Can we land Romeo?

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So what? The basketball Hall is a joke. Baseball makes news when 3 people get in one year. Football limits it to 5 per year. Basketball had 11 this year. If you can fog a mirror, you're basically in if you had even a little success.

Almost as bad as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where one hit gets you in.
You mean, if Jan Wenner likes you, you're in.

In the meantime, great artists like Yes and Rush have to wait 25 years to get in. Other than that, point well taken.
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PayPal Cal is the only coach to have two Final Fours vacated.

The Hall is a joke for putting him in......but so is the NCAA for all the blatant cheating they allow.

what 'blatant cheating' done by Coach Cal would you be referring to? 8 years at UK and not a whiff of any trouble with the NCAA.
what 'blatant cheating' done by Coach Cal would you be referring to? 8 years at UK and not a whiff of any trouble with the NCAA.

Well, I wasn't just talking about Kaintuck......but UNC, Syracuse, Louisville.......the list is endless.

As far as the hillbillies, there are many many stories of prepaid debit cards handed out like candy to the players.

There is no way in the world that a cheater like Cal suddenly stopped......especially when he goes to a school that actually brags about cheating.

He just knows how to hide it better now after lots of practice.
So you hang your theories on 'stories', rather than any concrete evidence? Yeah, sounds legit. "Brags about cheating"....? Nobody I know was ever proud of things that happened in the past. We're much more proud of the fact that nothing's happened in almost 30 years. Pretty hypocritical for you to sling these kind of accusations when your program was most recently in trouble with the NCAA. With Sandy Bell (formerly from the offices of the NCAA) as UK's compliance officer, I have no worries. None. Cal's track record of success with OAD's simply provides a format where no cheating is necessary. These players know that their payday is coming when they get drafted. Until you have some actual, factual evidence.... all you're doing is slinging a bunch of baseless accusations towards a program and coach that you don't like. This makes you just another 'bitter rival fan' that we laugh at.
" "Brags about cheating"....? Nobody I know was ever proud of things that happened in the past. "

Obviously the people at UK care NOTHING about doing things the right way, and really never did. I mean how do you play in an arena named after a person that was coaching the program when they received the death penalty from the NCAA???
Been 30 years since the FedEx delivery to Mills, but there have been many other violations since then. None that have risen to the probation level, but there have been other recent violations
Been 30 years since the FedEx delivery to Mills, but there have been many other violations since then. None that have risen to the probation level, but there have been other recent violations

Again, more speculation. Nothing as far as any troubles leading to probation or scholarship reductions. 30 Years. ZERO NCAA infractions on Cal's record....ever.
Your brain cells are like two of Cal's final fours: VACATED.

Cal not implicated in either instance and the NCAA approved D. Rose to play.... TWICE. Camby also acted on his own. This has been proven repeatedly. Again, facts must be foreign concepts to you. Calipari: ZERO NCAA INFRACTIONS.
Cal not implicated in either instance and the NCAA approved D. Rose to play.... TWICE. Camby also acted on his own. This has been proven repeatedly. Again, facts must be foreign concepts to you. Calipari: ZERO NCAA INFRACTIONS.

I'll ask you just like I have all of the people I know who root for UK.

What was your opinion of John Calipari when he coached UMASS and Memphis?
I'll ask you just like I have all of the people I know who root for UK.

What was your opinion of John Calipari when he coached UMASS and Memphis?

Didn't really have an opinion.... UK rarely played against either team. Maybe because I work in the field of Law, letting the facts play out to reach a final conclusion is just my approach. Rather than relying on speculation and 'stories' like another poster has indicated here, I'll go with the facts....he's never been implicated, has ZERO NCAA infractions, and it's been almost 30 years since UK has had any noteworthy problems with the NCAA.
So you hang your theories on 'stories', rather than any concrete evidence? Yeah, sounds legit. "Brags about cheating"....? Nobody I know was ever proud of things that happened in the past. We're much more proud of the fact that nothing's happened in almost 30 years. Pretty hypocritical for you to sling these kind of accusations when your program was most recently in trouble with the NCAA. With Sandy Bell (formerly from the offices of the NCAA) as UK's compliance officer, I have no worries. None. Cal's track record of success with OAD's simply provides a format where no cheating is necessary. These players know that their payday is coming when they get drafted. Until you have some actual, factual evidence.... all you're doing is slinging a bunch of baseless accusations towards a program and coach that you don't like. This makes you just another 'bitter rival fan' that we laugh at.

Yes, brags about cheating. A friend of mine is a yuge Kaintuck fan and every time I ripped them for cheating, he laughed and said, "Yeah, but he's OUR cheater."

I've met other Kaintuck fans over the years, both online and in person, who were proud they cheated because it got them Titles.....which is ALL they cared about.

Oh, and stop trying to compare extra phone calls to you hillbillies actually paying players.
Cal not implicated in either instance and the NCAA approved D. Rose to play.... TWICE. Camby also acted on his own. This has been proven repeatedly. Again, facts must be foreign concepts to you. Calipari: ZERO NCAA INFRACTIONS.

Which proves the NCAA is a f-ing joke.

What about those players who reported they had all kinds of stuff stolen and when people asked how they could afford all that, PayPal Cal swooped in and said, "Ummmmmmmm, they were just holding it for other people."

Which proves the NCAA is a f-ing joke.

What about those players who reported they had all kinds of stuff stolen and when people asked how they could afford all that, PayPal Cal swooped in and said, "Ummmmmmmm, they were just holding it for other people."


...never heard of this, at least during his time at UK. You're using a pretty broad brush trying to paint all UK fans as people that "brag about cheating".... you're using a pretty minimal example to do it with as well. Again, facts put IU squarely front and center as the last program to be in trouble with the NCAA as opposed to UK. It cost you a coach and whatever else the NCAA did to you.
Sounds like someone with a law background. Started with 30 years and zero infractions, then changes to 30 years and nothing noteworthy, that fact is there have been violations by both teams in the past 30 years, and by probably EVERY program in the country. Again I find it humorous that kentucky plays in an arena that put the program on the death penalty, that has always humored me, so yes they value winning over doing things the right way--if they did not the more recognizable facility on campus would not be names after one of the most corrupt coaches in the history of college hoops
...never heard of this, at least during his time at UK. You're using a pretty broad brush trying to paint all UK fans as people that "brag about cheating".... you're using a pretty minimal example to do it with as well. Again, facts put IU squarely front and center as the last program to be in trouble with the NCAA as opposed to UK. It cost you a coach and whatever else the NCAA did to you.
What do the "facts" about Bledsoe's Algebra classes tell you?
Noteworthy meaning anything where NCAA actually handed down some form of punishment. That hasn't happened at UK for almost 30 years.

As far as the death penalty/Rupp stuff.... Rupp denied any knowledge of the point shaving and no evidence was ever brought against him to show he was connected to the incident in any way. Again.... FACTS win out over speculation.
I wish HS players were allowed to go directly to the NBA. There should be a rule that if you go to play in college its a 3 year commitment.

Im more than happy to sacrifice talent and entitled players in the college game to have 3 or 4 year players.
^^^^^ All of the above

Furthermore, those 3 and 4 year players are going to easily be the favorite to win championships over one and done teams,...everytime
"Rupp and the university were criticized by the presiding judge, Saul Streit, for creating an atmosphere for the violations to occur and for "failing in his duty to observe the amateur rules, to build character, and to protect the morals and health of his charge [6]

In August 1952, the SEC barred Kentucky from conference play for the 1952–53 season.[9] In October, in its first-ever formal enforcement action, the NCAA found that 10 Kentucky basketball players received impermissible financial aid. It also found that Rupp and his staff knew the players were ineligible and allowed them to play anyway. As punishment, the NCAA barred Kentucky's entire athletic program from postseason play for the 1952–53 academic year, and directed its basketball-playing members to boycott the Wildcats during the 1952–53 season.[10]s".

You may be right, but there was more than the point shaving that got the the death penalty!!
Point UK fans I know ever 'bragged' about past NCAA troubles and the last time UK was ever punished by the NCAA was almost 30 years ago.
...never heard of this, at least during his time at UK. You're using a pretty broad brush trying to paint all UK fans as people that "brag about cheating".... you're using a pretty minimal example to do it with as well. Again, facts put IU squarely front and center as the last program to be in trouble with the NCAA as opposed to UK. It cost you a coach and whatever else the NCAA did to you.

They claimed over 60 grand in stuff was stolen......including fur coats.

And your piece of crap coach said he didn't see anything "outrageous."

Yeah, because ALL of his players got that stuff.
Point UK fans I know ever 'bragged' about past NCAA troubles and the last time UK was ever punished by the NCAA was almost 30 years ago.

I love how you cry about that "being the point"when your "fact" (he had no idea) got rammed down your throat.

Do you still brag about the titles won during cheating?
PayPal Cal is the only coach to have two Final Fours vacated.

The Hall is a joke for putting him in......but so is the NCAA for all the blatant cheating they allow.
I see you guys still have no idea that he didn't do it. Camby and Rose did. Keep spinning half a story and maybe someone else will believe it also. Cal was cleared in all cases. I know you guys don't like truth but there it is. I can link the NCAA if you like. Not really what this thread is about but some young kids want to turn it into something that doesn't exist i guess.

I know most of you know the truth but a few knuckle heads may not. I can teach you again if needed for those that think Cal did something against the rules.
I see you guys still have no idea that he didn't do it. Camby and Rose did. Keep spinning half a story and maybe someone else will believe it also. Cal was cleared in all cases. I know you guys don't like truth but there it is. I can link the NCAA if you like. Not really what this thread is about but some young kids want to turn it into something that doesn't exist i guess.

I know most of you know the truth but a few knuckle heads may not. I can teach you again if needed for those that think Cal did something against the rules.

I guess you think OJ was innocent too.

Nice duck on your scumbag coach "not knowing" all those players had furs and other stuff worth 60 grand and not thinking it was any big deal.

You also ducked my question about bragging about the Titles you got while cheating.
That his high school teachers/administrators were found to be responsible...? That's what was the end result. An Alabama high school problem, not a UK problem.
But UK knew, didn't they.

NO ONE - except Bledsoe - has ever taken Algebra 3 BEFORE Algebra 2 and ACED IT. No one - especially a guy like Bledsoe, who had NEVER had a math grade higher than a C.

But the NCAA (based on the info they had at that time) had ruled him eligible, so that is all UK cared about, right?

You tell everyone here IU is the last of the two schools to run afoul of the NCAA - which is technically correct. We self-reported too many phone calls - something that is allowed today. The idiots that were in charge at that time brought those circumstances upon us, but at least we had enough integrity to police ourselves.

Tell me: what has UK ever self-reported?
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This thread.... classic example of Hoosier fan mantra of never letting the FACTS get in the way of a good story.
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