Brady suspended for 4 games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I prefer the old format. The new format required me to delete a page and a half of carriage returns TMP posted just to be annoying. Under the old format, his tactic would have been useless.

But, under the new format, people who don't want to be in this conversation can very easily ignore it.
You mean, people like T.M.P. ?

He contributes to other discussions, but I don't think he likes football at all.
All of the education that you need to understand that point, that the refs check and adjust (if necessary) the pressure in the footballs before the game, in their heated, climate-controlled locker room, is an ability to read.

Maybe Mr. Wells should have published a pop-up version of his report, especially for challenged citizens such as you and Moops.

Caught Cheating Twice...
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It's amazing how simple it is under the new format to simply ignore a thread you don't wish to be a part of.

The funny thing is, it was just as simple (if not more simple) to do so in the old format as well. See a thread full of individuals you know you don't enjoy reading posts from, you don't click it. Want to read part of that thread but not the whole thing? You got it, just don't click on those posts. Ignoring posters really isn't all that hard, regardless of the format.
Haha, the Patriots have been outed as cheaters again.

Googled "Patriots again"

8 of 12 headlines mention 'cheating again'
1 said 'Brady in hot water again'
1 said 'Brady left hanging again'
1 said 'ESPN has done it again ...' [ticked of Pats' fans]
1 had 'Dolphin lineman on offensive again'

Zero said 'Win Superbowl Again'

"Haha, the Patriots have been outed as cheaters again."
Irony ..

Steroids deflate balls .. so there's 1696 pairs of deflated balls in the NFL.

That's appx 3392 deflated cheating balls. Assuming every player has two.

Gonna complain and argue about them next, or are you guys gonna be hypocrites about it?

What about the number of balls that are actually cheating via infidelity?
It's amazing how simple it is under the new format to simply ignore a thread you don't wish to be a part of.

You have fun your way, I have fun mine. Maybe, just maybe, I like complaining about the idiocy that is American football and feel that my complaining about this worst of over hyped past times is a huge benefit to future society and especially my children. I want my children to live in a world without hypocrisy and football. One where they realize that complaining about deflated balls in a league filled with deflated balls is asinine beyond compare.

My intent is the purest and most unselfish of anyone's in this thread. It actually has purpose beyond trying to win an internet argument. Are you telling me to ignore my children's future happiness only because you or others don't like my opinion on the matter or the way I handle it?

Then why would you condescend to me?

Lets's see.

OS enjoys trollling idiot colts fans and basks in the attention he receives from it. In his mind, they're all fools and wrong. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE HIS MIND!.He is winning. The idiot Colt's fans then gang raped OS and they feel they're winning. Only because other colts fans agree with them. THEY THINK HE' S NUTS and THEY WON'T CHANGE THEIR MIND. Why would I ignore that? I was born to call out something that stupid.

So you have two sides believing they are winning an argument and I'm adding a third side to that argument. Is that allowed or are we running a two party argument system? Plus, unlike others, I'm not trying to win an internet argument because that's impossible. I'm actually trying to sway public opinion away from NFL football. It's a noble task. I've actually convinced two people in my life to quit watching it. So, I'm winning.

and fwiw - I've only read a few sentences in this whole thread. So, I have ignored it. Almost completely. I just felt it needed a third perspective, the correct perspective. Which is, football sucks.

Yes, it's my perspective and much like you, OS, and the colts fans in this thread. It will not change, and only because I'm the only one that's right. There should always be a third side, the right side. And the right side in this debate and thread is that it sucks.

I don't have the science behind the suck rate, but it's obvious to the eye test that this thread sucks(except this post - this is a great post) and badly. Ask OS if he's knows the formula for thread suckage.

Today I took a stand for the future of humanity by calling out the hypocrisy and stupidity of American Football (that side needs represented in every argument about football) and I entertained myself. Though it was very poor entertainment, bitching to the toothless meth heads in the welding dept, who are talking about this very same topic would probably get me killed. If they understood what I was talking about.

You're just pissed because you had to delete all that white space. vbg
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You have fun your way, I have fun mine. Maybe, just maybe, I like complaining about the idiocy that is American football and feel that my complaining about this worst of over hyped past times is a huge benefit to future society and especially my children. I want my children to live in a world without hypocrisy and football. One where they realize that complaining about deflated balls in a league filled with deflated balls is asinine beyond compare.

My intent is the purest and most unselfish of anyone's in this thread. It actually has purpose beyond trying to win an internet argument. Are you telling me to ignore my children's future happiness only because you or others don't like my opinion on the matter or the way I handle it?

Then why would you condescend to me?

Lets's see.

OS enjoys trollling idiot colts fans and basks in the attention he receives from it. In his mind, they're all fools and wrong. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE HIS MIND!.He is winning. The idiot Colt's fans then gang raped OS and they feel they're winning. Only because other colts fans agree with them. THEY THINK HE' S NUTS and THEY WON'T CHANGE THEIR MIND. Why would I ignore that? I was born to call out something that stupid.

So you have two sides believing they are winning an argument and I'm adding a third side to that argument. Is that allowed or are we running a two party argument system? Plus, unlike others, I'm not trying to win an internet argument because that's impossible. I'm actually trying to sway public opinion away from NFL football. It's a noble task. I've actually convinced two people in my life to quit watching it. So, I'm winning.

and fwiw - I've only read a few sentences in this whole thread. So, I have ignored it. Almost completely. I just felt it needed a third perspective, the correct perspective. Which is, football sucks.

Yes, it's my perspective and much like you, OS, and the colts fans in this thread. It will not change, and only because I'm the only one that's right. There should always be a third side, the right side. And the right side in this debate and thread is that it sucks.

I don't have the science behind the suck rate, but it's obvious to the eye test that this thread sucks(except this post - this is a great post) and badly. Ask OS if he's knows the formula for thread suckage.

Today I took a stand for the future of humanity by calling out the hypocrisy and stupidity of American Football (that side needs represented in every argument about football) and I entertained myself. Though it was very poor entertainment, bitching to the toothless meth heads in the welding dept, who are talking about this very same topic would probably get me killed. If they understood what I was talking about.

You're just pissed because you had to delete all that white space. vbg

That's a whole lot of words.

Yes, I'm only pissed because of all the white space. But it's not nearly as bad as Phish getting stoned and going on a "bump" binge, so I'll give you that.

I'm enjoying this Patriots thing for two reasons:

1. I like anything that points out the absurdity of the modern NFL.
2. I like watching OS's head explode.

If Andrew Luck had deflated balls, I'd be trolling the Colts fans for the same reasons.
The most insane thing I have ever seen by a league. I just don't understand unless the Wells Report left out more information. How is this worse than SPYGATE???
That's a whole lot of words.

Yes, I'm only pissed because of all the white space. But it's not nearly as bad as Phish getting stoned and going on a "bump" binge, so I'll give you that.

I'm enjoying this Patriots thing for two reasons:

1. I like anything that points out the absurdity of the modern NFL.
2. I like watching OS's head explode.

If Andrew Luck had deflated balls, I'd be trolling the Colts fans for the same reasons.

Okay, so I quit making white space and you quit condescending to me? lol .. This thread sucking, doesn't mean it can't be entertaining. Much like topic view itself, I always try to make the best of it.

Moops, Phish, Range and Cap were supposed to help me and make their own white space but no ... you would think after ten years people would get how to coordinate without being told. I didn't do it to make you delete it. If I would have known that you were going to, I wouldn't have wasted our time.
Okay, so I quit making white space and you quit condescending to me? lol .. This thread sucking, doesn't mean it can't be entertaining. Much like topic view itself, I always try to make the best of it.

Moops, Phish, Range and Cap were supposed to help me and make their own white space but no ... you would think after ten years people would get how to coordinate without being told. I didn't do it to make you delete it. If I would have known that you were going to, I wouldn't have wasted our time.
Dear Lord, that's the second time you've accused me of being condescending. You borrowing Moops' sandy vajayjay for the day?

For the record, I only deleted it because I was reading the forum on my office laptop, and scrolling is a pain in the ass.
Dear Lord, that's the second time you've accused me of being condescending. You borrowing Moops' sandy vajayjay for the day?

For the record, I only deleted it because I was reading the forum on my office laptop, and scrolling is a pain in the ass.

But you were .... I mean, that was condescending.

It's cool, I condescend constantly. I took no offense.
That's a whole lot of words.

Here's the highlights ..

I don't have the science behind the suck rate, but it's obvious to the eye test that this thread sucks (except this post - this is a great post) and badly. Ask OS if he's knows the formula for thread suckage.

Okay, so I quit making white space and you quit condescending to me? lol .. This thread sucking, doesn't mean it can't be entertaining. Much like topic view itself, I always try to make the best of it.

Moops, Phish, Range and Cap were supposed to help me and make their own white space but no ... you would think after ten years people would get how to coordinate without being told. I didn't do it to make you delete it. If I would have known that you were going to, I wouldn't have wasted our time.

I haven't been posting enough to worry about it. I do it occasionally.

And I started that junk. When I was posting regualarly, before the change, I had a text document with it pre-made for me. Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-V. That way I didn't waste my time each post.

I haven't been posting enough to worry about it. I do it occasionally.

And I started that junk. When I was posting regualarly, before the change, I had a text document with it pre-made for me. Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-V. That way I didn't waste my time each post.

I'm gonna let this one stand.
The Patriots must refuse to hang the championship banner on opening night if Brady is suspended.

The championship banner would make its debut, if the suspension holds up, in game #5.

Yes, the Patriots should carry their championship banner in front of them as they emerge from the tunnel at Lucas Oil stadium in game #5.

Then grind those weasels into the ground, filling the air with TD passes even if it is 35-0.

Scorched Earth.

45-7 will look like a nail-biter, in comparison.
The most insane thing I have ever seen by a league. I just don't understand unless the Wells Report left out more information. How is this worse than SPYGATE???
Ha......the cover up....lying and impeding the investigation.
The Patriots must refuse to hang the championship banner on opening night if Brady is suspended.

The championship banner would make its debut, if the suspension holds up, in game #5.

Yes, the Patriots should carry their championship banner in front of them as they emerge from the tunnel at Lucas Oil stadium in game #5.

Then grind those weasels into the ground, filling the air with TD passes even if it is 35-0.

Scorched Earth.

45-7 will look like a nail-biter, in comparison.

Ha..... You predictions have been so spot on these days. Good luck with that.
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There had to be more to the Wells Report than was printed. There is no way this can be the penalty without proof. This is a comedy show.

He gets the same suspension that Ben Rothlissberger got for having sex without consent with a drunken stranger in a public bathroom, for the second time in less than one year.
The most insane thing I have ever seen by a league. I just don't understand unless the Wells Report left out more information. How is this worse than SPYGATE???

Well inbred, if you weren't so biased and such a complete mental midget, it would be pretty obvious.
By the way, Florio's posts today follow email discussions that I had with him THIS MORNING.

I pointed out the discrepancy where the scientists, in a key moment, arbitrarily chose to ignore the memory of the referee.

Florio replied,

and I quote,

"You're right! I can't believe that I did not notice that. Thanks!"

This is why he posted: "Earlier today, I spent way too much time hunting-and-pecking my way through an item regarding the problems with the two pressure gauges used to measure the Patriots footballs at halftime of the AFC title game. I spent so much time focused on the nuances that I didn’t give proper attention to perhaps the most obvious problem of all."
I'm pretty confident he was being sarcastic and he has a way better handle on this than you. The fact you only bring up the Colts gAme when it's proven to be over the course of several seasons proves how obsessed u are to prove a Colts fan wrong vs just admitting your hero cheated.
it's proven to be over the course of several seasons.

The head ref swore that he had never had footballs leave his control even once in 19 years, and every other ref on the crew said exactly the same thing.

Which is, you know, totally inconsistent with a recurring effort.

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