak the truth will therefore be held "accountable".

The criminal/tragic part of all this is that our conservative friends could easily end all this criminality/collusion/corruption and get all the policy outcomes they want. All they needed and need to do is remove Trump and appoint Pence or Ryan into the presidency. The problem is that the longer they go with Trump the more implicated they become. It may already be too late, in fact, because they have let Trump become the GOP. Trump increasingly has the cards and they don't. This isn't going to end well for anyone.
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That you are talking about this at all instead of talking about the actual corruption and the actual collusion that is in plain sight is a mistake. There is no doubt that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. There is enough evidence in plain sight and Trump's ongoing effort to obstruct and derail the investigation just adds to the proof. Whether that collusion and obstruction is illegal is being made irrelevant by Trump as he polarizes his followers into circling the wagons. What Trump is saying and our conservative "friends" are signing on to is that he has the power so f**k you. Do you say Trump is a criminal? Well, f**k you, he says, Obama is the criminal. In Trump's view accountability is for losers. Obama, Clinton, Democrats, the FBI, the IC, and anyone else who would dare speak the truth will therefore be held "accountable".

The criminal/tragic part of all this is that our conservative friends could easily end all this criminality/collusion/corruption and get all the policy outcomes they want. All they needed and need to do is remove Trump and appoint Pence or Ryan into the presidency. The problem is that the longer they go with Trump the more implicated they become. It may already be too late, in fact, because they have let Trump become the GOP. Trump increasingly has the cards and they don't. This isn't going to end well for anyone.

Where I disagree is procedural. You know how the media will call the Santa Fe shooter the suspected shooter until conviction? That is how I am, at least until Mueller's report. Suspected collusion, fine. But until the hard documented facts of a free and independent investigation there is still a presumption of "innocence".
Where I disagree is procedural. You know how the media will call the Santa Fe shooter the suspected shooter until conviction? That is how I am, at least until Mueller's report. Suspected collusion, fine. But until the hard documented facts of a free and independent investigation there is still a presumption of "innocence".
Collusion and obstruction (when done by the President) is not necessarily criminal. So there is no need to say "suspected" when the collusion and obstruction is in plain view. You might say "alleged criminal collusion and obstruction".
That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.

So you post an op-ed by a right wing media individual to prove that point?

What exactly has Comey been so dishonest about? How has the story changed over the last year?

The Trumpian-right has been tilting at windmills for 18 months now....jumping from one conspiracy theory to another. Meanwhile, non-hack Republicans (like Senate Intel Cmte Chair Burr) have said continuously they have seen no issue with the investigations.

Have to give Trump credit....the best way to beat back a scandal is to attack credibility of the investigators. Simple minded people will easily slurp up anything to affirm their own biases...and he knows his base well.

He coordinates the talking points during his daily calls with his media mouthpiece (Hannity), and then the slurping commences. The same nonsense then filters throughout all of right wing conspiracy-land. Within a few days we see the most feeble minded amongst us posting this drivel in new threads as "news".
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So you post an op-ed by a right wing media individual to prove that point?

What exactly has Comey been so dishonest about? How has the story changed over the last year?

The Trumpian-right has been tilting at windmills for 18 months now....jumping from one conspiracy theory to another. Meanwhile, non-hack Republicans (like Senate Intel Cmte Chair Burr) have said continuously they have seen no issue with the investigations.

Have to give Trump credit....the best way to beat back a scandal is to attack credibility of the investigators. Simple minded people will easily slurp up anything to affirm their own biases...and he knows his base well.

He coordinates the talking points during his daily calls with his media mouthpiece (Hannity), and then the slurping commences. The same nonsense then filters throughout all of right wing conspiracy-land. Within a few days we see the most feeble minded amongst us posting this drivel as "news".
Let me propose that the problem is more paradoxical than we might think. Let me flesh out the idea a bit and see what you think. The problem isn't that the most feeble minded post and believe this stuff. It is almost the opposite. CoH, Crazy for example are not feeble-minded in the least. Both are very bright and very successful people. If I had to bet I would guess they are probably pillars of their communities as well. Here is the paradox. It is intelligence that allows people to find "loopholes" and their visible moral rectitude that lets them feel entitled to use those loopholes. In organizations characterized by systemic corruption I think the most intelligent and most upstanding are actually more vulnerable to that corruption.
Let me propose that the problem is more paradoxical than we might think. Let me flesh out the idea a bit and see what you think. The problem isn't that the most feeble minded post and believe this stuff. It is almost the opposite. CoH, Crazy for example are not feeble-minded in the least. Both are very bright and very successful people. If I had to bet I would guess they are probably pillars of their communities as well. Here is the paradox. It is intelligence that allows people to find "loopholes" and their visible moral rectitude that lets them feel entitled to use those loopholes. In organizations characterized by systemic corruption I think the most intelligent and most upstanding are actually more vulnerable to that corruption.

No, I can agree with that....and BTW, was not calling either of them feeble minded, whatsoever. I can't recall either ever starting nonsensical, conspiracy-fringe threads.
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Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

I am curious, did you note the Senate Intel Panel said there was evidence the Russians tried to help Trump? This isn't as one-sided as you are making it sound. And for the 1 billionth time, let me point out that Kenneth Starr was tasked with hounding the Clintons after 1) a man tried for months to get a plea bargain very openly 2) said man out of desperation said he could point to the Clintons 3) said man was good friends with a man under employment by an anti-Clinton foundation. If there are new rules, they started under the GOP. I know the "law has changed" since Starr, but he VERY VERY VERY MUCH did the following (and more) "rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign". PLEASE feel free to explain the moral differences between Starr and Mueller. Not just the legality, the morality. I will use this example, I don't give a damn that it was legal, FDR interning Japanese-Americans was morally wrong.
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

Where exactly was the entrapment? That’s a fallacy. And brings down your whole argument. Go look up the definition of entrapment. And stop parroting Trump symapthizer’s words. Please.

A confidential source contacted folks already on the radar for havibg very suspicious links to Russians. What exactly did he do to entrap a team Trump member? That’s standard protocol in these situations- and was literally the least obtrusive thing that could be done. Do you really think that if Paige and GP knew they were being checked out, that it would’ve stayed silent???

Trump would’ve had a damn field day with his grievances. This was done quietly, per existing protocol, so as NOT TO INFLUENCE THE DAMN ELECTION. I don’t understand what was so wrong about that.

So, when two Trump campaign operatives trip the wire of our intelligence services, during a PRESIDENTIAL campaign, what do you propose we do? Remember, both the UK and Australia came to us with concerns- and Paige had been a suspected Russian conspirator/spy since at least 2013.

Should we just sit idly by and not at least take the pulse on it? That’s literally all that was done here. Again, NOT entrapment.

It’s almost as if it’s OK for you guys if campaign operatives openly work with foreign powers to influence an election. This isn’t watergate- this was a RESPONSE to really suspicious behavior by Paige and GP. And Clovis was well know as a Russian sympathizer as well. If I took issue with anything, it may be have been that the CI contacted him. Then again, the approval process was pretty rigid, and these guys knew this could be scrutinized later.

In other words, bad behavior necessitated checking into what was happening. There’s not much more important than the sovereignty of our elections.

If Hillary’s folks had openly boasted of working with Russian sources during the campaign, and nothing was done, you’d be losing it over that happening.

So, what would you have proposed we did instead? Nothing? That seems like what you’re advocating here.

Enlighten me.
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

And you keep forgetting that the Steele Info was originally sponsored from a right wing source. And as more and more times passes, it becomes very clear that more and more of it are being proven to have been right.

So, because it had been proven to be largely right, that doesn’t matter? The FISA warrants would’ve been predicated on much more than just the dossier. And the judges that issued them we’re all republican appointees. They play it by the book.

And, you have ZERO clue what the FISA court saw. And rightly so. I guess we’llnknow soon enough when Nunes leaksnit after his meeting with Trump- why the Hell wouldn’t they just have a single meeting? It’s pretty clear they’re trying to find out what they’re up against, so they can formulate a defense. There’s literally no other explanation for doing it the way they’re doing it. Explain that please.

Quit framing it as an operation about a “witch hunt” to get Trump. It’s about protecting the sovereignty of our elections. Remember, EVERYTHING was done in a way to not influence the election.

When the Mueller report is released (god willing), I think you’re going to be very surprised as to reality Vs what you’re being fed. Trump openly admits to waging war on the media/truth so as to put himself in a better position. He doesn’t give a damn about the rule of law or the thingsnour country is founded upon. It’s literally all about him- consequences for the country be damned.
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.
Clever trick, you invent an offense in the past and then use it to justify an actual offense in the future. If you reflect a bit I wonder if you wouldn't agree that past offenses should be met with new policies to prevent those offenses in the future? For example, the collusion/corruption/obstruction that was and is practiced by Trump should not become the new norm. This was the approach the nation followed after the Nixon is a good pattern to follow in the future.
That's right. And they are also the ones who say that even if the Russians were targeting them with ads, it didn't change their minds, so Russian "Fake News" doesn't bother them. :rolleyes:

Good enough for Trump, good enough for them. These are the same folks would have followed Jim Jones and drink the Koolaid too.
So it basically shows that there are 30+% of the population who will have just blind faith and need to follow whatever their hero/idol says assuming that you get the right personality and brand recognition. And who says Marketing is a crock.
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Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

LOL. You really believe all that?
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

Well if they are conspiring with a foreign adversary, I think most of the left here would say, yeah, that seems reasonable.

Only on Planet Trump has this become some sort of god damn witch hunt.
Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.
Ennnh . . . Lemme know when you want me to throw you a life ring and a rope out there in the deep end, Crazy. I'll be happy to do so.
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Well if they are conspiring with a foreign adversary, I think most of the left here would say, yeah, that seems reasonable.

Only on Planet Trump has this become some sort of god damn witch hunt.

To add to that, many folks that have served in the federal Goverment realize that these actions were done to actually PROTECT Trump- he may have not even known that these guys were doing what they did. If they were truly doing this to bring Trump down, wouldn’t they have somehow got the word out that this stuff was going on inside Team Trump? That would’ve surely ranked him in the general.

None of your theories make sense. They’re based on false assumptions, conclusions based on those false assumptions (fake news!) and conjecture.

I tend to trust those that have been there, and done that. Not folks whose sole purpose is to protect the president.

It’s as if down is up and up is down to Trump supporters. Puppets.

Before you guys post crap like this, go check out ALL sources of news on the matter. It’s liberating to see the same thing from multiple angles. I approach things this way, and I’ve changed course a few times after reading things from “the other side”. Sure, I’ll always have a slant- but I don’t start with accepted “facts” that aren’t facts. I examine what happened, usually by reading from folks that have special expertise in the area they’re writing about. And then I go on from there.

To do anything otherwise is just being blind to reality.
That is laughable coming from that guy. He has not been forthright about what went on. You cannot look at the facts of what happened, the way the DOJ has obfuscated at every step, and the way the story has changed in their end over the last year and not have questions. So you guys can roll out tinfoil hats and drop your dismissive jokes (which is really all you guys have on this circle jerk board anymore) but this does have a stink to it.

And it is not just right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions.

Dude you literally just posted that it was not just "right wing media and conspiracy theorists asking questions" where you posted a link to an OPINION by a member of the American Foreign Policy Council? The same AFPC that Trump's buddy Newt sits on the Board of Directors?

Board of Advisors
Accessed October 2010:[2]

This group is supposed to be an example of other than "right wing" media?

You must have missed this article from the Charlotte Observer on Richard Burr,who feels completely different about the role the Intelligence Services have played in investigating Russia Gate...

"Sen. Richard Burr's seemingly mild words were, in fact, unmistakably pointed. Speaking last week about Russia’s activities and intentions in the 2016 presidential election, the North Carolina Republican assured Americans that his staff “spent 14 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft, and analytic work” of the intelligence community and found “no reason” to dispute intelligence officials’ conclusions.

Under normal circumstances, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee vouching for the professionalism of the nation’s national security staff would hardly be notable. In this case, Mr. Burr’s statement represented a direct rebuke of the hyper-partisan House Intelligence Committee and of the White House, which has sought to score political points by attacking the professionals.

The House Intelligence Committee last month ended its slanted and abbreviated inquiry into Russian election interference, with the panel’s Republicans accusing the intelligence community of “significant intelligence tradecraft failings” in concluding that the Kremlin intervened to boost Donald Trump’s campaign

Now Mr. Burr and the committee’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner, D-Va., are formally disputing the House committee’s accusation."
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Last thing I will say on this for all of you who have no questions. You have a DOJ, FBI, and CIA that are under a Trump administration. You all are openly accepting that the way this "investigation" has been handled is on the up and up and therefore will have no leg to stand on and complain when Trump does the same thing to his next competitor.

He can open a FISA investigation based on opposition research, send foreign operatives to plant rumors and then entrap 20 year old political foot soldiers to brag about what they knew to reinforce the investigation and then he can rectal exam every single donor and idiosyncrasy in taxes, funds, etc. for anyone attached to the Democratic candidates campaign.

Those are the new rules.

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