Can we land Romeo?

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Wow.... so original and so important to the conversation.
Just getting tired of reading your non stop drivial about UK which I can't care less about. As for the conversation after watching the 30 for 30 it just futhered my thought on what kind of scum Cal is. Any coach who would not let a kid come back even if they really want to is not the kind of coach I want coaching my college team.
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Just getting tired of reading your no stop drivial about IK which I can't care less about. As for the conversation after watching the 30 for 30 it just futhered my thought on what kind of scum Cal is. Any coach who would not let a kid come back even if they really want to is not the kind of coach I want coaching my college team.
You tell him, Scott. If anyone is an expert on "no stop drivial", it's you.
Yeah, that's smart. "Now son, you just ignore those NBA draft projections and come back and play for me for free. " Good grief, Scott... if DeJuan Wagner had done that, he would have never made a dime playing ball.
Yeah, that's smart. "Now son, you just ignore those NBA draft projections and come back and play for me for free. " Good grief, Scott... if DeJuan Wagner had done that, he would have never made a dime playing ball.
that is the difference between the fan base because most of our fans couldn't care less about the NBA. I want my coach to do what is best for IU and not what is best for a players draft status. If the player really wants to come back and finish college my coach better not tell that player he can't come back.
Reading this board today has only reinforced my decision to not come to this board and post as much as I use to. It is filled with a lot of immature people and mods who let troll UK fans derail a thread about Romeo Langford.
that is the difference between the fan base because most of our fans couldn't care less about the NBA. I want my coach to do what is best for IU and not what is best for a players draft status. If the player really wants to come back and finish college my coach better not tell that player he can't come back.

....and now we've come full circle on the topic in this thread. If that is your new coach's mentality.... you won't be getting Langford.
....and now we've come full circle on the topic in this thread. If that is your new coach's mentality.... you won't be getting Langford.
If we don't I won't be that disappointed since he will only play one year of college. Give me a program like UW and Villanova over an UK any day of the week. The thing I use to really like about the college game was watching individual players and your team grow over a long period of time and competing for a championship.
....just more speculation from you, not one shred of proof.

APR at UK:

2009-2010: 974

2010-2011: 963

2011-2012: 963

2012-2013: 989

2013-2014: 995

2014-2015: 1000
lol ...

Your program has cheated at everything since it became a program. Don't mind us if we're skeptical ..
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Again, unless you have any factual evidence (The NCAA certainly hasn't presented anything)....then it's just more speculation/wishful thinking from you.
...not in almost 30 years.

No, you haven't been caught in 30 years. Considering you have a historical legacy of cheating, one unmatched by any other program and have been caught multiple times through the last century, and have a coach who is as seen as being as slimy as a coach can be... Again, pardon our perspective that you're still cheating and only getting better at it.

Your program is basically nothing nothing more than a high class basketball brothel.
Again, unless you have any factual evidence (The NCAA certainly hasn't presented anything)....then it's just more speculation/wishful thinking from you.
It's not just speculation, it's based on historical precedence. Considering the NCAA has a Mount Everest sized stack of paper work with UK infractions on it, no one is going to take a serial cheaters word about cheating seriously.

It would be like taking Charles Manson's word that he's now a pacifist.. It's been how many years since he was caught?

UK basketball will always be synonymous with cheating and deservedly so. No one has cheated as much or as well. It's just part of the UK legacy. A legacy of cheaters and cheating.
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It's not just speculation, it's based on historical precedence. Considering the NCAA has a Mount Everest sized stack of paper work with UK infractions on it, no one is going to take a serial cheaters word about cheating seriously.

It would be like taking Charles Manson's word that he's now a pacifist.. It's been how many years since he was caught?

UK basketball will always be synonymous with cheating and deservedly so. No one has cheated as much or as well. It's just part of the UK legacy. A legacy of cheaters.

Lots of dust on that stack of papers. About 30 years worth. Even Manson was, like everyone else in this country, was innocent until proven guilty. The FACT that Cal has ZERO NCAA Infractions over his entire career simply means your accusations have no basis.
So - for the record - accepting a guy whose transcript indicates he got a A in Algebra 3 BEFORE he took Algebra 2 DESPITE NEVER getting anything higher than a C in a Math course prior to his senior year is the "normal institutional process" for the University of Kentucky?

So does every student go thru the same admissions process as Bledsoe did? Yes or No?
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Lots of dust on that stack of papers. About 30 years worth. Even Manson was, like everyone else in this country, was innocent until proven guilty. The FACT that Cal has ZERO NCAA Infractions over his entire career simply means your accusations have no basis.

haha. gotcha. that glove didn't fit OJ either.

bro, two vacated final fours at schools that don't go to final fours? pshaw

but good to see cognitive bias is alive and well in the commonwealth.
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So does every student go thru the same admissions process as Bledsoe did? Yes or No?

Broken record, TD.

Kentucky issued this statement: "Eric Bledsoe was a part of our normal institutional process, the NCAA's normal eligibility cycle and a more extensive secondary review by the NCAA Eligibility Center as well. We maintain our reliance on the high school, university and NCAA Eligibility Center for initial eligibility and will continue to do so."
haha. gotcha. that glove didn't fit OJ either.

bro, two vacated final fours at schools that don't go to final fours? pshaw

but good to see cognitive bias is alive and well in the commonwealth.

Facts are facts.... Cal not implicated in anything that happened with Camby & Rose. But just keep ignoring that to fit your narrative.
.....same thing was said about the Harrisons as well who were thought to be going to an Under Armour program.

I would be shocked if he does not stay loyal to Adidas. They have invested a great deal in him already.
Facts are facts.... Cal not implicated in anything that happened with Camby & Rose. But just keep ignoring that to fit your narrative.

not my narrative alone. it's the narrative of everyone in the universe outside of Kentucky. lol

man, you UK fans must be pretty insecure. why spend so much time defending your guy if there is nothing to defend? but if there is nothing to defend, why did the NCAA strip his two last programs of final four appearances? kind of a weird situation.

ya, i don't have a stitch of proof, just like in the OJ case, but I do know UK has an extensive history of cheating and hired a coach with reputation of cheating and who had two final fours taken away.

it's probably like a Lance Armstrong thing. innocent by technicality...until the end. hehe

and trust me -- folks aren't creating this narrative out of jealousy. other programs want to be Duke...not UK or UNC. yuck.
Lots of dust on that stack of papers. About 30 years worth. Even Manson was, like everyone else in this country, was innocent until proven guilty. The FACT that Cal has ZERO NCAA Infractions over his entire career simply means your accusations have no basis.
Your board ripped all over Cal when he was at Memphis. Then you hired him, and magically he was OK all of the sudden. You all acknowledged the same things that pretty much everyone else talks about. He's slimy. Multiple final fours vacated. And unless he's just a complete idiot, he knows what's going on in his programs. You guys rip all over Pitino for arguing that he doesn't know everything that goes on in his program at Louisville.

Kentucky has earned its reputation with six or seven separate major infraction cases over the years. Combine that with the insane fan behavior like we're seeing now with that ref, not to mention the "tradition" of destroying crap in the streets, and you guys reap what you sow.
Facts are facts.... Cal not implicated in anything that happened with Camby & Rose. But just keep ignoring that to fit your narrative.

That's right, and Pitino had no idea that hookers were screwing recruits and their Dads right under his nose.

This thread has been totally polluted by UK slime and Ordfan drivel.
That's right, and Pitino had no idea that hookers were screwing recruits and their Dads right under his nose.

This thread has been totally polluted by UK slime and Ordfan drivel.
Says the guy who claimed Archie Miller and John Calipari "aren't pals" and who regularly gets tied in knots by Purdue fans. Lol
Broken record, TD.

Kentucky issued this statement: "Eric Bledsoe was a part of our normal institutional process, the NCAA's normal eligibility cycle and a more extensive secondary review by the NCAA Eligibility Center as well. We maintain our reliance on the high school, university and NCAA Eligibility Center for initial eligibility and will continue to do so."

Read the BOLD.

Simple question - is the admissions process claimed in the bold above the same for all UK students? Yes or No?
I guess you think I work in the UK admissions office or something? Again, much like the election, the Bledsoe issue is over. Has been for 8 years now and not a thing with any NCAA trouble ever came of it. The way you're clinging to that in the hope of some kind of point you're trying to make is laughable.
Your board ripped all over Cal when he was at Memphis. Then you hired him, and magically he was OK all of the sudden. You all acknowledged the same things that pretty much everyone else talks about. He's slimy. Multiple final fours vacated. And unless he's just a complete idiot, he knows what's going on in his programs. You guys rip all over Pitino for arguing that he doesn't know everything that goes on in his program at Louisville.

Kentucky has earned its reputation with six or seven separate major infraction cases over the years. Combine that with the insane fan behavior like we're seeing now with that ref, not to mention the "tradition" of destroying crap in the streets, and you guys reap what you sow.

To some extent, I'll agree with you, but after he was hired, don't you think the fans did a bit of actual looking into his past out of some level of concern that troubles with the NCAA could be a possibility? In doing so, the FACTS were discovered about Camby and Rose and that both situations that DID NOT IMPLICATE Cal. This is what you and others here keep choosing to ignore. Rather than the facts, just stick to the character assassination narrative. This is what detractors do, I get it, but it does make you look pretty silly to keep arguing with nothing but opinion, baseless accusations and non-facts.
Your board ripped all over Cal when he was at Memphis. Then you hired him, and magically he was OK all of the sudden. .

Funny how that works.

It's obvious he's posting here because he's jealous of us.

I'm putting him on ignore since the mods are worthless.
Elite 8> NIT exit in 1st round

....jealous? Good lord, of what, Sweet 16 rings?
To some extent, I'll agree with you, but after he was hired, don't you think the fans did a bit of actual looking into his past out of some level of concern that troubles with the NCAA could be a possibility? In doing so, the FACTS were discovered about Camby and Rose and that both situations that DID NOT IMPLICATE Cal. This is what you and others here keep choosing to ignore. Rather than the facts, just stick to the character assassination narrative. This is what detractors do, I get it, but it does make you look pretty silly to keep arguing with nothing but opinion, baseless accusations and non-facts.
I know a few UK fans and none of them seem to care if UK cheats and seem to think they probably are. They like to say "everyone does it."
Elite 8> NIT exit in 1st round

....jealous? Good lord, of what, Sweet 16 rings?

How about;

A meaningful academic institution
Players that are actually connected to the university
A great campus
An iconic arena
A respected Coach
A university and hoops program that does not create the desire to shower after discussing.

I could go on, but there are six for openers...Go KAAyaats
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