Brady suspended for 4 games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I think this video of a bus on a Massachusetts freeway accurately reflects the local response to these penalties:

Vincent's letter letter to Tom Brady makes the typical omissions (underlined):

... you were (more likely than not) generally aware of the actions of the Patriots employees (that may have been, more likely than not) involved in the deflation of the footballs...

Wells was apparently 100% right in thinking that if he wrapped his conclusions in all sorts of weasel words like "may have" & "plausibly" and "more likely than not" that the lazy media, the lazy NFL, and the lazier public would forget all about all of those weasel words and distill his findings down to a yes/no verdict, regardless of the evidence (or lack thereof).
The Patriots must refuse to hang the championship banner on opening night if Brady is suspended.

The championship banner would make its debut, if the suspension holds up, in game #5.

Yes, the Patriots should carry their championship banner in front of them as they emerge from the tunnel at Lucas Oil stadium in game #5.

Then grind those weasels into the ground, filling the air with TD passes even if it is 35-0.

Scorched Earth.

45-7 will look like a nail-biter, in comparison.
You, sir, are priceless -- blaming the Colts for things within the Patriots' exclusive control.

Here is what the NFL said to Brady about his own conduct:

"With respect to your particular involvement, the report established that there is substantial and credible evidence to conclude you were at least generally aware of the actions of the Patriots' employees involved in the deflation of the footballs and that it was unlikely that their actions were done without your knowledge. Moreover, the report documents your failure to cooperate fully and candidly with the investigation, including by refusing to produce any relevant electronic evidence (emails, texts, etc.), despite being offered extraordinary safeguards by the investigators to protect unrelated personal information, and by providing testimony that the report concludes was not plausible and contradicted by other evidence.

"Your actions as set forth in the report clearly constitute conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the game of professional football. The integrity of the game is of paramount importance to everyone in our league, and requires unshakable commitment to fairness and compliance with the playing rules. Each player, no matter how accomplished and otherwise respected, has an obligation to comply with the rules and must be held accountable for his actions when those rules are violated and the public's confidence in the game is called into question."​

And here is the link:

Let me know if you need any help understanding the meaning of words like "detrimental," "integrity," "confidence," "fairness," "compliance" and especially "accountable." It's obvious Brady doesn't understand all those words, so I thought I would ask.
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Vincent's letter letter to Tom Brady makes the typical omissions (underlined):

... you were (more likely than not) generally aware of the actions of the Patriots employees (that may have been, more likely than not) involved in the deflation of the footballs...

Wells was apparently 100% right in thinking that if he wrapped his conclusions in all sorts of weasel words like "may have" & "plausibly" and "more likely than not" that the lazy media, the lazy NFL, and the lazier public would forget all about all of those weasel words and distill his findings down to a yes/no verdict, regardless of the evidence (or lack thereof).
You really are stupid, aren't you.
rules, blah blah blah...

Roger Goodell's words, verbatim:

"This morning, the NFL owners unanimously adopted a new personal conduct policy that applies to everyone in the NFL: Owners, coaches, league staff, team employees and players," Goodell began. "It significantly strengthens our conduct rules and programs."

It is a set of rules that football players must abide by.

This isn't hard.

Work hard and you will no longer have to ride the short bus, eventually.
Roger Goodell's words, verbatim:

"This morning, the NFL owners unanimously adopted a new personal conduct policy that applies to everyone in the NFL: Owners, coaches, league staff, team employees and players," Goodell began. "It significantly strengthens our conduct rules and programs."

It is a set of rules that football players must abide by.

This isn't hard.

Work hard and you will no longer have to ride the short bus, eventually.
Don't be an idiot. You know damn well what I meant when I said rape wasn't against the rules. I meant it's not against the rules governing the competitive game of football. Get over yourself, already.
You, sir, are priceless -- blaming the Colts...

for setting up a sting operation, absolutely!

Ask yourself: did the Colts and the NFL want to

1) ensure that no deflated footballs were used in the game,
2) ensure that, if possible, the Patriots could be charged with deflating footballs

If the answer is #1, the NFL would have done what Paul Tagliabue says that he would have done: call up the Patriots, tell them of the non-specific complaint from Grigson that could be attributed to "chatter" and no source or no hard information, and warn them that they (the NFL) would be watching.

If the answer is #2, then you end up with deflategate, aka framegate.
Eh. You got thick skin. You can take it.

Seriously, first time I ever sent a message to anyone when I deleted something. Just wanted to see how it worked.

It's fine man, really. No worries. I didn't mean anything by my last post. Just joking. As fun as it was posting white space, (which yes, is a dik move lol) it was doubly so seeing "quit being a dik" 15 times in my flag.

I'm not Moops...vbg Plus, I'm fully aware of how annoying I can be, especially when trying. I have a talent for it. Practice makes perfect and all. lol

I'm still miffed I didn't get help .. especially from Range, who once posted almost 200 mooooooos in one night. We would have killed this thread. They need to fix that in the programming. It's a serious flaw.

If you had a dozen or more motivated people...... hmmmm. vbg

Basically topic tumbleweeds.
Don't be an idiot. You know damn well what I meant when I said rape wasn't against the rules. I meant it's not against the rules governing the competitive game of football. Get over yourself, already.

The NFL suspends rapists because rape is against their rules of conduct.

Don't be obtuse.

Rape is apparently on par with being possibly generally aware of possible wrongdoing.

Worse if you look at player favorability ratings which, based upon this fabricated shitstorm, look like this: Ben Rothlissberger > Michael Vick > Adrian Peterson > Ray Rice > Aaron Hernandez > Tom Brady
We are all about to see if Bob Kraft is a gutless weasel or not. He might be a pussy to the extent of, within an order of magnitude or so, the level of Jim Irsay.
The NFL suspends rapists because rape is against their rules of conduct.

Don't be obtuse.

Rape is apparently on par with being possibly generally aware of possible wrongdoing.

Worse if you look at player favorability ratings which, based upon this fabricated shitstorm, look like this: Ben Rothlissberger > Michael Vick > Adrian Peterson > Ray Rice > Aaron Hernandez > Tom Brady
Jesus Christ in Heaven, you are thick.

You really think I think rape is on par with letting a little air out of a ball? C'mon man. Ben should have been suspended for a year.

But everyone knows Brady broke the rules, and probably has been for a very long time. He got caught. Live with it.
The NFL suspends rapists because rape is against their rules of conduct.

Don't be obtuse.

Rape is apparently on par with being possibly generally aware of possible wrongdoing.

Worse if you look at player favorability ratings which, based upon this fabricated shitstorm, look like this: Ben Rothlissberger > Michael Vick > Adrian Peterson > Ray Rice > Aaron Hernandez > Tom Brady

Considering Brady just duck raped the spirit of the rules, the integrity of the game and all New England fans...then yeah, i guess Brady would be on par with Rapelessberger.
Can we make this thread the official "Point at Outside Shitter and laugh" thread? Hahahaha Brady and Patriots are CHEATERS! They are labeled that for life. That doesn't go away. Hahahaha. Go screw yourself Outside Shitter.
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for setting up a sting operation, absolutely!

Ask yourself: did the Colts and the NFL want to

1) ensure that no deflated footballs were used in the game,
2) ensure that, if possible, the Patriots could be charged with deflating footballs

If the answer is #1, the NFL would have done what Paul Tagliabue says that he would have done: call up the Patriots, tell them of the non-specific complaint from Grigson that could be attributed to "chatter" and no source or no hard information, and warn them that they (the NFL) would be watching.

If the answer is #2, then you end up with deflategate, aka framegate.
The correct answer is #3: ensure that all teams and players do their utmost to obey the rules all the time.

The NFL doesn't want to have to keep an eye on everybody for every game, and that's why the Patriots were not tipped off. In fact, the NFL couldn't afford to monitor the activities of all league/team personnel 24 hours per day. Instead, the NFL wants teams to voluntarily comply, even if they're motivated by fear of consequences if caught rather than altrustic reasons.

Same as traffic control -- you don't always want the traffic cop to be visible.

Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis.

In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him.

The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays.

We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”

Mr. Yee,


Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis.

In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him.

The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays.

We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”

Mr. Yee,

An agent put out a statement aggressively defending his client?


Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis.

In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him.

The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays.

We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”

Mr. Yee,

Does it say anything in the statement about how this might affect Brady's child support? Like, does he now pay less to his bastard child that he abandoned? Hold on before you answer that, does he pay any child support for him, or just totally not claim the poor bastard at all? I know he had to miss going to the White House for the kid he actually cares about, so I'm sure he has all his children's best interests at heart (oh wait, that wasn't true either).
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Retire Brady's number in front of the nation opening game.

That would be the biggest middle finger (other then not playing the game, which will not happen) that the Pats can give to Goodell and the NFL.

Do not tell the NFL the intention, just have Kraft address the crowd and the audience before the unveiling and say "we couldn't have won our 4th Super Bowl without Tom Brady and we feel it is unjust to lift the banner without Tom Brady. What the league did to Tom was unjust. Tonight we are going to rightly honor Tom Brady in front of the NFL, our fans, and all America. Tonight we are going to retire Tom Brady's #12 jersey. He of course can keep wearing it, but no one else will be able to after him. Tonight we retire the number of the greatest football player to ever step on the field, Tom Brady."

Banner lifts.
Crowd erupts.
Goodell faints.
This needs to happen.
Retire Brady's number in front of the nation opening game.

That would be the biggest middle finger (other then not playing the game, which will not happen) that the Pats can give to Goodell and the NFL.

Do not tell the NFL the intention, just have Kraft address the crowd and the audience before the unveiling and say "we couldn't have won our 4th Super Bowl without Tom Brady and we feel it is unjust to lift the banner without Tom Brady. What the league did to Tom was unjust. Tonight we are going to rightly honor Tom Brady in front of the NFL, our fans, and all America. Tonight we are going to retire Tom Brady's #12 jersey. He of course can keep wearing it, but no one else will be able to after him. Tonight we retire the number of the greatest football player to ever step on the field, Tom Brady."

Banner lifts.
Crowd erupts.
Goodell faints.
This needs to happen.
You're hitting all new heights of stupid, now.
I've been a lurker on this site for 15 years but OS had without a doubt become the craziest poster of all time. Thanks for making this slow time quite hilarious !

But he's not, or only is when football is the topic. I've said it for years, y'all treat this over hyped sport like its a religion. I've seen the most intelligent people I know turn into raving unreasonable lunatics when football is the subject. There's something very wrong with that.
I've been a lurker on this site for 15 years but OS had without a doubt become the craziest poster of all time. Thanks for making this slow time quite hilarious !
I have to second TMP's motion. OS is a sane, normal poster 99% of the time. Unfortunately, the 1% of the time he's crazy accounts for 99% of his posts.
I've been a lurker on this site for 15 years but OS had without a doubt become the craziest poster of all time. Thanks for making this slow time quite hilarious !

You obviously never encountered Martha's Broom...(unless you pay attention to sequoia hoosier's posts) or any of the loopers.
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Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis.

In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him.

The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays.

We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”
Here's a link to Yee's web site -- check out the football player's endorsement photo on Yee's home page:

Hardly a neutral observer. And what about those harsh criticisms by Yee (a lawyer) of Wells' ethics? What legal issues does that raise for Mr. Yee? The Brady team's reaction is quite entertaining.

Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:

“The discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis.

In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. There is no evidence that Tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. In fact, the evidence shows Tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set at pressures within the rules. Tom also cooperated with the investigation and answered every question presented to him.

The Wells Report presents significant evidence, however, that the NFL lacks standards or protocols with respect to its handling of footballs prior to games; this is not the fault of Tom or the Patriots. The report also presents significant evidence the NFL participated with the Colts in some type of pre-AFC Championship Game planning regarding the footballs. This fact may raise serious questions about the integrity of the games we view on Sundays.

We will appeal, and if the hearing officer is completely independent and neutral, I am very confident the Wells Report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. The NFL has a well-documented history of making poor disciplinary decisions that often are overturned when truly independent and neutral judges or arbitrators preside, and a former federal judge has found the commissioner has abused his discretion in the past, so this outcome does not surprise me. Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”

Mr. Yee,

Here's a link to Yee's web site -- check out the football player's endorsement photo on Yee's home page:

Hardly a neutral observer. And what about those harsh criticisms by Yee (a lawyer) of Wells' ethics? What legal issues does that raise for Mr. Yee? The Brady team's reaction is quite entertaining.
Retire Brady's number in front of the nation opening game.

That would be the biggest middle finger (other then not playing the game, which will not happen) that the Pats can give to Goodell and the NFL.

Do not tell the NFL the intention, just have Kraft address the crowd and the audience before the unveiling and say "we couldn't have won our 4th Super Bowl without Tom Brady and we feel it is unjust to lift the banner without Tom Brady. What the league did to Tom was unjust. Tonight we are going to rightly honor Tom Brady in front of the NFL, our fans, and all America. Tonight we are going to retire Tom Brady's #12 jersey. He of course can keep wearing it, but no one else will be able to after him. Tonight we retire the number of the greatest football player to ever step on the field, Tom Brady."

Banner lifts.
Crowd erupts.
Goodell faints.
This needs to happen.
Seriously, you realize that you aren't on the team, right? I'd like a response. I fear for your personal safety.

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