Can we land Romeo?

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Yeah, he just can't coach.... never mind being in 4 of the last 8 Final Fours, the 30+ win seasons, conference titles, 2012 National Title.... yeah, ok. Having gone through the Crean years at IU, you saying Cal can't coach is just plain comical. I'll agree that UK should have 2-3 titles by now, but I'm still pretty damned happy with the overall results. The fact that he's under contract for a good number of years to come only makes me feel better. With Cal, UK will be in contention for a title 99% of the time. I'm good w/that.
With twice as many pros as other programs. A potted fern could have done as much with the talent he has had.
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Don't know, nor do I care.... The NCAA cleared Bledsoe and later (after the fact) determined that his High School teachers/administrators bore the responsibility for his Algebra grades issue. Again....not a UK problem OR responsibility.

The review of Bledsoe's transcript isn't the responsibility of the University of Kentucky admissions office? Really?
Again on Bledsoe... not sure why you're so cloudy on the issue... NO PROGRAM is responsible for determining player eligibility. You get that green light from the NCAA. .

Eric Bledsoe's final grade changes for his transcript took place on April 28, 2009.

He took an official visit to UK the following weekend (May 1st) and committed to the Wildcats on May 6th. So at the time of his commitment, there was NO CLEARING by the NCAA. None.

When Bledsoe made the OV on the weekend of May 1st, the UK admissions office would have been given a copy of his transcript. Even without the controversy of the changed grades (which would come later on), you're trying to tell us that NO ONE in the admissions office wouldn't have noticed Bledsoe had a 1.75 GPA at Hayes, but somehow moved his GPA to 3.0 for his year at Parker (which he had to do to qualify - since his ACT score required him to have an overall GPA of 2.5 to be eligible)? And that the admissions people there at UK wouldn't think there was something fishy about a kid WHO HAVE NEVER had a math grade BETTER THAN a C, but could somehow take Algebra 3 BEORE Algebra 2 and manage to ace it? (Not coincidentally, Bledsoe needed to have an A in that class to qualify)

Forget what the NCAA cleared / didn't clear. What are Kentucky's standards? They will have a transcript given to them and - even with the obvious questions Bledsoe's had - accept it (and him) without question?

Of course. As you said - "It's not their problem" - just as long as you can have plausible deniability, right?

IU got hammered for the phone calls by Sampson (which are legal now), but you know why they got hammered?

The issue with the impermissible calls was discovered by a student intern in the compliance dept. IU could have covered it up and not said anything - just like UK took in Bledsoe and his transcript without question.

But they didn't - even though they had hired Sampson (which was a BAD move), they held him - and themselves - accountable.

UK hold themselves accountable? Maybe they will one day - when hell freezes over . . .
As far as the timeline between visit and digging into his transcript info, I don't know, nor should I. I don't work for the UK admissions office. If you want to keep slinging around this non-factual allegation of cheating that no one in the offices of the NCAA recognizes, fine, knock yourself out. I'll choose to stick with the end results.... the way things are rather than the way you wish them to be. At the end of the day, the fact remains.... almost 30 years since any NCAA troubles for UK.

Question to IU fans.... since Bruiser Flint (one of your new assistants) is a former Calipari assistant, are you all going to accept the guy or just continue to judge from atop your high horse?
As far as the timeline between visit and digging into his transcript info, I don't know, nor should I. I don't work for the UK admissions office. If you want to keep slinging around this non-factual allegation of cheating that no one in the offices of the NCAA recognizes, fine, knock yourself out. I'll choose to stick with the end results.... the way things are rather than the way you wish them to be. At the end of the day, the fact remains.... almost 30 years since any NCAA troubles for UK.

Question to IU fans.... since Bruiser Flint (one of your new assistants) is a former Calipari assistant, are you all going to accept the guy or just continue to judge from atop your high horse?
Why won't you answer the question?

What are Kentucky's standards?
Yeah, he just can't coach.... never mind being in 4 of the last 8 Final Fours, the 30+ win seasons, conference titles, 2012 National Title.... yeah, ok. Having gone through the Crean years at IU, you saying Cal can't coach is just plain comical. I'll agree that UK should have 2-3 titles by now, but I'm still pretty damned happy with the overall results. The fact that he's under contract for a good number of years to come only makes me feel better. With Cal, UK will be in contention for a title 99% of the time. I'm good w/that.

With the quality of his recruiting classes, Calipari should be having near Wooden results. The guy is an unbelievable recruiter. As a coach, well...

And yes, Crean was NOT a good coach. That doesn't make Cal any better...
You idiot life threatening fans need to be banned from here especially when you hi-jack a thread to make your point! Moderators pls ban this jackass so he can have more time to threaten a ref and woo his sister...


This has to be the ONLY fan board on the ENTIRE country that let's fans from other teams troll it non-stop.
As far as the timeline between visit and digging into his transcript info, I don't know, nor should I.

Oh, that's priceless.

Just admit you don't give one crap if PayPal Cal pays off the entire team as long as you have a shot to make the Final Four every year.
As far as the timeline between visit and digging into his transcript info, I don't know, nor should I. I don't work for the UK admissions office. If you want to keep slinging around this non-factual allegation of cheating

Why won't you answer the question?

What are Kentucky's standards?

Hey JC - thought you wanted to talk about FACTS?

FACT - Eric Bledsoe had a below-C average after his junior year of high school.

FACT - Eric Bledsoe raised his GPA to 2.5 (barely meeting minimum requirements) because of having several scores changed during his senior year to A's - one of which was a Algebra 3 class that was taken BEFORE Algebra 2.

FACT - Even before the NCAA reviewed and cleared him to be eligible, the University of Kentucky admissions office reviewed his transcript and admitted him as a student.

Again, what are Kentucky's standards? You're going to tell us that NO ONE in their admissions office didn't think any of his transcript didn't look fishy? NO ONE?!?!?

Or maybe, just maybe . . . UK actually is the basketball factory that so many claim it to be, that the only requirement is to "technically" get a player's eligibility established just so they can play that NBA-required one year before heading off to the league?

Only at a place like UK . . .
Question to IU fans.... since Bruiser Flint (one of your new assistants) is a former Calipari assistant, are you all going to accept the guy or just continue to judge from atop your high horse?

Dumb question. We accepted Chuck Martin. He was on Cal's staff at Memphs, remember? That was back in the day when BBN thought Cal was a slimy, dirty cheater. Yeah... how times change.
Hey JC - thought you wanted to talk about FACTS?

FACT - Eric Bledsoe had a below-C average after his junior year of high school.

FACT - Eric Bledsoe raised his GPA to 2.5 (barely meeting minimum requirements) because of having several scores changed during his senior year to A's - one of which was a Algebra 3 class that was taken BEFORE Algebra 2.

FACT - Even before the NCAA reviewed and cleared him to be eligible, the University of Kentucky admissions office reviewed his transcript and admitted him as a student.

Again, what are Kentucky's standards? You're going to tell us that NO ONE in their admissions office didn't think any of his transcript didn't look fishy? NO ONE?!?!?

Or maybe, just maybe . . . UK actually is the basketball factory that so many claim it to be, that the only requirement is to "technically" get a player's eligibility established just so they can play that NBA-required one year before heading off to the league?

Only at a place like UK . . .

FACT.... UK was never in any trouble from the NCAA re Bledsoe. It's just bitter 'rival' fans like you that wish they were. Just like the's OVER, Trump won. The FACT remains..... almost 30 NCAA Troubles for UK. Calipari- ZERO NCAA Infractions. There's reality and the way you wish things were. I'll stick with reality.

"I don't care if our coach cheated his a$$ off at other schools. Since we're known for cheating for decades, he'll fit in fine with us"

And before you two soil yourselves with, "He hasn't been caught at Kaintuck", it's because he knows how to hide it better, the NCAA has proven over and over and over and over and over lately, they really don't care if the "money" schools cheat.
If you watched the 30 for 30 last night you would now know he doesn't cheat soooo. I guess that doesn't fit your agenda though.
FACT - Even before the NCAA reviewed and cleared him to be eligible, the University of Kentucky admissions office reviewed his transcript and admitted him as a student.

Not to defend UK but most administrative offices at most universities are much more concerned with processes being followed, documentation, and all the right forms signed and deadlines met, than they are about critical thinking. If he had certified transcripts from his high school and they fulfilled the admissions criteria it's unlikely anyone in admissions would look at them much closer than that, especially with a head coach and AD pushing for admission.
FACT.... UK was never in any trouble from the NCAA re Bledsoe. It's just bitter 'rival' fans like you that wish they were. Just like the's OVER, Trump won. The FACT remains..... almost 30 NCAA Troubles for UK. Calipari- ZERO NCAA Infractions. There's reality and the way you wish things were. I'll stick with reality.

Did I ever say UK was in trouble with the NCAA over Bledsoe's grades? No, I didn't.

In FACT, there wasn't a single one of the FACTS I listed that you can refute. Not one.

UK - since they want the kid to be "eligible" for basketball - never once questioned the veracity of whether or not a kid who had never had higher than a C in ANY math course SUDDENLY could take Algebra 3 BEFORE Algebra 2 and ace it. That is the FACTS.

Just admit UK is what it is - a defacto pro development team. Most kids coming into the program aren't interested an education, not will they be steered in that direction by the current coaching staff.
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Reactions: TheVegasHoosier really should watch the 30 for 30 from last night. It might help clear things up for you. Pay special attention to the DeJuan Wagner scenario and why it's in the best interests of OAD players to go to a program like UK and others that recruit OAD's. If Wagner had stayed another year at Memphis, his medical condition that ended his pro career could have occurred and he wouldn't have made a dime from a basketball career.
Not to defend UK but most administrative offices at most universities are much more concerned with processes being followed, documentation, and all the right forms signed and deadlines met, than they are about critical thinking.

Most universities? All depends on what their agendas and standards are.

When I applied to IU my first two years of HS were critically reviewed (did a poor job; barely C - work as a Fr/So) and it took two years of work to raise my academic record to be able to pass IU admission standards. And my academic standing after my sophomore year in HS was FAR BETTER than Bledsoe's was after his JUNIOR year. Far better.

If any school puts an emphasis on how it is viewed on education, the revelation of the Algebra 3 BEFORE the Algebra 2 (which would have been apparent by a simple review of the transcript) would have / should have raised an immediate red flag. Forms, documentation and the like wouldn't have had any impact on that revelation, not would it have taken intensive scrutiny - just basic common sense.

Again, it goes back to what the agendas and standards are. Pretty clear to what UK's is.
newsflash... times have changed. The top players don't want to be in school for 4 years anymore when they can follow the rule instituted by the NBA, play 1 year of college ball, and then become paid professionals. You don't have to like it, it's simply the way it is. I'd love to see it raised to 2 years, but pretty doubtful that happens anytime soon.
newsflash... times have changed. The top players don't want to be in school for 4 years anymore when they can follow the rule instituted by the NBA, play 1 year of college ball, and then become paid professionals. You don't have to like it, it's simply the way it is. I'd love to see it raised to 2 years, but pretty doubtful that happens anytime soon.
Kids want to go to the NBA? Fine - got no problem with that. Glad OG is going to go.

This isn't about kids going pro. This is about how you operate - are kids coming to your institution to play COLLEGE basketball (you know, the kind where kids really embrace the college experience) or just going thru the "technical" motions?

Archie Miller has said he would take a one-and-done kid - but he'd have to buy into what IU is about; he'd have to embrace being a student and all that goes with that. Your coach? TWICE he's had players with very questionalbe academic records. Twice - yet it always goes back to "the NCAA cleared him".

It's ok to admit UK is nothing but a basketball factory. You're not gonna fool all the good folks here. What is humorous, though, is that on your own teams' message board you'll talk about the UNC academic scandal and what a travesty it is (one of many threads) yet forget about your own coaches integrity regarding the same. I'm sure the memory loss is completely accidental . . .:rolleyes:
I lived in Louisville for a year and actually met a family of in-breds. Their kids were about the scariest thing I've ever seen.

Now, go threaten the lives of some more refs, hillbilly.
Move along now. Let the adults talk basketball. I'm also calling you a lair on that one.
It's ok to admit UK is nothing but a basketball factory. You're not gonna fool all the good folks here. What is humorous, though, is that on your own teams' message board you'll talk about the UNC academic scandal and what a travesty it is (one of many threads) yet forget about your own coaches integrity regarding the same. I'm sure the memory loss is completely accidental . . .:rolleyes:

Ohhhhhhhhh, the irony................

Next, they'll rip others for eating possum while dating their sisters...........
Ohhhhhhhhh, the irony................

Next, they'll rip others for eating possum while dating their sisters...........
newsflash... times have changed. The top players don't want to be in school for 4 years anymore when they can follow the rule instituted by the NBA, play 1 year of college ball, and then become paid professionals. You don't have to like it, it's simply the way it is. I'd love to see it raised to 2 years, but pretty doubtful that happens anytime soon.
UK is perfect for OAD players. UK and UK fans have never cared about the academic part of college basketball and now they don't even need too pretend that they do.

Speaking of Kentucky hillbilly culinary traditions, don't forget the squirrel brains. They're a delicacy across the border. Too bad they can kill you.

You can't make this stuff up:

Families that eat brains follow only certain rituals. ''Someone comes by the house with just the head of a squirrel,'' Dr. Weisman said, ''and gives it to the matriarch of the family. She shaves the fur off the top of the head and fries the head whole. The skull is cracked open at the dinner table and the brains are sucked out.'' It is a gift-giving ritual. The second most popular way to prepare squirrel brains is to scramble them in white gravy, he said, or to scramble them with eggs. In each case, the walnut-sized skull is cracked open and the brains are scooped out for cooking.
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