Can we land Romeo?

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If you watched the 30 for 30 last night you would now know he doesn't cheat soooo. I guess that doesn't fit your agenda though.

Absolutely no way he didn't know about his own programs problems. As a coach, I know everything about my program - everything. If he didn't know, he's clueless. If he did know, then that's that.
...never heard of this, at least during his time at UK. You're using a pretty broad brush trying to paint all UK fans as people that "brag about cheating".... you're using a pretty minimal example to do it with as well. Again, facts put IU squarely front and center as the last program to be in trouble with the NCAA as opposed to UK. It cost you a coach and whatever else the NCAA did to you.

The NCAA did nothing because they accepted our self imposed punishments.
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Again....the APR scores of the Cal era are factual, concrete evidence against your rants about academics at UK. But oh well, never let the facts get in the way of a good story, I guess.
Again....the APR scores of the Cal era are factual, concrete evidence against your rants about academics at UK. But oh well, never let the facts get in the way of a good story, I guess.

If you think your players are actually taking real classes, taking their own tests and writing their own papers, after PayPal Cal has a long history of using shady players, I've got some beach-front property in Vegas to sell you.
If you think your players are actually taking real classes, taking their own tests and writing their own papers, after PayPal Cal has a long history of using shady players, I've got some beach-front property in Vegas to sell you.

....just more speculation from you, not one shred of proof.

APR at UK:

2009-2010: 974

2010-2011: 963

2011-2012: 963

2012-2013: 989

2013-2014: 995

2014-2015: 1000
"Much like he did at UMass, when his players graduated at nearly 80 percent, Calipari has stressed academics. Fifteen of his final 18 seniors who came through the Memphis program earned their bachelor’s degrees, and all 14 players at UK who were eligible to graduate by the end of their senior years in the Calipari era have graduated, including three players (Patrick Patterson, Jarrod Polson and Alex Poythress) who earned their degree in just three years.)

In seven of the last 12 semesters, Calipari’s teams have posted a combined team grade-point average of 3.0 or better. In 2016, Kentucky earned a perfect four-year composite Academic Progress Rate score of 1,000. It was also the second consecutive year in which UK earned a perfect one-year score and received an NCAA award for ranking in the top 10 percent of the country in the APR for men’s basketball. Each of Calipari’s teams have far surpassed the Division I average APR score over the last eight years."
"Much like he did at UMass, when his players graduated at nearly 80 percent, Calipari has stressed academics. Fifteen of his final 18 seniors who came through the Memphis program earned their bachelor’s degrees, and all 14 players at UK who were eligible to graduate by the end of their senior years in the Calipari era have graduated, including three players (Patrick Patterson, Jarrod Polson and Alex Poythress) who earned their degree in just three years.)

In seven of the last 12 semesters, Calipari’s teams have posted a combined team grade-point average of 3.0 or better. In 2016, Kentucky earned a perfect four-year composite Academic Progress Rate score of 1,000. It was also the second consecutive year in which UK earned a perfect one-year score and received an NCAA award for ranking in the top 10 percent of the country in the APR for men’s basketball. Each of Calipari’s teams have far surpassed the Division I average APR score over the last eight years."
Did Eric Bledsoe graduate?
Went pro.... you know that. Has a BIG contract right now. He and his family are doing just fine.
Went pro.... you know that. Has a BIG contract right now. He and his family are doing just fine.

"He went pro . . ."

We also know that his academic credentials were - at best - spotty. And that's being VERY generous.

So . . . did Eric Bledsoe come to UK to be a student? Or to get the necessary year out of the way to play in the NBA?
So hung up on the non-issue that is Eric Bledsoe.... all the while ignoring all the factual info I've given you about UK and academics.... smh.
So hung up on the non-issue that is Eric Bledsoe.... all the while ignoring all the factual info I've given you about UK and academics.... smh.
The question is - why do players come to UK under Calipari? IF it was to be a student athlete, no way would have Bledsoe been accepted. But UK took him in anyways because the whole purpose of him being there is not to graduate or be a serious student. If it was, he would have had to gone to prep school for at least a year.

He was there for one purpose only - to play basketball and to get to the NBA. Period. It's how you operate down there in Lexington, at least admit as much.
The question is - why do players come to UK under Calipari? IF it was to be a student athlete, no way would have Bledsoe been accepted. But UK took him in anyways because the whole purpose of him being there is not to graduate or be a serious student. If it was, he would have had to gone to prep school for at least a year.

He was there for one purpose only - to play basketball and to get to the NBA. Period. It's how you operate down there in Lexington, at least admit as much.

Who out of the Top 25 recruits each year are going anywhere for the sole purpose of being a student-athlete? Those kind of recruits are trying to get to the pro level as quickly as they can... Bledsoe never came to UK as a sure-fire OAD. He played his way into being drafted. Calipari didn't create the OAD rule. He, Coach K, Bill Self, Roy Williams, Sean Miller... they are landing the majority of the OAD players and are well within the rules of doing so. I'm sorry you don't know what that's like. Maybe Archie will give it a shot, but the days of 4-year players are pretty much over (at least for the players of higher skill level it is)
Who out of the Top 25 recruits each year are going anywhere for the sole purpose of being a student-athlete? Those kind of recruits are trying to get to the pro level as quickly as they can... Bledsoe never came to UK as a sure-fire OAD. He played his way into being drafted. Calipari didn't create the OAD rule. He, Coach K, Bill Self, Roy Williams, Sean Miller... they are landing the majority of the OAD players and are well within the rules of doing so. I'm sorry you don't know what that's like. Maybe Archie will give it a shot, but the days of 4-year players are pretty much over (at least for the players of higher skill level it is)
Actually UNC does not recruit OAD done players or has not got any lately.
Bledsoe never came to UK as a sure-fire OAD. He played his way into being drafted.

So you're saying Bledsoe came to UK without him/Calipari knowing he'd be going pro, but UK's admissions dept accepted him anyways and after reviewing his transcript presented during his OV (remember, this was BEFORE the controversy over the grade changes) believed him to be capable of handling a normal college curriculum?
UNC circa 2012: Our APR scores are factual evidence of how seriously we take academics at North Carolina.

UNC circa 2017: Ooops

...apples and oranges if you're trying to make a correlation to UK there. No bogus classes offered at UK.
Of course he is - how else do you explain a guy taking Algebra 3 BEFORE Algebra 2 and getting an A . . . OOPS!!!!!

High school teachers/admins in Alabama shoulder the blame for any of this....

"AHSAA Executive Director Steve Savarese said the law firm's investigation found no violation of state athletic association rules. "Unless additional information is revealed, we feel this is closed as far as how it relates to AHSAA rules," Savarese said.

Kentucky issued this statement: "Eric Bledsoe was a part of our normal institutional process, the NCAA's normal eligibility cycle and a more extensive secondary review by the NCAA Eligibility Center as well. We maintain our reliance on the high school, university and NCAA Eligibility Center for initial eligibility and will continue to do so. At no point was the University of Kentucky under investigation by the NCAA nor had any reason to believe we were ever under investigation."

"In the end, it's the NCAA's responsibility to get certification right even if it means changing an earlier decision. If the institution knew there was inaccurate information, it becomes an enforcement issue."

....looks like there just wasn't anything there...but I'm sure you'll keep harping about it.
...apples and oranges if you're trying to make a correlation to UK there. No bogus classes offered at UK.

No, I am saying that you cannot talk in absolutes unless you are the person involved. How many UNC fans thought there were no bogus classes until there were.

And finally, and most important, f-- UK. And I mean that in the nicest way, in that I do not give a rat's ass about Calipari or anything you guys are doing. As of late we have done ok when playing you guys and that is such a rare occurrence anymore that I do not see why this discussion is being had at all let alone in a thread about Romeo Langford.
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No, I am saying that you cannot talk in absolutes unless you are the person involved. How many UNC fans thought there were no bogus classes until there were.

And finally, and most important, f-- UK. And I mean that in the nicest way, in that I do not give a rat's ass about Calipari or anything you guys are doing. As of late we have done ok when playing you guys and that is such a rare occurrence anymore that I do not see why this discussion is being had at all let alone in a thread about Romeo Langford.

This board has the worst mods in the world to let fans from other schools hijack it so much.
Kentucky issued this statement: "Eric Bledsoe was a part of our normal institutional process

So - for the record - accepting a guy whose transcript indicates he got a A in Algebra 3 BEFORE he took Algebra 2 DESPITE NEVER getting anything higher than a C in a Math course prior to his senior year is the "normal institutional process" for the University of Kentucky?

....looks like there just wasn't anything there...but I'm sure you'll keep harping about it.

If anyone can read a transcript there was PLENTY there ...but I'm sure you'll keep trying to spin it
Eligibility determination....the job of the NCAA. can stick to your opinions all you want. I'll just roll with the facts. Bledsoe's been gone for 8 years... no problems have shown up from the NCAA.
Eligibility determination....the job of the NCAA. can stick to your opinions all you want. I'll just roll with the facts. Bledsoe's been gone for 8 years... no problems have shown up from the NCAA.
Why don't you get a life instead of spending all of your time on another teams message board. Don't you want to spend time with your wife/sister.
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