Brady suspended for 4 games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

for setting up a sting operation, absolutely!

Ask yourself: did the Colts and the NFL want to

1) ensure that no deflated footballs were used in the game,
2) ensure that, if possible, the Patriots could be charged with deflating footballs

If the answer is #1, the NFL would have done what Paul Tagliabue says that he would have done: call up the Patriots, tell them of the non-specific complaint from Grigson that could be attributed to "chatter" and no source or no hard information, and warn them that they (the NFL) would be watching.

If the answer is #2, then you end up with deflategate, aka framegate.

Sting operation....frame gate. You are beyond delusional at this point. You are just like so many kids today and sadly, you are far from a kid. You refuse to own up and be accountable for the wrongdoing that your team obviously did. You are trying to place blame on everyone except the actual culprits. It's not the Colts' fault that Brady was cheating again. Stop making excuses.
Nobody disputed that the sex happened. The issue was that the she was too drunk to remember what had happened when he went all Peyton on her.
Allegations would include (1) non-consensual; (2) second time in a year; and (3) that she was a stranger.

I certainly don't condone Ben's conduct, but I accept that it happened and that he's ultimately responsible, two things you refuse to acknowledge.
Nobody disputed that the sex happened. The issue was that the she was too drunk to remember what had happened when he went all Peyton on her.
"All Peyton"? WTF are you talking about? You're gonna bring up the UT trainer again? Holy phacking chit. Please STFU you psychotic POS. Bobody cares about you, metro Tom, or your idiot son edumb. Borrow a gun from a yank friend. Suck on a tailpipe. Whatever it takes, but please end this idiotic, full-on lunatic fringe obsession of yours with Manning. He's never been a cheater. You know. Unlike Brady and Belicheat.
I have to second TMP's motion. OS is a sane, normal poster 99% of the time. Unfortunately, the 1% of the time he's crazy accounts for 99% of his posts.

Your percentages are all out of whack considering over 95% of his posts are obsessive football ravings.

Even fender posts a few sane posts with his new handles before losing his shit.
Did anyone notice the accuracy of the report that caused this shitstorm, from Craig Mortensen, saying that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were 2 psi or more below allowed limits?

Precisely ZERO of the 11 footballs tested were 2 psi or more below allowed limits.
Did anyone notice the accuracy of the report that caused this shitstorm, from Craig Mortensen, saying that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were 2 psi or more below allowed limits?

Precisely ZERO of the 11 footballs tested were 2 psi or more below allowed limits.
Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. He helped create the rule allowing each team to use separate footballs and then he exploited that rule. He knew the nuances of how it would be carried out and then he exploited those details. He cheated. Sack up, STFU, and move on.
I've said this before, but we're just lucky that we don't have to interact with outhouse in real life. I pity the poor souls that do.

There is no way possible he has any friends, and I doubt his family can stand him more than short periods.
I've said this before, but we're just lucky that we don't have to interact with outhouse in real life. I pity the poor souls that do.

There is no way possible he has any friends, and I doubt his family can stand him more than short periods.

Yeah, I've had that thought as well. Probably an absolutely miserable person to be around if you disagree with him in any way. Of course, it's entirely possible he's just trying to troll the AOTF, and making himself look like a complete fool in the process.

It wasn't that long ago Outside Sh!tter was saying he wasn't that much of a Brady fan, but he's spent the last two weeks doing nothing but defend Saint Tommy. First there was the fiction about Tommy skipping the White House visit because he had a kid "graduating" from Kindergarten (LMAO at that for lots of reasons), and now the multiple hissy fits over Tommy and the Pats' getting punished for cheating again.
This is all that needs to be emphasized. It is clear and to the point. One small paragraph. With EVERY WORD based on the Wells report data.

According to the memory of the head referee, the Patriots footballs lost 1.01 psi of pressure, on average, by halftime. According to the calculations of every scientist, including those hired by Mr. Wells, footballs naturally lose 1.13 psi of pressure just by cooling from 71 degrees to 48 degrees. How is it that footballs untouched by human hands would be down 1.13 psi in pressure, and at the same time, footballs that were supposedly tampered with were down by approximately the same amount, or even a little bit LESS?

Yet not a one of you will answer this very simple question.
If the NFL conducted a similar witch hunt directed at Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck, I would be ripping the made-up scientific evidence to EXACTLY the same extent.
What is disturbing to me is the attitude of the Patriot fans. When IU was found to have broken the rules, I was embarrassed for the program and accepted the punishment. I was more interested that the school make all efforts to prevent any violations in the future..

I have not seen any indication that the Patriot's fanbase regrets anything that happened. The penalties can be argued, but where is the contrition? The fans have nothing to do with the cheating that has gone on over the years. Condoning and excusing cheating is something the fans can control.
What is disturbing to me is the attitude of the Patriot fans. When IU was found to have broken the rules, I was embarrassed for the program and accepted the punishment. I was more interested that the school make all efforts to prevent any violations in the future..

I have not seen any indication that the Patriot's fanbase regrets anything that happened. The penalties can be argued, but where is the contrition? The fans have nothing to do with the cheating that has gone on over the years. Condoning and excusing cheating is something the fans can control.

I don't think Bawston fans justifying of it is dissimilar from other fan bases, although they go about it with air of narcissistic assholery that tends to offend our Midwestern geniality and modesty.

On that note, though, if anyone wants to be gleefully entertained, stream WEEI or some other Boston sports radio and just listen to the hot takes of the local talking heads. I swear, its like if they gave outside serial killer his own radio network and all the producers were 9/11 truthers or other conspiracy nuts. It's truly fantastic.
When IU was found to have broken the rules, I was embarrassed for the program and accepted the punishment. I was very hopeful that the school make all efforts to prevent any violations in the future.

When the Patriots were found to have broken the rules in spygate, I was embarrassed for the franchise and accepted the punishment. I was glad that they admitted everything and accepted it as well. I was very hopeful that they make all efforts to prevent any violations in the future.

When it was determined to be inconclusive as to whether the Patriots were found to have broken the rules in defaltegate, I was disappointed by the acceptance of provably false rumors as fact and shocked by the widespread acceptance of scientific analysis that would not earn a passing grade in an introductory high school course.

I cannot express regret for things that might have happened, especially if the very evidence that the accusers claim to be important is so obviously fudged.
If the NFL conducted a similar witch hunt directed at Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck, I would be ripping the made-up scientific evidence to EXACTLY the same extent.

Please explain what possible motive the league has in manufacturing a cheating scandal involving the SB champs? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, even you can't possibly be this galatically stupid.
Please explain what possible motive the league has in manufacturing a cheating scandal involving the SB champs? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, even you can't possibly be this galatically stupid.

Its simple you ignoramus:

New England has a widely-despised owner who has been at odds with the Commissioner's office for years. #IDealOnlyInFacts

Their quarterback is a minority who is loathed by NFL fans and viewed as a dirty thug who must be punished. #IDealOnlyInFacts

The Commissioner is clearly catering to the bidding of Indianapolis' franchise at the expense of the franchise in Boston since Indy is such a larger market. #IDealOnlyInFacts

There is no precedent for these kinds of game suspensions under Goodell for say players, coaches, or front office personnel in Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Cleveland, or Atlanta, so this must be an irrational attempt to persecute. #IDealOnlyInFacts

How can you not see any of these facts?!?! Did I not use enough SUPERFLOUS CAPITAL LETTERS or bold font as elementary-level tools of persuasion? Don't make me start sending emails or run through all the degrees I allege to have!
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This is all that needs to be emphasized. It is clear and to the point. One small paragraph. With EVERY WORD based on the Wells report data.

According to the memory of the head referee, the Patriots footballs lost 1.01 psi of pressure, on average, by halftime. According to the calculations of every scientist, including those hired by Mr. Wells, footballs naturally lose 1.13 psi of pressure just by cooling from 71 degrees to 48 degrees. How is it that footballs untouched by human hands would be down 1.13 psi in pressure, and at the same time, footballs that were supposedly tampered with were down by approximately the same amount, or even a little bit LESS?

Yet not a one of you will answer this very simple question.
How in the hell is ANY of this relevant considering the texts and the moniker "the deflator" AND the fact that Brady was TOTALLY uncooperative with the investigation? No one NEEDS to answer it, numbnuts. He was systematic in his circumvention of the rules and he used his influence to create an opportunity to cheat. I could give a rats a$$ about your theories regarding ball deflation or anything else. It's CLEAR that he tried (probably since the inception of the separate balls rule that he helped establish) to create an advantage. i.e. - C H E A T I N G. Plain and simple. Quit being a blind, fanboy dolt.
Please explain what possible motive the league has in manufacturing a cheating scandal involving the SB champs? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, even you can't possibly be this galatically stupid.
Yes. Yes, he can. And is.
This is all that needs to be emphasized. It is clear and to the point. One small paragraph. With EVERY WORD based on the Wells report data.

According to the memory of the head referee, the Patriots footballs lost 1.01 psi of pressure, on average, by halftime. According to the calculations of every scientist, including those hired by Mr. Wells, footballs naturally lose 1.13 psi of pressure just by cooling from 71 degrees to 48 degrees. How is it that footballs untouched by human hands would be down 1.13 psi in pressure, and at the same time, footballs that were supposedly tampered with were down by approximately the same amount, or even a little bit LESS?

Yet not a one of you will answer this very simple question.
Your premise is faulty. I just did a word search for "memory" in the Wells Report and found only two references. Neither made any assertion remotely similar to your claim that " According to the memory of the head referee, the Patriots footballs lost 1.01 psi of pressure, on average, by halftime."

I assume your alleged "head referee" is Anderson, since he's the one who inspected the balls before the game. P. 66 of the Wells Report says the halftime measurements were recorded by Richard Farley and also says, "Apart from providing his two gauges, Anderson did not participate in the testing." So, your allegation doesn't match anything. Please explain.
One Million Dollars.

4 Games.

2 Draft Picks.

Nobody wants to answer the simple question, as expected.


Actually, we should probably start taking OS more seriously. Why? Because Donald Trump is calling into sportscenter to defend Brady and say all these penalties are unfair and baseless. And if there is anybody in America who is a voice of reason and credibility, its Donald Trump. The only thing he is saying Brady should have done differently is made his birth certificate public.
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Let the Colts fans have their Superbowl Win (which is this ridiculous ruling) because they never win anything else. The Patriots fans (me included) understand the difference between SPYGATE and this Deflategate. There is a giant difference and the Patriots are paying the price for the incompetent people at the NFL. They had info, didn't call the Patriots, tried to put on a sting and failed. They are embarrassed by their failure and still will make the Patriots pay.

Why Didn't the NFL call the Patriots before the game if "THE INTEGRITY of THE GAME" was most important??
Let the Colts fans have their Superbowl Win (which is this ridiculous ruling) because they never win anything else. The Patriots fans (me included) understand the difference between SPYGATE and this Deflategate. There is a giant difference and the Patriots are paying the price for the incompetent people at the NFL. They had info, didn't call the Patriots, tried to put on a sting and failed. They are embarrassed by their failure and still will make the Patriots pay.

Why Didn't the NFL call the Patriots before the game if "THE INTEGRITY of THE GAME" was most important??
Does the NFL have to call every team to make sure they don't break the rules? Apparently the Patriots deserve special consideration? The Patriots that have already been caught cheating don't deserve a courtesy call.
Did anyone notice the accuracy of the report that caused this shitstorm, from Craig Mortensen, saying that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were 2 psi or more below allowed limits?

Precisely ZERO of the 11 footballs tested were 2 psi or more below allowed limits.
No because no one else gives a crap and despite your obliviousness, are just screwing with you.
Let the Colts fans have their Superbowl Win (which is this ridiculous ruling) because they never win anything else. The Patriots fans (me included) understand the difference between SPYGATE and this Deflategate. There is a giant difference and the Patriots are paying the price for the incompetent people at the NFL. They had info, didn't call the Patriots, tried to put on a sting and failed. They are embarrassed by their failure and still will make the Patriots pay.

Why Didn't the NFL call the Patriots before the game if "THE INTEGRITY of THE GAME" was most important??

If they are all about the "INTEGRITY of THE GAME" then they should have released this information before hand to make sure the game was even. Bill Polian said that Paul Tagliabue would have and did as commissioner.

The only reason why not too is to catch them in the act which they whiffed on. How can a sting go so badly
If they are all about the "INTEGRITY of THE GAME" then they should have released this information before hand to make sure the game was even. Bill Polian said that Paul Tagliabue would have and did as commissioner.

The only reason why not too is to catch them in the act which they whiffed on. How can a sting go so badly
How can it go badly? Doesn't appear that it did...except for the Cheatriots.

I love the "they should have said something before the was a sting"...really? If you tell someone that "hey, we hear that you are doing something against the rules, don't do it, we're going to check to make sure that you're not doing it", would be counter productive to seeing if they are actually doing it. My guess is that this has been an on going complaint with the league and they finally decided to see if it was true.
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How ignorant. The next speeding ticket I get, I am going to call the police dept and ask them why they didn't let everybody know that Mr Policeman was going to be hiding around the corner.

It is quite obvious that the Pats have been using this method of cheating for some times. Maybe the league thought they deserved to be caught, instead of warned.....again. Maybe the league is just plain tired of their culture of corruption.
If they are all about the "INTEGRITY of THE GAME" then they should have released this information before hand to make sure the game was even. Bill Polian said that Paul Tagliabue would have and did as commissioner.

The only reason why not too is to catch them in the act which they whiffed on. How can a sting go so badly
I love the way Kraft announced in his statement "it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league" ... until he learned what the penalty was. In other words, he expected the Patriots to be found guilty but did not originally plan to appeal.

It's like that old joke:

He: Would you make love to me for a million dollars?

She: Why, of course!

He: Well then, would you make love to me for ten dollars?

She: Of course not! What do you think I am!

He: We've already established what you are -- now we're just negotiating the price.

The NFL has already determined what Brady is. The appeal is just to negotiate the price.
How in the hell is ANY of this relevant considering the texts

Gee... measuring the pressure of a bunch of footballs is a stupid way of determining the pressure of a bunch of footballs.

Looking through the text messages that some suddenly dead-serious jokesters wrote months/years ago is ever so much more important.

serious, now....

There is no way Kraft, Brady, and the Patriots are fighting this to THIS EXTENT unless they know that they are completely innocent.

Remember, they did not deny the spygate allegations for one single second.

They said “This is what we did, this is the wording of the rule that made us think it was OK to do it that way. But we now know that we were completely wrong. We are sorry, we fully accept the harsh punishment, and we won’t do it again”

That’s not your response, though, when NFL executive and ex-Jet Mike Kensil sets up a “gotcha” operation because he doesn’t understand that footballs naturally lose pressure as they cool down.

It’s scorched Earth time now, Mr. Goodell.
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Gee... measuring the pressure of a bunch of footballs is a stupid way of determining the pressure of a bunch of footballs.

Looking through the text messages that some suddenly dead-serious jokesters wrote months/years ago is ever so much more important.

serious, now....

There is no way Kraft, Brady, and the Patriots are fighting this to THIS EXTENT unless they know that they are completely innocent.

Remember, they did not deny the spygate allegations for one single second.

They said “This is what we did, this is the wording of the rule that made us think it was OK to do it that way. But we now know that we were completely wrong. We are sorry, we fully accept the harsh punishment, and we won’t do it again”

That’s not your response, though, when NFL executive and ex-Jet Mike Kensil sets up a “gotcha” operation because he doesn’t understand that footballs naturally lose pressure as they cool down.

It’s scorched Earth time now, Mr. Goodell.
The text messages are way more important than the measurements from the Colts game, because they demonstrate that this was a pattern dating back years, and not a one-time event. It's that long pattern, combined with Brady's unwillingness to cooperate, that lead to the "integrity of the game" problems.
Without the text messages, and if Brady had been forthcoming, I bet he would have gotten one game at most, and perhaps just a reprimand; the Pats would have lost maybe a 4th-rounder and paid a token fine. It's the evidence of a broader conspiracy that brought the Ginger Hammer down.
A Chicago physicist has absolutely nailed the TRUE science of deflategate.

He takes no shortcuts and explains every single assumption, while pointing out critical errors. I am sure none of you will read it, but you should. It is right smack on target. AMAZING.
A Chicago physicist has absolutely nailed the TRUE science of deflategate.

He takes no shortcuts and explains every single assumption, while pointing out critical errors. I am sure none of you will read it, but you should. It is right smack on target. AMAZING.
You still don't get it, do you? The Rog came down hard because of the evidence that this was a pattern, not because of the Colts game specifically. Even if you are 100% right about everything you've been posting, it doesn't matter. The text messages prove that this is a program that's been going on for years. That's why Brady got hit.

Now, please, stop.
I get it.

Measuring the pressure of footballs is not nearly as good a way of determining the pressure of footballs as is looking (selectively, with EDITING) at text messages of two jokers who (at convenient times) you assume are being dead serious!

If I were to give you a bag of footballs and ask you to measure their pressure, I'd make sure that you have the cell phone records, rather than a pressure gauge.