Chris Holtmann: How far would Butler need to go in tournament before...


Nov 12, 2008
I for one love Chris Holtmann and think he would be a great choice for IU. I realize he has only been at Butler a few seasons, but he took over a team that had lost 15 of their last 19 games the year before and immediately turned them around. But some seem to be holding out for bigger names like Donovan or Miller. Assuming Donovan isn't a realistic possibility, how far would Butler need to go in the tournament for you to consider Holtmann as the top candidate?

For myself, if he gets his team to the Elite 8 he should immediately become the top choice for IU. He has strong ties to Indiana, is a great recruiter, and his teams play hard. If he can get Butler further than Crean has ever gotten an IU team, he should be our top choice.
I for one love Chris Holtmann and think he would be a great choice for IU. I realize he has only been at Butler a few seasons, but he took over a team that had lost 15 of their last 19 games the year before and immediately turned them around. But some seem to be holding out for bigger names like Donovan or Miller. Assuming Donovan isn't a realistic possibility, how far would Butler need to go in the tournament for you to consider Holtmann as the top candidate?

For myself, if he gets his team to the Elite 8 he should immediately become the top choice for IU. He has strong ties to Indiana, is a great recruiter, and his teams play hard. If he can get Butler further than Crean has ever gotten an IU team, he should be our top choice.

I think regardless you conduct a thorough search. I'd definitely make it a point to interview some young up and coming coaches like Holtmann, Miller, etc... Even if Donovan would agree, I'd still interview other candidates just to make sure there's not another Stevens type guy lurking out there who could be a program changer.
I think regardless you conduct a thorough search. I'd definitely make it a point to interview some young up and coming coaches like Holtmann, Miller, etc... Even if Donovan would agree, I'd still interview other candidates just to make sure there's not another Stevens type guy lurking out there who could be a program changer.
If you have a coach, the stature of Big D, who wants to come to IU, you don't keep him on-hold while you look around. If shopping for other coaches is to be done, then do it before Big D himself is contacted.
There is no better proven commodity than BD out there. Actually i like his hire better than a BS hire. That said IU will be a beast again with either. There is no second tier. One of these two has to be convinced IU is the place for them.
I would take Chris Holtmann at IU as one of the top choices. His Butler teams play the way I wish IU consistently played. His team's play tough, smart, fundamental, know how to feed the post player, value the basketball with low turnovers, and play hard nosed defense. Holtmann's Butler teams seem to always play with great team chemistry. Stevens, Donovan, Sean Miller, Marshall, Holtmann, Bennett, Alford, Archie Miller, Few
For those who already want Holtmann at IU: Would a first round exit in the tournament change your mind?
For those who already want Holtmann at IU: Would a first round exit in the tournament change your mind?

It is a matter of who we can get and Archie and Holtmann are guys we can get. Sean Miller is not leaving Arizona. Tony Bennett is not leaving Virginia and Donovan is a pipe dream at best. The Donvan talks reminds me of the Izzo talk last time around. It is a bit delusional at best.
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It is a matter of who we can get and Archie and Holtmann are guys we can get. Sean Miller is not leaving Arizona. Tony Bennett is not leaving Virginia and Donovan is a pipe dream at best. The Donvan talks reminds me of the Izzo talk last time around. It is a bit delusional at best.

I don't think the Donovan talks are "delusional" - just unlikely. Izzo talks were delusional because there was no reason for him to leave MSU. Donovan will NOT be in OKC five years from now and my guess is that he won't be in the NBA at all. Unlike Stevens, he doesn't have a good situation at his current job and it's only going to get worse if Westbrook leaves. Even if Westbrook signs a long-term deal he wont be able to play at this level for very long and they can't compete with the Warriors even so. Donovan will be back in college soon, but I think he will wait for Duke or UNC.
Holtman will be considered, id hope anyway.. With IU's resources I think there are a handful of guys(maybe more) that would be home run hires..Crean is just not a very good basketball coach, his system is flawed and most importantly he has lost confidence in recruits from the state of Indiana. One of my friends had a family member(by marriage) recruited by Crean, said the guy is very weird.. Kid liked IU just got turned off big time by Crean..Kid ended up at Butler..
I for one love Chris Holtmann and think he would be a great choice for IU. I realize he has only been at Butler a few seasons, but he took over a team that had lost 15 of their last 19 games the year before and immediately turned them around. But some seem to be holding out for bigger names like Donovan or Miller. Assuming Donovan isn't a realistic possibility, how far would Butler need to go in the tournament for you to consider Holtmann as the top candidate?

For myself, if he gets his team to the Elite 8 he should immediately become the top choice for IU. He has strong ties to Indiana, is a great recruiter, and his teams play hard. If he can get Butler further than Crean has ever gotten an IU team, he should be our top choice.
sold on him awhile ago, my #1 pick.
If Holtman does good this tournament I would move him in front of A. Miller just because he is from Indiana. I think Holtman or Archie Miller is the worse we can do and I would be happy with either.
If Holtman does good this tournament I would move him in front of A. Miller just because he is from Indiana. I think Holtman or Archie Miller is the worse we can do and I would be happy with either.
Agree. The connection to Indiana is a real plus. The Big Ten is typically dominated by teams that are physical, good defenders, sound fundamentally. Butler plays that style and I believe he could get better talent at IU and get us competitive on a national level.
You could argue that Donovan is better than Stevens, actually won two titles

Those championship teams also had a combination of Al Horford, Joakim Noah, Corey Brewer and Marreese Speights, who all currently play in the NBA. Taurean Green and Chris Richard have also had stints in the NBA. Donovan had a stupid amount of talent on those teams.

Brad had Gordon and Mack. That's it.